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Contract-Based Recruitment Exam


Edited by: ACHAHBOUN Hafida


Table of Contents

Preface: …………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Theories of learning English language: ………………………………………………… 4
Approaches of learning English language: ……………………………………………... 5
Methods of learning English language: ………………………………………………….8
How to teach the four skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing: …………………… 9
Assessments and evaluation: ………………………………………………………….....12
Classroom management: …………………………………………………………………15
Intelligence theory: ……………………………………………………………………….16
Lesson plan: ……………………………………………………………………………….17


This paper is designed for the students who are willing to sit for the recruitment exam. Its

aim is to provide all the necessary information concerning how to teach English for all levels:

9 grade students, the common core, the first and second year baccalaureate. I have tried to

gather all the basic elements that you will need to prepare yourselves well; I have tried to

make everything clear and easy for everyone. I deliberately used simple language for the

information to be clear enough for everyone. I hope that you will find it useful.

1) - theories of learning English language

In teaching, there are some theories that explain how children or adults learn or how the

process of teaching is done. Here are some of them:

a) - Behaviorism : it is founded by B.F Skinner. According to this theory the process of

learning is based on imitation. Namely, the learners try to imitate how others pronounce

words. For example, students try to imitate their teachers how they pronounce words and how

they act... Another example, a baby imitates his parents and siblings in trying to say “mama,

papa”, in this way a child learns words and tries to speak. Skinner claimed that learning is

related to positive and negative reinforcement. For instance, if a student answers a question

and a teacher responds by “that’s good, excellent”, be sure that the student will try to make all

his/her efforts to answer next time and hear those encouraging words.

b) -Cognitivism: it is founded by Canny. It comes as a reaction to the behaviorist thoughts,

which ignores Human’s innate ability to acquire the languag.. Cognitivism believes that humans

are creative not just imitative. Learners are viewed as very active participants in the process of

learning. This theory emphasizes the idea of making knowledge meaningful and helping

learners to organize and relate the new information to the existing knowledge in memory. The

best way to apply this theory is to ask questions to help students refine thinking.

c) - Constructivism: it is founded by Piaget. It depends on self-evident as people grow up

and exposed to the world and to the languages, they improve their linguistic knowledge.

Experiences and interaction with others is the first way of learning according to this theory.

d) - Social-constructivism: it is founded by Vygotsky. The process of learning is based on

interacting with people who know the language and through engaging within the society.

e) - Krashen’s monitor: founded by Stephen Krashen. The language is acquired through

natural communication with others. Most of us learn languages through this theory. The idea

is that we are learning languages through speaking and hearing to others without going to


f)- acculturation: founded by John Schumann. Learning languages according to this theory

is through adapting to a new culture. For example; immigrants from different countries when

they come to a certain country, they learn the new language through engaging within that


2)- Approaches of learning English Language

a- Standards Based Approach: According to the English Guidelines of teaching foreign

languages in Morocco, this approach is adopted for the Secondary School (Common Core,

First Year, and Second Year Baccalaureate).

Standards Based Approach addressed what students should know and be able to do and

demonstrate at the end of the process of the language study. There are three types of


 Content standards: it is a statement about what learners should know and be able to do

with English.

 Performance standards: shows how the learners have achieved the standards targeted.

 Proficiency standards: tell us how learners should perform.


Standards Based Approach “SBA “is concerned with developing the following five areas


1- Communication: learners will communicate in both oral and written forms,

understand and interpret both oral and written messages to various audiences for a

variety of purposes. The three modes of communication are interpersonal, interpretive

and presentational communication.

2- Culture: learners will gain deeper understanding of their culture and the target culture

in terms of their perspectives (ideas, attitudes etc.), practices and products like books,

laws, music.

3- Connections: learners will make connections with other subject areas such as history,


4) Comparison: learners will gain awareness of cross-cultural similarities and

differences in culture that exist between the target culture and language and their own through comparing.
5)Communities: learners will extend their learning experiences from the EFL

classroom to the outside world through activities such as the use of the internet.

 Some characteristics of standards based classroom

- Classroom climates are characterized by respectful behaviors, routines.

