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No. 32 Week Ending Friday August 13, 2021 Price $1.25 http: //


Lovers in earlier times

Acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Shawn Charles

Story on Page 08


between NDC and Opposition Leader HOMICIDE
Story on Page 11
Story on Page 02

Peek 05 COVID-19 positive 08 Grenada’s oldest political 14 Vaccination issues to be

Trinidadian gets four
charges for illegal entry and
party at loggerheads for a
highlighted in the Senate

Inside breach of regulations 18 F C Paradise & Hurricanes

12 10 active COVID-19 cases, no are winning again
06 Forging greater ties with the community spread
Page 2 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Merger looms between NDC and Opposition Leader
he National at least tell the Grenadi- ous recruitment drive
Democratic an people that here we to strengthen the party,”
Congress (NDC), are putting something noting “we are open to
the Leader of Her Maj- together that will have people joining the par-
esty’s Opposition and the effect of winning ty, having talks with us
his team of senators, for Grenada, Carriacou and sharing ideas….”
are at least two meet- and Petite Martinique.” Clement, who won
ings away from formal- “We come together his seat in the two pre-
izing a merger as they in the spirit of unity vious general elections,
prepare for the upcom- and reconciliation to resigned from the New
ing general election. bring our resources, National Party (NNP)
“We are almost to a skills and talents to- government in 2019 and
conclusion and maybe gether so we can put later became the Leader
one or two meetings the best foot forward of the Opposition. He
will put us in a posi- to stem the [current] represents the constit-
tion where we can tell tide,” Clement said. uency of St George
the Grenadian people Noting that they are North East in the House
we now have some- yet to formally become of Representatives.
thing going in the in- members of the NDC, The next general
terest of the Grenadian Clement maintains that election is constitu-
people,” said Acting the coming together as tionally due in 2023.
Political Leader of the opposition groups is Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, Acting Political Leader of the NDC,
NDC, Adrian Thomas. the best choice rather Hon Tobias Clement Adrian Thomas
Last month Thomas than the formation of

publicly stated that the a new political party. “the idea of a unified lem in engaging, in fact
NDC and Hon Clem- Two of the three opposition movement we had an executive
ent had been having Opposition senators has merit. We have to meeting last night and
discussion; on Wednes-
day they held a joint
who were present at
the media conference
be prepared to take ex-
traordinary measures to
the entire executive
endorsed what we are Commissioner of
Prisons laid to rest
media conference to are in support of the reverse the destructive doing…there isn’t any
officially inform the merger, with Tessa St path that our country dissent even from the
public of their intention. Cyr saying “I applaud has been on and to end over 20,000 member-

Mr Thomas shared this move and I support this crisis of gover- ship; they are some of
that over the past it fully,” adding that nance and irresponsible the people crying for he late Wes-
ley Beggs was
months, the NDC, Mr unity is always good. leadership that has been some form of unity, in-
laid to rest on
Clement and his sena- Opposition Senator forced on us a people.” tegration, collaboration
Wednesday August 11,
tors “were engaged in Matthew Joseph com- She added, “As an and working together following a funeral at
serious dialogue. We mented, “I am very independent Senator to build this country.” the Cathedral of the
held about three to four happy with where we on the opposition side Mr Thomas add- Immaculate Concep-
meetings officially, and are and I want to as- of the Upper House, ed that the people are tion in Saint George’s.
before that we had ex- sume that the major- I'm pleased to be part calling for change and Beggs passed away
change on an individ- ity of the country is of any discussions on the NDC is prepared on June 11, 2021 in the
ual basis, all geared likewise very happy.” how we can tackle answer that call. “We US after ailing for some
at laying the founda- He added, “It’s a mo- the country’s growing have engaged in seri- time. A source close to
tion for some form of mentous morning for all youth unemployment, ous dialogue with some him told this newspa-
unity going forward.” of us…all are listening rebuilding our produc- political organizations, per that the 57-year-old
The Acting Politi- and welcoming us into tive sectors and pro- groups, individuals man, was in the US to
cal Leader said both the fold of the NDC. tecting our democracy.” who are interested in attend the funeral of his
teams have shared The time is right and NDC’s acting polit- lending a hand,” he sister when he fell ill.
similar ideas, vision, ripe for all of us of like ical leader noted that said adding that these Wesley Beggs joined
the staff of Her Majes- Former Commissioner of Prisons,
mission and plans/ mind to come together the pending merger is groupings and individ-
ty’s Prison on July 10, Wesley Beggs
programmes for the to rescue this country.” to develop Grenada uals “recognize that the 1985 and held several
Grenadian people. Opposition Sena- and provide a unit- NDC has a very im- positions over the en- Although he was Social Development, in
Leader of Her Majes- tor Rolanda McQueen, ed alternative for the portant role to play” in suing years, including appointed to the posi- the Probation Service
ty’s Opposition, Tobias who was not present at electorate. He said this providing that change. Medic Officer, As- tion of Commissioner Department, where he
Clement, said the pur- the media conference, move is supported by Added to that, the act- sistant Chief Officer of Prisons in 2007, in was still assigned up
pose of the virtual me- later expressed to The the NDC base stating ing political leader said and Assistant Com- 2011, he was trans- to the time of his death.
dia conference was to Grenadian Voice that that “there is no prob- the NDC is “on a seri- missioner of Prisons. ferred to the Ministry of
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 3

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Local News
Page 4 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Everyone’s house on
fire, take note
hile some parts of bigger countries are literally going up in flames
at this time, here in the Caribbean the political temperature cannot
be ignored.
The protest actions that were exhibited over the last couple of days in
different islands by members of the public are cause for concern. The
demonstrations in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda,
Barbados and here at home seem to be over a number of issues including the
COVID-19 vaccine being made mandatory. These protests, they claim, are
an exercise of freedom and rights which no rule nor law in the books can
take away.
Saint Vincent saw the most serious part as the Prime Minister was wound-
ed in his head when he made the bad choice to walk through an angry crowd
of protestors outside the Parliament building. In hindsight he has accepted
the fact that he could have been killed. A woman in her fifties is now facing
charges for the action. But she is pleading innocent. This happened while the
Government was discussing making vaccine mandatory, which the public
strongly opposes.
In Antigua and Barbuda the call out came from a group called Freedom
Fighters to protest about several issues including no to jab IDs, mandatory
jabs, state of emergency, curfew and masks. The protestors feel that if vac-
cination becomes mandatory, their freedom will be taken away from them.
They are also concerned about children being vaccinated from the age of
12. They came out in their numbers only to face guns and tear gas from the
In Barbados, opposition is rising against the COVID-19 jab as several
social groups joined forces to protest against Government’s proposal to man-
date the vaccine. The coalition has labelled itself as “Barbados Concerned
Citizens against Mandated and Coerced Vaccination”. It is insisting that
members of the public should have a say on whether the COVID-19 vaccine
should be made mandatory. 
The fear and anxiety seem to be based on the belief that governments are
not coming clean on the negative effects of the vaccine and are going to
mandate something that is experimental which some people see as illegal.
This has created some mistrust in the governments of the day which seems
to suit social activists and opposition factions. Information on social media
regarding deaths that allegedly stemmed from the new coronavirus seems to
be adding fuel to the existing flame; but social media is powerful and seem
to be here to stay which may be a rude awakening to some who continue to
ignore its strength.
Here in Grenada workers at St George’s University and Sandals Resorts
who refuse to be forced into taking the vaccine are not allowed on their
jobs, which in some cases is affecting their salaries. But they are not daunt-
ed in their stand on the situation as they continue their anti- forced vaccine
campaign against what they see as illegal and coercive tactics to encourage,
incentivize and compel COVID vaccination. We noted with interest as a
speaker pointed out on GBN’s To The Point programme Tuesday that the
country is now divided into the unvaccinated and the vaccinated with the
vaccinated having more rights.
So it was no surprise when the Jab Jabs who were called out through social
media, took to the streets on the officially cancelled Carnival days with the
jab (vaccine) as one of their peeves. One just had to pay attention to their
lyrics while on the road and it was easy to decipher their many gripes and
complaints. Most of them were unvaccinated.
The measure of frustration that drove people to throw caution to the wind
as the countries face a pandemic which lately saw numbers being added to
the infected, must not be ignored. The Jab Jabs came out in their numbers,
ignoring all protocols even while there is the need to take every precaution in
the interest of our nation. It was of great concern to see even young children
in the crowds. The question is ‘How did we get here? The government has
the responsibility to find a balance and stop ignoring the growing number of
disgruntled young people. Maybe the governments were all taken by surprise
with the advent of the new coronavirus and now the refusal of many to take
the vaccine. But, they are the ones to grab hold of a situation that in some
islands is already out of hand.
Some people have deemed the Jab Jab protest actions as politically
motivated since many placards had slogans directed at the Prime Minister
and other politicians. While we cannot say that we have any sound proof to
support that; the fact is Grenada has only three hospitals which may not be
adequately fitted with Oxygen and other necessities and most of us would
like to live to be part of the next general elections to exercise our rights when
that time comes.
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 5

The Grenadian Voice Local News

No to animal cruelty by Jab Jab
According to petmed. officer said this should washing an animal
com “Putting petro- begin at the primary and with blue soap for itchy
leum products like secondary school lev- skin; both of which
gasoline or kerosene els and acknowledged contain harmful chem-
on a dog’s skin, or near that both the Ministry icals. The education
its mouth, will poison of Agriculture and the process about animal
it.” Such exposure can Grenada Society for the welfare must start at
cause petroleum hy- Prevention of Cruelty an early age, as young
drocarbon toxicosis. A to Animals (GSPCA) children may see their
small quantity of motor must do more to edu- older siblings or their
oil getting into a dog’s cate everyone about an- parents treating ani-
digestive system can imal welfare. President mals in a certain way.
cause vomiting and of the GSPCA Luana “It’s not a cycle. It all
pain. The toxicity can Levy concurred with boils down to educa-
happen if the oil is swal- Dr Cummings, noting tion. We need to train
lowed, is on the skin that the education must more volunteers to go
and fur or the fumes are be a joint effort among out into the schools
breathed into the lungs. the RGPF, the Min- and teach children
Dog chained to Jab Jab This particular Jab istries of Agriculture about responsible an-

dragged and carried his and Education, GSP- imal ownership,” she
eople watched, carrying it like a sack. ill-treatment and tor- chain, covered in what
dog through hours of CA, the local vet com- said, adding that when
police observed, “I was most upset ture. However, he said, looked to be the old oil
noise. He did not ap- munity and the Saint the GSPCA makes
cameras rolled when I saw that vid- traditionally there has that Jab Jab use to cov-
pear to care that his dog, George’s University. community outreach
yet no one stood up, so eo, Dr Kimond Cum- been a “lack of will” er their bodies. When
while shaken and con- She noted that there visits it is often the chil-
far, for a dog that was mings, Chief Veter- by the Royal Grenada the suffering animal
fused, was disturbed by are practices passed dren, rather than the
dragged, shaken and inary Officer in the Police Force (RGPF) was not being dragged
the drums and shouts of down through gener- adults, that bring the
abused by a Jab Jab Ministry of Agricul- to act on reports of along, it was picked up,
hundreds. A dog’s sense ations, such as using animals for vaccina-
who saw it fit to take ture, told The Grena- animal cruelty. He cit- doused with more black
of hearing is about four old oil to kill fleas or tions and other services.
the animal to the streets. dian Voice on Tuesday. ed an incident earlier substance and shaken
times that of humans so
The dog was in ob-
vious misery. The
chaos of the event saw
This incident, which this year where a man
was filmed on the ille- was seen repeatedly
gal Carnival Monday throwing a puppy into
to its core as its owner
moved along, jump-
ing with the hundreds
consider the impact on
that distressed animal.
COVID-19 positive
the dog staggering and
shaking its head. It was
and was shown in the the sea at Grand Anse
evening news, has not beach, but law enforce-
of Jab Jabs. Dr Cum-
mings said under no
This action may be
blamed on the con-
sumption of alcohol,
Trinidadian gets
four charges for
limp when the Jab Jab resulted in any charges ment did not respond. circumstances should
which could have im-
picked it up and threw under the Animals On Monday, the dog motor oil be applied to
paired the judgement of
it across his shoul- Prevention of Cruel- was in the midst of the a dog or any animal for
illegal entry and
the man. However, Dr
ders and held it in a ty Act. Dr Cummings confrontation between any reason, noting too
Cummings said more
most uncomfortable said the actions of the police and the revellers that given the extreme
widespread education

breach of
position with its legs man in the video fall at Paradise Bridge tied heat on Monday the
about animal care and
flailing; or propped within the descriptions to its owner’s ankle dog was likely suffer-
animal welfare is need-
the animal on his back, in the act, including with a short length of ing from dehydration.

