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Phone: (469)-619-7345

Professional Summary:
 7+ years of professional experience as a UI Developer with strong exposure of designing,
testing and implementing full scale web applications across various platforms.
 Understanding functional specifications and developing creative solutions to meet
business requirements, Adaptive to team environment and has the capability of
completing complex tasks independently.
 Experience in designing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web
applications using JavaScript, React Js, Next JS, TypeScript, HTML 4.0/5, CSS2/CSS3,
 Experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPAs) using various JavaScript
frameworks like React JS, Angular Js and Node Js.
 Expertise in Material UI and Bootstrap.
 Expertise in React Js and working with Redux and Context architecture and creating
Custom Reusable React Components Library.
 Experience on Typescript, ES6, React JS and Angular JS for Mobile applications,
Web API and browser clients.
 Hands-on experience in designing and creating NoSQL database such as MongoDB as
well as relational database such as MySQL.
 Experience in using React Js components, React Hooks, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, and
Redux and Redux-thunk.
 Experienced in working with ECMA Script 6 features. Used Babel, Web pack with
es2015, React JSX presets.
 Good Experience in React Js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow,
Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
 Well versed in DOM (Document Object Model) and DOM functionality to use in the
interaction with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents.
 Well experienced in checking cross browser compatibility across various browsers like
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox.
 Experience using SASS, LESS, and Bootstrap.
 Developed UI using JQuery library for Web Applications, Mobile Applications and
extensively developed Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and various widgets.
 Followed best practices and standards for Web Accessibility.
 Experience working on e-commerce applications, internal web applications and online
web portals.
 Carried out all stages in the development cycle implementing Agile methodologies.
 Working experience on version control repositories like GIT and SVN
 Familiar in using JIRA and Firebug for bug tracking, issue tracking and project
management functions.
 Expertise in using cross platform editors such as Sublime text editor, Microsoft Visual
Studio code, Brackets, Web Storm, Notepad++, Brackets and IntelliJ.

Technical Skills:
Web Technologies HTML5, XHTML, DHTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON,
JS Libraries and Frameworks ReactJS, AngularJS, Node.js, Express, jQuery
Programming languages JavaScript
Version Control Git and Bit-Bucket
Web App/ Servers Apache Tomcat.
Operating Systems Windows 7, 8, 10
Web Services SOAP, REST
IDE/Editors Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Notepad++, Web Storm, HTML
Editor Eclipse IDE
Databases& Platforms Mongo DB, MySQL
Methodology Agile, Waterfall
Testing Tools Jest, Enzyme, Protractor

Professional Experience:

CDK Global, Detroit, MI Nov 2019 to Present

Role: UI Developer

 Developed and maintained Single Page Application using HTML5, CSS3, React JS, React
Hooks and Redux.
 Created React components for reuse throughout the application.
 Integrated Redux into the React JS application to maintain the whole state of the
application using store.
 Used redux, redux-thunk (for handling middleware)
 Used Axios for HTTP requests and making REST calls.
 Enhanced user experience with React JS life cycle methods including
componentDidMount, shouldComponentUpdate, componentWillUnmount.
 Used React v16.8 features like Hooks to rewrite/re-factor front-end application and
developed components utilizing useState, useEffect, useReducer, useMemo,
 Practiced latest ES6 features including let, const and arrow functions.
 Developed Higher Order Components to return components based on input data.
 Involved in developing presentational and container components using React and JSX.
 Work closely with designer who designed user interfaces and prototypes for a web-
based internal system.
 Added React-router with secure navigation to achieve single page application.
 Used React-DataGrid to populate the dynamic data within the table. Used React-
bootstrap and SASS for handling responsiveness in the application and parse correct
styles on prop changes.
 Solid understanding of React Virtual Dom Algorithm, for React performance
 Worked on responsive web design with media queries, flex box and grids.
 Implemented dynamic page elements and form error validations.
 Used BitBucket and Webpack to implement the work environment and manage projects.
 Implemented AJAX to request JSON data through third party REST APIs to acquire data
from the server and display it in sorted order.
 Configured node application, created rest API's using Express Js.
 Developed Rest services on Node server using Express for CRUD operations.
 Used GIT for version controls, and always make sure pull request will be thoroughly
reviewed and make it not breaking any existing functionality before merging to the main
 Followed web accessibility standards and developed web pages that are ADA (Americans
with Disabilities Act) compliant.
 Resolved Cross Browser Compatible Issues for different versions of IE, Safari, Chrome,
Firefox and Opera.
 Utilized JEST and Enzyme for writing unit tests and performing E2E testing.
 Maintain, enhance, and recommend solutions that best suit business and technology
needs from UI standpoint. Used JIRA for agile process management.
 Worked with agile methodology, and actively participated in daily stand-up’s, sprint
planning, retrospectives and brown bag sessions.
 Participated in making decisions on the wireframes. Coordinated with the Project
Manager, Product Owner and UX designers understanding the business
requirements and implementing those on the Front-end development.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React JS, JSX, Hooks, Redux, Node JS, Express, SASS,

