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20 Strategies

for Improving
Egg Quality
Optimal Fertility

Natalie Masson, Ph.D.

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies


Hi, I'm Dr. Natalie Masson. I'm a psychologist specializing in the mind-body
connection, and I have a unique toolset to help you maximize your chances
of a healthy pregnancy.

If you are over age 35, you've probably heard some messages about the
importance of egg quality and how egg quality diminishes with age. Perhaps
you've been told something about being "too old" ... or having "low ovarian
reserve" ... or that you have "bad eggs."

As a woman who has beat the odds twice and who believes in the power of
mindset and healthy living, I want to help you see your fertility through a lens
of hope and possibility.

I want to help you be savvy about how things work and help you take
advantage of the things that you can do to support your fertility.

I want to help you realize that there are many practitioners with many kinds
of training. Just because some expert said "your chances are below xx%
and you might as well give up," that does not have to be the final word.

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

Why I don't listen much to "the statistics"

I had my first child when I was 42. Easy, natural conception. When I was
45, not so easy peasy. After 9 months of trying to conceive, I went through
two miscarriages due to poor egg quality. My AMH was very low and the
statistics would predict I had a less than 1% chance of conceiving with my
own eggs.

I spent three months implementing a very focused "egg nurturing program"

that I created for myself, and I conceived my second child the month I was
turning 46 -- all naturally.

You could say that I'm just an oddball with freakishly good fertility. But
remember, I went through TWO miscarriages before that last pregnancy,
so I definitely was having issues with egg quality....this was confirmed
though genetic testing.

Furthermore, I've been teaching my approach to other women for almost

four years now and I have seen MANY women over 40 getting pregnant
and having healthy babies after following my methods.

I believe that the statistics can be misleading, because they are sampling a
group of women who are doing "who knows what" to support their fertility.

I've delved into the research and discovered ample evidence that it is
possible to improve egg quality through making healthy lifestyle changes.

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

What's possible with optimal care?

The women following my programs are learning to take exquisite care of

themselves, not just physically but also emotionally....

Because the mind and body work together.

And that is my superpower - helping people harness the power of the mind-
body connection.

I believe that if you tap into all of your resources, your chances are much
better than the statistics that many doctors will tell you about.

If you have little belief in your body's natural abilities and you are looking
for someone to take over and make this happen for you, then I'm not the
guide for you.

My programs require a proactive approach to taking care of yourself and

collaborating with your practitioners.

If you're having doubts about your body and your fertility, but are willing to
stay open minded and try some different things, then I invite you to stick
around and give this a whirl.

If you're the kind of person who believes in going all in to beat the odds,
then I've got so much to share with you!

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

How to use this guide

Think of this guide as an introduction to a framework for thinking about

egg quality and fertility from a mind-body perspective.

I recommend using my list of 20 Strategies for Improving Egg Quality as

source of inspiration.

Look at how many things could have an impact on your egg quality!

Please, please do not turn this into a stressful list of marching orders for
"all the things you must do" to manifest your dreams of motherhood.

The artful thing about my programs is that I help you navigate your way
through A LOT of information and possibilities, while maintaining a level
head on your shoulders and not getting overwhelmed by "all the things."

I help women develop insight and wisdom about what is needed for their
unique situation....and that means picking and choosing what matters most
so that you can move forward with ease.

The first step is awareness. I hope this overview heightens your

awareness and opens your mind to possibilities.

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

20 Strategies for Improving Egg Quality

1. Consider a period of three or more months for egg nurturing, perhaps

taking a break from trying to conceive for a few months.

2. Reduce environmental toxins.

3. Reduce sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods.

4. Hydrate: drink ample water throughout your day.

5. Exercise regularly (but don't overdo it either).

6. Sleep well. Sleep a lot.

7. Eat well: nutritious, balanced, healthy fats, ample protein;

address emotional eating.

8. Consider supplements, but be wise about what you take.

9. Thoroughly assess fertility issues and health issues that might affect

your fertility.

10. Consider alternative health approaches such as Traditional Chinese

Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine, in addition to

conventional medicine.

11. Learn to chart your cycles and track ovulation using basal body

temperature tracking and other methods - but in a low-stress manner

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

20 Strategies (continued)
12 Play, laugh, have fun! Engage in experiences that ignite your spirit.

13. Reduce stress – from your body and your mind.

14. Develop flexibility in how you view your life; embrace your present


15. Nurture your emotions (don't stuff them or deny them).

16. Nurture your relationships.

17. Maintain expansive vs constricted energy.

18. Learn optimal breathing practices.

19. Love your body, believe in your body.

20. Create space for the child you are inviting into your life.

Your Top Picks

Which elements would be helpful for you to highlight for your personal plan?
Just pick a few to start with.

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

Affirmations Meditation for Egg Quality

You can effortlessly soak in this mind-body approach to fertility by
listening to my Affirmations for Improving Egg Quality meditation.

This meditation has been accessed over 100,000 times by women all
around the world.

Click to listen free on YouTube

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

20 Egg Nurturing Strategies

Thank you for taking time to explore my approach to optimal fertility.

This is just an introduction to all that I have in store for you. I believe
there is much more hope and possibility than many people realize.

I'm holding hope for you and all of your precious dreams.

All my best,
Natalie Masson, Ph.D.
Psychotherapist & Fertility Coach

Guidance found in this guide or in any Fertility from the Soul materials
is not a substitute for medical consultation or for psychotherapy.

(c) Natalie Masson, Ph.D. |

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