ed. The chief veterinary

This week in Grenada’s history

47-year-old on Wednesday (Au-
Trinidadian is gust 11) and fined
Note from the editor -This column ister of Finance. He said the decision crime committed by Gairy; Statement of expected to EC$7,500 on the first
is made up in part by oral stories was based on the increase in demand witnesses; Statement of Law punishment, be soon deported to charge, EC$500 on
since a lot of records were destroyed by oil companies so the amount of gas limitation and effect when crime commit- his homeland, fol- the second charge
by recent hurricanes. Any corrections used by those vehicles had to be re- ted. (However, Gairy was not extradited.)
lowing his arrest and and reprimanded and
and additions are welcome. Please duced. Cabinet also placed a ban on the
sale of gas on Sundays. Most of the gas August 08, 1996 charge for illegal en- discharged on the
send to
stations started rationing the sale of gas. Sir Daniel Williams took office as try into Grenada and remaining charges.
August 03, 1976 Governor General of Grenada as Sir Reg- breach of the COV- Abraham, who was
Grenada’s Director of Public Prose- August 08, 1930 inald Palmer’s term ended on this day. ID-19 regulations. tested positive for
cution, Desmond Christian, was deport- Theophilus ‘Papitette’ Redhead was Dale Abraham, COVID-19, was or-
ed following the prosecution of Eugene born in River Road, Saint George’s. August 10, 1850 who arrived in Gre- dered to be removed
Zeek, a fugitive of justice. Zeek was Growing up in proximity to Queen’s That year was marked by a distur- nada on August 05, from the State by the
known as Clancy, after which his night- Park, he enjoyed playing cricket and bance in the jail (gaol) on August 10
2021 via a yacht, was presiding Magistrate.
club in Belmont was named. That night football. Over time ‘Papitette’ became and by the creation of ports of en-
a big name in the calypso art-form and try in Grenville and Hillsborough. charged for Failing The fines were
club, which was also called Across the
Bridge, was quite popular in its day. in 1960 and 1964 he was crowned to Submit to a Gov- ordered to be paid
Clancy left Grenada on July 26, 1979. calypso King of Grenada. He also August 10, 1979 ernment Approved forthwith and the
won the Road March title three times. Remand ended for members of the Quarantine Facility, process to enforce
August 05, 1979 Mongoose Gang who were charged with Entering the State his deportation
The Mighty Defender (now deceased) August 08, 1979 attempted murder, including Willie Bish- Without the Consent has commenced.
represented Grenada at the Caribbe- Attorney General, Lloyd Noel left Gre- op, Moslyn Bishop, Dudley Passee, Al- of an Immigration Meanwhile, ac-
an Calypso King competition in Anti- nada for the United States to present a letter bert Clarke, Phillip Brizan, Gordon Noel,
Officer, Failure to cording to Sergeant
gua. He sang Run-away church girl and signed by Acting Prime Minister Bernard Augustine Frederick and Alston Hood.
Coard to the US Secretary of State for the Present his Crew Andy John of the
Kind Words Bring back Kind Echoes.
extradition of deposed Prime Minister Sir August 13, 1924 List in Duplicate to Immigration Depart-
August 05, 1979 Eric Matthew Gairy. The letter stated that A hostel for nurses was formally an Immigration Of- ment, 30 illegal im-
Torchlight newspaper reported that the PRG is prepared to pay all expenses opened by the Governor in proximity to ficer and Failure to migrants have been
the People’s Revolutionary Govern- of the extradition. The application was the Colony hospital in Saint George’s. Present himself to an intercepted so far this
ment slapped a ban on the importation made for the purpose of bringing about Immigration Officer. year. This is twice the
of cars with a rating of over 1600 CCs. a trial and punishment of Sir Eric. Oth- Credit to The Grenadian Voice He was brought number of illegal im-
The announcement was made on Radio er documents along with the application Newspaper
were: Warrant to arrest Gairy; Informa-
to the St George’s migrants intercepted
Free Grenada by Acting Prime Minis-
ter Bernard Coard who was also Min- tion supporting the warrant; Statement of Magistrate Court in Grenada last year.
Page 6 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Forging greater ties with the diaspora
s Grenada seeks Minister with re- He noted that the the first in the Ca- is pleased to have part-
to strengthen sponsibility for Dias- policy indicated that ribbean to be ap- nered with Grenada
its relationship pora Affairs, Foreign investment is need- proved by its Cabinet. over the past two years
with the Grenadian Affairs, International ed from those mon- He said the Policy and six months in de-
Diaspora, recently it Business and CAR- ies, saying “most of objectives include di- veloping the Policy.
launched the Grenada ICOM Affairs, Hon these monies goes aspora engagement, She noted that it is
National Diaspora Oliver Joseph, noted into consumption but diaspora investment good that governments
Engagement Policy that the Office of Dias- as we move forward and trade, increase are recognizing the
and opened an Office pora Affairs under the we need to get our di- in remittances, di- value of the diaspora
of Diaspora Affairs. Ministry of Foreign aspora involved in in- aspora philanthropy towards development
“The policy high- Affairs “will coordi- vestment in Grenada.” and social develop- efforts, stating that
lights the huge potential nate the work of the Additionally, Hon ment, human capital “migration promotes
that exists for Grenada diaspora.” The Office Joseph said the policy transfer governance economic growth and
and our global com- located at the Grena- promises “greater en- and administration. social enrichment Minister with responsibility for Diaspora
munity, if we can con- da National Museum gagement and involve- James further stated of countries of ori- Affairs, Foreign Affairs, International Business
tinue to work together in St George’s is ex- ment of the diaspora in that the Office and Pol- gin and destination.” and CARICOM Affairs, Hon Oliver Joseph
effectively,” shared pected to be fully op- the economic, social icy “will continue to She said having pol-
Permanent Secretary erational from the first and cultural devel- create favourable con- icies can strengthen
in the Ministry of Di- week of September. opment of Grenada.” ditions for Grenadians diaspora organizations
aspora Affairs, Roxie Meanwhile, the team Head of the Diaspora in the Diaspora for their and mobilize resourc-
McLeish Hutchinson. is operating from Min- Office in Grenada and safe return to home- es for the benefit of
She expressed hope istry Foreign Affairs at former Consul Gener- land. It will increase origin and destination
that the launch will Ministerial Complex. al in Toronto, Canada, human resource poten- countries and provide
remind immigrants Speaking to one Derrick James, said tial available through greater opportunities
abroad “of the im- way the Diaspora con- work on the Policy skills transfer. It will to collect remittances.
portance government tributes to the local started in 2009 under ensure that transparen- Ms Yaw added that
attaches to ensuring economy, the Minis- the auspices of former cy and accountability Grenada’s policy will
that the connections ter reported that ac- foreign affairs min- measures are put in strengthen govern-
that ties them to Gre- cording to data from ister Peter David. He place to track pledges ment’s relationship
nada are nurtured, the Grenada Authori- said from then two committed and careful- with the diaspora and
strengthened and in- ty for the Regulation conferences were held ly and accurately report strengthen initiatives
tensified,” adding of Financial Institu- for engagement in the back to the diaspora.” for Grenada’s devel-
that “Our global fam- tions (GARFIN), in diaspora and Dr Spen- National Project opment, as well as its Head of the Diaspora Office in Grenada,
ily may be dispersed 2017, Grenada cer Thomas was asked Coordinator for the ability to respond better Derrick James
but remains firmly collected US$52.2 to put policy together, Caribbean of the Inter- to the diaspora needs. h t t p s : / / w w w . g r e - place last Friday (Au-
committed to the in- million in remittanc- along with a consultant. national Organization The Policy is gust 06) at the Grena-
terest of this country’s es; US$55.4 in 2018 According to James, for Migration (IOM), available online at The launch took da National Museum.

Statement by Chairman of the

long-term prosperity.” and US$56.3 in 2019. Grenada’s policy is Eraina Yaw, said IOM

OECS Authority, Prime

Minister Dr the Right
RSCCU GRENADA Honourable Keith Mitchell
n behalf of the heard, but to do so and the location where
Organisation of peacefully and in ac- all political differences
Eastern Carib- cordance with the law. are to be freely debated,
NOTICE OF bean States (OECS),
I wish to express our
The OECS Au-
thority unequivocally
discussed and resolved.
We extend our
deep dismay with condemns the use of prayers to Prime Minis-
47TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING the incident which
occurred outside of
violence of any kind
and any expressions
ter Gonsalves and wish
him a speedy recov-
the House of Assem- of protest, such as the ery from the injuries
All members of the River Sallee Co-operative Credit Union Limited
bly of Saint Vincent burning of police bar- sustained, and we call
are advised of its 47th Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled and the Grenadines riers in the street, as on all Vincentians to
to be held on Thursday, August 26th, 2021, at The River Sallee on Thursday, August was witnessed in Saint opt for rational debate
Government School, commencing at 4:00 pm. 05, 2021, resulting in Vincent on Thursday.  over animosity and ex-
injury to Prime Min- Further, the OECS treme behaviour. This
Due to the Covid-19 Protocols, kindly indicate whether or not you ister, the Honourable Authority calls on the is a line, which once
will be in attendance by contacting the following numbers: Dr Ralph Gonsalves. opposition forces to crossed, it may be-
What we witnessed unambiguously dis- come difficult to return.
1-473-442-9870 or 1-473-442-2732. was heartbreaking associate themselves Given the demon-
and not representa- from such anarchistic strated resilience of
tive of our true nature acts and to encourage the Vincentian Govern-
You can also respond using our email address: as Caribbean people, supporters to keep ment and people, hav-
for this is not how we their protest within ing experienced a se- settle differences, po- the ambits of the law. ries of crises, from the
litical and otherwise. It is even more dis- COVID-19 pandemic
Within the OECS, turbing that the injury to the volcanic erup-
we strongly uphold to the Vincentian Prime tion, we are confident
the tenets of democ- Minister occurred out- that Saint Vincent can
racy and the right of side of the House of rise to the higher chal-
From: The Management of River Sallee Co-operative citizens to protest and Assembly, the seat of lenge of national unity.
Credit Union. to have their voices Vincentian democracy
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 7

