Science: Construction of The Gravito-Magnetic Device (GMD)

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SCIENCE claimed could produce antigravity and an extremely strong and it radiates, causing
GRAVITO-MAGNETIC DEVICE abundant amount of energy. Also to sup- interruptions of electron flow in normal
(GMD) port his claim, he said that he had built four electrical systems, i.e., lights, cars, road
©1996 by Pierre Sinclaire prototypes that demonstrated these effects. transformers and electromagnetic transmis-
Prepared for the 3rd International The first one was built in a 45-gallon drum, sions. So, when completed and activated,
Symposium on New Energy, USA the second one was built on a trailer, the this machine must be taken extremely seri-
April 1996 third one was built on a plywood base, and ously. But don't be alarmed: if a control
the fourth one was built on an eight-foot- system is in place, it is easy to stop this
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS diameter platform at 10 feet in the air. effect.
This paper is dedicated to a man whom I His work paralleled the research that I One of the main purposes of the GMD is
respect very much: David Pierre Hamel, a was doing so I devoted the past six years of to understand the effects of enclosed
man who helped me tremendously in my research, in collaboration with David opposing magnetic fields that have varying
quest to understand antigravity and who Hamel, to understanding the unusual phe- vector angles—such as in theories set forth
pushed me to look at science in a new way. nomenon and to building a prototype that by Tom Bearden.
This paper is also dedicated to those who would demonstrate and conclude that such In my opinion, David Hamel has brought
have the time and resources to duplicate the a technology is obtainable today. about an incredibly powerful and useful
GMD. At this time, the GMD is almost com- technology which also generates antigravi-
plete; so, too are the drawings. This paper ty. The GMD has a powerful upward
ABSTRACT will help you understand the basic func- thrust which causes it to rise into the air.
In this short paper I would like to convey tions of the GMD. [More detailed informa- Similar work has been done by John Searl
enough information to help anyone who tion is now available, together with a of England with his levi-disc experiments.
would like to undertake research into the videotape on how to build, step by step, the When we understand the inner workings of
Gravito-Magnetic Device (GMD). I will model discussed in this paper. The draw- what causes the secondary electrogravita-
give a brief description of the hardware and ing and videotape are available through tional fields, the possibility of creating var-
the theory behind the GMD. I will also Project Magnet, Inc. Ed.] ious devices to produce plentiful energy of
talk about various researchers who have I should note here that all building mate- different types is mind-boggling.
come up with very similar theories and rials for the GMD are readily available
results. almost anywhere in the world and the cost OVERVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION
is relatively cheap. A lot of hand work is It should be noted that the configuration
INTRODUCTION required, but nothing that is unattainable. of the parts inside the GMD is such that it
At the end of 1989, I was fortunate to No special machining or parts are required. promotes an enclosed constant variation of
meet a man named David Pierre Hamel. Only patience and devotion are needed. opposing magnetic fields. In the resting
Mr Hamel had been working for the previ- Finally, I would like to emphasise that state, the moving cones are balanced and
ous 14 years on an energy system that he the power generated around the GMD is stabilised in a magnetic field repulsion, like
Legend: For better detail, visit the Project Magnet web
B) Collar Magnet Ring page at
C) Inverted Cups
D) Round Magnets
E) Wall Ring Magnets B A
F) Ring Magnet Fig. 3 Air Space
G) Ring Magnet C
H) Moving Cones C
I) Plywood Base
J) Shell K
K) Inverted Cones

