The Men S Guide To Avoiding Friend Zone With Women

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Copyright © 2014 Jamie Dean & Paul Mills, All Rights Reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
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By reading this book, you agree that when using its material, you abide by all federal, state, and local laws. You also
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you take.
In other words, you are responsible for your own behaviour, and I expect you to act responsibly!

Now let’s get on with the good stuff...

Table of Contents
1) Treat attractive women just as you would treat your friends
2) Be scarce and unavailable
3) Do not be jealous of other guys. You are good enough
4) Do not buy her affections
5) Do not make her your priority
6) Do not trade your life for hers
7) Be positive, nobody wants to be around a negative person
8) Do not create another persona just so people will like you
9) Don't take things personally; the world is not after you
10) Do not assume the girl is going to be your soul mate
11) Build interest slowly and use mystery to your advantage
12) If all else fails, walk away
This book is testament to years of learning and research for the main causes of why a man constantly finds himself
stuck in the Friend Zone with women. The term Friend Zone, while not the classiest of terms has its uses: Friend Zone
describes a man stuck in a permanent friendship with a woman; in other words, no matter what a guy does she won’t
ever see him as attractive or as a potential love interest. What most men don’t realize initially is that men can decrease
the chances of themselves being placed into the unattractive male friend category, they just need to know what to do
and how to go about it.

You have probably heard a woman tell you “let’s just be friends” or “you’re just too nice for me” when it came to
rejection or being dumped by a woman you like romantically, these are classic responses when a woman doesn’t feel
attraction and is trying to let him down easy. If this has happened to you many times before then it’s important to
realize there is a good reason for why this is happening to you and to make sure you are no longer just that guy friend
to women.

As a man you have the power to decrease the amount of times you end up in friend zone, the truth is most times
women don’t put you in the friend zone, it is in fact the men putting themselves into the friend zone. When a man
thinks it’s the woman always putting him into friend zone that implies women hold all the power and that the man is
powerless to change or improve his results, this is false because a man can increase his attractiveness.

This book aims to maximize your attractiveness to women so that you will avoid the Friend Zone in the future, this
book will give you a kick-start to your success with women & dating. Once a man realizes he is part of the issue for
not attracting women he will better be able to cultivate positive change in himself and his life by seeking self-
development as his ally.

If you start to apply all the tips and advice in this book (of which will seem counter intuitive) you will eventually notice
women start to show more interest in you romantically and even pursue you more often, which is always a sign that
you’re doing something right. Once you internalize all that is written within this book you will begin to notice your
attitude and behaviours change in day to day life to that of an attractive man as reflected by an improvement in your

Also remember that sometimes a man may never be anything more than friends (friend zone) for other reasons, even if
you do follow all the tips here a certain woman in your life may still not find you attractive enough to date you. This is
simply out of your control. It is also not impossible to have a woman reject you only to find you attractive at a later

Results may not come quickly so remember to be patient when it comes to your own success; this is not a sprint but a
marathon. With that said you need to go out there believing that what your about to learn is going to make almost all
the women you meet turn their heads and start checking you out, after all you are about to become a stud
1) Treat attractive women just as you would treat your friends

When men start out as beginners in the dating world they have countless problem around attractive beautiful women,
one thing being that they can’t quite keep their composure or be their normal selves. After all, it’s hard to keep normal
when an attractive beautiful looking woman is in your vicinity: you want her badly, you don’t know what to do to get
her or quite simply you don’t want to make a mistake around her in case it costs you your chance with her. At the end
of it all, if you can learn not to give a damn about what women think of you or not worry about missing out on a
woman because of any mistakes, then you will be in a better position to realize there is an abundance of women out
there for you to potentially date.

Think about how you behave around women you don’t find attractive. Now think about how you behave around
women you have absolutely no interest in. Generally, you treat these women almost like your guy friends or family
members. If these women aren’t on a man’s radar then they won’t treat them with the extra niceness they would to
women they ARE attracted to. This is an awareness exercise, whether these men are consciously aware of it or not
most guys new to dating instantly become super interested or needy when an attractive woman appears in his life, his
feelings can work against him.

This leads to a man seeing THESE attractive women as being more valuable than himself, the best analogy here is to
think of a guy who wants to please his queen, spoil his princess or impress his mummy. The main problem with guys
in this position is that they become TOO NICE in the presence of a woman that they do like, there is a difference
between being nice and being too nice. Many guys have grown up with this premise that being super nice to women is
what will help them get a girlfriend; it’s easy to think that getting a girlfriend is as simple as being a nice guy but even
if someone tells you that you are a nice guy it doesn’t necessarily mean you are attractive to women.

Anytime a guy goes to his sister, his mum or his aunt for advice on women they may typically give an answer such as
“to get a girlfriend you have to be a nice guy”, the beginner’s first inclination is to go impress women with his
niceness, some men naturally do this even without the above advice. Every man wants to present his best self around a
woman, men do this so she will like him, accept him and go on a date with him. He badly wants the woman to
perceive him as good enough to date. The problem with this mindset, however, is that it comes from a place of trying
too hard; the woman can sense his neediness and his need to get a date with her.

When guys start acting different around attractive women by being too nice they start to give what I call Boyfriend
Benefits. These men ACT like a woman’s boyfriend without actually being her boyfriend, that means a guy will do all
the NICE stuff like holding the door open for every pretty woman he sees, paying for a woman’s lunch since he feels
obligated to, he is always making sure she is on good terms with him, trying to solve her problems for her, gifting and
giving her money all the time, getting extremely possessive and jealous when she talks to other guys and much more.

You see when women say “he is too nice for me” what she is really trying to say is “this guy is treating me nicer than
his friends, he treats me like a queen and it turns me off, I don’t deserve to be treated as a superior”. The problem
isn’t being nice but being too nice, the difference can be seen by how much a guy goes out of his way to constantly
impress a woman or spoil her, guys that are too nice are those that give too much and don’t have or demand respect
for themselves.

Most of this nice guy behaviour is happening unconsciously, many men aren’t even aware they are doing these things
towards attractive women, most of it happens because of his nervousness or his feeling of inferiority, he wants to
avoid displeasing her. Many men can often relate to this thinking because when a woman is extremely attractive he
feels he owes her and has to win her over in this manner when in truth he doesn’t need to. It’s important for a man to
notice when he does these things and then admit to himself he is doing it so he can get the balance of niceness right
without over doing it and becoming submissive. Then he can stop treating a woman as being more valuable or more
superior to himself and play on an equal playing field (remember the treating her like a queen analogy?).

The trick is to learn how to become neutral to attractive women, it may take practice but if you can behave neutral
around your friends and family then you can with women you find attractive as well. Once you care very little about
having a shot with these women the easier it is to be around attractive women and you will not put any extra nice
behaviours just to show her how great a guy you are. Rather than try to impress a woman a guy must instead make a
good impression; an impression is made simply by being the guy he is around his friends, family and the women he
doesn’t find attractive, that way he isn’t being blinded by his feelings of attraction nor letting his desire control him.
Think about this for a minute: Why is it men can attract women they don’t find attractive with ease? Why is it many
guys can easily talk to women they don’t want a date with? These women you didn’t see as attractive can’t have you,
you’re not trying to impress them nor are you sucking up to them, most of all you are not outcome dependant with
them and this gives off an air of confidence and composure that women love. Once you stop caring about getting a
chance with women and caring less about how women view and perceive you only then will you come from a place
of strength and indifference, you will gain power in social interactions by not letting your feelings get in the way of
treating all women as neutrals.