The Grenadian Voice Business Page

Local News
Minister Joseph: “We are in a deficit position now”
s government Minister Joseph con- have increased during further deficit unless ment for retroactive public officers and or 2.9% of GDP, was
faces a “deficit firmed more building the past six months, we have increased per- salaries from January reap the 3% interest. significantly smaller
situation” for materials have been which translates into formance on the rev- to July will be issued Minister Joseph than the previous five
the first time in five imported, thereby in- higher costs for im- enue collection side.” via government bonds. pointed out that price years, which averaged
years, Cabinet has re- creasing government porters and consum- In the interest “of a Minister Joseph ex- increases in consum- 5.3% of GDP. Gov-
quested the Ministry revenues. However, ers, and more reve- return to industrial pects agreements be- er goods, transpor- ernment anticipated
of Finance examine he noted that despite nue for government. peace and quiet,” the tween the unions and tation costs and fuel a further disruption
ways to ease con- increased revenues The fiscal situation government decided one or more financial rates are “a world- in economic activity,
sumer price increases. during the first six is exacerbated by the to honour the contracts institution to facili- wide phenomenon.” predicting “a spike
“Given the urgency months of 2021, “I additional $1.2 million signed with unions tate the payment to be Government does in our debt-to-GDP
of the situation,” Min- can tell you expendi- monthly increase “to prior to COVID-19 completed this week. not want to increase ratio by approximate-
ister of Foreign Affairs, ture is above revenue.” the current wage bill” that provided an- “While they are all the debt to GDP ly 13%, to an esti-
International Business “That is not a good to be paid to public nual 4% increases. public sector unions, (Gross Domestic Prod- mated 69% of GDP.”
and CARICOM Af- situation because it officers commencing While public officers negotiation is done in- uct) ratio, he added. As The public debt to
fairs Hon Oliver Jo- means you are in a this month. This pay- will start receiving dividually,” he noted, reported in the 2021 GDP ratio reached
seph said any measures deficit,” he warned, ment represents the their 2021 4% salary with the financial insti- Budget Speech, the a high of 108% in
to “cushion the effect” speaking at the post 4% salary increase increase this month, tution agreeing to buy estimated primary sur- 2013, dropping to
of rising prices means Cabinet press brief- that “will put us in a the outstanding pay- the one-year bond from plus of $82.2 million, under 60% in 2019.
government will have ing on Tuesday.
to forego revenue. Border taxes are
With 51% of govern- based on cost, in-
ment revenue derived surance and freight
from “border taxes,” (CIF), all of which

common ground
ith an eye on
of local chicken, find-
ing common ground
among producers, im-
porters and distributors
“so that all can benefit”
is the latest assignment
for Senator Roderick
St Clair, who repre-
sents farmers and fish-
ers in the Upper House.
“Yes, I am the coor-
dinator of the process,”
Senator St Clair con-
firmed to The Grena- Breo told this news-
dian Voice on Wednes- paper that the meeting
day, when asked about presented an opportuni-
his emerging role from ty for representatives to
a meeting of represen- “bring their issues to the
tatives from the retail table” and confirmed
and wholesale sectors, that the committee
including importers headed by Senator St
and distributors, the Clair has until the end
Grenada Association of the month to present
of Poultry Producers some “strategy tactics”
and the larger farms. to address those issues.
The meeting on Aug While acknowledg-
05 was convened by ing that global forc-
the Ministry of Trade es are impacting all
Industry and Consum- stakeholders in the
er Affairs to “look at poultry sector, caus-
the value chain and the ing production cost
position of stakehold- increases for farmers,
ers in the chain so gov- freight rate increases
ernment knows how to for importers and fuel
intervene; and to con- rate increases for dis-
sider how those within tributors, St Clair said
the chain itself need to there are issues specific
collaborate so every- to Grenada that should
one ends up with a bet- be addressed. These in-
ter industry,” accord- clude labour availabil-
ing to Senator St Clair. ity, quality standards
Minister Alvin Da and electricity rates.
Page 8 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Grenada’s oldest political party at loggerheads for a leader
ne time elected
leader of the
Grenada United
Labour Party (GULP)
Gloria Payne-Banfield
has agreed that a leader
should only be named
after a convention.
This was revealed
after what seems to
be a disagreement
in the making over
who should lead
GULP into the next
general elections. Gloria Payne-Banfield Geoffrey Preudhomme Michael Baptiste
In recent times Geof-
frey Preudhomme, who and claimed he is the campaign to get new of Her Majesty’s Op- that the young Preud- However, disagreement the young Preudhom-
resides in the United new leader of the par- members. GULP mem- position Michael Bap- homme is the leader. among the members me to claim that he is
States, came forward ty as he launched a ber and former Leader tiste is not in support Geoffrey is the son of in many areas caused now the leader of the
Herbert Preudhomme that attempt to flop. GULP. Baptiste said
who served in govern- Payne-Banfield told he invited Geoffrey to
ment as Deputy Prime this newspaper that she join in the rebuilding
Minister before the is no longer a member process. “All of a sud-
Revolution. His father having resigned from den he pops up and
passed away January the post and later being names himself as the
02, 2020 at the age of 90. expelled for “not tow- leader of the GULP.”
After the death in ing the line.” But she is Baptiste was elect-
1997 of Sir Eric Gairy quite familiar with the ed to lead the party for
who was the leader of rules which state that the 2013 general elec-
the GULP since its in- members of the exec- tions when a group of
ception, the party went utive must be elected senior members met
dormant for a while; at a party’s convention. after the date for gen-
attempts at revitaliz- The concern was eral elections was an-
ing it were made with raised in local news by nounced at short notice.
Herbert Preudhomme Michael Baptiste who Collin Francis was
playing a leading role. said that it’s wrong for the last elected leader.

Highly contagious COVID-

19 variant now in Grenada
he Delta vari- and the third is expect- is human behaviour.
ant of the COV- ed to be cleared soon. Is the population in-
ID-19 virus, According to the clined to adhere to the
which is considered Ministry, no secondary protocols, wearing
to be more contagious infections connected to face masks, avoiding
and deadlier, has been these three cases have crowded settings and
detected in Grenada. been identified to date. sanitizing regularly?
Acting Chief Medi- Dr Charles stated: Another key consider-
cal Officer (CMO), Dr “It is the Delta variant ation is the attitude to
Shawn Charles, in- that decimated India vaccination, are peo-
formed the public that earlier this year, with ple utilising the option
on Thursday morning thousands succumbing to protect themselves
the Ministry of Health to its deadly attack. We against this deadly
received confirmation know for a fact that disease? At the end of
from the Caribbean this variant is far more the day, we can pro-
Public Health Agen- contagious and deadly. vide advice as health
cy (CARPHA) of Therefore, armed with professionals but it
samples taken from this knowledge, the is really the level of
positive COVID-19 population ought to be compliance and vac-
cases in recent weeks. keen to get vaccinated cine uptake that will
The samples were to protect themselves determine our contin-
collected on July 26 and their loved ones. ued success in the fight
from arriving passen- Having not experi- against COVID-19.”
gers from the United enced any serious out- Prior to Thursday’s
States. They included break of COVID-19 confirmation of the
a 48-year-old male re- here, if the Delta strain three Delta cases,
turning national and enters the popula- Grenada had record-
two non-nationals, a tion, the impact can ed three cases of the
33-year-old female be quite concerning.” Alpha variant, which
and a 34-year-old He added that was predominant in
male. Only one of the compliance with the the United Kingdom.
three was vaccinated. COVID-19 protocols To date, 182 cases of
Acting CMO Charles is a critical factor in the COVID-19 have been
disclosed that two of fight against the spread recorded in Grenada,
the cases have already of the virus. “What and at present, there
been medically cleared matters in large part are 10 active cases.
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 9

The Grenadian Voice LocalLetters

Imminent Servitude —the Black Man’s Burden
n order to expand sessions of the Indies independence”; as most The recent announce- “Transformation Fund” The opinions, views, statements, etc.
and to provide sub- for Spain and Portugal young Grenadians are ment by the prime min- is disclosed as public expressed in this column are not those
stance to the cap- and latter for England, apparently unaware of ister that the 8 months information, and partly of this newspaper, but solely of the
tion above, one must France and Holland. the inferiority complex outstanding increment utilised for meeting the individual authors.
perforce examine and In Grenada, after effect on the Grenadi- would be paid in bonds teachers et al, entitle-
analyse the records 1974 the new (local) an psychic, left from — which would mature ment by a caring gov-
from the beginning of black politicians who slavery and colonial- in another year, instead ernment. The Kawana
our post-independence took over from the ism especially on the of cash — is like rub- Bay development fias- Grenada is supposed This “by product” of
education system from British began tinkering ruling class, described bing salt in the wound co — under the portfo- to be a Christian so- colonialism is rampant
1974 up to today in with the functioning by Fanon as “BLACK provoking continued lio of Dr. Mitchell is a ciety, and most, if not in post-independence
2021. In this discourse administrative struc- SKIN WHITE MASK”. confrontation and civil glaring example of the all politicians go to Grenada, where the
the record referred to ture, and education That said, the recent unrest. What is even incompetence of the Church on Sundays — black rulers have whit-
is not the formal writ- was not omitted. The Caribbean Examina- more despicable how- management structure not to worship but as tled away our sover-
ten and public accounts influence of the USA tion Council has made ever, is that politicians which sells Grenadian a political gesture to eignty by giving away
in the archives or at began to take effect in an effort to reintro- who are elected to rep- passports to foreigners identify with the mass- our patrimony in secret
the Ministry of Educa- the granting and accep- duce Caribbean histo- resent the people’s in- ( see my July article es. This brings to mind deals to would be de-
tion, but it is based — tance of scholarships ry via Social Studies terest have been look- titled “Another Avoid- the biblical story of velopers, and are more
rather on a close and for higher education subject, which might ing after themselves, by able Tragedy” and the high priests in the repressive than our
personal observation of and the local struc- not fill the vacuum. ensuring that they re- the resultant fallout. synagogue who tried former white masters.
the post-independence ture began to change This effect has man- ceive their gratuity and (Echoes of institutional to embarrass Jesus by This state of affairs if
education evolution from the British to the ifested itself in vari- pension after two con- corruption). Just look asking him a sensitive not broken, would for-
in Grenada and how American system in ous negative expres- secutive 4 year terms in also at the ghetto which question— that is, if he ever be the black man’s
like the pandemic, has the administrative, cur- sions, the most recent office, while teachers, TRUE BLUE, Saint would perform his mir- burden back to slavery.
transformed our way riculum and language of which, is seen in a public officers and oth- George has become, in acles on the Sabbath This is why the call
of life, even as we cel- (spelling) content, rath- caring NNP govern- er government employ- an attempt to satisfy (the Jewish holy day). is urgent, that WE THE
ebrate this period of er than with the evo- ment that engages in ees have to work con- the greed of local and And Jesus confounded PEOPLE and more
emancipation with the lution of a Caribbean subterfuge and legal tinuously for 25, 30, 35 foreign capital at the them in his reply — especially the youth
urgent call from we the education perspective gymnastics to deprive even 40 years, and are expense of orderly and “The Sabbath was made — must come to the
people for REPARA- (Echoes of the 1962 teachers, public officers retired in the evening sustainable develop- for man and not man rescue of our country,
TION. Prior to 1974, aborted West Indies and other government of their lives — pen- ment — an existential for the Sabbath.” In by initiating the PASS-
during the 1940, 1950 Federation). In this re- employees of their pen- niless and virtual pau- necessity in the 21st Grenada, the laws are ING PARADE, in or-
and 1960’s the history gard West Indian histo- sion and gratuity which pers in pure Grenada. century, in order to mi- apparently made — not der to usher in a new
taught in both primary ry which was indirectly are their entitlements This scenario nimise flooding, coastal for the empowerment dispensation which
and secondary schools taught via British histo- as provided in the Gre- could’ve been averted erosion and to preserve and enhancement of the empowers our people
was BRITISH HISTO- ry, was now no longer a nada Constitution; and if the CBI legislation the fragile ecosystem(s) people for a better stan- in an equitable, pros-
RY — about Hawkins, subject which explored has led to the matter which is designed to of the area in an effort dard of living, but for perous and just society
Drakes and Christopher the origin of slavery, having to be decided benefit foreign develop- to promote climate re- the benefit of the pol- (Paradise Regained).
Columbus, who colonialism, crown in a court of law, while ers and not Grenadians, silience, as nature does iticians and especially Norris Mitchell
scoured the Caribbean colony, statehood and public demonstrations which contain a secret not excuse the igno- their CBI foreign asso-
sea in the quest for pos- eventually “political for justice Intensifies. CASH COW called the rant nor the arrogant. ciates and benefactors.

