Mother Nature Needs Us. Lyrics and Music By: PJ Grand

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Mother Nature Needs Us.

Lyrics and music by: Pj Grand.

In pure ........... water. Let’s ............ our planet.
If just one person shines. And blue skies above. We’ve got to all come together.
Others will follow in line. It’s not a fantasy. And start planting seeds.
As we board the .................. We’ll make our reality. Mother nature needs us.
train. We’ve got to all come It’s up to you and me.
We’ll say goodbye to .............. together. Chicken little said the sky is fallen
As we fight ........................ And start ........... the seeds. down.
We’ll stand united as one. We were .............. but we We’ve got to work together.
All around the world. now see. To keep the world going round.
A new day has begun. We’re so .......... of pollution. Let’s think about our children
We’re so afraid of ................. But we can find a brighter And ........ a cleaner world behind.
But we can find a brighter day day. Mother nature needs us.
Let’s work on the ................... Let’s work on the solutions. Till the ........of the world.
So our children can play. So our children can play.

 Listen to the song and fill in the blanks using the following words:

Afraid/ save / leave /Green house / acid rain / solution / clean/ planting / blind / global
warming / pollution/ end.

 What is the main idea of this song?

 What are the problems mentioned in the song?


 Is the writer worried or not worried about them? .................................................

 Find these words in the text. Match them with their meanings.

a) Pollution Rain containing chemicals which pollute the environment.

d) Acid rain Rising temperatures around the world

e) Greenhouse effect Something that makes the earth, air or water dirty .

 Find in the song words closest in meaning to the following :

Start=................. Unpolluted= ...................... . Dream =................ frightened =..........................

 Find in the song words opposites in meaning to the following:

Disunited =/= .............. Dream =/=........ Below=/= .................... Darker =/=.....................

 Listen to the song and underline the words that rhyme.

Label the pictures with these expressions: Land pollution / water pollution / air pollution / noise pollution.

1……………………………………… 2 …………………………………….. 3 ……………………………………. 4 …………………………………

The pictures below are the effects of pollution on the environment and on the people.

Name each one.

……………………….. ………………………. ………………… …………………….. …………………….. ……………………

……………………… ………………………. ……………………….. ………………………. ………………………. …………………………

 Transform the song into a prose.

Written expression. Imagine you are a militant in a “green” political party. Think about some
effective solutions of pollution.
Write a ten line paragraph to announce the programme which your party will implement if it wins
the elections. You can start like this:
 If you vote for us, we will…….. ( to plant trees / to ban traffic in towns / build recycling
factories / to clean polluted rivers, streets,….. )

 As soon as we take office,……. ( to impose taxes on polluting industries / on

cigarettes / to oblige factories to re-use old bottles /
to create one million jobs for street sweepers / to pay
them with high salaries / ………… )

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