A man should also not let his decision to be with a woman be solely based on her good physical looks, if a man doesn’t
obsess about a woman’s looks he will have better control of how his interactions with women turn out, what men new
to dating do is let a woman’s good looks become so valuable that he makes a woman the prize in his mind, he thinks in
terms of “wow she is so out of my league and I’d be lucky to have her”. He is making the woman seem like a
goddess, a woman’s looks is not her entire value and it should be compulsory that a man also thinks in terms of “has
she earned it, does she has a great personality to go with her looks?”. If a woman has earned her chance with you just
because she is pretty then you will give women the wrong impression and they will be turned off.

Always remember no matter how much feeling you have for a woman you are on an equal playing field, the less
invested from the beginning the better so treating women as a neutral helps a man realize that he shouldn’t spoil or
treat an attractive women better just because she is attractive. No woman is better or higher value than you nor should
be viewed as such, being too nice is just a sign the man doesn’t think much of himself or as equal to a woman, he’s
coming from a place of low self-esteem.

So don’t think in terms of “she is pretty and I would love a chance with her” but instead think in terms of “I’m a prize
and for me to be a prize I will not allow a woman’s beauty to entice me on its own”. If a man can make a woman’s
personality half the decision for whether she is attractive to him or not then he will be in a stronger position to make
every woman work for both his attention and his affections, he will be a challenge. You will be ahead of many other
men by simply approaching dating this way. This is the one standard every man should have off the bat to up his
attractiveness to women, this simple perception will change how you view life and dating and you will put out that vibe
to women.
2) Be scarce and unavailable

It often happens that when we start liking a girl we think that the more interest we show in her, the more she will be
interested in us. Because of this we think she will like us back in return but unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. As
we have said, most of the stuff you will learn about how to succeed with women and dating is counter intuitive. But
once you start seeing the logic behind it you will start to understand where we are coming from.

When you are too available to women, instead of making those women like you more you actually create the opposite
effect, you are killing any attraction a woman may have for you when you are too available. She will start to see you
as less of a challenge, i.e. she will see that you will always be there for her; this includes sharing all your personal time
and everything you have with her. Many times whether that be consciously or unconsciously women can and will take
advantage of this, as a result they will see you as a man of low value. Ultimately this could land you in the friend zone,
anytime a woman senses neediness from you she will end up treating you just like one of her many male friends.

Let me show that with an example; imagine something you like the most, imagine that thing is very difficult to get, it
will make you want it more; after all it is not readily available. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if that particular
thing is available everywhere and at any time you just won’t see the value in it. You will soon lose interest in it because
you know you can have it whenever you want it. When something is hard to get or very little of it exists this is what is
referred to as the scarcity principle: we place higher value on someone or something that is scarce (not readily
available) and lower value on someone or something that is easily obtainable (readily available). After all, how can a
man be in demand in the dating market to women if he’s always there for women and easily attainable? I can bet at
some point this may have happened to you, perhaps at some point you were so available that the woman just didn’t
really cherish or value her time with you.

You may notice that when you send a text message to the girl you like and she does not respond within a few hours
you may start wondering what happened and why she has not gotten back to you. If it has taken a day for her to
respond you start wondering if the text you sent her was a mistake in some way, you wonder if the timing to send it
was wrong, if what you said in the message freaked her out or quite simply you worry that she doesn’t like you. All
this thinking and worrying has the effect that you like her even more, you want to know what happened and why she
hasn't replied, this goes especially if you thought you were getting somewhere with the girl in question. In this
situation, men naturally want to do the right thing and do things perfectly, he doesn't want to lose her interest so he
may even send another message (two messages in a row) to try to find out why she stopped responding. His
availability shows in the fact he is waiting desperately for her response and in the fact he sent two messages without
patiently waiting for her to reply to the first.

On the contrary when there is a girl that replies immediately or is sending you constant messages you may feel she is
no challenge for you, you know she will be available to you whenever you want and because of that some of you guys
may soon lose interest in her. If you have ever had a really clingy girl like you before then you will realize this feeling, it
will turn you off because her clinginess acts as over availability to you. You feel you can have her whenever you want,
you feel she is always going to like you even if you don’t respond right away.

Women like challenges. You need to be that challenge so that she feels attraction to you, you can do this by being and
appearing mysterious. If she sees that you are a challenge then she will seek you out and possibly even pursue you
directly at times. She will also want to be around you more socially because she will want to find out more about you.
She will also make more of an effort to ask you how you are doing and what you are doing with your life more often,
she may ask about your hobbies or what you do in your free time, she will take an interest in your life because she will
want to be a part of your life.

If you always spend way too much time with a woman she will assume you are simply waiting around for a chance
with her, she will notice you hanging around her all the time and she will realize you are not doing much else with your
life. She will get tired and bored of you always being there, a man must realize his time away from women is just as
important as his time spent with them, spending more time with a woman doesn’t necessarily mean getting ahead of
other guys and getting dates faster. When something comes in small doses it can be enjoyed more, spending less time
with her means she will be able to cherish the little time she does get with you, she will also look forward to seeing
you more when she hasn’t seen you for a while.

If you are living your life to the fullest then you are simply too busy to worry about her and whether she likes you or
not. When you are busy you will not worry about why she has not replied to your text message nor will you worry
about when she will get back to you. Heck, you are too busy to even reply to her text message straight away when
you have so many other things to do, delaying a response is powerful. Doing all these things we just discussed will
make you more attractive to her.

If a woman sees you are having fun on your own, doing your own thing, socializing, meeting friends, taking up new
hobbies and traveling then this will also increase your value and will create a more attractive you. She will also want to
get your attention by working for it; after all if she can’t easily get your attention, she will only want it more. Once you
are living your life to the full, you are doing things with your life, going places with your life then for sure any
interested woman will want to be part of that.

So, bottom line, do not be too available. Instead, be unattainable, become the mystery man she wants to work out, she
will want to get to know you better and learn more about you. You achieve this mystery and scarcity by creating for
yourself a busy exciting life of fun outside of women, a life that women will want to be part of because they are not
already part of it. Once you are scarce you are valuable, she has to earn a chance to be in your life and it’s a privilege
for any woman to be in your world. Living your life to the full with purpose, passion and direction without worrying
too much about getting dates draws women out. Also give your time and your niceness in small doses and only to
those who deserve it. Once you start to become less available women will become more intrigued by you, try it, you
will see what it means to be valuable when you are scarce.
3) Do not be jealous of other guys. You are good enough

When it comes to women, competition amongst men definitely exists and for a man knowing that attractive women
have lines of men queuing up to date them can be infuriating. However, competition is just a distraction from what is
really important, YOU. The basic rule of nature is that women choose and men pursue. Either way, I don’t care what
anyone tells you: its women that make the final decision on whether you are the right guy for them or not. After all, the
most attractive women have many guys after them, they have a great selection of guys, a man would love to have the
same kind of selection.

Most guys are naturally fighting for a woman and trying to outdo their competition in various different ways, usually
this is a guy trying to prove he is the best option. Ironically, when a man tries to prove himself as the best he usually
isn’t perceived by the woman as the best option. In other words, if you ever see two men competing over a woman in
terms of which guy can give the best gift, the best compliment or in some cases which guy can beat the other guy to a
pulp first then these guys are on a losing game. Why? The reason is simple: they believe they are entitled to a specific
woman if they simply become the best at something even if that means outdoing other men. Seeing two men fight over
a pretty single woman and then seeing neither of them take the woman home is a good analogy.

