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Roll ne. , RAJIVGANDHTNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB Note: Sect Atempt One Qu + LLM. ONE YEAR COURSE MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH. 2017 SECOND SEMESTER, PAPER- I: LAW AND JUSTICE IN GLOBALISED WORLD TIME DURATION: ONEAND HALF HOURS, MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) A is Compulsory exch fom Section -B and Section -C SECTION-A |. Write short notes on the following: 8 “Think globe and ive loca exphin‘tin Technological ea bb. Precautionary Principle and Polluter Pay Principle in International Environmental Law Define globalization, anexplin th: impact of globalization n ence palcisofindia. “ Intheeraoflotelizaton sovereignty ofstaesislessened."Do you agree thissttemen? Giveareas 1S X to Marks SECTION- Define Intemsional Crime: Explain the genocide asan Intemaional Cin ‘under ltemational Criminal Lav Define International Enviromental av. Explain the Role ited Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) in alobal word ISX Io15 Marks Roll no. atest? RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB LLM, ONE YEAR COURSE. MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH 2017 SECOND SEMESTER PADER- Il: LAW OF CORPORATE FINANCE AND. TAXATION (BUSINESS LAW GROUP) TIME DURATION: ONE AND HALF HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) Note: Section = is Compulsory Aatempt One Question each fiom Seetion- Band Section -C SECTION-A. | Write short notes on the following Domestic Company. >. Capital Asset 2X S10 Marks secrigN-B Diseussthe exemptions avallableo anassesee fom Capital Gains user sections $4, 54 Discuss the Computation of income of Corporate Entities from “Other Sources ISX 115 Marks SECTION. Define and discuss Company in which Publicar substantily intrested and main features of Corporate eatin in India ‘Whatdo you unerstand by Minimum Alternate Tx. Diseusthe bili of the Companesto pay MAT an egal provisions eating to computation ot ‘MAT and Book Profits Rottno. Ranrni6esit7 RAUIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB LLM. ONE YEAR COURSE MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH 2017 SECOND SEMESTER PAPER-II: SCIENTIFIC AND FORENSI ‘TECHNIQUES IN INVESTIGATION OF CRIMES. (CRIMINALLAW GROUP) ‘TIME DURATION: ONEAND HALF HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) Note: Section is Compulsory Aim One Question cach fom Section - Band Section -C SECTION-A 1. Write short notes on the following: 14. Objective of sienfic investigation of rime, b. Principles of forensic 2X S10 Maris 7 ' sEcTION-R* ‘Whatare the Constitationa prvlegesavailabeo the soca? Ako discuss the safeguards provide tothe aesused under the Code of Criminal Provedure, 1973 Citcaly evaluate the varius steps insolved in investigation of rime ISX 118 Marks SECTION -¢ Discuss the fmportanceafrime scene in investigation offences, What precautions arto be alent the investigating fe forpreservaton of ‘Whois expert Is fram ovine admisile in Courtof law? Discs, ISN T°15 Marks ROMT/6O37 IAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB Fe LLM. ONEYEARCOURSE MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH 2017 SECOND SEMESTER PAPER Il: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS IN INDIA, (CONSTITUTIONALLAW GROUP) IME DURATION: ONE AND HALF HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) Note: Section-A is Compulsory. tempt One Question cach from Section - B and Seetion-C SECTION, Write short noteson the fllowings The Parliament in the exercise of its constituent power amended the ‘constitution and deleted the right 1 propery fom Part’ aiizen ‘hallengod the validity of the amendment onthe ground that itafTete the basic structure ofthe eonsiution. ‘The State Government issued an order under Aa. 15(4) ofthe constiuton reserving 68% of seats io backward clases and 32%6seatsmade avalable tothe merit pool inthe Mesical and Engnetring colleges. The validity ofthe ood P2 onder was challenged by sudent who had Becured more marksthan those admited under the order. Decide. 