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PSEB’s Smart Plug and Play Incubator

Do you have a great idea and need support to execute it and build it into a viable product or a
service? We can support you!

We are looking for?

Teams of 1-5 people, “want to be” Entrepreneurs of the following type,

1. Professionals who have already been in the industry 0-10 or more years
2. Students in their 3rd year or 4th year who have a promising final year project or
otherwise would like to work on a new idea
3. Anyone who has a decent idea that can change the world or at least make a difference in
the life of at least a few thousand other people
4. Student teams lead by a professor
5. Any weird combination of the above

What do you need to have?

1. A lot of passion
2. A half decent technology driven business idea that can at least change the life of a few
thousand to a few million people, the more the better
3. An idea that can get to a product or at least a working prototype (not smoke and mirrors)
in 6 months or less

What will we provide?

1. Space to hang out, that is, office space with Internet connection, sever, desk, chair and a
2. Some seed capital to buy a computer or other equipment
3. Monthly stipend to cover food and transportation, rest is your sweat equity
4. Adult Supervision, that is, two mentors assigned to each company, one technical, one

What are the criteria for selection?

1. As stated before, a promising idea that can get to a product or a working prototype in 6
months or less
2. A software or software utility that is commercially viable
3. A software or software utility that is aimed at ICT4D
4. A software, microcontroller system or utility that can serve a commercial purpose or a
national need
5. A gadget, circuit or electro-mechanical device/contraption that is relevant to a few
thousand to few million people (preferably driven by a microcontroller but not
Why we think it will work?

1. Dedicated team of Advisors will work with you with at least one monthly face to face
meeting and one fortnightly phone call meeting.
2. The Advisors will be accomplished individuals who are either good technologists or
successful business persons. They will help you shape your idea, help with tricky
technical problems and make your product/service viable.
3. We believe mentorship is the most important ingredient of a successful Incubator,
facilities coupled with smart advice.

How can you apply?

1. Send a one page proposal outlining your idea, what problem it solves and why it is (or
can be) relevant to at least a few thousand people. Don’t worry about commercial success
at this stage to with a title Application for Incubation. Please
include your name and a phone number to contact you and your university if you are
currently a student.
2. Look for us at industry events where we will hold quick elevator pitch sessions (you will
have 5 minutes to impress us with your idea)

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