Soy Source: Polarity Therapy

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Polarity Therapy
by Alan Siegel N.D.
Available Harper & Row/Collins
Polarity Therapy is the science of stimulat­
ing and balancing the body's life energy. We
all have the ability to heal dis-ease as well as
to create it with our own intrinsic energy.
This book is a practical guide to releasing
blocked energy flows. through polarity
energy balancing. It incorporates polarity
yoga and shows ways to develop positive
attitudes and thoughts. Polarity Therapy is
densely illustrated and all instructions are
clearly readable. enabling you to be your
own therapist using the book as a guide.
llluminating the nature of 'laying on
Soy Source hands', this is an interesting addition to the
many new therapies available. Polarity
by John DaWiles
Therapy illustrates an imaginative healing
Available Allen & Unwin P.O. Box
perspective on life and the world.
764, Nth Sydney ~ $9.95

At last! A handy little book that explains

soy beans and the many soyfoods extracted ,
from them - such as Tempeh, Shoyu, Miso.
Yuba and many more. The book describes in
full, how to prepare and use these nutritious
foods and the recipes are delightful and
varied. A great opportunity to become famil­
iar with the versatile soybean and learn to Mal(e) Practice
incorporate it into your diet in a number of How Doctors Manipulate
Soy Source disproves the myth that soy­ Women
beans are boring or difficult to prepare and by Robert S. Me..delsohn M.D.
shows how this amazing source of protein Available from International Health

Promotions, P.O. Box 155, Lane Cove
2066 - $19.95
A practising doctor for 25 years, Dr. Men­
delsohn sets out to totally expose many
institutional medical myths by baring the
Riding the Ox Home The Art of Survival true facts about the overuse of surgery, x­
by Willard Johnson
A Guide to Yoga Therapy rays, pills and many of the condescending
by Dr M. I. Charote &
'practices' of modern medicine. This book
Available Harper & RowlCollins­
Maureen Lockhart
arms women with the true inside story on the

Available: Allen & Unwin,

need forroutine check-ups which all women
This book is an history of meditation from are supposed to undergo throughout their
PO Box 764, North Sydney $17.95

shamanism to science. A unique historical adult lives - and how to assess an inner need
survey, it covers the origins of meditative For a wide range of readers - beginners, to say 'no'. It gives a comprehensive list of
states in prehistoric cultures and tribal ritual teachers, therapists, beginners and health fifty commonly prescribed pills that all
through the development of Eastern medita­ professionals, this book is an anthology of women should avoid,listing side effects and
tion and discip.l.ine$. inc1JJdingHindu and experiences in many areas of Yoga. It con­ names of the drugs.
Buddhist. tains contributions from authors and healers Written with a mixture of sarcasm and
A fascinating book containing a wealth of world-wide on the principles and exercises humour. Mal(e) Practice communicates a
historical information, it points the way to a of Yoga, relaxation, meditation, acupunc­ vitally importaRt message to women - the
clear path of self-understanding and self­ ture, childbirth, osteopathy ~d other related extraordinary level of invasive and unneces­
fulfilment Beautifully illustrated with Japa­ healing processes. sary $'urg~ and medication which is rou­
nese scrolls, Riding the Ox Home is a valu­ The Art of Survival is defmitely an tinely prescribed as a way of medically
able historical record 1Ind'M!IOUl:Ce for sha­ excellent tool for therapists; very much a processing human beings with minimum
manism and meditation. textbook, it is not illustrated. effort and understanding.
Healing Music
by Andrew Watson and Nevill
Available Allen &: Unwin, Box 764

Nth. Sydney. • $9.95

Music is fmding its place and being recog­

nised as an essential part of Wholistic Heal­
ing - treating the whole being. Healing Mu­
sic presents an overview of wholistic Health
and explains how music plays a vital role in
the healing process. Chapters explain en­
Change ergy levels within us, exercises for creative
by John Wood
visualisation and overviews of New Age The I Ching of the