When a guy has an ego (figuratively speaking) and makes comparisons all the time he will generally see others as
obstacles to his success, this may end up as jealous or aggressive competition or the guy trying harder to make his
opponents look worse than himself. If a man sees another guy giving a compliment to a woman on one of her social
site photos he then thinks he has to one up that guy with a bigger better compliment. If a man sees another guy giving
a girl a gift he feels he has to come up with a bigger better gift. If he sees a man talking to the woman he likes he feels
he has to tell her not to hang out with him or ask her out before he does. The underlying emotion here is fear, a fear of
losing the interest of a woman, hoping she will not find another guy as attractive because YOU want her.

Becoming the toughest guy in your school, the best basketball player at your college or being the most intelligent guy
over other guys does not guarantee a woman to like you more than all the other guys. What does is emotional security.
The more secure you are in your own two shoes the more you will attract women. What most men naturally do is get
involved in controlling behaviours and one upping other men to make themselves stand out more. One upping is
something insecure men do to mask their own insecurities, it is a focus on other men that makes a man feel to be the
best option he is going to have to not only show off but also show up other men as being bad options.

Truth is you can’t make a woman like you and you certainly can’t manipulate the situation (at least most times) so that
she chooses you over other guys, women aren’t daft! Women know when you are trying to prove yourself to them
and they know when you see other men as threats. After all if you thought you were good enough why would you try
to outdo and put down other men, why would you feel you need to prove yourself to a woman? This is approval
seeking type behaviour and needy which is unattractive to women. Thoughts such as “if I beat the other guy she will
want me instead of him” are the kind of thoughts you must rid from your system.

When a woman likes a guy a lot and is hooked on him there is nothing any guy can do to change her mind, even if a
guy steps in and tries to stop her from liking some other guy he is powerless to change her mind no matter how hard
he tries. Now if the woman still hasn’t made her mind up about a certain guy then you are still within a shot, many
times you will realize that the guy who always acts first isn’t the one who always end up with the girl. However, if a
guy gets there before you and she likes him and ends up dating him then you must accept it, the less you try to control
who she sees and dates the better. As long as you play fair and don’t show insecurity you always have the best chance
of being the best option (notice I don’t say one of her many options). Your aim is to become the best option always,
not one of the many options lining up for a date.

So who are the insecure men who play unfairly? These are the men who stroll across and tell a woman “you can’t
hang out with this other guy” or tell the guy showing interest in her “stay away from her, she doesn’t want to talk to
you”. An attitude like this is showing insecurity; your attempt to dominate the situation by being controlling and
domineering is unattractive to women no matter how much of an ego trip you are on. No woman wants a man
controlling in her life especially one that tries to stop her from doing what she wants to do with her life. Really, it
doesn’t matter how tough or puny the other guy is or how much you think he doesn’t deserve her, that isn’t your
choice to make.

If a woman wants her freedom give it to her, if she wants to hang out with a guy let her, if she would rather hang out
more with another guy deal with it, any attempt to prevent this or prevent her being friendly with another guy just
makes things worse. Accept that you can’t stop her from speaking to or hanging out with other guys, you may
become fearful and feel that you need to act, do something to prevent her from liking another guy but you cannot.
Ironically it is only when you stop worrying about competition that you truly become the best option. Sure you are not
always guaranteed the woman to like you just because you are secure but it maximizes your chances tenfold, going out
of your way to destroy or rid the competition is just the insecure man’s way of doing things.

When it comes to other men who put you down or intentionally make you look lesser than them in front of women it’s
usually because they are jealous of you and see you as an obstacle to getting women to like them instead of you. This
is a good time to re-set the frame so that you can see that these other guys are simply giving you value by making you
look bad to women or by trying to make them hang out with you less. This is giving women the impression something
about you threatens them which makes women intrigued in YOU and thus potentially attracted to you. Women know
men who do this are insecure, ironically by making you look less they actually make you look like more.

The same applies in the reverse: you being jealous of another guy will tend to give him more value because it makes
you look threatened by him. So if a woman you like or a woman you are dating starts talking to another guy or
hugging him as a friend any jealousy must be avoided, even if a guy is flirting openly with the woman you have to take
the idea that she will still like you even if she spends time with him. You have to also take the idea that she is a big girl
that can handle herself and that you have no control over whether or not another guy intrigues her. You must also
understand that if you are the best option and the best choice then why will she ever find the other guy any more
attractive than you?

Telling a woman she shouldn’t hang out with another guy is only going to make her want to hang with him more,
unless you have an extremely good reason she will simply take what you say with a grain of salt if she senses jealousy
or a need to control her, telling a taken woman her boyfriend is bad for her also falls under this topic. No matter
whether you insult the other guy, always talk about his negative traits, spread bad lies about him, try to make him look
bad or try to manipulate the situation a woman will almost always question in her mind why you do it and why you
need to bring it up in the first place.

It is a strong sign of secureness when a man knows he is good enough that he doesn’t need to put down other guys as
to outdo them or beat them to a woman, if you were putting your BEST self out to begin with it wouldn’t matter what
other men were doing. If a man is confident and secure in himself then he believes he is good enough as he is, he
believes he has a lot offer a woman and that he is by far one of the most attractive men around, he is a prize. In the
end, being more emotionally secure is why she is going to CHOOSE you over other guys. She is not going to choose
you simply because you’re focused on beating those other guys, tooling them or one upping the competition.
4) Do not buy her affections

Another big mistake we make when we want to create attraction with a girl we want to be with is buying her
affection, most guys new to dating simply think the more they throw at a woman, the more interested she will
become. A man buys a woman's affections whenever he does things like giving her chocolates or when he buys her
that expensive pair of earrings she’s been saying she’s wanted for a while, this goes especially when the gift doesn’t
come from the right place. Of course it’s nice to give a nice little gift to a woman but for most of us men it is coming
from a place of approval seeking, not to mention this woman isn’t your girlfriend yet. It is so easy to make excuses
for why we should lavish cash on a woman or spoil her with gifts just to make a woman like us, to please her and to
show her that we are worth her time. It feels like the right thing to do initially but it comes from a place of neediness.

Most of us guys have been guilty of this at some point; you may think you are being a nice guy and that she will see all
these generous gestures and think to herself how lucky she is to have met a great guy like you. The reality is that it
does not work this way.

You see, when you buy her something you put her in a difficult position; she will feel pressured because she feels she
has to respond to the present you gave her. Most women in this position will automatically start thinking that she has
to accept to go out with you on a date due to your kindness, she is also going to think and feel like you are trying to
buy her love, I can tell you, no woman wants to feel like she was bought into liking you. The last thing you want is a
woman that feels pressured to return the favour and date you, there is no real comfort there if the woman feels she
has to put out and put her guard up, a woman in this position will naturally suspect you are like many other guys who
want to please her with gifts and presents.

Ask yourself the question why do you need to go to all this effort to give her something in order to make her go out
with you? Do you not see yourself as an equal to this woman? A man should not feel like he is obligated to a woman
simply because she is a woman and an attractive one at that. Not to mention if you did get the girl to hang out with
you not only can a woman take advantage of this kindness, she may lead you on. I mean think about it, if you were a
wealthy guy throwing his money around, sure you might have women date you but it will only be for the money or
gift giving. Not to mention it is better to have a woman say no than to have her agree to date you just so she can use
you for your gifts or your money.