- The teacher ensures that all the components of the lesson (learning activities,

assessments, homework) contribute to the lesson objectives and to the student’s

mastery of the standards.


b- competency based approach: This approach is adopted for the secondary school(9 Grade

Students). It focuses on the competencies of students; it aims at teaching and mastering one

skill then moving to another skill. For example, In the Moroccan educational system, English is

taught to... to the students of 14, 13 years old. So they need to know the very basics of English

language like Alphabets and how to great each other and so on before moving to learn how to

write complete sentences and speak correctly.

c- Communicative Approach: This can be seen as the most preferable Approach for the
majority of teachers in Morocco. It is a learner-centered Approach because it gives the chance
to the learners to learn by themselves, to involve in the process of learning. This approach helps
the learner to develop not only the linguistic competence but also the communicative skills

as to what to say, how to say, when to say and where in order to satisfy his daily needs as

larger aim. In this approach fluency and accuracy are equally important.

The teacher here is a co-participant not that of an authoritarian master. The teacher should

provide all the recourses necessary for communication to be effective in every context.

d- Content Based Approach: The students here are active not passive learners. They are

learning through being active, participating within the process of learning. Here using the

target language in the process of learning is necessary.

f- Eclectic approach: It combines various approaches and methodologies to teach language

depending on the aims of the lesson and the abilities of the learners. Personally I prefer this


3) – Former Methods of Learning English Language


a) - the grammatical translation method: Students spend a lot of time reading texts and
translating them, doing exercises, tests, writing essays. There is no focus on communication.
b) -The Audio Lingual Method: This method aims to develop listening and speaking Skills

through listening to dialogues with repetitions and drilling but with little or no teacher

explanation. It rejects the use of mother tongue.

c) - communicative language teaching (CLT)

It is based on that learners will learn best if they participate in meaningful communication.

Teachers try to give as much as possible of communicative tasks to students in order to

practice communication

d) -total physical response: Students listen to instructions from teacher, understand them and

do things in response.

e) - community language learning: It allows students to communicate in a genuine way

than is typically possible in classroom. In other words, it focuses on making students able to

use English language outside the classroom environment.

f) - the silent way: It focuses on the idea that students talk more than the teacher in the teaching and
learning process. It requires the learners to take active ownership of their language learning. And
it considers students’ errors as natural.
g) -the direct method: In this method no translation is allowed because learners have to

think in the target language if they want to succeed in learning languages.

k) - Suggestopedia: It has been developed to help students eliminate the feelings that they

cannot be successful and help them overcome the barriers to learning. The teacher is the

authority of the classroom that must be trusted and respected by the students. The native

language translation is used to make the meaning clear.


4) - how to teach the four skills: reading, speaking, writing and listening

a)- how to teach reading

Actually there are three stages in teaching reading:

Pre-reading: In this stage teacher starts by contextualizing the topic of reading process by

using proverbs, quote, picture, video, or short discussion....etc. Then, move to explain

vocabulary items that students may encounter in the text. After that, he asks for their

predictions about the topic of the text they are going to read.

While-reading: Teacher gives the text to students and asks them to read it silently and check

their predictions (this process called skimming). Then teacher asks them to read again to

answer the comprehension questions (this Process called scanning).

Post-reading: In this stage, the teacher may open a debate or a role play, discussion, ask them

to summarize the text, or give their opinion about the topic. Here teacher can integrate many

skills like writing, speaking, and listening.

b)-how to teach speaking

There are three stages in teaching speaking:

Seating up: In this stage, teacher provides students with all the input information that they

will need in the second stage, for example, the topic and some information about it in addition

to what they should do and etc.

Speaking practice: Here the teacher divides students into groups and assign them a speaking

activity. The role of the teacher here is to give his feedbacks on their performances.

Feedback: Students perform their work in front of the teacher and their classmates. The

teacher provides students with some checklists to correct their friends’ errors and mistakes

while they are performing. The role of the teacher here is to give his feedback on their


c)-How to teach writing

There are five stages in teaching writing:

Brainstorming: teacher asks his students about their prior knowledge about the topic using

mind up, spider map, charts, asking Wh Qs, etc.

Planning: teacher and students identify the plan or outline.

Drafting: teacher gives the students chance to write their first draft, writing all what comes to

their mind.

Revising: teacher gives to students a checklist to revise the content, meaning of their

production, the ideas if they are organized or not.