Government Finances and the Economy - Part 3

he monitoring fiscal performance. The of $60.9M; and [iii] projected. Howev- penditure related taxes, al expenditure of as Government spent
of the National monthly reports do not an overall surplus, af- er, the higher revenue that is, taxes on goods $317.2M in the first six $77.6M for the first six
Budget and re- include a ‘year-to-date’ ter ‘grants’, of $35.8M. yield was more pro- and services and in- months of 2021 was months in 2021 com-
porting on its outcomes position. Therefore, to The current account nounced in the second ternational trade and $5.7M less than the ex- pared to $98.3M for the
are important compo- assess the state of the surplus of $34.9M re- quarter when $18.5M transactions were sub- penditure of $322.9M same period in 2020.
nents of the budgetary government finances alized for the first six or 11.8 per cent more stantially higher than incurred in the first The rollout of the stimu-
process. A review of the over a period, the data months of   2021 was in revenue was col- collected in the second half of 2020. The low- lus package would have
Governments’ finances in each of the individu- above the $23.6M lected than projected. quarter of 2020. This er current expenditure contributed to the peak
for the first six months ally published monthly that the Government In comparison, was combined with in 2021 was primarily Continues on
of 2021, showed that fiscal report must be planned to achieve for the revenue yield of higher non-tax reve- due to the reduction in
Page 10
the fiscal performance aggregated. This prac- that period. This was $352.1M for the first nue, generally associ- transfers and subsidies
was mixed. The out- tice should be rectified due to higher reve- six months of 2021 was ated with fees and fines. 
turn on the current or
operational account
was stronger than pro-
as it compromises fis-
cal transparency. To
reiterate, it inhibits per-
nue yield when com-
pared with the amount
the Government
$3.1M higher than the
first half of 2020. This
was influenced, in part,
This revenue outturn
during the second quar-
ter boosted the total
Letters Policy
jected; while capital sons who do not have projected to collect. by the extremes of revenue intake for the This newspaper practices the policy of other responsible
expenditure was less the time, energy, and Current or operation- economic conditions first six months of 2021.
than planned. This as- technical knowledge to al revenue of $352.1M brought about by the While current reve- newspapers in the region with respect to letters.
sessment was based consolidate the month- was 7 per cent or $23M Covid-19 pandemic. In nue performed better
on the monthly Fis- ly reports from assess- more than the $329.1M the second quarter of than projected, current We do not accept for publication any letter which does not
cal Summary Reports ing the state of the Government projected 2020, the global econ- expenditure outpaced include the legible signature of the writer, his/her address and
for January to June government finances. to collect in the first omy, including Gre- the amount the Govern-
2021 as published on The following is an six months of 2021. nada, was in virtual ment allocated for the a telephone contact number. We feel we must do this even if it
the Ministry of Fi- analysis of the fiscal The details on the cat- lockdown and domes- period. Current or op- reduces the number of letters we publish. Anonymity will be
nance website www. performance for the egories of revenue tic economic activity erational expenditure guaranteed. Pseudonyms will be accepted or provided if first six months of 2021 that contributed to the would have contracted. was $317.2M for the
Government Financ- based on an aggrega- higher than projected In contrast, with the first six months of 2021. requested.
es and the Economy tion of the monthly Fis- revenue yield was not partial lifting of inter- This was higher than
– Part 2, outlined the cal Summary Reports provided in the report. national and domestic the Government’s pro- We would also prefer not to have letters sent to any other
challenges of using the for January to June. It is therefore impos- restrictions, economic jected expenditure of newspaper.
monthly Fiscal Summa- The aggregated month- sible to pronounce on activity was higher in $305.5M for that period.
ry Reports to assess the ly data for the first six which category of tax- the second quarter of The deviation was due
current state of the pub- months of 2021 showed es contributed to the 2021 compared with to higher than planned Further, we request that letters supplied to us for publication in
lic finances. There is a that the Government higher than projected the second quarter of expenditure on em- this newspaper should be sent preferably via email:
fundamental deviation recorded [i] a current revenue yield. Reve- 2020. Consequently, in ployee’s compensation
in these fiscal reports account surplus of nue in both the first and the second quarter of and goods and services.
from the standard prac- $34.9M; [ii] a primary the second quarters of 2021, current revenue Comparatively, the
tice for reporting on surplus, after ‘grants’, 2021 was higher than particularly from ex- current or operation- Editor
Page 10 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local Letter

Government Finances and
the Economy - Part 3
Continues from 2021 will need to be
Page 09 re-examined and pri-
in transfers and subsi- oritized as it is obvi-
dies in 2020. Thereaf- ous that the budgeted
ter, expenditure in that capital expenditure
category would have of $305M would not
normalised. With these be achieved in 2021.
developments, the Combining the cur-
Government record- rent and capital opera-
ed the current account tions, the Government
surplus of $34.9M at recorded a primary
the end of June 2021 surplus as derived by
which was higher than excluding interest pay-
the surplus of $26.1M ments from the overall
at the end of June 2020. balance. The primary
Government invest- surplus before ‘grants’
ment during the first was $8.4M. With the
six months, as reported inclusion of ‘grants’,
on the capital account, the primary surplus af-
was less than planned. ter ‘grants’ was $60.9M.
Capital expenditure There was an overall
of $51.4M, was sig- deficit, before ‘grants’
nificantly less than the of $16.7M and after
planned capital spend- ‘grants’ a surplus of
ing of $124.9M. Cor- $35.8M for the first six
respondingly, lower months of 2021. These
‘grants’ of $52.5M was balances were stronger
recorded compared than the primary sur-
with the planned utili- plus, after ‘grants’ of
zation of $109.7M in $36.1M and overall sur-
‘grants.’ However, cap- plus, after ‘grants’ of
ital spending during the $8.4M that the Gov-
first six months of 2021 ernment planned to
was $19.1M more than achieve in the first
the first half of 2020. six months of 2021.
Implementation of the However, these were
capital budget is lag- slightly higher than the
ging. At the end of the fiscal balances in 2020.
first six months, capital The following table
expenditure was 17 per is a summary of the
cent of the budgeted Government’s finances
amount. The lagging at the end of June 2021
projects have not been as derived from the
identified in the Fis- monthly Fiscal Reports.
cal Summary Reports. Central Govern-
The capital budget for ment Finances EC$M

Government Finances Targeted Actual Actual

2021 2021 2020
Total Revenue and Grants 438.7 404.6 386.3
Grants 109.7 52.5 37.2
Current Revenue 329.1 352.1 349
Total Expenditure 430.3 368.7 355.2
Current Expenditure 305.5 317.2 322.9
Capital Expenditure 124.9 51.4 32.3
Current Account Balance 23.6 34.9 26.1
Primary Balance (Before Grants) -73.6 8.4 19.6
Primary Balance (After Grants) 36.1 60.9 56.8
Overall Balance (Before Grants) -101.3 -16.7 -6
Overall Balance (After Grants) 8.4 35.8 31.2

Source: Derived fiscal accounts. This

from the monthly fis- deficiency would need
cal report of the Min- to be addressed. More
istry of Finance for comprehensive infor-
January to June 2021. mation on the Govern-
All Budget Alert ment finances would be
articles could be ob- available to the public
tained on website when the Mid-year
https://www.innova- Fiscal Policy Report
t i v e a l l i a n c e s . c o m / . is presented to Parlia-
The financing com- ment in keeping with
ponent, inclusive Subsection 25 of the
of debt transactions, Public Finance Man-
could not have been agement Act [2015]. 
analysed as the financ- Knowledge is pow-
ing section of the fiscal er and experience is
account remains out- the greatest teacher.
standing. This compo- By Laurel Bain,
nent not only informs Economist and former
about the sources of employee of the Saint
financing of the budget Kitts based Eastern
but provides the checks Caribbean Central
and balances that en- Bank.
sure the integrity of the
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 11

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Grenada’s Prime Minister NDC congratulates Grenada’s most
extends condolences on decorated sports hero, Kirani Zeno James
the death of Sir Lester Bird T
he National other Olympic med- everywhere and the pic sprint medalist has
Democrat- al for our tiny nation, thousands of posts on worked with him from
ic Congress could not come at social media, congrat- his first Olympics to

(NDC) joins with fel- a better time, when ulating Kirani not only this one. The com-
n reflection on the
passing of former low Grenadians and stress levels are high, on his historic sporting munity of Gouyave
Antiguan Prime people around the as many are experi- feat, but also on the and coach Albert Jo-
Minister, Sir Lester world in saluting and encing hardship as a personal challenges seph, who worked
Bird, Prime Minister, Dr celebrating Kirani result of the impact of he overcame, confirm with him during his
the Right Honourable James on his extraor- the pandemic and the Kirani as being one teenage years and
Keith Mitchell said the dinary achievement general mismanage- of the greatest Grena- nurtured him as a
Caribbean has lost one of winning a bronze ment of our economy. dian representatives world junior champion
of its illustrious sons medal, his third Olym- NDC also celebrates in the nation's history. must also be credited.
and national hero of pic medal in as many and congratulates Lin- NDC is commit- Congratulations to
Antigua and Barbuda. games in the 400 don Victor on his mag- ted to unlocking the coach Paul Phillip,
Dr Mitchell who is meters. Kirani is the nificent performance prowess and hidden who has taken Ander-
the current Chairman only person in the his- in the decathlon, the talents in our young son Peters from Inter-
of the OECS Authori- he selflessly imparted.” Senator then became tory of the Olympics event is one of the people. As the gov- col to the Olympics.
ty, said that Sir Lester In extending condo- Prime Minister from to achieve a medal hat greatest tests of men- ernment in-waiting, Kirani’s legacy in
made a valuable con- lences to his family and 1994 to 2004. He also trick in the 400 meters. tal and physical for- we commit to provid- Olympic history is
tribution to regional to the Government and served two terms as Indeed, yet another titude in sports. Plac- ing an Olympic-sized assured. Generations
discourse on numerous people of Antigua and Chairman of the OECS. gracious and timely ing 7th was no easy swimming pool for our to come will be fas-
issues. “For me person- Barbuda, Dr Mitchell Sir Lester who was
tonic of inspiration feat. Lindon is truly athletes and at least 3 cinated and inspired
ally, he was a welcome added “Our sister nation the second Prime Min-
from Kirani that unites a giant among giants. other athletic tracks reading about his three
and readily accessible has lost a hero and the ister of his homeland
source of advice when Caribbean has lost one passed away Monday all Grenadian citizens.  The commendable together with gym fa- successive Olympic
I first became Prime of our most renowned August 09, at the age Thursday, August showing of our other cilities, strategically medals, his first at the
Minister of Grenada. In leaders. May his soul of 83. He was an attor- 05, just after 8 in the athletes: Anderson Pe- placed, including on age of 19. As a people,
the ensuing years, we rest in eternal peace.” ney and sportsman who morning we shall all ters, Meleni Rodney, the island of Carriacou. we must commit to put
shared a very close re- The late Sir Lester won a silver medal at remember - what a Delron Felix and Kim- NDC extends special in place the correct
lationship, he was very Bird began his political the 1959 Pan American joyous day of happi- berly Ince was a source thanks and recognition tools, including facil-
approachable and I will career in 1971 as chair- Games in Chicago in the ness Kirani's Olym- of pride for all of us to Kirani's coach, Mr. ities and coaches, so
be forever grateful for man of Antigua and long jump and played pic medal brought and inspiration for our Harvey Glance for his that those inspired by
the many conversations Barbuda Labour Party cricket for the Leeward to the Isle of Spice!  young people. The cel- stewardship. The for- him, can bring glory
we had and the advice to 1983. He was first a Islands regional team. The joy of yet an- ebrations in villages mer American Olym- to our beloved land.

