Religion of Tomorrow by Ken Wilber A Pe

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Abhishek Thakore

Blue Ribbon Movement, Mumbai, India

Email id :

“Religion of Tomorrow” by Ken Wilber – a ‘personal’ review

My review of Ken Wilber’s epic new book “Religion of Tomorrow” was seen as coming from a space of advocacy and discipleship by
well-intentioned academics.

However, pushing the boundary on our obsession with only third person objectivity is a part of what Ken seems to be trying to tell us
(or me, as I read him).

Here’s my review, with disclaimers at the end. Hope you enjoy it.


Religion of Tomorrow by Ken Wilber – a ‘very personal’* review by Abhishek P Thakore

There are a very few people who have the capacity to imagine the future of great traditions. Ken Wilber is one
of them.

Whereas religions and great traditions have evolved over centuries, Wilber makes an audacious attempt to
take a sweeping look at all of them, located in a modern context - of Integral Theory.

An unsung philosopher, Ken is undoubtedly a gifted brain, agile enough to grasp diverse ideas and make
connections - The Religion of Tomorrow feels like his attempt at a Magnum Opus. At over 800 pages (including
appendixes) it is a comprehensive read that brings forth all of what Ken has worked on and understands so far.

By his own admission, Wilber prefers to go over the ‘basics’ in every book assuming the reader is not familiar
with his “Integral Operating System”. In this book too, he painstakingly goes over the basics - a section that
can be skipped by the more experienced readers.

The heart of the book - and what seems to be newer and deeper is the section on Shadows. It is here that Ken
brings forth his new insights - looking at addictions and allergies at each level. Some of this is new and fresh
material, that will help both individual seekers and practitioners explore a hitherto unexplored dimension.

The book meanders from here into an Integral Spirtuality (again with motifs from his earlier works) and reaches
a visionary conclusion made from the standpoint of the evolution humanity itself.


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As a millennial practitioner of Integral, the book is beyond reach for most of my group - the effort to read the
entire book in a world that tweets and instagrams becomes a barrier. The “more” staring you on the cover :
‘More Inclusive, More Comprehensive, More Complete’ seems like a pointer to the paradox, the challenge of
marketing a book and using words to communicate a lot of what lies beyond the realm of language.

If the intent of the book is to reach those practicing and the youth, it is going to face several hurdles - it’s time
to explore new mediums because the religion of tomorrow will have to embrace where the current generations
are. The book doesn’t really manage to do that.

It isn’t an easy task and overall, Wilber has made an honourable attempt to address it. Such an attempt also
scares me as it feels like a “last book” where one gives it his all - I hope I am totally wrong and that there is
much much more of Ken and his nuanced and beautiful insights that we receive.

I must confess that I am still reading and absorbing the book. I hold the question “What does it mean to do justice to
the message Ken is trying to bring us?” It is not only in reading the book but truly living this question that we would
give even a remote chance to Integral (and its very tender ecosystem)



* - Disclaimers

1. I haven’t read the whole book

2. As you have noticed I haven’t bothered to put in citations etc. To that extent you can see this as a review on, except that I hoping to push a boundary with my fraternity
3. If you would truly want to know my ideas of Integral and my very real and honest opinion of the book, please
come and meet me here in India!
4. The previous point was NOT rhetorical – I look forward to seeing you, experiencing you and sensing into the
field of emerging possibilities of Integral
5. Now this review is becoming about something else altogether – which doesn’t honour the title of the article.
Hence my apologies and an invitation to respond to this as well as come to India!

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