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Effect of Vibrations in Hoist System on Dynamics of Truck Crane

The equations of motion are derived for the system with inertial properties that are varying in time as a result of
controlled motions of the crane units. Additionally the influence of vibrations in the hoist system on the truck crane
and the load is considered. In the presented model the elastic szlpport system is replaced by the system of springs. The
highly nonlinear equations obtained have been numerically integrated using a fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm.

1. Introduction

The three-dimensional motion of the load under the assumptions of infinite stiffness of the all crane elements has
been determined in work [l].The model presented there is developed in this work by introducing to it: the system
of springs that represents the elasticity of the support system and the base; and the model of elastic deformation of
rope on which the lifted load is hung that enables one to investigate the influence of vibrations in hoist system on
dynamics of a truck crane.

2. Formulation and solution

The dynamical model of the system has been determined under following assumptions: (1) the main units of the
truck crane like: the chassis, the upper machine, the telescopic boom’s members are treated as rigid bodies and
they form so-called the main system; (2) the inertial interactions between the main system’s units during the change
of the system configuration according to controls are taken into account; (3) the load is considered as a particle
hanging on an elastic rope of varying length which may carry tensile forces only; (4) the elastic deformations of
the support system and the base are considered; (5) all possible kinematic couplings that may occur as a result of
controls and vibration motions resulting from elastic deformation of the chosen units; (6) the Kelvin-Voigt model is
used to represent the deformability and damping action of the rope.
Introducing the movable reference frames in the way they have been adopted in the work [l]and defining the
inertial frame the vectorial equations of the system which consists of the main system and the load are derived.
The main system motion consists of a translational motion of its centre of mass and an angular motion about
its centre of mass. The translational motion of the centre of mass is described by the vectorial equation
5 N

i= 1 i= 1

where M is the mass of the truck crane, ac is the absolute acceleration of the denoted by C centre of mass, Fi is
reaction vector a t the support point (i = 1..4), F5 = S, S is the interaction force between the main system and the
load, Gi is the vector of gravity force of each truck crane’s unit applied at its centre of mass, N depends on the
number of telescopic boom members.
The angular motion equation of the main system about its centre takes the form

where K c is the angular momentum of the system about C and Mc is the resultant external moment about C.
Introducing the denotations si as the position vector of each unit’s centre in the movable reference frame fixed
rigidly to the chassis and Ki as the angular momentum of each unit about its own centre one obtains
Kc = E ( K i + (si- SC) x mi(& - S C ) ) (3)
i= 1

where mi is the mass of the i-th unit and sc is the position vector of the main system’s centre in the mentioned
coordinate system.
404 ZAMM . Z. angew. Math. Mech. 76 (1996) S5

Denoting additionally by SF^ and S G ~the position vectors of the points where the forces Fi and Gi are applied
in the movable coordinate system rigidly attached to the chassis one obtains the resultant moment Mc in the form
5 N 5 N

i= 1 i=l i=l i-1

The motion equation of the load is

map = - S +G (5)
where m is the mass of the load, ap is the absolute acceleration of the denoted by P particle, G is gravity force
of the load. The forms of the expressions determining the absolute velocities and accelerations of both the main
system and the load are dependent on the coupling of the main motions resulting from controls with each other as
well as with the additional motions resulting from elastic deformations of the chosen elements of the system.
The equation of vibrations resulting from elastic deformation of rope has the form [2]

mfi + cl? + klp = F ( t ) (6)

where p is the dynamic part of the rope elongation, kl and c1 are the rigidity and damping coefficients in the adopted
model. The force F(t) is the function of both the coordinates of the position of the main system's centre and the
load as well as the coordinates describing the change of the configuration of the system according to the controls.
= =
Introducing the notation: XI= X, XZ Y,Xz f 2, a1 9,QZ = v, a3 3 a, X I 5 E , 2 2 7, x3 = C, =
X n A&?k + Bkn& +
Cn, b2 5 Smnxmxn one can get the force F(t) as follows
~ ( t=) - y [ p i j
+ ( p + j)2
+ Smn(xmXn - i m i , ) ] (7)

where X, Y, Z are the coordinates of the origin of the reference frame rigidly attached to the chassis in the inertial
frame; 9,v, % are the Tait-Bryan angles which allows one t o determine the angular motion of the space rigidly
connected to the movable frame in the inertial frame; E , q , C are the coordinates of the position of the load in the
reference frame with the origin being the end point of the telescopic boom where the rope with the load is hung
(see [l]for details); 6, is the Kronecker delta. The expressions denoted by A k n , Bk,, Ck, are the functions of
the mentioned coordinates as well as of the coordinates connected with the change of boom length r, rope length p,
boom inclination angle 6 and rotation angle cp of boom and upper machine.
The system of equations (l),(2), ( 5 ) and (6) is highly nonlinear. To get the solution of the initial problem
first the vectorial equations (l),(2) and (5) have been replaced by the scalar equations in which the closed form of
expressions describing the coefficients of the system of equations has been obtained by using a symbolic calculation
offered by the system "Mathematica. A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer" of the Wolfram. Then a
fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm have been used to numerically integrate the obtained system of equations. The
constants of the springs representing the elastic interaction of the support system and the base on the main system
have been taken according to the values given in work [3] in which the reduced rigidities are presented.

3. Conclusion

The formulation of the dynamical equations of motion for the truck crane and the load with consideration of not
only the basic motion of the system according to the controls but also the vibration in the hoist system has been
presented. The initial problem has been formulated in such a way that it enables one to study the behaviour of the
system during the action of controls as well as during its free motion.

4. References

1 POSIADALA, B., SKALMIERSKI, B., TOMSKI,L.: Motion of lifted load brought by kinematic forcing of the crane telescopic
boom. Mechanism and Machine Theory 25 (1990), 547-556.
2 POSIADALA, B., SKALMIERSKI, B., TOMSKI,L.: Vibration of load lifted by a truck crane with consideration of physical
properties of rope. Machine Dynamics Problems 2 (1991), 85-104.
3 TROMBSKI, M., STRZALKO, J . , GRABSKI,J.: Calculation of reduced rigidities of mobile crane support system. Works of
the Industrial Institute of Building Machines in Kobylka 1-4 (1992), 309-314.

Addresses: DR. BOGDAN POSIADALA, Technical University of Czqstochowa, Institute of Mechanics and Machine
Design, Dq.browskiego 73, PL-42-200 Czqstochowa, POLAND.

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