Police investigate what may

be another homicide
fter an open con- in describing him beat- the job after eating his
fession posted ing her and touching the lunch which he brought
on social me- child inappropriately from home. He was tak-
dia a young woman is among other things. The en to the hospital the
awaiting the results of woman said that it was following day where
an investigation to find the man who encour- he died on June 23. It
out whether she will be aged her to leave Guy- is not yet revealed
charged with causing the ana and join him with what was the official
death of her boyfriend. her daughter in Grenada. cause of his death then.
A very distraught She also revealed The young woman is
24-year-old woman that he made her very now assisting the police
seems to be admit- happy in the beginning with the investigation,
ting to poisoning her of their relationship. which may include ex-
56-year-old lover after The man, who was humation of the body
experiencing domestic named as Clifford Mar- that was buried in July
violence and witness- shall of Clozier, Saint in Dougaldston ceme-
ing him displaying be- John was residing at tery to determine wheth-
havior that borders on Simon, Saint Andrew er it was a homicide.
sexual molestation with at the time of his death. The Director of Pub-
her 3-year-old daughter. Information reaching lic Prosecutions (DDP)
In the video she post- this newspaper states will then direct the way
ed, she was very graphic that he became ill on forward for the case.
Page 12 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local News

10 active COVID-19 cases, no Eating right for summer vacation
community spread D
espite the as desired and enjoy a ened cereal and pop-
fact that chil- nutritious snack. Fruits corn, carrot sticks with
dren are out can also be placed on low-fat dip, plantain,
of school, it’s impor- tooth picks to make an breadfruit, cassava or
According to the Au- to 182, the total number tant to continue feed- attractive, tasty fruit bluggo chips, sweet
gust 08 news release, of COVID-19 cases re- ing them nutritious kebab. Sandwiches potato fish croquettes
“The latest cases range corded in Grenada since snacks to ensure they are another safe snack or dasheen pockets.
in age from 22-46 years the start of the pan- are healthy and ready option. Carrots can be Some unique dinner
and include two males demic in March 2020. to return to the class- added to the famous options are baked
and three females, all of The Ministry of room. While it may be cheese sandwich paste, sweet potato fries with
whom are fully vacci- Health continues to easier to buy packaged or switch things up fish fingers or pump-
nated” and are all quar- advise persons to com- snacks and bottled a bit by using lentil kin dip and vegetable

antined in various facil- ply with the various peas spread or chick- pizza using cassava or
drinks, these are not
ears of a possi- tested as part of the ities across the country. COVID-19 proto- en or fish sandwich breadfruit as the crust.
the healthiest choices with lettuce, toma-
ble community departure process. “All of the new cas- cols – maintain phys- The good thing about
because they are filled toes and cucumber. making homemade
spread of COV- Last Thursday, the es entered the country ical distance, avoid with sugar, salt and
ID-19 in Grenada, fol- Ministry informed that on August 06 from the large gatherings, wear It’s hot and chil- snacks for children
fat. Parents and guard- dren may spend hours is that parents can be
lowing the detection two more cases were United States and are masks while in public ians should ensure playing outside, so in control of the in-
of ‘unique’ case #170, recorded; a family currently asymptom- spaces and wash or sa- that foods made avail- drinking enough water gredients used - limit
has been put to rest as member of case #170 atic,” the release said. nitise hands frequently. able at home are more to stay hydrated is of sugar, salt and saturat-
the outstanding test re- and a 30-year-old un- Furthermore, “In ad- The Ministry also on the healthy side. great importance. Lo- ed fats. Avoid giving
sults returned negative. vaccinated female, dition to the five most continues to encourage Fruits, vegetables cal juices can be made packaged snacks and
The Ministry of travelling alone, who recent cases, another Grenadians to get vac- and nuts are great op- by squeezing orang- sodas as these contain
Health in an update on arrived on July 30 two cases were pre- cinated, as this helps tions because they are es, blending mangoes, empty calories and are
August 08, stated in a aboard the Inter Carib- viously identified on to reduce the severity high in vitamins and cherries, pawpaw or high in sugar, salt and
press release that “the bean flight and whose August 05 and 06. of symptoms associ- low in fat that will other fruits. Smooth- fat. Serving children
51 test results, from per- travel history included One of the cases, a ated with COVID-19. give children much ies or freeze juiced unhealthy foods can
sons who were contacts Jamaica and Saint Vin- male Trinidadian na- To date, 21,963 needed energy. Fruits fruits in snow-ice bags lead to lifelong un-
of case #170, have all cent and the Grenadines. tional, is asymptom- Grenadians have re- that are in season like are other treats. The healthy eating habits
returned negative, al- As of August 12, atic while the other, a ceived their first mangoes or cashews amount of sugar add- that can lead to chron-
laying fears of possible Grenada had 10 active female Jamaican, is dose of AstraZene- should be used by slic- ed should be limited ic non-communicable
community spread.” ‘imported’ COVID-19 experiencing nasal con- ca, while 17,158 have ing and placing in tight because drinks should diseases like obesity
Case #170, a fe- cases, with the addi- gestion, headache, si- received both doses. lid containers. Keep not be extra sweet. and early onset of high
male in her 20s, was tion of five new cas- nus pain and coughing.” sliced fruits in the Other healthy snack blood pressure, diabe-
confirmed as she was es over the weekend. The latest cases bring fridge so children can options are carrot cake, tes, heart disease and
grab a bowl of fruits banana bread, unsweet- some types of cancer.

Grenadian recipes from the Grenada Food and Nutrition Council

Government of Grenada
1 lb corn flour
Ministry of Health
1 small onion chopped
Ministerial Complex, Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical Gardens, Tanteen, St. George’s 1½ tsp salt
2 Tbsp butter or margarine
3 red seasoning peppers chopped
COVID-19 Update| GRENADA DASHBOARD| August 10, 2021 5 – 6 cups stock, water or coconut
The following is an update as of 4:00 pm.
First confirmed case of COVID-19 in Grenada was reported on March 22, 2020.
1 sprig thyme
½ - 1 cup cooked peas

Total confirmed cases 180 New positive case(s) 0 Method

Boil onion with half of the liquid and salt for 1 minute. Add the rest
Imported cases 102 Number of cases currently in
0 of the liquid to the corn meal and mix well. Stir the cornmeal mixture
into the boiling liquid until well blended; add thyme and pepper. Cook
Total recovered cases 167 Total RT-PCR tests conducted 50,841 over low heat stirring frequently until mixture becomes stiff and smooth
Total active cases 12 Total persons in self-isolation 12
and breaks cleanly away from the bottom of the pot. Put into a greased
dish and spread with butter.
Active imported cases 12 Total persons in quarantine facilities 501
Active local cases 0 Cumulative hospitalized cases 6 LEAVEN BREAD
Death(s) 1 Number of persons vaccinated (1st
2 oz leaven
Number of persons vaccinated (2nd 17,158 4 lbs flour
dose) 6 oz shortening
1 Tbsp salt
CONFIRMED CASES NEW CASES DEATHS VACCINE DOSES Sift the flour and salt together. Make a well in the centre; add the leaven
ADMINISTERED and sufficient water to make a stiff dough.
203,295,170 560,850 4,303,515 4,033,274,676 Knead well until dough is smooth and elastic. Set aside to rest. Knead
again, cut into convenient sizes, knead each piece and set to rise again.
Roll out, place on greased sheets. Prove. Bake in a moderately hot oven.
To make leaven: blend 6 ozs water and 2 ozs flour in a bowl until| COVID-19 Health and Travel Hotline: 45VIRUS (458-4787) or 53VIRUS (538-4787)
smooth. Cover and set aside for about two days or until mixture looks
To mix bread: add 2 ozs of the flour to be used to the leaven and beat
well. Cover and set aside in a warm place until mixture rises and has
about doubled its mark in the container.
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 13

The Grenadian Voice Letter

Local News
To what extent should NDC party compromise on a coalition?
lthough being be about esteeming and not been followed principles, NDC has sive Party (TPP) which over to NNP. Is NDC’s try is yet to forgive the
treated with out- leveraging its brand, through. It is as if the an enviable credibility secured 41 votes (0.07 executive, advisors, ne- NDC for squandering
right condemna- platform and image in executive holds strong- and record against its %) in the 2018 elec- gotiators and backers the opportunity that
tion and contempt by the national interest, ly the view that alleged main rival, the ruling tions. TGM operates really decide to alien- was given to them be-
some executive mem- and not about gambling maladministration and NNP. This is irrefutable remotely, offering intel- ate and damage further tween 2008 and 2013”.
bers of the National in an ‘unprincipled and constitutional abuse by especially with respect lectual and superficial its membership, espe- A “united front”
Democratic Congress ill-defined’ pursuit for NNP, the troubling so- to constitutional ob- utterances; review the cially the toiling stal- should speak about gen-
(NDC), and instigat- power. The emerging cial and industrial un- servance, patrimonial circulated articles “The warts, for so-called new uine “patriotic Grena-
ing serious doubts of leader must be able rests in the nation, and preservation, financial Grenada Movement friends? What skill-set dians”, “liked-minded
integrity and intent, to appreciate and ad- the outstanding cry to and investment pru- Must Be Challenged”. and resources, as well persons” and “the best
the internet-circulated here to this stance, and save Grenada’s democ- dence, social justice and “The NDC needs as constituent of votes talents” of all vocations,
four-part series on seek to rally the loyal racy would be sufficient human dignity, judicial to see itself as, and and secret plots on the disciplines and inter-
“Grenada’s Opposition members on it; as well to spur the people to and legislative reforms, demonstrates that it is, electoral mechanism, ests; thereby presenting
NDC Party Plagued By as to sway other indi- deliver the government and national develop- not simply the main these friends bring to a reservoir of ideas, “a
Leadership Conspira- viduals to the party’s into the hands of the ment thrust. Moreover; opposition party but the table, consider- range of expertise, a
cy”, remains applicable, foundation principles. party. This in itself has the NDC’s experience significantly the ‘al- ing most of them had sphere of influence, a
realistic and meaning- The attitude and dis- definitely given rise to and capacity as well as ternative party and many years of associ- sense of solidarity and
ful. Some of the cau- position of an individ- the ‘hopelessness and its reach and structure government in-wait- ation with the NNP? a level of propensity for
tionary pronounce- ual, fortified with his/ restlessness and aim- for government is in- ing’, on the basis of Emphasis should not public administration
ments raised therein her worthwhile and lessness’ of the young comparably favourable its Mission and Vision, be placed on a politi- (‘and sustainable de-
need to be emphasized unbiased contribution people, and to the rac- more than all the other its period of existence, cal configuration, for velopment’)”. National
and echoed, especially to the nation and earn- ing towards the forming parties which show an and its percentage of NDC’s participation in ‘governance and devel-
in light of the intensify- ing the respect of the and resurrecting of par- inclination (‘genuine or the voting population. any coalition of forces; opment’ must be an-
ing ‘confusing and con- people, are pertinent ties as rescue-options. not’) to dislodge NNP. Really; there is no especially considering chored on history and
cerning urgings’ from attributes in the making It appears that there Those parties are not need to be subservient the limited time, the experiences; so, peo-
various circles, for the of an exemplary prime is now an inadvertent grounded and associ- to (‘or caused to be problematic circum- ple as former ministers
coming together of po- minister and statesman; ‘new lease on life’ of ated with the people swindled by’) political stances and the stand- Michael Baptiste and
litical entities for the charisma, eloquence about a year for the in any significant way; parasites …“. “Why ing of the other parties. Phinsley St Louis, for-
upcoming general elec- and social class are not NDC, which should be unlike what was for the should, or how could, At this crucial stage for mer Cabinet Secretary
tions. Frighteningly; foremost. The NDC’s optimised by the execu- New Jewel Movement a party which has been properly establishing Gloria Payne-Banfield,
the absolute ‘priority leader should be such a tive on the issues of re- (NJM) joining forces institutionalized with the modality and meth- and former Ambassa-
and strategy’ for most person, and who is par- lationship, mobilisation, with the opposition a platform of integrity, odology for the elec- dor Dessima Williams
of the main proponents ticularly committed to consolidation and ad- Grenada National Par- accountability, trans- tions, disappointments shouldproveveryhelpful.
and players is not about its principles. An added vancement of the party. ty (GNP) to challenge parency, and about re- for the party can also A mark of being
gaining power from asset for those aiming This window of oppor- the Grenada United storing and respecting result from the ‘con- equipped and fit to
prime minister Keith to be leader should be tunity is deduced, since Labour Party (GULP) democratic institutions, fused and disgruntled embark on governance
Mitchell with his New about their keen in- the elections which is during the 1970’s, and and which has been state’ of the voters, as head-on and without
National Party (NNP), volvement in the indig- constitutionally due in also as typical the enjoying almost half has been in 1999 when wavering, must be
but about burying enous practices of the 2023 may not be called hurdles and struggles of the voting popula- NDC entered ‘prema- demonstrated clearly
‘their common enemy’ nation; typically, ag- much earlier as antic- including court-cases tion, (‘and have been turely and vaguely’ into with some ‘prior ac-
which is NDC with riculture which would ipated; unless Prime encountered by some in power on two occa- a loose alliance with tions’; those actions
set revenge to former also pay tribute to de- Minister Mitchell is NJM’s fellows who sions’) be dismissed?”. a United Labour plat- are also necessary to
prime minister Tillman ceased ‘Agricultural ‘very certain’ about his assisted in bolstering Indeed, to be ‘relevant form led by the GULP, testify of honest intent
Thomas and his finance Economist’ George Bri- political process. Apart NDC to break NNP’s and engaging’ is chal- against Mitchell’s NNP. and to present some re-
minister Nazim Burke. zan, a founding-mem- from the prevailing reign in 2008-2013. lenging; even so, NDC The January 18 elec- assurance to the people.
Also review the previ- ber of NDC. A news- unpleasantness and un- TGM as the newest is the key to Grena- tions gave Mitchell a Forging a ‘technical /
ous article “Coalition paper editorial points easiness, including the party and which is con- da’s political dynam- historic victory with administrative’ Unit-
of forces for the next to “an internal poll” tense pushback to gov- sidered to be an offshoot ics from the elections. a clean-sweep at the ed Front for capacity
elections, could be which places Thomas ernments’ COVID-19 of NNP, has being pro- What would the polls, even after resig- building, institutional
Grenada’s greatest Po- as “the overwhelming vaccination and “no moting and priding it- NDC be prepared to nations from his party strengthening, broad-
litical Gamble!” posing favourite”, with regard Carnival-like activi- self as a political unifier, contribute, or rather to because of accusations ening networking with
many deep questions. to “the best person ties”, there is the signal having ‘virgin ideas’ on concede, in a coalition of corruption, which Civil Society and the
“The issue of lead- to lead the party into of the August 02, 2021 the needs of the people of forces which is ven- caused the Government Diaspora should be at-
ership would continue the upcoming general launch of the political and on the policies and tured to remove Mitch- to fall and the ‘forced’ tempted as reasonable
to confound NDC and election”; whilst a few version of The Grena- approaches for gover- ell from office? Is NDC holding of the elections. preparations before
may degenerate into pundits maintain that da Movement (TGM), nance, capable of pro- contemplating com- The NDC seems to the elections. Special
serious chaos and loss Burke is NDC’s “best but which must not viding leadership, and promising on political have ‘bad luck’ about working committees
(‘for the party and the choice”.  Former parlia- to be taken for grant- as the most financially leadership, one or more accommodating polit- and strategic plans
nation’), if not con- mentarian Patrick Sim- ed. If TGM is serious loaded and institution- parliamentary repre- ical enthusiasts; this must be developed to
trolled meticulously mons, present interim about contesting the ally connected amongst sentative-seats, and is because generally address promptly the
and quickly (‘and firm- leader Adrian Thomas, elections, it would be the opposing parties / or on its values and they come with selfish national crisis; span-
ly’)”. This admonition and Tevin Andrews tight for members who to the NNP. TGM’s manifesto? Is NDC an- hidden agendas. Sad- ning for example from
deserves even greater can also fit the bill for have not been resid- route aimed at attaining alyzing thoroughly the ly; what has been a `the general infrastruc-
attention now, since the the party’s leadership. ing in Grenada prior prominence has been various areas of pitfalls pleasure as a ‘silent ture to public debt,
concern is not anymore It could be said that to July, as most like- so far as a non-gov- to which it can be ex- revolution’ by NDC on from malfeasance to
only about electing the the NDC is now in a ly is chairman Patrick ernmental organiza- posed, in an agreement July 08, 2008, assisted criminal investigations,
most ‘favourable and political jam, as a result Antoine, to qualify as tion from October for a “united front” to- to materialize with the and from lawlessness
fitting’ political leader of failing to appreciate candidates for the polls 07, 2020 to 2 August wards a “national uni- dynamism of frontrun- to unemployment.
at the party’s Conven- the constructive views (Constitution, section 2021, seeing a 27 May ty government”? Is ners as Peter David and Moreover; fora need
tion which is expected of ordinary citizens 30); this also applies to 2020 Opposition Sen- NDC conscious of the Nazim Burke, turns out to be provided for the
to be held within the and to utilise wisely any other person and ator resigned from the fact that by partnering to be a ‘governance people to grasp the
coming few weeks, but the time from the elec- party. Similarly; ‘vig- Parliament on May 17, politically, it might disaster’ during its magnitude of the cri-
it is also about the pos- tions-losses. At least ilance and objection’ 2021 to be a member, just be aiding the gov- 2008-2013 reign. This sis and to participate
sibility of NDC having the imperatives fea- is necessary on those displaying its banner ernance-position of scenario continues to in exploring solutions,
to agree for an individ- tured in the address by who might be register- in the protest by pub- Mitchell’s NNP? Thus; dog NDC, repeating amidst global dictates
ual from another party former political leader ing to vote, contrary to lic officers on July 14, for example, whether or as a political weapon. and ‘new normal’.
to lead any coalition Burke at the party’s section 6 of the Repre- 2021 against the Gov- not the Coalition wins On his appointment as
of forces going into the 2018 General Council, sentation of the People ernment for salary in- the elections, any of Leader of the Opposi- By J K Roberts,
elections. Foremost for on the theme “Facing Act, even by submit- creases, and by the ab- the other partners who tion following resign- Sound Public Policies
the existence and func- the Future with Resil- ting false documents. sorbing of inactive and secured a constituency ing from NNP, Hon Advocate
tioning of the NDC as a ience, Inclusion, and Within good gover- non-functional parties on the weight of NDC, Tobias Clement pro-
political entity should Determination” have nance and democratic such as The Progres- can choose to cross- claimed that “the coun-
Page 14 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local/Regional