Publishing: students read their productions and they may put it in their portfolios.

d) - how to teach listening

There are three stages in teaching listening:

Pre-listening: teacher starts by contextualizing the topic using proverbs or short discussions

etc and asks them for their predictions about the topic of listening.

While-listening: students get their first listening in order to check their predictions. Then get

second listening in order to answer the comprehension questions and third listening for

discussing and giving their opinions and so on.

Post-listening: In this stage teacher can ask his students to give their opinions about the topic

of listening or summarize the main idea of the topic or any activity that is appropriate to the

listening task.

c) - How to teach the language components: grammar, function, vocabulary

There are three stages of teaching language components: presentation, practice,


Presentation: This stage is divided into four sub-stages.

Contextualization: Teacher gives to students a dialogue or any text with 2 or 3

comprehension questions to read and answer.

Observation: From the answers of students on the comprehension questions, teacher elicits

the structure and expressions then write them on the board.

Isolation: Teacher asks students to read again and highlight other structures and expressions

then move to explain the form and the use of the target structure.

Comprehension check: Teacher examines to what extent the students have understood the

target structures.

Practice: There are two types of practice:


Controlled practice: Is the exercises that accept only one correct answer like matching

because the aim is to familiarize students with the dorm of the target structure.

Free practice: exercises that accept different answers always start with controlled then free


Production: Teacher asks students to do a role play or write a short paragraph using the

learnt structure.

5) - Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment: It is the process whereby teachers gather information about student’s

performance or ability. On the basis of this information teachers may decide to adjust their

teaching methods and students may consider redefining their learning strategies. For example;

teacher administers an exam to an average class and notices after correcting their tests that

most of students scored bad marks. This evidence will incite the teacher to reconsider his/her

teaching methods. There are two types of assessment:

Summative assessment: Is often a formal type of assessment that is aimed at making

judgments about the performance or ability of students by assigning grades to them. It occurs

periodically either at the end of the year or semester or two or more units. Representatives of

summative assessment can be quizzes, exams, tests, and end-term papers.

Formative assessment: Teacher does not allot grades every time he asks them to practice a

structure or answer comprehension questions. It is taken constantly. The purpose is not to

assign grades to students, but to receive data about them which can help teacher adopt his

teaching methods to meet the student’s needs.


Evaluation: It focuses on grades; teacher can evaluate his students through testing them.

Test: Is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge or performance in a given

domain. Here are some types of tests:

 Proficiency test: It measures the student’s knowledge of a language for getting a job

or studying abroad.

 Placement test: It aims at sorting test takers into groups so that they roughly have the

same level as other students in the group when they start studying.

 Diagnostic test: its purpose is to pinpoint the strengths of the test takers. It is usually

designed to guide remedial instruction. It usually occurs at the beginning of the year,

course ,unit.

 Formative test: It helps teachers to make improvements on or change their

educational strategies.

 Achievement test: It measures what has been learned in a course or a sequence of

courses. It measures the extent to which test takers learned the material presented in a


 Aptitude test: Is any type of assessment that evaluates the talent, ability, potential to

perform a certain task.( in other words, to discover whether Student has talent or basic

ability for learning new language or not).

Effective test

In order for a test to be effective, in a sense that it measures the extant to which students have

learned new competencies or have developed the ones they already have at their disposal. It

should have the following characteristics or features:

Reliability: Is a test that renders the same results when it is administered

Validity: It refers to the extent to which a test measures what it intends to measure.

Authenticity: Test should make use of language that students are familiar with and what is

often based on themes which were previously covered in the class

Practicality: Is a test that does not take much time for students to accomplish, has a specific
and time efficient evaluation procedure. It should relatively be easy for the teacher to correct.

6) - classroom management

It refers to the multidimensional and varied ways in which learner behaviours, movements,

and interactions are organized by teacher during the lesson to make teaching conductive to

effective learning. As a teacher has to create the conditions in which learning can take place

 Common classroom management areas include:


Grouping and seating

Authority (gathering, holding attention) .

 The teacher has several roles in the classroom: controller, organizer, a prompter, a

participant and a resource.

How to prevent disruptive behaviour


By careful planning of the lesson: when a lesson is clearly planned and organized students’

attention will be kept on the task and the formation of a vacuum will not be allowed which

may be filled by distracting activities.

