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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard Standard #1 Learner Development: The teacher understands how learners grow and
develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the
cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally
appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Course Competency #5: Develop an appreciation for pedagogy as it relates to classroom management and

Essential Learning Outcome: 1: Discipline Knowledge: Students will be able to understand and apply
discipline knowledge foundational to study within a single course or an entire program

Course: EDU 210

Date of Implementation: 10/28/21

Title of Artifact: Learning styles and Multiple Intelligences Reflection
(Explain what you did to complete this assignment/artifact and how this artifact best
represents this particular InTASC standard, Course Competency and Essential Learning

The learning styles profile was an online survey that confirmed what my strongest
learning styles are. I analyzed many scenario situations and thought about how I would
react and answered accordingly. After finishing the survey, it showed that my most
preferred learning style is visually. The multiple intelligences survey was similar, in that I
answered questions according to how I would react and then the results gave me what my
strongest intelligences are. Taking these surveys helped me to understand InTASC
standard 1, course competency 5, and the essential learning outcome better. I learned that
everyone learns differently, and the format of lessons can really change how well a
student is able to understand. As a teacher I will provide multiple formats when teaching
and will use surveys like this to learn the learning styles and intelligences of the children
in my care so I can best support them. These surveys are useful at many grade levels.
(Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact.)
The information I learned from both the learning styles survey and the multiple
intelligence survey lined up with how I personally feel is true for me and both also
supported each other with having similar results, so I know they are accurate. As a future
early childhood educator, I know that students learning styles are very important for a
teacher to consider when planning lessons. Learning my learning styles and intelligences
will help me to be considerate of my students’ learning styles and how I can best support
them. I know that as a student it was very helpful when lessons had a visual component.
Although I cannot really survey my class of young children to learn their strengths, I can
provide multiple ways for the students to learn and observe what help and what doesn’t.
Knowing this information about myself and all the possible styles and
intelligences out there reminds me that everyone learns differently. This will affect my
future students because I plan to give them the best possible chance to learn in my power.
They will be given a head start in academics and hopefully will be well prepared for
elementary school. I know that there is so many different combinations of learning styles
within one person and that these things can change over time. Having this knowledge will
help me to support my students. I can do so through careful observation and evaluation in
their work and make changes when I see necessary.

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