Women and men have different time lines for these things, so if you pressure her she will most likely get
uncomfortable, scared and potentially run away. She herself must make that decision of wanting to be with you and
this is achieved only if you respect and understand her perspective as well as her timeline for these things.

You may say that you are being honest with the present, that you thought of her and that you are not expecting
anything in return from her. However, for men especially new to dating this isn’t exactly true when behaving in ways
in which a man wants to impress a woman. You may notice that when you give your friends (people you feel no
attraction to) something you do not even care if the friend says thanks for it, you do not care if the friend gives you
something in return either. After all you ARE NOT ATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME with these people so why does it
matter if they don’t say thanks or not give something back? It is ideal.

Unfortunately, however, when you do like a woman and a lot then you ARE definitely attached to the outcome. You do
and will care so much more if she responds positively or negatively to your gift and you will be waiting and expecting
for something in return because it is highly likely you gave something in order to get something back, many men may
not realize they are doing this but even if they are thinking they are not it might be a good idea to ask yourself if what
your giving to her is your secret way of trying to make her like you. If she rejects you after the gift, perhaps she
dislikes the gift or says “thanks” but doesn’t return the same amount of interest you will likely think to yourself: “Who
does she think she is? I gave her an expensive present, she gives nothing in return and she rejects me? You don't do
that to people”.

This attitude will end up making you look like a sore loser; it will also make you look like a self-entitled wussy.
Whenever you are giving a gift to someone you should never give and then expect anything back in return there and
then, sure most of us will expect a “thank you” for our kindness but what most guys new to dating do is assume that
if they just be super nice in this way all their gifts and nice gestures such as complimenting how pretty she is should
be met with the same amount of courtesy back. The problem with this attitude is that it is false, you are simply telling
a woman with your actions that she should love you and treat you well simply because you love her and treat her so
well. Even worse, if you expect her to date you just because you are nice in this way you will always walk around
thinking women don’t deserve a great guy like you, the joke is on you.

A guy is never truly great when he thinks gifting a woman entitles him to a date, a man should not think any of this
nice behaviour of giving to a woman he likes should be met with the same. Imagine giving a woman a gift every day
for the rest of your life and then expecting her to say “thank you” every time and feel like she had to repay you in
some way, she doesn’t want to feel that feeling or that pressure.

Only give a present to a woman when you clearly see she is interested in you and she has earnt it. Why would you
give a gift to a woman you hardly know, why would you give a gift to a woman who is clearly not interested in you or
making an effort with you? See the present as a response to her actions towards you, why give anything like a gift of
some kind to someone who is not showing interest at all. If the woman is not responding to your text messages or is
not asking you how your day is going then gifting a woman is pointless. Better save the present for a better occasion
or for a person who actually deserves it! The only woman who deserves gifts and compliments is the woman you are

So remember do not give her a present to buy her affections. In most of the cases it has a negative effect or in the
best cases it has no effect at all.
5) Do not make her your priority

When a guy is always concerned with putting a woman’s feelings and happiness first he is making a sacrifice of his
own happiness and his own freedom; of course, any guy might say that doing what the woman wants is doing what
he wants to do but the truth is it’s usually not, he is compromising who he is because he feels if he does not give in to
a woman’s demands and do what she wants he will lose her interest and a potential relationship with her because of it.
Ironically, it’s actually the opposite; a man loses a woman’s interest when he makes her the more important one and
always puts the woman first before himself. Men, especially those new to dating often put a woman’s wants, needs
and feelings first even when he’s getting nothing from the situation. As they say nice guys finish last, there’s a reason
why that saying exists. A man needs to learn to put himself first more often otherwise his efforts will always be about
putting others before himself which simply tells a woman he is low value and she is more valuable than him.

Guys in this predicament tend to be the ones who always say “I did everything for this gal and she still doesn’t like
me, she takes me for granted and when I am good to her she just won’t give me that relationship that I want with
her”. Niceness is never a guarantee of getting a woman to like you nor is giving and giving and giving which is being a
pushover, you may feel you need to give a woman everything in the world and do everything for her but you don’t, it
doesn’t matter how high maintenance or attractive she is as the same rule will apply with anyone. You see when a guy
puts her first like this and treats her like a princess (caretaking her) this behaviour from a man doesn’t really teach
women to put the man first and care for his needs equally as a person.

He may think to himself “if I just solve all her problems in life she will love me forever”. As a man you should never
become a person pleaser or someone who thinks he must treat women as damsels in distress. Let’s be honest: a man
enjoys the idea of taking care of a woman he is attracted to but if a woman has her own problems she needs to be able
to deal with them herself as she grows and matures as a person. Just because she can’t do her homework or her
studies doesn’t mean you should go over to her place and finish it for her, just because she can’t fix a computer
doesn’t mean you owe her a free fix. Don’t do any favours just to get some alone time with her hoping you will get a
date or some sweet loving in return for your efforts.

This is where guys often go wrong, they believe that if a woman comes calling for a favour he should just pop around
there, fix her computer, fix her TV or fix her kitchen sink while secretly hoping he will get something in return. Once a
guy becomes a super pleaser he has too much to lose. If a man becomes a woman’s caretaker he puts a woman in the
position of being dependant on him, if man always does everything the woman’s way or does everything for her he
may think it makes her life easier and will make the relationship he has with her perfect but while he may not realize it
this type of behaviour from a man is like treating a woman like a child, better yet it’s also like being a slave.

A man shouldn’t let a woman take advantage of his generosity and his niceness if he wants to be taken seriously and
seen as an attractive man. Depending on the woman spoiling a woman rotten (giving way too much) will potentially
lead up to the woman doing something the man doesn’t like, she may never grow up and expect to be spoilt all the
time. If for example a woman becomes accustomed to you always giving her money (or other possessions) she will
grow to see that behaviour from you as a normality and she will treat you like a cash machine (seriously). She will
likely take you for granted at some point, if a woman is broke always make sure she pays you back and don’t over
spend on her like it’s something you need to do to keep her interested. There is a fine line between generosity and
being too generous. You see if a woman is in this position she will also work very little to keep the relationship 50/50 as
well as it will leave a man doing all the work in the relationship and the woman doing absolutely nothing.

Remember there is a specific balance to generosity that a man must convey, if for example a good friend helps you
with moving into your new house its common sense to realize that generosity can be repaid at a later date to said friend
if he or she is in a fix. Generosity can be powerful when given at the right moment and in the right doses. But if you
are a novice then my advice to you is to recognize how much you’re giving away and whether you are doing it as a
way to be liked back. If you find you are doing this too much tone it down, also recognize when and if you are giving
your generosity away too easily to people who do not deserve it as this is a sign you are trying to be a person pleaser. I
would go one step further to proclaim that a man needs to taste what it means to put himself first so then as a result he
can genuinely put others first, as a man you have to treat yourself well with respect before anyone else will.

Of course there are times when doing her the odd favour is OK, especially if she does you odd favours like looking out
for your or looking after you when you’re going through a really hard time in your life, however, if at any time you
feel taken advantage of and she uses you or it seems like you are constantly running around doing her errands for her
then that is when you are putting too much effort into the relationship with the woman whether you are dating or not.
Ask yourself: do you feel you are running around after her or doing all her work for her? Do you feel you are always
doing what she wants you to do? No matter what she says she wants you to do don’t always feel you have to do it
just to make her like you. Are you always being generous to women and getting nothing back for it? If so it’s time to
make changes and to stop feeling obligated to do all this stuff.