Fairness: teacher should always try to avoid having favourites or picking particular

individuals. The major part of their job is not to show these preferences or prejudices in the


Interpersonal relationships: if students respect you and each other, they are more likely to


Methodology: Do not give boring classes. You should vary your teaching techniques and you

should time activities very carefully.

How to deal with rising problems

- Immediate action: react immediately, don’t wait.

- Do not use threats.

- Deal with it quietly.

When the problem has been exploded

-Do not raise your voice.

-Talk after the class.

7) –Multiple-Intelligences theory

Types of intelligence:

1- Naturalist intelligence: Designates the human ability to discriminate among living

things (plants, animals).

2- Musical intelligence: The capacity to design pitch, rhythm, tone.

3- Logical-mathematical intelligence: The ability to calculate, quantify, consider, carry

out complete mathematical operations

4- Existential intelligence: Sensitivity, capacity to tackle deep Question about human

existence as the meaning of life and death.....

5- Interpersonal intelligence: The ability to understand, interact effectively with others

6- Intra-personal intelligence: The capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts,

feelings and to use such knowledge in planning and directing one’s life.

7- Bodly-kinesthetic intelligence: The capacity to manipulate objects and use variety of

physical skills.

8- Linguistic intelligence: The ability to think in words and to use language to express

and appreciate complex meaning.

9- Spatial intelligence: The ability to think in three dimensions. Adults with this

intelligence maybe fascinated with puzzles or spend free time drawing, daydreaming

8)- Lesson plan

 The lesson plan is one of the most important elements of English teaching


Lesson Plan: Is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction. Most of them
contain the title of the lesson, time required to complete the lesson, list of required materials,
and list of objectives.
 A well developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of students.

Here are some examples of lesson plan:

1)- An example of a grammar lesson plan

Date : Text Book: Gateway 2 To English Level: 2nd BAC Time: 50 mins

Unit: 4 Lesson: Grammar: Passive Voice

Lesson type/skill(s) emphasized: Integration of skills Topic: Women and Power

Objectives/standards: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:

 Use passive voice appropriately.

Instructional aids, materials, or tools needed: Students book, B.B, Data show
References: students book, teacher book, Internet

Lesson Outline
Stages Content/procedure: Techniques & Timing Mode of
Materials work
Warm  T greets students
Wh-questions 5 mins T-S/S-T
up  Review voc related to women and power.

Data Show
 T displays pictures using the data-show to elicit different sentences
in the present and past.
 The teacher focuses on one simple example in the simple present B.B

and studies it with Ss. T-S/S-T

o The boy throws the ball. (Active)

Subject + Verb + Object.

Chart T-S
20 mins
o The ball is thrown by the boy. (Passive)
 T makes things clear for students and show them how passive
voice is formed: To be in the same tense of the verb + P. Participle Data Show T-S/S-T

 T displays different pictures with different examples using PPT to

help students understand passive voice perfectly.
 T displays a chart that includes all tenses to help Ss know how to B.B
change sentences from active to passive using different tenses.

Data Show

Activity C, p:42 Data Show

 Ss change sentences from active to passive making the necessary Individual

changes. work
 Whole class Correction. B.B
Activity B, p:42

15 mins
 T displays pictures and asks Ss to give sentences in the active and
change them to the passive based on the picture.
For example:
o The boy broke the window.
Text book
The window was broken by the boy.
 Whole class Correction.
Pair work

Data Show

 Ss come up with their own sentences using active and passive Sentence
voice. formation 10 mins Pair work

Homework assignment:

2)- An example of introducing unit lesson plan

Lesson Plan
Lesson Topic: Introduction to Humour unit Class Level: 2nd Year Baccalaureate
Textbook:Gateway 2
School Name: MoukhtarSoussi
Unit:Unit 6 (Humour)
Class Size: 40
Target Skill: Speaking, Listening
Class Period: 1 hour
Material Used: BB, Textbook, Data-show, Laptop, and VAs.

Students’ Performance Objectives (SPOs):

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Have a general idea about the theme of the unit.

 Be acquainted with the vocabulary related to the word “Humour”.
 Talk about their favorite humorists.

Timing Steps and Procedures Techniques Working


3 min T: greets Ss and they respond.
T: creates a friendly atmosphere for learning (breaking the ice).

5 min VAs (video) Individual
Ss: watch a part of Charlie Chaplin’s film, The Champion.
T: asks Ss “How did you find the video?”
Ss: it was funny.