Local News
Vaccination issues to be highlighted in the Senate
abour Senator corporate Social re- doctor to lead in that lengthen the period ic and to protect those
André Lewis has sponsibility includ- effort whereby intel- of economic down- most at risk in the
stated intention ing employers being ligent decisions can turn as well as social frontline in all sectors,
to table a resolution responsible for any be made by workers.” disruptions, and in- be it public or private
in the Senate that ad- negative health issues The Council holds crease the likelihood including banking and
dresses the COVID–19 that affect anyone who the view that “there is of more restrictions government services.
vaccination issues adhere to a company/ an urgent need for gen- and lock downs.” The emerging glob-
impacting workers. employer request to uine consultation, di- As they call for an al evidence suggests
According to an vaccinate or lose their alogue, and tolerance increase in vaccination that higher rates of
August 10 news re- job,” the release said. rather than arrogance to halt further strains vaccination tend to be
lease, the Grenada Acknowledging that and bullying as we on the economy and associated with lower
Trades Union Coun- the COVID-19 pan- Labour representative in the Senate, strive to get the best financial sector, the rates of infection, hos-
cil (GTUC), which demic has presented Hon André Lewis for Grenada, Carriacou entities stated that pitalization and deaths
is headed by Sena- challenges to workers and Petite Martinique.” while “in normal times related to COVID-19.”
tor Lewis, informed and employers, the by publicly declaring for access to medical Meanwhile, the the choice to get vac- Additionally, Grena-
that the resolution GTUC however ex- employers have the advice to help decide. Ministry of Finance cinated is a personal dians are encouraged
will be tabled at the pressed concern “with right to deny access The GTUC in the and the Grenada Bank- one, in the context of to counter misinfor-
next sitting of the the ongoing approach to unvaccinated exist- release stated that it ers’ Association in a the deadly pandem- mation with credible
Senate sitting, which by some employ- ing workers, which in “upholds the rights of joint statement, stated ic, the public good and specific facts from
is carded for some ers who threaten the turn results in loss of workers to choose and that “Both sides are supersedes personal reliable sources, in-
time in September. livelihood of existing salaries or incomes.” calls on the Govern- concerned about the choice. These are ex- cluding from people
“The Resolution workers who have not GTUC noted that ment and employers relatively low vaccina- traordinary times and who themselves have
acknowledges that taken the COVID–19 many unvaccinated to involve the labour tion levels in Grenada, as such, extraordinary already been vacci-
COVID–19 is the vaccine…[and] “with workers have genuine movement and the which heighten the risk actions are necessary.” nated and to adhere to
greatest threat to hu- the open and bias, concerns, are asking wider society to help of a second wave of Therefore, vacci- the health protocols
man existence since stance taken by the for alternatives to the implement educational COVID-19 outbreak nation is encouraged of physical distancing,
the Spanish Flu one Prime Minister and existing AstraZeneca programmes includ- and its accompanying “because vaccination hand-washing, san-
hundred years ago. It Government of Gre- vaccine available in ing using independent social and economic is the only sustainable itising and masking.
offers suggestion for nada against workers Grenada and are asking health professionals/ ramifications, [as this] way out of the pandem-

Karayib Klima: 13 Inter-regional

Projects to increase Climate
Resilience in the Caribbean
arayib Klima tions in the Caribbe- The selected projects Lucia) include:
has awarded an is essential to find fall into two categories. Building commu-
thirteen grants relevant, local, and The first brings togeth- nity resilience to re-
to inter-island coali- adequate solutions er innovative activities duce flood risk by
tions of civil soci- that concern our local to experiment techni- the Nature Conser-
ety organisations for and regional environ- cal solutions in areas vancy and inPhinity
the implementation ment and livelihood. like restoration of cor- Rainwater har-
of climate resilience Designed and imple- al reefs, agro-ecology, vesting for agricul-
projects in the Creole- mented by Unite-Ca- rainwater harvesting, ture, tourism and
speaking Caribbean ribbean, a consultancy the creation of sus- sustainable water
(including Dominica, firm based in Guade- tainable circuits and management by the
Grenada, Guadeloupe, loupe, and funded by increasing food safety Grenada Community
Haiti, Martinique, the French Ministry and security. The sec- Development Agen-
Saint Lucia and Saint for Europe & Foreign ond category includes cy (GRENCODA)
Martin). The thirteen Affairs, ADEME and advocacy or aware- Restoration of cor-
selected projects will the ‘Fondation de ness raising projects al reefs and resilience
be granted an aver- France’, the strength on climate resilience of populations by the
age of 40,000 Eu- of the Karayib Klima aimed at young peo- Grenada Coral Reef
ros each to carry out is to develop and fund ple, the private sector, Foundation (GCRF).
a field action or an multi-country pro- or the general public. The pooling of
awareness campaign grammes that make For example, the knowledge and re-
to increase climate re- a difference and will objective of the “Ma- sources via Karayib
silience in the region. have a lasting region- rine Junior Rangers” Klima is a necessity
Adapting to the al impact. According project is to train of which civil society
consequences of cli- to Damien Bauchau, young people from organisations in Dom-
mate change is a ma- co-founder of Unite remote rural areas in inica are particularly
jor challenge for the Caribbean and Di- Grenada and Haiti in aware. Being able to
region, which is the rector of the Karayib the environment and exchange, pool, pass-
reason why the Karay- Klima programme: marine biodiversity ing on our knowledge
ib Klima was created; “this important initia- and to sensitise their with other countries in
a unique and innova- tive brings to light a communities to issues the region is an added
tive programme based wide array of beau- of climate resilience. value that will allow
on the conviction that tiful projects that Some other proj- our region to move
co-operation between are as innovative as ects operated in forward and to become
civil society organisa- they are sustainable”. Grenada (and Saint more climate resilient.
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 15

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Focussing big on coconut production
ransforming be more conscious Grenadian Voice, how well the plants training sessions will
coconut pro- of water nuts health Augustine said he have done through focus on enhancing
duction from wise,” and demand plans to conduct the dry season. the technical skills of
“sporadic” to “or- has increased, along training sessions for “Every plant sur- farmers in Carriacou
ganised” is the main with greater aware- farmers in October. vived,” he said with and Petite Martinique.
objective of a plant- ness of the nutritional He was surprised at pride, adding that the
ing initiative under- value. In addition to
way at the Dum- preventing dehydra-
fries and Belair tion, coconut water
Agriculture Stations. contains electrolytes
The initiative is fo- such as potassium,
cussed on long-term which, when main-
production, accord- tained, can help
ing to Extension Of- reduce stress and
ficer Patrick Mathu- fatigue, as well as
rine. There are 200 help with muscle re-
“nuts” germinating at laxation, according
the Belair Agricul- to medical research.
ture Station, which Traditionally, coco-
will be available to nuts were produced
farmers for the 2022 on established trees in
planting season next Lauriston; however,
June. Interest among Mathurine said these
farmers is on the rise. trees “have been
“If we had 1,000 there long and pro-
plants they would duction has dropped.”
be gone in an hour’s While many of the
time,” Mathurine young trees came
told The Grenadian from the Mirabeau
Voice on Wednesday. Propagation Station
Additionally, 240 in Saint Andrew, sev-
trees were plant- eral were personally
ed at the Dumfries donated by Minis-
Agriculture Station try of Agriculture
last year, which agronomist Troy
will start bearing in Augustine from his
four to five years. farm in Saint Mark.
The multiple uses “He took a special
of coconut trees and interest in establish-
fruits are put to prac- ing a crop in Car-
tice, utilising every- riacou,” Mathurine
thing from the flesh, noted, adding Au-
the ‘jelly’ water, milk, gustine was instru-
oil, husks and leaves. mental in getting the
Mathurine not- plants established.
ed “people seem to Speaking to The

