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A. 1. Do you feel ok? D

2. How do you feel? C
3. Does Kim look tired? A
4. Does Martin have a stomachache? E
5. Do you have fever? B

B. 1. Do you feel tired?

2. Do yo feel Ok?

3. How do you feel?

4. How are feeling you?

5. Does he looks sick?

C. 1. My mother doesn´t feel well

2. Robin feels fine today

3. You don´t look well

4. I feel fine

5. Cal looks tired

D. 1. I don’t feel sick

2. Juan doesn´t feels great

3. You don´t look tired

4. Cristina doesn´t look sick

5. He doesn´t feel tired

E. 1. Do you feel ok? Yes, I do

2. Does he look tired? Yes, he does

3. Do you look sick? No, I don´t

4. Does she look sick? Yes, she does

5. Do you feel tired? Yes, I do


A. 1. I have a cough? What should I do? E

2. Marie is tired. What should she do? C
3. Abdi has a toothache. What should he do? A
4. I have a headache, what should I do? B
5. She has a fever, what should she do? D
B. 1. Should I see a dentist?
2. You should take some pain reliever
3. Dan shouldn´t go to school today
4. No, you shouldn´t
5. What should she do?
C. 1. He should take some cough medicine
He shouldn´t see a dentist
2. I should see a Doctor
I shouldn’t see a dentist
3. She should see a dentist?
She shouldn´t take some cough medicine
4. He should take some pain reliever
She shouldn´t see a dentist
5. You should lie down
You shouldn’t take some cough medicine

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