From Catalytic Reactions,

music in the United States, Britain, Europe Goddess

PO Box 1069 Crows Nest 2065 $15

and Australasia. There are diagrams show­
ing the chakras and their musical relation­ by Barbara G. Walker

Bypassing the intellect andcommunicating ships, explanations, bibliography and music Available Harper & Row/Collins ­
directly with the 'subconscious' mind checklists. Well-presented and easy to read, $12.95

through animistic imagery, Change is not so this alternative healing book contains great One of America's leading feminists, Bar­

much a book as a talisman coittaining no source material. bara Wa1kBr again opens your eyes to the

written words. It invokes and evokes a bal­ myths of history. This time she explores the

ance of black and white, male and female, theme of the creation of the Great Motl:.:r
left and right; a union of opposites. and Goddess images of the various world
Change can be used for meditation over cultures that worshipped Her. She points out
a moon cycle; according to its creator, it can the historical occurrences that created many
be used to draw your complementary 'other WingeaSerpents'Dancing disjointed stories which, in tum, spawned
half to you - on many levels. It has been ac­ many myths.
claimed by Guboo Ted Thomas of the Wal­
by Vincent Selleck
Available: Shekinah Foundation, All this is explored within the context of
laga Lake Aboriginal community as the first the 1 Ching, the ancient Taoist Book of
book which communicates on deep. PO Box Thora NSW 2454 • $5
Changes. Interpretations of the hexagrams
'dreamtime' levels accessible to Aboriginals A 43-page booklet written to explain the are interesting and follow the ancient Chi­
and colonists alike. 'Harmonic Convergence' which took nese patterns. They are clear to read and
place in August 1987, Winged Serpents interpret and each hexagram has an accom­
Dancing deals with the Aztec and Hopi panying black and white plate. There are
Indian propheci<1S. and (he upcoming Eal1h colour versions of all the hexagrams in a
Link '88. Other topics include humanity's central block within the book. The 1Ching of
voice in me pllll\e1lU'Y awakening, sacred the Goddess is a work which would grace the
sites, rituaJ.s, an<l the meaning behind current shelves of a mystic or a feminist - a rare
changes in the world-mind - a companion to combination.
}' Vincent Selleck's Path of the Dragon.
Windows of the Mind
by G.M. Glaskin

Available Harper & RowlCollins­


Windows of the Mind is a book that ex­ The Dowsing &

plores astral travel and re-discovering previ­ Healing Manual !J{ea£tfifrom gOd's garden
ous incarnations. It gives fascinating ac­ by Maria Treben

counts of peoples '~ourneys", including the

by Alanna Moore

From Internation Health Promotions,

author's own experiences. There are de­ Available: Dowsing News.

PO Box 155 Lane Cove 2066 - $16.95

tailed . instructions on how to mentally PO Box 195, Katoomba 2780 $13 p.p.

Another wonderful book by the author of

"travel" without losing consciousness of the

'now'. All you need are a couple of close This dowsing manual has much informa­ Health Through God's Pharmacy, the pres­

friends and a quiet space and you can jour­ tion about the various forms of dowsing. entation is clear and contains beautiful col­

ney into the realms of your mind, using the Informative topics covered include radion­ lour drawings of the herbs. It starts with a
•Chrlstos Method' of freeing the astral ics, biofeedback, magnets, crystals, orgone chapter on how to use the book and contin­
body. This reviewer has personally experi­ devices, the chakras. pendulums, flower ues with chapters on preventions and cures
enced this method and found that it really essences, colour healing and a great deal and standard herbal recipes.
works - I didn't expect to appear as a four­ more. Ailments are alphabetically listed and a
teen-year old male in the Fire of London! The Duwsing and 1leQltnr MWlU4l is a choice of treatments is listed. A large list Qf
For those who are into the concept ofpast self-published boOk witll a 'hand-mad~' feel dis-eases and problems are covered in the
lives, this book is a fascinating and handy • it is presented as a manual, with little use of book, making it an invaluable, up-to-date
graphics. edition for healer or layperson alike.
tool for those realms.

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