Demand for coconut plants is strong among

Carriacou farmers
Page 16 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local News

Regional News
A Speak Up on climate change
rt is the tool submission is manda-
being used tory,” according to the
to “Speak Up” registration site (www.
on climate change.
Anyone three years climate-change-car-
and older in the iforum). Entries
16-member CARIFO- must be submitted
RUM states is invited by Aug 31, 2021.
to consider the two The contest is part
following questions: of the Enhancing Cli-
How has climate mate Resilience in
change affected me? CARIFORUM Coun-
What is my message tries initiative of the
to the world on Carib- ACP (African, Ca-
bean climate change?” ribbean and Pacific)
The Caribbean Group of States fund-
Community Cli- ed by the European
mate Change Centre Union. This includes
(CCCCC) and McNab Antigua and Barbuda,
Design Ltd are col- The Bahamas, Bar-
laborating on a new bados, Belize, Cuba,
competition using art Dominica, Domini-
“as an instrument of can Republic, Haiti,
communication” to Grenada, Guyana, Ja-
boost the voice of the maica, St. Kitts and
Caribbean on climate Nevis, Saint Lucia,
change. The “Speak St. Vincent and the
Up” Campaign invites Grenadines, Surina-
original art pieces that me and Trinidad and
will be evaluated on Tobago. Four winning
creativity, composi- artists will have their
tion and clarity, theme work and opinion
interpretation, bold- seen by the Caribbe-
ness and issue impact. an and EU communi-
Drawings, illustra- ty, along with a cash
tions, paintings, mixed prize of $300 (US).
photographs, data vi- fographics, crayon art cepted. Submissions es or 18 by 24 inches. displaying a clear
media and/or collages,
sualisation and/or in- and cartoons are ac- can be 8.5 by 11 inch- “The use of words message within your

Sandals Resorts gifts Caribbean the resort of choice. In

addition, all athletes
who represented their
and is now further
extending the offer
to all Tokyo Olym-
to say it, ‘the world’s
best deserve
world’s best’ and we

Olympians complimentary vacations country in the Olym-

pics in any event will
pics athletes from Ja-
maica, Grenada, The
cannot wait to roll out
our red carpet for all
receive luxury-in- Bahamas, Barbados, our Olympians when
(Press Release) ~ In addition to those who medaled, lands where Sandals
cluded four-night va- Saint Lucia, Saint their schedules allow.”
no-limit stays for all athletes from is- operates to receive
cations at a Sandals Vincent and Antigua. The athletes are set
Resort in their home Commenting on the to receive compli-
island. The contin- teams’ exceptional mentary stays for out-

gent from Saint Vin- accomplishments to standing performanc-
lmost 100
cent will enjoy their make it to the Olym- es and fortitude in
vacation at a resort pics and to stand on an Olympics that has
from the is-
in Saint Lucia since the podium, Stewart faced delays and un-
lands where Sandals
the highly-anticipated said, “It takes a great certainties due to the
Resorts International
Beaches Saint Vin- amount of sacrifice, Covid-19 pandemic.
operates have been
cent is not yet open. hard work, dedica- Stewart added,
gifted complimentary
Stewart first took tion and consistency “These games and
vacation stays by the
to social media to to even make it to the performances our
company’s Execu-
reward Jamaica’s the Olympics. Our athletes have deliv-
tive Chairman, Adam
gold-medal-winning Caribbean athletes ered have been just
Stewart, in recogni-
trio of Elaine Thomp- have shown admira- what we need to lift
tion of their valiant
son-Herah, Shelly- ble grit, tenacity and our collective spirits.
efforts at the 2020
Ann Fraser-Pryce and a fighting spirit and We can never thank
Tokyo Olympics.
Shericka Jackson, for as a Caribbean brand, our athletes enough
Olympians who
their historic victo- entirely committed to for everything they
medaled in the
ry in the women’s the development of do for their countries
just-concluded stag-
100M finals, declar- the region and show- and we cannot express
ing of the Games will
ing, “the world’s best casing our regional enough what it means
each receive one com-
deserve the world’s talent, we are beyond to all of us but we
plimentary no-limit
best vacations!” proud of every sin- are certainly going to
on nights’ stay, in the
He later extend- gle athlete who went make sure they have
highest room catego-
ed similar compli- out there to repre- the best vacation ex-
ry at any Sandals or
mentary no-limit sent their country.” perience of their lives
Beaches resort across
stays to all subsequent He continued, when they redeem
the region complete
medal winners from “I’ve been saying it their well-earned priz-
with luxury BMW
Jamaica, the Baha- throughout the games es at Sandals Resorts.”
transfers from their
mas and Grenada and I will continue
home, if applicable, to
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 17

The Grenadian Voice Religious Column CLASSIFIEDS

Local News
Spiritual Grit for Reparations Deadline for Classifieds: Tuesdays at Noon 440-1498/3983

n Mozambique, in- honors faithfulness. MISC apartments for rent, conveniently
located in the Westerhall area.
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this regard, when we Commission (CRC) and public, moral sup-
show spiritual grit, we has done an excel- port for the Caribbean
adopt the character of lent job of presenting Reparations Commis-
God who is always and pursuing our case sion. In practice, it
constant or faithful on the global front. I means being willing to
in keeping promises. thank the Chairman of push against injustice,
And every day, God the CRC, Professor Sir even when this injus-
expects the church or Hilary Beckles (PhD) tice comes from the
people of faith to dis- and his excellent team. goliaths and pharaohs
play this character of We now need to ex- locally or globally.
spiritual pursu- ercise spiritual grit, by
ing justice, regardless constantly and continu- Rev Vonnie James,
of where these leads. ally reminding our con- Grenada Baptist
Arguably, the CAR- gregations of the need Association
ICOM Reparations for advocacy, prayer,
Page 18 Friday August 13, 2021

The Grenadian Voice Local

Grenada among seven Caribbean GCF hosts one week 2021
nations winning medals in Tokyo Chess Summer Camp
uba captured kyo Olympic Games silver in 2016 in Brazil hurdles in succes- or the second in friendly games after world of Chess – is
the most medals without a medal. and bronze in Tokyo. sive Olympic Games. consecutive year, internalizing the basics. expected to deliver a
among Caribbe- It is the first time Jamaica was the most That feat was last ac- Grenadians, and The 16-piece game special message from
an nations which partic- since the Barcelona dominant Caribbean complished by the USA in particular primary of chess features two his base in Greece.
ipated in the just-ended Games in Spain in 1992 country in track and in 1988 when Roger and secondary school castles (rooks), two Following the Sum-
students, are expected knights, two bishops, mer Camp at GBSS,
Tokyo Summer Olym- that TnT participated field winning eight Kingdom retained the
to benefit from a week one queen, one king and the GCF heads for
pic Games in Japan. and did not win a medal. medals, with Elaine title he won in 1984. long Chess Summer eight pawns. Capturing the fishing town of
The Spanish-speaking For the Cubans, their Thompson-Herah and Miller-Uibo and Gar- Camp hosted by the the opposing king is Gouyave on Saturday
country won 15 medals gold came in boxing Hansle Parchment of diner gave the Bahamas Grenada Chess Federa- the central objective of (August 21) to formal-
which include seven through Andy Cruz, Jamaica picking up the honour of being the tion (GCF). The Sum- the game. The Queen ly launch the Gouyave
gold, three silver and Julio la Cruz, Arlen Lo- gold, Shaunae Mill- first Caribbean country mer Camp runs from sits as the most power- Chess Club at the Con-
five bronze medals. pez and Roniel Iglesias, er-Uibo and Steven to win both 400 metres August 16 – 20, and, ful piece on the board. ference Room of the
They were followed by along with three gold Gardiner of the Ba- gold medals in the same like last year, will be Participants in the Fish Complex on the
Jamaica four gold, one medal performances in hamas, along with Games since 1984. held at the GBSS Au- 2020 first ever “Learn L’anse. More details
silver and four bronze.  rowing, allowing them Puerto Rican Jas- The Tokyo Olym- ditorium in Tanteen. to Play Chess Sum- will be forthcoming.
The other Caribbean to end in 14th place on min Camacho-Quinn pics ended last Sun- It caters for ages 7 mer Camp” are en- Persons interested
and upwards and is free couraged to attend. in attending the 2021
nations on the medal the overall medal table. all made history. day with a blaze of of cost to participants. They will go through Chess Summer Camp
table were the Baha- Grenada's Kirani Jamaican Thomp- spectacular colours During the week, under a refresher programme may request a regis-
mas with two gold James created history son-Herah was also his- and dances among the watchful guidance and then taken to a tration form from the
medals, Bermuda one with his bronze med- tory-making being others.  The Games of members of the GCF, new level of the game. GCF (grenadachessfed-
gold; Puerto Rico one al in the 400 meters the first to complete a were postponed participants will learn The Chess Summer or
gold; the Dominican becoming the first 100-200 metres ‘dou- from last year due to the objective of the Camp ends on Friday, contact Ms Ollivierre at
Republic three silver quarter-miler in the ble-double’ and Parch- the outbreak of the game; how to set up the August 20, 2021 with Ciboney House (440-
and two bronze medals; Olympics to win three ment made Jamaica COVID-19 pandemic. chess board; the names, a closing ceremony 2707) or K.Amen (410-
and Grenada, a bronze successive medals - be- the first country other The City of Paris will movement and power scheduled for 12.30pm 9212). You are advised
Trinidad and To- ginning in the London than the United States host the 2024 Games. of the 16 chess piec- at which Grandmas- to make early contact
es; and engage each ter Nigel Short – once as space is limited.
bago ended the To- 2012 games with gold, to win the 110 metres
other and their tutors ranked No 3 in the

West Indies women to Grenada's Para athletes off to Tokyo 

host South Africa women  G renada
will swimmer Nye Chrick- national debut in the boys and girls, to get
history shank. The team man- World Series in Lew- involved in all sports.

when the Spice ager/chief of Mission isville, Texas in April. The Committee urg-
est Indies in the white-ball for- look to secure a spot
Isle competes in the is Kwame Hypolite, The 19-year-old swim- es Grenadians to take
Women and mats, the West Indies in the ICC Women’s 2020 International vice president of the mer became the first time and look at the
South Af- Women will now face World Cup in New Paralympic Games Paralympics Committee.  Grenadian to compete in performances of the
rica will play an eight- the Proteas in three Zealand next year. opening in Tokyo, Ja- Ishona Charles is the an international swim- world Para athletes and
match series beginning T20 Internationals The marquee 50- pan on August 24 and first Grenadian Para ming championship.  challenge parents and
later this month in An- and five CG Insurance over tournament will continuing through athlete to compete in- The Paralympics the nation to become
tigua, at the Sir Viv- One-Day Internation- see 31 matches being to September 05.  
ternationally, partic- Games are the premier a champion in the pro-
ian Richards Cricket als. The upcoming played from March 4 The Paralympic ipating in the Desert event for physically motion of sports for all.
Ground and the Cool- series will run from to April 3, 2022. Eight Games, which are Games in Arizona in challenged athletes The Paralympics
idge Cricket Ground as Tuesday, August 31 to of the world’s best staged immediately af- 2018 where she won a from around the world.  Committee says it is
they build up to the ICC Monday, September 19. cricket nations will ter the Summer Olym- gold in the Javelin. She In a press release, the grateful to the Inter-
Women’s World Cup West Indies will use go head-to-head in six pics in the same city and subsequently participat- Grenada Paralympics national Paralympics
qualifiers later this year the CG Insurance ODI host cities: Auckland, using the same venues ed in the 2019 World Committee said it is Committee, host na-
Following their CG Series as part of their Tauranga, Hamilton, will feature more than Paralympics Track delighted to have Gre- tion Japan, the Grenada
Insurance T20I and CG preparations for the Wellington, Christ- 5000 athletes and offi- and field champion- nadian Para athletes Olympic Committee
Insurance ODI wins ICC Women’s World church and Dunedin. cials from more than ship in Dohar and ear- representing the Spice and the Ministry of
over Pakistan in July Cup qualifiers, as they 150 nations in two lier this year returned Isle at the highest level Sports for supporting
weeks of competition. to the Desert Games of international compe- the team's participa-
Lionel Messi dreams of Champions Grenada will be rep- in Arizona, where she tition and hope that it tion. The members of
resented by two athletes won a silver medal.  will inspire the nation's the team will travel
Ishona Charles in the Nye Chrick- physically challenged, to Japan on Monday.
League win at Paris St-Germain women's javelin and shank made her inter- in particular the young