Many men become what we call a ‘yes man’, these men always say yes to anything the woman wants because they
cannot say NO, they are afraid to say NO, they say yes when they really meant to say no. They just find it too hard to
say NO when it comes to doing favours for another pretty face. It’s not always about what the woman wants though
and sure doing nice things for her will make her feel good but making a woman feel good does not necessary equate to
making a woman feel attraction, we must understand this and make sure that we do not give too much or give in too
much to her demands or cries for help. There are many times when a woman can clearly help herself, by allowing a
woman to fend for herself and saying NO more often we can help promote her development and maturity as well as
your own. Do not be afraid to say no just because you think she will lose interest.

No tgoing along with whatever she wants or says is powerful, even when disagreeing with a woman we are showing
strength but that disagreement must be because we actually have differing values, beliefs or priorities. It’s not about
simply being difficult or disagreeing for the sake of it, it’s about disagreeing because your views on some things differ
to hers. For example, if a woman is used to being spoilt by other guys and you suddenly said no to helping her sort her
own problems out she may get angry at you but it’s usually because she’s become accustomed to pushover guys
doing everything for her, by being different this way you are actually more attractive than other guys who otherwise
may have let women walk all over them. In these types of situations just simply say “it’s not my problem, I cannot help
you” and keep going with your decision to say no, it might seem hard at first but most of your success will come once
you start to give less, after all LESS is MORE.

Remember that giving less or being less generous should not be about being rude but simply about realizing you don’t
have to put everyone else first or always sacrifice your time for others, sure there will be times where lending
someone a hand is good and you will be repaid with someone else’s friendship, don’t ever become egotistically selfish
to the point you are always doing absolutely nothing for others as well as saying no to everyone. One day someone
might really need your help and sometimes that little bit of giving was worth it to help someone out. Not to mention
favours work both ways, you can’t really keep most friendships and relationships going if you’re constantly taking

If you want to know what it means to be too generous, look at this example: Let’s say a man is always picking people
up in his car and driving them everywhere or he seems to be the one always travelling to see them and not vice versa,
perhaps question whether you are doing similar, you might sometimes being a doormat towards other people and not
realizing it. If you ever find yourself paying for your date’s taxi fare home then you are one of these pushover guys, if
you were a man of high value you wouldn’t be paying for her. She went on this date to meet a great guy like you,
paying for her taxi fare to get home is like saying “I’m lower value than you, I’m not that great a guy and you don’t
deserve to pay money to come see little old me”. The same applies when you don’t like going Double Dutch on dates,
if she is willing to pay for her own dinner on a date then let her, in fact encourage her to pay for herself, don’t make
her royalty, she doesn’t really want to be treated like someone who cannot pay for herself on a date.

To sum this up, do not be her caretaker, do not treat her like a helpless inferior child who cannot sort her own
problems, do not treat her like a superior queen. By standing back and allowing women the chance to sort their own
problems you will be allowing them to mature and at the same time allowing them the chance to learn to respect you, if
a woman can respect you then she will find you more attractive. If she has a problem with her best friend or a group
of friends don’t be the guy who dives in trying to fix it and make everything perfect for her, that is her job, not yours!
If a woman creates her own problem let her sort it, she has to learn some day. If you are going to treat women like
royalty then you are just asking for her to treat you badly, no woman should be treated like a queen or a princess
otherwise you are not playing on a field of equals. Realize that putting yourself first doesn’t turn women off, by
lessening your giving and ridding this view that you need to cater to a woman’s every want or need you will make
women feel more attraction.
6) Do not trade your life for hers

When you start liking someone you want to spend as much time together with that person as possible, it is only
natural. Just as you like the lady you also like the way she makes you feel. Naturally, you want to do almost every
activity together, this is fine as long as she wants the same and as long you both enjoy the activities together.

The problem arises when we think we should begin doing her favourite activities as a way of making her like us. We
do this with the secret desire she will eventually realize how lucky she is to be spending lots of time with us and how
nice it would be to end up together, the guy here thinks in terms of “how can anything possibly go wrong if I just
shows an interest in everything she likes and pretend I like it too”. In many cases, when it comes to a girl you like, the
activities she likes are not always the ones you truly enjoy and at the end of the day you are doing something you do
not really like, pretending you like it in order to create rapport is not helpful. This will only get tiring in the long run and
eventually backfire on you. The way you might see it is that you are spending time with the girl you like so it means
your tactic in getting her to like you is working and you will eventually get somewhere. You think as long as you get
time with her everything else is fine.

Unfortunately, most of the time this tactic does not work. First you may be doing activities you do not enjoy and she
can usually tell. Where is the fun in that? If you are not enjoying yourself, how will the other person enjoy their time
with you?

Also, by saying yes to every single activity she may propose, your boundaries are non-existent, she may start to
wonder if you are capable of saying NO to things and how this may affect a potential future relationship. You don’t
want to be seen as the YES man; the guy who always says yes because he finds it hard to say no. You see by having
no boundaries what you are portraying is that you are someone who is easy to step on, someone with no opinion on
different matters, someone who just wants to please other people so they just agree on everything. These men are
often the ones who always go along with the crowd. Men like this go with whatever everyone else thinks, they often
allow themselves to be pushed into doing something they do not want to really do.

You can't be seen as an attractive man if you are always doing what she wants to do all the time. Men are often scared
to say NO to a woman or scared of simply disagreeing with her. You may think you are being nice and that there is no
harm in it, sure, being nice is a good thing in a way but only if you are a nice guy with boundaries and who isn’t trying
to make others like and accept you, being someone who can say no from time to time is powerful. But agreeing with a
woman on everything and saying yes to everything she asks you to do for her isn’t attractive because it shows you are
always willing to please her over yourself, it shows her that you put yourself last and she always comes first, this only
makes you look like a man who can be easily pushed around, taken advantage of and disrespected.

Women like men who have boundaries; women like men who take care of themselves first and then take care of them
secondly, these men have a high self-esteem because they can take care of themselves and their own happiness first
without sacrifice. This shows they have respect for themselves and will not bow down to anyone. Not to mention it
takes a confident man to say no when he finds it difficult to turn someone or something down, after all it makes us
feel guilt to turn something or someone down but it is that guilt that is making you as a man do things you don't
always want to do.

Do not always do what she wants and likes, nor agree with her on everything to show her what a great match you are
for her, it will not show her you are a great match, it will show her that you are trying too hard to impress her. Most
women know when a man is trying to make himself appear the perfect match for her by pretending they have so
much in common. It may work in the beginning and you may even start dating but what happens if the activities you
are doing together are not really your favourite things to do? What if the things she likes are not the things you like? All
this lying and pretending you like things you don’t or even all this following her around you have been doing will only
leave her with all the power, women don’t want all this power over you, it is natural for a woman to abuse that power
when you behave like a follower in this way.

It’s important for a man not be co-dependant in his friendships and relationships since he will never be able to build his
own identity, he will always be trying to fit in and be what everyone else wants him to be. Sure, it’s good to show an
interest in other people’s lives but not to the point where you simply become a clone or mimic of another person, a
man must have his own style and his own individual personality since by being like every other guy (or person) you
will not be seen as authentic, you will just be seen as one of the herd, someone who is too scared to be different.
If you are the kind of guy to say “babe we have so much in common” she won’t fall for it, she will know you don’t
have any character about you, she’ll feel you’re just following her around and imitating her as a way of getting across
you have so much in common and that you are good for each other because of this fact. Of course, it is ok to have
things in common with someone but women know when you’re mimicking them on everything. Keep in mind if you
are always taking her side on everything you could be blinded by your feelings and your emotion and thus being
unrealistic. Yes, every woman wants to feel special but taking her side on everything doesn’t achieve that since she is
imperfect and will make mistakes or wrong judgements from time to time.