2X S10 Marks SECTION What was held in the Coelho case? In this context, an you say that {judicial review isof key importance amongst the basi features ofthe Consinion? ‘What isthe procedure foaensocnt of the Constitution? Isthe Power of Parliament amendtheConsiution absolute? ISX 11S Marks SECTION-c ‘An Actofa sate proving for 72% reservation ingovernment servic is inserted in Ninth Schedule ofthe constitution through Constitutional ‘Amendmet AAnunemplaycd youh wants challenge thisamendment Advise him, ‘Bymeans ofan amendment tothe constitution the leetion disputes ne Prime Minister and Speaker were kept eyo the cepeof te courts nt jc srny. Examine he alc ofsichamendment 5X 1-15 Mars IV GANDHT NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB LLM. ONE YEAR COURSE MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH 2017 SECOND SEMESTER PAPER- Ill: SERVICE AND ELECTION LAWS (CONSTITUTIONALLAW GROUP) ‘TIME DURATION: ONEAND HALF HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) Section -A is Compulsory Aemipt One Question cach from Section - SECTION-A and Seetion-C | Write short notes on the following: ‘4. Define Depuston What are the Rights ofthe Deputonis. What is Anna Confidential Report? When and by whom these epots are SECTION-B ‘What isthe purpose of Sspension? Discus in deta the provision with regard tothe prt of Subsistence allowance to an employee whos under suspension Explain Doctins of Psu in nina also discuss impliions unde Aatcle 310 ofthe nian Constitution, ISX 1-15 Marks SECTION-c Write a detailed note onthe Procedure ofconfucting an inquiry agains by the newspaper, whereas the newspaper editor tok the plevof freedom ‘of speech & press as provided under Amticle 19(T)a, Decided, with the ‘lp ofrelevan jaca pronouncements. Inreference to above proposition elaborates comparative analysis ofright toprivacy in UK.USA and india. 3. “Tnmodem consiutional democracies its axiomatic that chizenshavea "ight toknow abou thea ofthe zoverament which having been elected ‘by them, seeks to formulate sound polices of governance aimed at their wei... demoxracy....expectsopennesssconconitat of ree soe Sanlightisthe hes eisinieean Inthe ight ofabove statement, explain the journey of ight information interpreted by the judiciary, as inherent part of freedom of speech and cxpression, with referenceto freedom of pres. Ix. Marks SECTION -¢ 4. “Apubiicuilty company if indulge inmanuficturng medial equipment published a magazine called Blue Print nfo o provide the information hour various services offered by the hospitals wit her advertisements, including address and telephone numbers. Which was challenged by the ‘soveranent telecom departient chiming monopoly topublshihe telepbone Aiootry The Zi courters ita violation ofarticle 191)" Decide the matter and in elation above proposition, explain the concept ‘of Commer Spec" wih special reference o various provisions ofa ‘eis elation. Contant 5. Navneet apublisher of English daily newspaper "The Noah-East witha wid relation n late of Assn published an expunge portion ofthe proceed ‘ofthe State Assembly containing that "The Chief Mins of the sse mst publicly ertczeandchared for gence for hisdesonandrolein gecrnmune oles” ‘The State assembly of Assam issued noice for breach of prviexe agains ‘editor and publisher. tora publisber are taking pleaof violation of Artich T9(1) (a: whereas the Legislative Assembly clin hispblicton ss reas ofprivilege Inthe ight of above mentioned facts, explain the statu of publication 0 parliamentary proceedings in India with the help of relevant judiels Prorouncemens ISX I-15 Marke Roll no, Roariis0si7 RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB LLM. ONE YEAR COURSE. MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH 2017 SECONDSEMESTER PAPER- IV: CORPORATE, REGULATIONS (BUSINESS LAW GROUP) TIME DURATION: ONE AND HALF HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) Note: Seotion-A is Compulsory Atempt One Question cach from Seotion - Band Sectio SECTIO’ 1. Write short notes on the following: 4 Disinguish hewoen primary market and secondary market, 'b, Explain the guidelines issued by SEBI lating wo buy hack of shares 2x S10 Marts Write shortnoteson 8) Minty of Corporate Airs (MICA) 1) Reserve Bankof nia RBI) ‘Write shorteoteson 2) Roleand Fusion offiancial martin ieonomic growth of ia. + Difference between Money market and Capital market ISX ToS Marks ‘Tio! [Explain the role and powers of Securities and xchange Boar of India, Define depository system Explain the etures of Depositary Act of 196, ISX 1-15 Marks ; RoMTis0sit7| ‘RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB LLM, ONE YEAR COURSE MID TERM EXAMINATION MARCH 2017 ‘SECOND SEMESTER PAPER -1V; CRIMINOLOGY, PENOLOGY AND. VICTIMOLOGY (CRIMINALLAW GROUP) TIME DURATION: ONEANDHALF HOURS. MAXIMUM MARKS: FORTY (40) Note: Seetion-A is Compulsory tempt One Question esc fom Section - Band Section -C ECTION-A 1. Write short notes on the following: 4 Meaning and Conceptof Criminology b, Concept of Crime aNs "Elaborate the theoriesrclate' criminality a explained by Lombroso Discuss the conceptare meaningot'Atavsm ? laborstethe theory of Dieta Association expn criminal behave ISX I-15 Marke SECTION -c Discuss the pychologieal concept of rime withthe elp of theories also elaborate the philosophy of Sigmund fred Elaborate the Maltiplefictor approach to crime causation? Also discus the Bo- Physical fatorsof Criminality ISX 11S Maris

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