L F C Paradise & Hurricanes

ionel Messi, which came in 2015. unable to afford a new points, having defeated
considered one PSG is still search- deal under La Liga's arch-rivals Queen's Park
Rangers one in their

are winning again 

of the greatest ing for their first title in financial fair play rules. encounter last week-
players of his genera- the competition, hav- Considered one of the end.  St John Sports
tion, said he dreams ing lost to Bayern Mu- greatest players of all

scored the biggest win
of winning the Cham- nich in the 2020 final. time, he scored a record renada Foot- Paradise, top of the with another seven last weekend, trashing
pions League once "My goal and my 672 goals in 778 games ball Association table on a superior matches to play. In the Mt. Rich which is two
more after joining dream are to win the for the Catalan giants. (GFA) Premier goal average, defeated third position in the race places from the bottom
Paris St-Germain, add- Champions League Adding Messi - who League front runners Chantimelle four goals for the Premier League of the table on 10 points.
ing: "I think we have once more," Messi has signed a two-year Paradise F C Interna- to one. They now have is Hard Rock from St. Relegation bound
the team to do it here." said as he was un- contract with the op- tional and Hurricanes 28 points with seven Patrick. They defeated Eagles Super Strikers
The Argentina cap- veiled as a PSG player. tion of a third - to an from Saint Mark have more games to play. neighbours Chantimelle are on three points from
their eleven matches and
tain, 34, won four According to BBC already talent-rich each recorded their Hurricane beat low- two goals to one and
ninth victory from elev- ly placed Sab Spartans are on 21 points from one place above them
Champions League sports, Messi left Bar- squad is a major step is Sab on seven points.
en completed matches in three goals to two in their eleven fixtures.
titles with Barce- celona - who he joined in PSG's quest to reach the ten-club home-and- a hard-fought contest, F C Camerhogne is
lona, the last of aged 13 - as they were the European summit. away Championships. and are on 28 points fourth in the table on 18
Friday August 13, 2021 Page 19

The Grenadian Voice Local News

COVID-19 impacting Lewis

Hamilton's health
ewis Hamilton year's Sakhir Grand Prix Hungarian Grand Prix. sport goes into its three-
says he has been because of coronavirus. Lewis Hamilton week summer break.
"fighting all year" He returned for the regained the World Hamilton finished

Let Kirani’s Olympic with his health, after

ID-19 in December.
final race of the sea-
son in Abu Dhabi a
week later but admit-
Championship lead
for the first time since
May after fighting
a close third behind
Ocon and Sebastian
Vettel's Aston Martin,

successes be the The seven-time

world champion saw
ted he was not fully
healthy when he did so.
back to finish third
having been last five
but the German was
later disqualified for

vehicle to quadruple
his Mercedes team's In Formula 1 com- laps into the race. a fuel irregularity. He
doctor with dizziness petition last week- His title rival Max was left in second in
and blurred vision end, Mercedes' Lew- Verstappen was a victim the final results, pend-

the number of people

after finishing third is Hamilton took of an incident-strewn ing an appeal by his
in Sunday's Hun- an eight-point lead wet start but managed team against the verdict.
garian Grand Prix. over Red Bull's Max to salvage a point for A pile-up at the

involved in sports
According to BBC Verstappen in their 10th place in a bad- first corner on a slip-
Sports, after belated- race for Formula 1 ly damaged Red Bull. pery track left Ham-
ly joining the post- Drivers' championship. A race featuring an ilton briefly leading

race news conference, However, the winner opening first few laps Ocon and Vettel on
he best legacy the people of Grenada and the Athletics Association Hamilton said, "I had of the race was Alpine's among the most re- the first lap before the
can give to Kirani James, the nation’s history-making Olympic really big dizziness Esteban Ocon who re- markable in Formula 1 race was red-flagged
medalist at the just ended Tokyo Games, is to establish a foundation and everything got a bit corded a maiden For- history left Hamilton to clear up the mess
challenged to play a supportive role in the further development of sports blurry on the podium." mula 1 victory in an ex- with a six-point lead strewn over the track.
and physical education across the nation Hamilton missed last traordinary and madcap over Verstappen as the

The USA wins the most

The purpose of the Legacy Foundation is to create an institution with
passionate and competent experts from Grenada and the diaspora capable

medals at the Tokyo Olympics

of providing technical advice, recruitment of skilled personnel to con-
tribute to all areas of sports development, and mobilizing financial and
other resources to ensure the sustainability of the programs. Surely such a

foundation must have Kirani’s blessings and influence, and if it does, could he United States golds, more than any left out of the Olympic 800m champion Ath-
have the greatest impact on the future development of all sports. finished top of other nation but almost team after finishing out- ing Mu, have provided
the medal table half the 13 they picked side the top three places. some highlights, John-
One envisages yearly activities to include an annual Kirani James lecture at the just ended Tokyo up five years ago in Rio. Brazier was not the son says athletics in the
series, a focus on grass-roots development in every nook and cranny in Olympics in Japan. The The United States only American world United States is coming
Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, as well as being able to provide American captured 39 won seven athletics champion to fail to fol- under pressure with a
gold, 43 silver and 44 golds, more than any low up success in Doha declining public profile
overseas scholarship opportunities for the brightest prospects. Grenada’s
bronze medals, a total other nation but almost with victory in Tokyo. and pressure on the col-
success and international recognition in the last three Olympics must be of 113.  The USA was half the 13 they picked Hot favourite Grant legiate system that pro-
the foundation to build upon. No one is better placed to inspire parents followed by China on up five years ago in Rio. Holloway stumbled to duces most of its talent.
and citizens, in general, to become more actively involved in sports and 38 gold, 32 silver and Disregarding the silver in the 110m hur- "The decline in cov-
18 bronze medals for a Moscow 1980 Games dles, Noah Lyles won erage hits the US pretty
recreation than Kirani James.
total of 88. Host nation which was boycotted bronze in the 200m, significantly, probably
His athletic ability symbolizes what sports can do for someone from Japan collected 27 gold, by American athletes, world leader Trayvon more so than any other
humble beginnings and equally important mobilizing a nation of people 14 silver, 17 bronze Tokyo is the first time Bromell failed to reach country, because our
into a great unit celebrating the successes of their son of the soil. Minister medals - a total of 58. its men have failed to the 100m final, while sports landscape is so
Great Briton placed win an individual track 100m specialist Chris- crowded with so many
of Sports, the Grenada Olympic Committee, and the Grenada Athletic fourth on 22 gold, 21 title in Olympic history. tian Coleman is banned team leagues - we have
Association must take the lead ensuring that the International success of silver and 22 bronze "If you took at the for whereabouts failures the NFL, the NBA,
Kirani goes beyond the naming of the athletic stadium at Queen’s Park and - a total of 65 with way we approached the with doping officers. major league baseball
a busy roadway.  the Russian Olympic national teams and you While the emergence and hockey," he said.
Committee fifth on 20 put that in any other of young stars, such as
A living legacy foundation with exceptional talents in its leadership gold, 28 silver and 223 country that didn't have
could be the tonic that arouses a significant increase in the number of bronze - a total of 71.  the sort of depth that we
people participating in sports and physical education. If Grenada could The United States, have, this would have
traditionally power- been a failure a long
quadruple the number of people competing in all sports over a five-year
house in track and time ago," four-time
period the opportunity to produce many more Olympic medalists is a real field, won fewer med- Olympic champion
possibility. als in Japan than in Rio, Johnson told BBC Sport.
Personally, I would like to see the National Lottery initiate a ten-year Brazil five years ago. The United States
Olympic Great Mi- athletes must win a
program in conjunction with the Grenada Athletics Association and the
cheal Johnson told BBC place at their national
Ministry of Sports, entitled “ the search for Grenada’s next Olympic quar- Sports no longer can trials, with previous
ter-miler as well as to designate a sum of money each year, no less than the USA athletics rely major Championship
a quarter-million dollars to supply sports equipment for all schools in the on sheer strength in performances, times
depth after a "dramatic and injuries disregarded.
nation as a tribute to Kirani James.  underperformance" at Donavan Brazier,
Yes, the suggestion of the stage of Grenada awarding him material things the Tokyo Olympics who won the world
and the highest awards are all in order, but equally important is creating a The United States 800m title in Doha less
won seven athletics than two years ago, was
foundation that ensures many more Kirani James in all sports blossom
Vol. 41
No. 32 Week Ending Friday August 13, 2021 Page 20 http: //

Jab still play!

hile the RGPF in the confines of the law.”
could not confirm The cancellation of Carni-
to The Grenadian val 2021 along with the re-
Voice if persons were charged moval of the holidays to cel-
specifically for participating ebrate same, did not prevent
in the ‘illegal’ Carnival-like Grenadians from engaging in
activities, people were oth- like activities, notably Jab Jab.
erwise charged for COV- The celebrations height-
ened on Sunday in villages
ID-19 Regulation infractions. such as Willis where scores
On Wednesday, the Com- of residents and non-resi-
munity Relations Depart- dents converged at a ‘hot
ment (CRD) of the Roy- spot’ within the community
al Grenada Police Force to play mas. This activity
(RGPF) told The Grenadian occurred under police pres-
Voice that while it cannot say ence throughout the day.
if persons will be ticketed for Monday, which is usually
participation in the Carni- Carnival Monday, saw ma-
val-like activities from Sun- jor Jab Jab activities mainly
day to Tuesday, during those in St John, St David and St
three days, more than 90 Andrew. A standoff en-
people were charged for vi- sued between revellers and
olations such as not wearing
members of the RGPF at
masks or breaking curfew. the Paradise bridge in Saint
Superintendent Sylvan Andrew as the police
Mc Intyre in local news on blocked entry into the town
Monday stated that “per- of Grenville. Some Jab Jab
sons who are violating the used the river to cross to
law, we are taking notice of the other side; howev-
such persons and they are er, the revellers eventually
likely to be provided with took their celebration to the
tickets and persons will very Pearls airstrip, as directed
likely be charged or arrest- Tuesday mainly at a show of Shortknee
by the police.
ed for breach of the law.” the La Tante junction. Vieux Corps and Ole
On Tuesday, the hot spot
He added, “It’s a situation With the absence of Mas in some villages.
was at Sauteurs in St Patrick
that we have to mind care- amplified music, rev- 2021 saw Carnival
where scores of people en-
fully that this is an emer- elers used the drums being cancelled for
gaged in Jab Jab. The police
gency situation, we are un- and other items to cre- the second consecu-
however, ensured that the
der a State of Emergency… ate music to accompa- tive year due to the
‘back’ roads were used for
[due to the confirmation of ny their chants, which COVID-19 pandem-
the mas for the greater part
COVID-19 cases among us].” included “no vote, no ic. The Government
of the morning, as they de-
More so, he said “There vote for Keith Mitch- maintains that its de-
nied the revellers entry into
is no fixed way of handling ell, “$350, $550, $750, cision is to control the
the main street of the town to
the situation, we had to ah go pay; no vote, spread of the virus by
avoid disturbing other people
use our best judgement to no vote for Oliver.” preventing large gath-
from conducting business.
ensure that whatever our In addition to Jab erings and non-adher-
More masquerading
actions are, we act with- Jab, there were also ence to the protocols.
continued in St David on

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