Trying hard to be that guy who has so much in common shouldn’t be at the forefront of your mind, if you try to be
sneaky she will sense that you are making it up as you go along and she will feel you are trying too hard to make
things work with her just because you are too alike. I mean think about don’t you think she is going to realize how odd
it is that you are so alike?

It is important to have boundaries. It is ok to say no to things, it is normal not to like everything the other person likes,
you don’t have to like the music she likes just to impress her nor do you need to lie by agreeing with her on
everything. After all, each and every person is different and a world of their own, every person has their own personal
dreams and desires in life. She will respect you when she sees that you have your own boundaries and you are a man
who is not like everyone else. When she sees you are not agreeing to everything she says, does or wants only then will
she know that you’re not afraid to put forward who you really are without being ridiculed or losing her interest.

Most women are not used to a guy who has his own individual view on things since most other guy including the
average nice guy has agreed always with her on everything. One example of this may be that most guys always stick
up for her even when she is the one in the wrong or the one acting bratty and spoilt. You will see many times a woman
who is arguing with a guy over something and the guy is standing up to her and some guy who likes the woman
comes along and sticks up for the woman simply because she is attractive and because he likes her, this example
clearly defines the average nice guy who agrees with a woman on everything.

Once you have boundaries things will work in your favour, it shows you have spine. As for those other guys who
always go along with whatever she says, they are the ones who are afraid of conflict with the woman, they think by
disagreeing or having differing preferences they will lose the woman's interest and will displease the woman. It’s ironic
that for a man to be attractive he must not be scared of potential conflict with a woman if there are differences in
opinion or disagreements.
7) Be positive, nobody wants to be around a negative person

It is always important to keep any conversations with women on positive subjects and always communicate in a
positive manner, after all when do you ever see negative people getting hired for a job? If your conversation and vibe
steer toward negativity, women will ultimately be turned off by you and find you dull, boring and even annoying at
times. You can’t realistically put yourself on the dating market when you’re putting out there to everyone that there is
nothing good about you, that is precisely what a man is doing when he is negative. It is important to know that feelings
are contagious: if you feel good and positive then it’s almost certain those around you will also feel that vibe and
energy coming from you, after all people like to be around people that make them feel good and positive.

So a woman will feel positive if you feel positive, how you feel about yourself and your life in general is how she is
going to feel when she is around you. However, when someone is around a negative person those feelings of negativity
will eventually end up rubbing them the wrong way, at some sub conscious level people know that by being around a
person who constantly talks negative and feels negative they are going to have to feel negative too as a result. People
simply can’t stand negativity; people cling to positivity, so build a mindset of abundance and become a person who can
see the good in things rather than the bad. Be the guy who focuses mostly on the positive aspects of an experience
rather than see the cup as half empty when the cup could be half full instead.

Being positive means you will generally attract positive people into your life as well, not to mention if people in general
like to feel good then offering them good feelings through the way you talk and communicate is like giving them a
promise of good times, excitement and positive emotions. To achieve this start to think more positive in your day to
day life, by thinking positive we feel positive as a result and therefore we act positive because of the positive feelings
we have created. There is always some kind of feeling associated to a thought, that is why if you’re thinking of things
you like and enjoy in life rather than the things you don’t like or enjoy you will be more positive and happier as a
person long term. Simple positive thinking may include thoughts such as “today is going to be a great day”.

Positivity also goes as far as positive beliefs, if you can re-programme any negative beliefs into positive ones when
they pop up in your mind you will be a much more confident man as a result, you might for example affirm to yourself
the following “I’m an attractive guy and there are women out there that will like me”. Believe in yourself, believe you
are attractive so that you put that vibe out there, then and only then will women believe it too. If you can’t believe in
yourself no one else will. Of course sometimes it may be hard to believe you are an attractive man when you have
hardly any evidence but by believing in yourself you will at least have a head start, you have to really find something
good about yourself and make that the evidence for why you are attractive. Really ask yourself what positives do you
have that a potential date will love about you? Use those positives about yourself to boost your confidence.

Things like complaining about how badly your last relationship was, whining that you can’t find a girlfriend, talking
about how all women are bad people, how having little money is destroying your life, constantly bad mouthing other
people and generally putting out any vibe that life is unfair and not worth living. These kind of thoughts and stewing in
your own pity is making you highly unattractive to women. The more you think in terms of lack (what you don’t have
or don’t like) the more you will be that person who thinks he is always hard done by and has nothing great in his life.
How can a man make a woman feel happy and secure if he himself does not feel happy and secure?

Women also keep their guards up around guys who bad mouth people in their lives including ex-lovers, after all how
can they trust a man who has a problem with everyone they run into, this is the sign of a man who always makes
unnecessary problems for himself and lacks emotional maturity. If a woman ever sees you bad mouthing women
especially women that rejected you or ex-girlfriends then it’s not going to look good on you, women wont trust you
because they feel they will be next on the list of women you want to gossip about in a negative way.

No woman wants to be your agony aunt, trying to garner sympathy all the time or trying to make the woman feel
sorry for you by acting the victim will scare women off, women don’t want to be around a guy who is constantly
depressive about everything and can never look at the brighter side of life. If you don’t like the way your life is right
now then it’s time to start making changes today. When focusing more on what is great about yourself and your life,
don’t brag or show off, just think about how grateful you are for things in life rather than being ungrateful, any bad
past experiences can be left behind so you can start now focusing on the present and future instead. Whatever
outcome in life comes your way learning to deal with it in a positive manner is a trait of an attractive man, it shows
that whatever comes to you in life is not something you will always whine about or blame on others.

If you get rejected by a woman see it as a good learning experience, see it as something to learn from and something
enjoyable rather than something terrible that happened to you, this way you avoid appearing the victim. If you are
constantly looking for the bad in everything then all you will feel is negativity and possibly even bitterness for as long
as you keep seeking the bad about every situation in your life, some people can simply never be happy, they may be
negative when something doesn’t go their way but also be negative when something does go their way, they can never
be happy because they never allow themselves to be happy so instead they remain miserable for as long as they make
an excuse to be difficult, miserable and pessimistic. Men often don’t realize that there are many times where they are
the common denominator or cause for things in their own life not going right including their lack of happiness.

Some advice may be to take up a sport or start hitting the gym, with persistence and patience this is a great way to
gain confidence in your life, exercise releases endorphins (the feel good hormones) as well as shaping your body up
nicely. You may also find that a new experience you take up may be something you enjoy a lot. The problem with most
men stuck in this mindset of negativity is that they don’t get up out of their chair much or see much of what the world
has to offer, they don’t seek new experiences in life or try to build a social life which is something needed in order to
build yourself up as a person, it’s with that building up of yourself that will make you enjoy life more, enjoyment of
these things will make you more of a positive person after all.

Not to mention if you can find something you are awesome at then it is going to show in your communication both
verbally and non-verbally, you will put out positive vibes because you have found something you value in yourself,
whatever it is you like and are good at it will give you a sense of worth. Women love positive energy from a man
because it shows reliability; it fits the whole survival of the fittest theory. You can’t be the fittest if you’re always
marketing yourself as someone who doesn’t trust himself to get the job done when it matters. Find something you are
passionate about in life and let that be your power in being positive.

