Tugas English

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Tugas No.1



Tugas No.2

How A Breakfast Cereal Is Made

Various Vegetables
a) 3 It is stored in the silos
b) 6 These are woven into biscuits
c) 1 The wheat is harvested from the field
d) 7 Each biscuit is baked until
Glue brown
e) 5 It is cut into thin strips Resin
f) 4 The grain is cooked to soften it
g) 8 It is packed ready to be eaten
h) 2 The wheat grain is transported to the silos


How A breakfast Cereals is Made??

Every human in every day and in every morning certainly need a breakfast, right??
Usually human need something to eat for breakfast such as, A Cereal, etc. And the question
is : How A Breakfast Cereal Is Made??

Alright. First of all, we need a raw material to make a cereal, and the material is
Wheat. To get it, the wheat is harvested from the field. After that, the wheat grain is
transported to the silos. And it is stored in the silos before the wheat sent to the factory.
When the wheat is in the factory, the grain is cooked to soften it and after that it is cut into
strips. When it is in strips, these are woven into biscuits. Each biscuits is bake until brown in
the next step. After this step is done, it is packed and ready to be eaten.



Soal No. 3

The right sequence is :

i. The route is planned

ii. The needs are assessed
iii. The route is cleared and levelled
iv. Soil samples are taken
v. Thick layers of concrete are put down
vi. The top surface is laid and traffic guides are added


The Process of planning and building a new road

Hills, small town or outlying district is possible place to build a new road. To make a
new road, the engineer usually need the process of planning.

The engineer usually start his job with planning the route of the new road. But, the
engineer can’t make the planning shuffly, the engineer needs are assessed. After that, the
route is cleared and levelled. After the route is cleared and levelled, so the engineer must
take the samples of the soil to know how the condition of the soil. After it is done, the thick
layers of concrete are putdown on the surface of the soil. And to finish this job properly, the
top surface is laid and traffic guides are added.



Soal No. 4



How to Make A Table (with Poster Table)

Nowadays, so many creations by the people to create a task and the one of that is
table with the poster. As we know, in our life certainly we need the table for doing
something likes; writing, reading or studying. So, to make our table more interesting or
more artistic we can add the poster or picture on top of the table.

There are 6 steps to make poster table. Firstly, we must sanding plywood on the top
of the table. After that, we stain the plywood, and we want a deep stain then we have to
stain, dry, stain, dry, etc. After that, it’s time to screw the fasteners onto the underside of
the table. If we have a drill, it’s better to using this to make it to make holes where the
screws will be. Next, we need the metal pipes legs to stand the table and screw them into
the fasteners and then stand the table up. After the table stand up, we need the poster with
our favorite picture and then give some glues on the underside the poster and then stick it
on the top of the table.


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