Fig. 4 L 38.61 cm

182.5 cm
202.39 cm
243.84 cm

JUNE - JULY 1997 NEXUS • 49

Fig. 2 (Refer to legend in Fig. 1) the ball bearings which fit into the inverted
Air Space cups.
B D: Each of the 'D' magnets is attached to
C C a small aluminum inverted cone, 'L', which
reaches from the magnet to the collar of the
lower 'K' cone and the two 'H' cones. Each
of the 'D' magnets, including the magnet
inside the control mechanism, 'A', is identi-
E : Attached to the wall are two
D adjustable magnetic rings. The purpose of
these rings is to hold the 'H' cones centred
and at the tip of the 'J' small double-sided
For better detail, visit the Project Magnet web page at cones.
F : Attached to the outer edge of the
a magnetic bearing. This is the hardest part wood base; (J) double-sided cones; (K) moving cones 'H' are ring magnets at a 90-
to accomplish. cone enclosures; and (L) inverted cones. degree angle to the 'G' magnets. Their pur-
The start-up of the GMD is initiated by A: In the aluminum casing is the control pose is to support part of the weight of the
lowering a magnet at the centre top of the mechanism. It is composed of a large bari- moving 'H' cones and to generate more
shell, inside the shell towards the momen- um ferrite magnet that is raised or lowered opposing magnetic fields. Each cone, 'H'
tarily magnetically-balanced moving by the use of a corkscrew-type device. The and 'K', has its 'F' magnet aligned in the
cones. Referring to Fig. 1, as the central aluminum casing is bolted to the upper same polarity.
magnet, which opposes the one attached at body of the GMD. It should be noted that G: Attached at the extreme circumfer-
the centre of the upper moving cone, is 1/2-inch spacers are utilised to allow for air ence of the moving cones, 'H', are ring
lowered inside the GMD, it forces the flow. The magnets used in the control magnets which are perpendicular to the 'G'
upper cone to move sideways, shifting the mechanism are identical to all the 'D'-type ring magnet. They repel the field of the
magnetic balance between the cones inside magnets in Figures 1 and 2. magnetic rings around the outer wall, 'E',
the GMD. The cones stay offset to each B: Riveted to the collar of each cone is a of the GMD. This is to ensure that the 'H'
other for a short while, and then plasma- ring of magnets. Each ring is composed of cones are kept in the centre at a proper dis-
like energy starts to build up around the several individual magnets with all their tance. The distance between the 'E' and 'G'
GMD. The energy buildup creates a shift magnetic poles in the same direction, rings is determined by the strength of each
of colour from red-orange to light blue and which creates the desired effect of oppos- magnet's magnetic field. Here it should be
then white. Following this effect, the ing magnetic fields. The purpose of the noted that all spacing arrangements are
GMD starts to lose weight and has an configuration of these rings is to minimise based on magnet field strength.
upper lift in a greater ratio than its total the physical weight of the moving cones, H: The two cones are identical to the 'K'
weight. 'H'. cones except that attached to the outer cir-
The GMD is composed of 12 major C: Next to the collar, attached to the cumference of each cone is a ring magnet,
components (see Fig. 1): (A) the control wall of the moving cones are three pairs of 'G'. Note that it is important that the
mechanism; (B) four individual rings of inverted aluminum cups set 120 degrees attached ring magnet, 'G', is distanced far
magnets; (C) inverted cups; (D) three mag- apart from each other. The dimensions of enough from the 'E' ring magnets so that
nets attached to inverted cones; (E) wall all the inverted cups are determined by two their magnetic fields do not interfere with
rings; (F) outer-edge rings; (G) outer-edge factors: (a) the distance between the 'E' each other.
extended ring; (H) moving cones; (I) ply- and 'G' magnetic rings; and (b) the size of I: It is desirable to use plywood as a
base, as it is easier to attach, move and
Fig. 3 (Refer to legend in Fig. 1) For better detail, visit the Project Magnet web page at remove parts as necessary. J : There are six small double-sided
cones that sit in 12 cups. The size and
B design of the cups allow sideways and
C wobble movement of the 'H' cones and act
as a locking mechanism to restrict the
swaying movement of the 'H' cones.
K: These two cones are mainly utilised
to provide an enclosure, as well as for mag-
netically clamping the moving 'H' cones.
L: The small, inverted aluminum cones
are designed to support and attach the 'D'
magnets to the lower 'K' cones and the 'H'
cones at the collar. It is important to have
these cone arrangements to allow an air-
flow path between the layers of the cones,

50 • NEXUS JUNE - JULY 1997

thus triggering the swaying movement of Fig. 4 (Refer to legend in Fig. 1) For better detail, visit the Project Magnet web page at
the moving cones, 'H', when the GMD is
generating its electrogravitational field.
So far, the prototype has demonstrated
the same mechanical effect that David F
Hamel claimed. It has shown that when the
'H' cones are manually moved, the air flows
in and out of the central hole and the outer
edges of the GMD.
Since the control system has not yet been
completed and the outer wall not covered
[at the time of this presentation], it was not
possible for me to tell if the secondary
effect showed up around the GMD. But,
because all the construction of the different
sections of the GMD plus all the mechani- would oppose each other. He showed a About the Author:
cal functions have proven to be right, I direct relation with the field strength inside Scientific researcher Pierre Sinclaire,
believe that the secondary effect should the can and the electric field appearing out- from Fort Langley, British Columbia,
show as predicted. side the can. Canada, has devoted years to advanced
• Floyd Sweet , who made several research into alternative sources of ener -
GENERAL COMMENTS devices proving that stressing a magnet gy. His work has drawn the attention of
To my knowledge, there are five people with an opposing magnetic field would various groups who commissioned him
who have come up with devices which use cause the magnet to generate a secondary to build prototypes and experiment with
the principle of opposition of magnetic field in the surrounding space which could these sources of energy.
fields at vector angles—devices which then be trapped with scalar-wound coils. Pierre Sinclaire's research focus over
demonstrate unusual and similar effects to • Wilbert Smith, who demonstrated that the last six years has been on David
the David Hamel devices: using electromagnetic coils wound in the Pierre Hamel's theories and devices. In
• John Searl, with his levi-disc machine. same fashion as Hooper's, but with two collaboration with Hamel, he is now
• John Hutchison, who has demonstrat- overlapping coils of the same, would also close to completing a duplicate of one
ed the opposing magnetic field using Tesla produce unusual effects. of four prototypes that demonstrated
coils with varying frequencies. • Tom Bearden, who, in my opinion, has antigravity and other unusual effects
• W. J. Hooper, whose test apparatus, advanced the best theory to explain the rea- when te sted at Ma ple Rid ge, BC,
employing an enclosed, shielded metal can, sons for the unusual behaviour of this ener- Canada.
utilised an electromagnetic coil wound in gy. He also explains what causes this reac- Pierre Sinclaire can be contacted by e-
such a way that each electromagnetic field tion at the nuclear level. ∞ mail on:

H Fig. 5 (Refer to legend in Fig. 1) For better detail, visit the Project Magnet web page at

JUNE - JULY 1997 NEXUS • 51

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