3 min
T: shows a picture of “Kebbour” character and asks Ss: Flashcards Individual
 Who is this character? Ss: Kebbour.
 What is his real name? Ss: Hassan El Fedd.
 Does he look sad? Ss: No, he looks happy.

3 min  Is he a singer? Ss: No, he is a comedian.

T: writes the words“comedian” and “happy” on the BB.
T: shows a picture of Adil Imam and asks Ss:

 Who is this person? Ss: Adil Imam.

 Who is Adil Imam? Ss: He is an Egyptian actor/comedian.
 Give me another synonym for the word comedy? Ss: Humour.
T: writes the word “humour” on the board.
3 min
T: asks Ss to look at a picture of Mr. Bean and asks the following questions:

 Who is this person? Ss: Mr. Bean.


 What is his real name? Ss: Rowan Sebastian Atkinson. Flashcards Individual
T: provides Ss with additional personal information about Mr. Bean: “He is an
English actor, comedian, and screen writer. He is considered as one of the top
50 comedians ever”.

 Do you like his TV shows? Ss: yes.

 Why? Ss: Because they make us laugh.
T: writes the word “laugh” on the BB.
T: asks Ss “who is your favorite comedian? Why?”
T: What is the role of comedy? Ss: It makes people happy.
T: Give me another synonym for the word “happy”? Ss: glad.
T: writes the word “glad” on the BB.

8 min
Oral Practice:
Ssread the notices in the textbook - p. 76 / exercise B - and they say why they
are funny.
1. In Budapest Zoo:
the guard on duty is considered as an animal.
2. In the office of Romanian doctor:
women are diseases.
Textbook In Pairs
3. In a Bucharest hotel lobby:
Everybody is supposed to stay away before that lift is fixed.
T: asks Ss to work on exercise C (Ss read the jokes and say what they
1. The worker thinks that the boss is also late.
2. The couple does not know that the movie title is “Romeo and
8 min
3. The husband does not want his mother-in-law to live longer by
benefiting from the book. Semantic Individual
5 min Written Practice: Mapping

T: distributes handouts and asks Ss to match words with their definitions (See
the attached handout).
T: draws a schema on the board, and elicits all the vocabulary items that are
related to the word “Humour”.


20 min
T: brings a video of two sketches (Mr. Bean and Jim Carry’s scene)and asks Ss Video Individual
to vote for the funniest sketch. Then, asks them to write a small paragraph
about why it is funny.
2 min
T: asks students to copy the schema on their notebooks.

3)- An example of a writing lesson plan

Date : Text Book: Gateway 2 To English Level : 2nd BAC Time : 50 mins
Unit : 1 Lesson : Writing an Email: Linking Words

Lesson type/skill(s) emphasized : Integration of Skills Topic: F.I.N Formal Education

Objectives/standards: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:

 Use linking words appropriately.
 Write a paragraph about one means of communication.

Instructional aids, materials, or tools needed: Students book, B.B, PPT

References: students book, teacher book, Internet

Lesson Outline

Stages Content/procedure: Techniques & Timing Mode of

Materials work

Warm  T greets students

up Wh-questions 5 mins T-S/S-T
 T activates Ss schemata about linking words.

Visual aids T-S/S-T

 T starts the lesson with a PPT to introduce some commonly used

linking words.
Word map

 Ss complete the table in Activity A, p: 18 T-S

15 mins
 T provides students with examples that show the use of some B.B

linking words.
 Ss add more linking words to the table
Text book

Filing the
Activity C, p: 18 blanks

 Ss read the given text and put the appropriate missing linking

words from the given list.


 Teacher models the task 10 mins Pair work

o Mental, moral and physical powers

 Whole class Correction

Text book

 Ss write a short paragraph about one means of learning that they Writing

think is very important using linking words appropriately. & Individual

20 mins
 Ss share their pieces of writing and give feedback to each other. Peer Feedback work

Homework assignment:

Anticipated learning problems:

Self evaluation:

Good luck!!

Most of the information mentioned above is taken from:
English Language Guidelines for Secondary School (November 2007)
Applied Linguistics I for BA Students in English by Judit Sarosdy, Tamas Rarczadi, Bencz Zoltan
Poor, Larianna Vanday

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