The solution is simple, think positive to feel positive, the more you think positive the more you feel positive, the more
you feel positive the more you will be able to influence those around you to feel positive. Become an optimist, focus
more on what is great about you and your life, spend more time talking about what is good about your life and what
you enjoy about life, put across that everything your doing is fun and don’t bring up bad past experiences. Your first
impressions will count most so start your day positive and then end it positive as well, do this every day from now on.
You can’t have a great experience with a pessimist so why be one yourself? If for any reason you suffer from serious
depression seek counselling.
8) Do not create another persona just so people will like you

It is important in life to be honest. Honesty applies tenfold in the dating scene because without it you cannot build trust
with women, not to mention trust plays a big a part in the attraction process. It often happens that when you meet a
girl you like you may omit certain aspects of yourself in order to not scare the girl away, the truth is you may already
being a bit deceptive in specific ways but aren't actually aware that you are doing it.

Of course, do not forget that it is always good to be mysterious, to not share everything about yourself all at once,
women do need to wonder about you and the mystery surrounding you and your life keeps them interested. You
achieve that by sharing little about yourself. Furthermore you have to learn that your life is just that: your life. You
share it with people who have become close to you, people who are worth sharing your life with.

However, it is one thing is to omit information (that you will most probably share in the near future) and it is another
thing to lie. Some men do lie about what they do for a living, some men lie about what they study and some men lie
about how much money they have; in other words, men lying about their lifestyle is a deception in itself, it is

You may think that the only way to get a girl is to impress her by mentioning your lifestyle including any lies you use to
boost your image to her. This includes telling her you have money and telling her that your weekends are always full of
activities that keep you busy. Lying may work at the beginning but sooner or later you will get caught out and the girl
you are pursuing will reject and not trust you due to the fact you deceived her by being insincere. Let’s be honest: if
she can't trust you about one thing she is going to find it hard to trust you when it comes to other things as well, it can
cause her attraction to dwindle.

Men generally do this because they think the woman is out of their league, they think they have to make up all this
stuff as they go along and pretend they have something they don’t in order to match the things she has, to make her
see he is worth her time. In other words, if the man perceives a woman as being higher value than himself, his lies are
his insecure way of telling her and himself that he’s not a catch, he has his own perceived weaknesses or things he
perceives about himself as deficiencies, he believes if she gets whiff of this she won’t like him. Sure, some women
they may perceive you as unattractive for working at a fast food restaurant but this applies more to shallow women,
the truth is you will realize from experience that most women don’t really care what job you have as long you have
passion whether that be for your job or in other areas of your life.

Women are more interested in the kind of guy you are and not so much whether you work at a fast food restaurant or
not, so if you’re not proud of your job don’t make that the reason why women don’t like you because in the end it is
mainly your attitude and behaviours that will turn her on or off not what job you have. And remember you always have
the ability to change things about yourself and your life especially if you really aren’t proud of those things that you
think restrict you, in the end it’s how you feel about those things that will make the difference, if your unhappy at
work it might be a sign to get a new job, preferably something that brings out the best in you and makes you a happier
person rather than someone unhappy and lacking passion in his work.

Get away from any lying you might do to impress a woman, don’t pretend you like cats just because she does, don’t
pretend you like the city of Rome just because she does, don’t pretend you like French food just like she does. In the
end all of this lying will be detected by most women, being the guy who just lies in order to seem the perfect match is
not only silly but is an absolute waste of time, you are trying too hard and you are trying to make her perceive you as a
guy who is perfect for her. As a man you are allowed to relate to others but full out mimicking them is one thing, the
other is lying simply because you want her to accept you and perceive you as cool and attractive.

Let’s forget a bit about the girl that you like for a minute and focus on you. If you are actually lying about yourself it
actually means you are not happy with your life and it means you have to make changes. You are unhappy with the
fact that if you tell her who you really are what you really have it’s going to lose her interest but the problem doesn’t
reside with the life style you have, it resides with the fact you think that being truthful about your life style will turn her
off. If you cannot be happy with how your life is going then it’s time to make changes. You have to sit down, get a
pen with paper and start writing down how you would like your life to be so that you don't have to hide things about
yourself, then you can really say you are proud of the life you have rather than making one up to fool other people.

Women like guys who are authentic; those who are comfortable with themselves and have no problem telling them
who they really are and what their lifestyle really is. These men may not have anything at certain stages in their lives
but they are still looking for something, they are looking to become a better version of themselves, to improve their
lives. Once you have the kind of life you are proud of, you will radiate all this positive energy that comes with it and
you will start to hang out with people who think like you. After all, we attract those that are like ourselves or similar.

All of this creates potential attraction, since it shows you are pursuing your dream no matter what, Girls will notice
this. They will notice you have a dream and that you have goals in life (goals which don’t include getting a girlfriend).
Women love this kind of energy, they cling to it and they will want to be a part of that journey. After all, women don't
want men to follow them, women want to follow a man who knows where he is going in life and will not be shaken
off that path so easily.

So, next time you find yourself lying in order to get the attention of that particular girl, stop and review your life and
see if you need to make changes in order to live the life you want in order to be happy and content with your life. Also
prevent yourself from lying to women about who you and what you have just to make her like you.
9) Don't take things personally; the world is not after you

There are times when you may be sensitive to what women do or say around you, this happens especially if you are
attached to the woman in question or put a lot of value in what women and people think or say about you. When
women like us they may be extremely discreet about it, they may even try to catch your eye but some of them will try
to cause conflict and drama in more forward ways, sometimes they may even appear to do this purposely. Let’s just
pretend you know or like a specific woman and she says or does something teasing to you, perhaps she even rubs you
the wrong way (in some cases that may mean she is being mean or horrible to you). Yes it might annoy you, confuse
you or hurt your feelings but if a man can learn not to let it affect him women will find him that much more attractive,
a woman loves a man she can’t get a reaction out of.

Teasing may range from poking you, touching your hair, running off with your hat, calling you nicknames or even in
some cases being difficult with you. I want to cover what it means when a woman is being difficult, she is just trying
hard to be challenging to you. It tends to be that the less mature, more insecure and less esteem a woman has the more
likely she is to try to annoy you, make fun of you or be mean to you as a way of displaying possible interest, women
who do this have very confused feelings. At the same time meanness from a woman doesn’t always mean she is
interested though either, it is a good idea to consider the fact she may treating you badly because her friends don’t like
you or simply because she perceives you as uncool or as the class outcast. Another thing to note is that if this woman
knows you like her and starts to be mean (i.e. ignoring you etc.) after this fact then her meanness is probably just her
way of telling you she isn’t interested and doesn’t want to encourage your advances.

However it is also important to know that if a woman wants you attention there is often a good reason for that and it
could lead to her wanting to know what type of guy you are and eventually a date. If she is mean to you but is always
pursuing conversation with you she probably likes you but doesn’t like the straight forward playful teasing way of
doing it so instead she takes the mean approach. The meanness is just a visage for hiding her interest in you while still
giving her an excuse to get close to you. So if a woman is being mean for no reason (you have given her no reason to
be like that) there is always the possibility she is into you or starting to like you.

