Negativo Not Interrogativo: She Is Eating Cookies

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Tiempo verbal Estructura

Presente simple
Afirmativo Sujeto Verbo Complemento
I Write Poems
Negativo Sujeto Do/Does Not Verbo Complemento
I Do Not Write Poems
Interrogativo Do/Does Sujeto Verbo Complement
Do I Write Poems?
Presente perfecto
Afirmativo Sujeto Have/Has Verbo participio (ed- Complemento
He Has Cried All day
Negativo Sujeto Have/Has Not Verbo participio (ed-d) Complemento
He Has Not Cried All day
Interrogativo Have/Has Sujeto Verbo participio (ed- Complemento
Has He Cried All day?
Presente continuo
Afirmativo  Sujeto Verbo to be en Verbo en gerundio (- Complemento
presente ing)
She is eating cookies
Negativo Sujeto Verbo to be en not Verbo en gerundio Complemento
She is  not eating cookies
Interrogativo Verbo to be en sujeto verbo en gerundio complemento
Is she eating cookies
Presente perfecto continuo
Afirmativo Sujeto Have/Has Been verbo en gerundio complemento
Your dog  has been playing with her all morning.
Negativo Sujeto Have/Has Not Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
Your dog has not been playing with her all morning
Interrogativo Have/Has Sujeto Been verbo en gerundio complemento
Has your dog been playing with her all morning?
Pasado simple
Afirmativo Sujeto Verbo en pasado Complemento 
You closed the door
Negativo Sujeto Did + not Verbo en infinitivo Complemento
You did not close the door
Interrogativo Did Sujeto Verbo en infinitivo Complemento
Did you close the door?
Pasado perfecto
Afirmativo Sujeto Had Verbo en participio Complemento
They had done their homework before
they went out.
Negativo Sujeto Had Not Verbo en participio Complemento
They had  not done their homework before they
went out.
Interrogativo Had Sujeto Verbo en participio Complemento
Had they done their homework before
they went out?
Pasado continuo
Afirmativo Sujeto Verbo to be en pasado Verbo en gerundio Complemento
You were playing football.
Negativo Sujeto Verbo to be en pasado Not Verbo en gerundio Complemento
You were not playing football.
Interrogativo Verbo to be en pasado Sujeto Verbo en gerundio Complemento
Were you playing football?
Pasado perfecto continuo
Afirmativo Sujeto Had Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
You had been playing video games when I asked
you to help me.
Negativo Sujeto Had Not Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
You had not been playing video games when I asked you
to help me.
Interrogativo Had Sujeto Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
Had you been playing video games when I asked
you to help me?
Futuro simple
Afirmativo Sujeto Will Verbo en infinitivo Complemento
I  will sleep all weekend.
Negativo Sujeto Will Not Verbo en infinitivo Complemento
I will not sleep all weekend.
Interrogativo Will Sujeto Verbo en infinitivo Complemento
Will I sleep all weekend?
Futuro perfecto
Afirmativo Sujeto Will Have/Has Verbo en participio  Complemento
We will have finished university by next year.
Negativo Sujeto Will Not Have/Has Verbo en participio complemento 
We will not have finished university by next year.
Interrogativo Will Sujeto Have/Has Verbo en participio Complemento
Will we have finished university by next year?
Futuro continuo
Afirmativo Sujeto Will be Verbo en gerundio Complemento
I Will be watching my favourite series all day
Negativo Sujeto Will Not be Verbo en gerundio Complemento
I will not be watching my favourite series all day
Interrogativo Will Sujeto Be Verbo en gerundio Complemento
Will I be watching my favourite series all day
Futuro perfecto continuo
Afirmativo Sujeto Will Have/Has Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
They will have been dancing until sunrise.
Negativo Sujeto Will Not Have/Has Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
They will not have been dancing until sunrise.
Interrogativo Will Sujeto Have/Has Been Verbo en gerundio Complemento
Will they have been dancing until sunrise?

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