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UHD- MS Dept -FALL 2021


I. Instructor


Office : S-744
Hours: Mon-Thurs 1:00-3:00PM (Zoom)

II. Course information

Title: Math 3302- Mathematical statistics

CRN: 22495
Room: A 621- Time: MW: 11:30-12:45pm
Otherwise: Zoom Password: 11235

III. Course Description

Probability distributions, statistical inference, estimation, test of hypothesis, linear regression,

and analysis of variance. Standard statistical packages may be used but no computer
background is necessary. Credit may not be earned for both Math 3302 and Stat 3309. 3 credit.

IV. Objectives

At the end of the course, a student should be able to:

1. Apply standard statistical techniques involving sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear
regression, and simple
ANOVA analysis to problems in science and engineering.
2. Compute mathematical expectations and variances.
3. Apply basic concepts of probability to mathematical problems.
4. Describe the Central limit theorem and know some of its applications.
5. Know the properties and uses of some standard distributions such as the binomial and normal
6. Use some standard statistical software packages, to solve application problems.

V. Course prerequisites

A grade of C or better in MATH 2402 (Calculus II).

VI. Textbook/ others
• Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, by Jay L. Devore,
7th edition, 2008 or newer.
• WebAssign (to do your homework) is at An electronic copy of
the book is also available in WebAssign.
• Calculators: TI 83-86

VII. Assignments

1. Exams: 3 semester exams and a final exams. Exams are announced one week in
advance. Exams have 2 parts: Online part + Writing part. Each values 50%.

Exam 1: Sept 20-22 Cover Ch 1,2,3

Exam 2: Oct 25-27 Cover Ch 4,5,6
Exam 3: Nov 22-24 Cover Ch 7,8, 10

2. WebAssign Hw: Some problems require use of R.

WebAssign Class Key: uhd 9665 0268

3. A project in R: solve from a set of problems , present to class. (This might be

replaced by other assignments)

Grades are calculated using the following formula[ might subject to small changes]

NumGrade= Exam * (.50) + WebAssign*.15 + Project/Writing(10%)+ Final (.25)

90 - 100 = A; 80 - 89 = B; 70 - 79 = C; 60 - 69 = D; < 60 = F

VIII. University Policies

• Academy Honesty
As a UHD student, you are subject to all university-wide policies and procedures, and you must
observe the academic honesty code in your school work (see the UHD Student Handbook at Please ask if you have any questions regarding this code.
A grade of 0 will be given on any course work where cheating occurs; more severe penalties may
result depending on the violation.

• UHD Attendance Policy: “Your failure to attend class (face to face or hybrid), engage
course material (Online only); or make contact with faculty to adequately explain your
absence by the 10th class calendar day of the semester will result in your being
administratively dropped from this course. Being dropped from this course may affect
your enrollment status and/or your financial aid eligibility.”

The University of Houston-Downtown complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable
academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students with a disability. In accordance with Section
504 and ADA guidelines, UHD strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary
aids to students who request and require them. If you believe that you have a disability requiring
an academic adjustments/auxiliary aids, please contact the Office of Disability Services, One
Main St. Suite 409-South Houston, TX 77002. (Office) 713-226-5227;
(Website).; (Email)


The Academic Support Center (C4MS) : Where to get tutorial help? Any student enrolled in
mathematics/statistics courses at UHD has access to the Center for Math and Statistics (C4MS
or Math/Stat Tutors Lab) (925-N) (9th floor, North) (where they may receive assistance with
understanding concepts, improving his skills, and working on homework problems. The Center
is staffed with mathematics faculty and student assistants, and offers tutoring, use and/or
checkout of course videotapes, use of calculators, use of computers with web access for math/stat
homework and computer-aided math/stat drill, and use/loan of mathematics book resources on a
walk-in basis.

C4MS Hours: 8:00am-8:00pm M-Thu, 8:00am-2pm, Fri-Sat(subject to change). Working

exercises and discuss the material with others can greatly enhance your learning and overall
achievement in the course.

XI. Important dates

Aug 23, 2021 (Mon): Class begins

Sept 6, 2021 (Mon): Labor Day
Nov 1, 2021 (Mon): Last Day to Withdrawal with W
Nov 24-27, 2021(Wed-Sun): Thanksgiving
Dec 7-8,2021(Tues-Wed): Reading days
Dec 9-15, 2021(Thurs-Wed): Final Exams

1.1 – 1.4, 2.1 – 2.5, 3.1 – 3.5, 4.1 – 4.6, 5.1 – 5.5, 6.2, 7.1 – 7.4, 8.1 – 8.4, 10.1

Ch 1 1.1 Population/samples
1.2 Display of statistics
1.3 Measures of location
1.4 Measures of variability

Ch 2 2.1 Events/ sample space

2.2 Properties of probability

2.3 Counting
2.4 Conditional probability
2.5 Independence

Ch 3 3.1 Random variables

3.2 Discrete probability distributions
3.3 Expected values
3.4 Binomial Prob Distribution
3.5 Hypergeometric distribution(optional)
Ch 4 4.1 Probability Density Function (pdf)
4.2 Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf)
4.3 Normal distribution
4.4 Exponential distribution
4.5 Other continuous Probability distributions
4.6 Probability plots

Ch 5 5.1 Joint Random variables

5.2 Expected values/Covariance/Correlation
5.4 Sample mean distribution
5.5 Linear combination of RV’s

Ch 6 6.2 Method of Point estimation


Ch 7 7.1 Confidence intervals (CI)

7.2 Large sample CI’s
7.4 CI for Variance/Standard deviation

Ch 8 8.1 Hypothesis testing procedures

8.2 Test about Mu
8.3 Test about Rho
8.4 P-values

Ch 10: 10.1 Single Factor ANOVA


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