BNS International Inc, Frisco, TX July 2019 to Nov 2019

Role: UI Developer

 Maintain existing React JS application (called APP) used for Marketing project
 Code new functionality for APP, including but not limited to Custom dashboards
and Configurable fields Export functionality.
 Develop various screens for the front end using React Js and used various
predefined components from E-Commerce Unified Framework and Redux
 Worked on stable React Components like carousels, buttons, forms and Icons and
standalone functions to be added to any future pages.
 Coordinated with the teams of QA/User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Backend, Dev
ops and involved in issue tracking and bug fixing in the production and carried out
Unit Testing for the developed functionalities.
 Involved in reviewing the code of other developers and approving the pull
 Exposed to all aspects of software development life cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis,
Planning, Developing, Testing, and Implementing, Post-production analysis.
 Implemented NPM and Webpack for generating production script files.
 Involved in bug fixing of various modules in application that were raised by the
 Worked on Agile (SCRUM) Development Team to deliver updates to Business team
and Project Manager.

Environment: HTML, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, React JS, Redux, Node JS, AJAX, Node package
Manager, Unit test, Material UI, Bootstrap, Git, JSON, JIRA.

AT&T, Dallas, Texas. July 2016 to June 201 9

Role: UI Web developer

 Designing and developing web-based application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React
JS, Jquery.
 Transformed design mock-ups into cross-browser compatible HTML5/CSS3 layouts and
implemented dynamic elements and reusable libraries with JavaScript.
 Extensively used CSS to change the styles to be used in future web layouts and helps
debugging the errors, issues with CSS.
 Worked with SASS preprocessors for writing styles as nesting, mixins, operators,
functions and compiled into CSS.
 Experience with responsive design frameworks using CSS3, Bootstrap.
 Developed the website that is responsive for Mobile/tablet/desktop using CSS media
 Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using jQuery framework.
 Used JQuery plugins auto-complete, validation, and more exceptionally.
 Debugging using Web developer tools on Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.
 Worked on React JS Components such as Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button,
Dropdown, and Multi-Level Dropdown.
 Utilized React JS for its efficient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and
render efficient web app that searched projects via the GitHub API through keywords.
 Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application. Developed GUI using
React Components and Redux state manager in ongoing projects.
 Developed dynamic client-side ReactJS and JSX code to build web forms and simulate
process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
 Used Git to keep track of all work and all changes in source code and deployed the
 Involved in data analysis of JSON data, and utilized D3 to develop graphs and pie charts.
 Experience in implementing cross-browser stylesheets and designing layouts using
 Implement analytics and reporting for analyzing user interactions on the web app.
 Utilize Jenkins pipelines for deploying onto the Kubernetes cluster using containers.
 Attended Daily Standups, Retrospective, Sprint Planning, Code Review and completed
story points on JIRA tool. 

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, React JS, ES6, TS, Jest, D3, Jenkins, Visual Studio
Code, Jira, Kubernetes.

Meddiff Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, India Jan 2014 to Dec 2015
Role: Front End Developer

 Involved in understanding functional specifications and developing creative UI solutions
and functionalities to meet business requirements.
 Worked in development of web pages using HTML and CSS including AJAX controls and
 Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS and jQuery.
 Developed non-functional HTML and CSS pages from mockups and involved in UI review
with Architect and business units.
 Developed business applications using W3C, and ECMAScript standards.
 Converted the mock-ups into hand-written HTML mark-up.
 Worked with Developers in UI Integration and defect fixing. Implemented jQuery based
accordion styles and handled complete jQuery in showing Rich Internet Application (RIA)
 Used JavaScript to build a scalable network application where it can handle many
connections concurrently.
 Collaborated with Business Analyst and product owners to create wireframe mock-ups.
 Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Light box plugins using jQuery.
 Worked in UI testing, which is generally testing the graphical user interfaces, how user
interacts with the application and testing application elements like fonts, layouts,
buttons, images, colors etc.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON, XML, ECLIPSE, SVN, Spring MVC.

 Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,
Kakinada, 2014, India.
 Master’s in Computer Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock,2017, USA.

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