It’s possible sometimes for men to take something a woman does too personally, sometimes women can be horrible,
sometimes they are simply joking and pulling your chain, either way whichever way the woman intended it, it is still
best not to take it personally, be calm and laugh it off like it is no big deal. One of the many situations you might see is
that a woman calls a guy a loser (remember what I said about a woman being mean to you?). The reason may be that
she sees you as an outcast or she may just want to test the waters with you. For some guys it’s hard to realize that
women do go out of their way sometimes to cause drama and conflict sometimes just to see how interested you are in
them or as a way of testing your ability to play it off. A guy might think to himself “what does she mean by calling me
a loser?” “Was she playing with my head?”. Whichever way it was intended does not matter as long as you respond
with indifference, sometimes your best response may be NO response rather than a witty response with humour.

A low esteemed guy would actually believe he deserves the title of loser and that she is calling him loser because he is
an outcast. But a man of high self-esteem has a different perception, he thinks he is valuable because the woman is
either hitting on him or is jealous of something great about himself. Notice how there are two different perceptions
here, one is more positive than the other? This relates a lot to what we said earlier about being positive. Your success
here will depend greatly on your perceptions, by viewing it as a good test of your own emotional strength when this
sort of thing happens and by viewing it as the woman being interested in you, then and only then can you start to really
enjoy women who try to get your attention like this regardless of their motives and intentions. Women love to push a
man’s buttons but if she can’t push yours it only intrigues her more.

If the woman was only joking and you take it to heart you will only look like a miserable guy who cannot have a good
laugh or have fun, it may look like you’re too invested and take things too seriously as well. Women seek fun, not guys
who are miserable, you will realize that women often cause drama in such ways simply as a way of making things fun
with you, to get a reaction out of you, to see how you respond to her, it’s important not to react emotionally but
respond calm and logically, try not to take offence to a woman’s drama or her attempts to annoy you. Of course when
the woman really is teasing or being mean you can still smile and laugh or simply don’t respond if you feel the moment
calls for it, you don’t need to say anything back just as a way of getting her back if her intention was to annoy you,
sometimes silence is golden.

Your emotional reactions will generally be a reflection of what you think of yourself and how emotionally secure you
are. If you take positive thinking seriously then handling yourself in these situations should be much easier since you
will have a reason to think of such situations as being a positive experience rather than a negative one. Now if a
woman insults you and you get angry then throw insults back what does this tell her about you? It shows her that she
got under your skin otherwise you wouldn’t need to throw insults back nor would you be angry; by simply not giving
a damn and not needing to win or one up her you will win by default by simply not giving attention to women who
don’t deserve it.

When you reframe this as her trying to get your attention for positive reasons then you can think to yourself “her being
mean and teasing is her way of hiding her interest in me, she wants to see how well I take her drama and find an
excuse to break the ice”, that is how a high esteemed guy would think because he has a life where he expects women
to do that and for those reasons because of his experience, he thinks of himself as attractive, that women want him
and he also knows there is absolutely nothing wrong with him so he takes none of it personally. So see women trying
to get your attention as a good thing even if she is mean and difficult about it, a woman must value you if she goes out
of your way to get your attention, it is how you respond to it that is generally how you pass these tests.

There are times when sticking up for yourself is important, while these don’t happen often it shows strength and
character to make sure that women know your boundaries and what you do and don’t want in your life, if you are not
likely to put up with disrespect from people in general then you must have the same attitude with attractive women
too. Even if the women you deal with are attractive women, you must not be afraid to offend women by being blunt
and getting across what you know or believe is right, every now and then teach people right from wrong as your
boundaries are like your own set of politics, if you don’t like someone disrespecting you or your feelings tell that
person the behaviour or action causing the conflict. In the end you will garner more respect if you respect yourself
first and don’t tolerate any bad behaviour from anyone, this doesn’t mean you have to go around lecturing or throwing
fists but simply making sure you call them on their behaviour, you are always free to walk away from negative people
who add nothing to your life. If someone steps over the line stand up and make yourself heard, tell them you won’t
accept their behaviour.

Ever have a woman come over to your place or your apartment and start smoking in your house? Now in that case if
you don’t like people smoking in your house the passive approach is to just let her do it because you’re too scared to
confront her, standing up for your rights and your values means telling her to go smoke outside your apartment. Sure
we can sometimes feel like a spoil sport but it shows good character and strength to put down your boundaries when
necessary. If the person respects your boundaries and your feelings they will compromise and do what you want them
to do within reason. If in these kind of situations you are too concerned with losing her interest by calling her out then
you will be surprised to know that calling her out will often make her take you more seriously and potentially find you
more attractive than 80% of other guys who don’t call her out on it.

It might also hurt your feelings when a woman disagrees with you on something but this is just because you haven’t
yet learnt to deal with the feeling of disagreement not because you have to run away from the conflict of disagreement.
You simply need to learn to not give a damn what any one woman thinks of you and how you live life, if you can attain
that (even if it takes a while) then you will not be scared to confront issues or run away from them, nor will you be
scared to be blunt and straight with people which earns the respect of everyone. Do not be afraid to hurt someones
feelings just because you think they might not like hearing it, do not constantly paddle around your words just because
you don’t think the girl will not like to hear what your about to say to her, just don’t throw insults.

Even your female class mate could steal your favourite hat or bracelet while you see it happening and you could
perceive it as her treating you badly and making fun on you in a mean way when she might have just been trying to
show she likes you without being obvious, notice how getting mad or miserable about her is again taking it too
seriously and personally? Most women in some weird way just want inject a bit of fun into these situations. And if a
woman is angry at you or losing her mind the biggest mistake a man can make is to get sucked into her drama and
fight back, instead he must defuse it by not reacting to it like a victim or like her prey, instead he must let it slide off
his exterior like it was nothing.

The one who cares least controls the interaction and remains in control of themselves. Anytime you are constantly
trying to defend or explain yourself with comments such as “I don’t really care, leave me alone” in a disgruntled tone
or “I am not a loser” you are stepping into the realm of caring too much, to get across the point you are indifferent
why say anything? Those who care least aren’t usually saying much because they feel they do not need to prove
anything with words, a man of real confidence not only knows he doesn’t need to say much he knows that his actions
speak louder than his words, no amount of defensiveness of “I’m not a loser” can be proved with words but with
Humour can often defuse many of these situations as well, just make sure that your humour is not smug but confident,
get across that you really couldn’t give a damn about most things because in the end what you think about yourself is
actually more important than what others think of you, you know who you are, most people will try to undermine you
at times but only you give yourself permission to feel down in the dumps when it happens, no one makes you feel bad
about yourself since they aren’t the ones controlling your happiness, it is only an illusion to think other people control
how happy and sad you can be.
10) Do not assume the girl is going to be your soul mate
This is perhaps an obvious one and we may tell it to our friends as advice but ironically we usually do not apply it to
ourselves and our own situation.

It always happens when we meet someone we like, that person becomes the centre of our world. All our attention is
focused on that particular girl and we focus on her almost all the time. You may think this is a positive thing as we are
putting our energy into just one girl thinking that all this thinking about her is having no effect on ourselves and that the
feelings we have for someone are justified. Some men even go the lengths of imaging what it would be like to marry
the woman he is thinking about and he is already thinking she is his soul mate. Ever heard of the saying: don’t put all
your eggs in the same basket? Well, that specifically applies here and it means that no amount of fantasizing about this
perfect life with this girl and how she is going to be with you some day will help. The very act of wanting something
too badly to happen and all the idealization to boot will only make you put out a needy vibe.

When you focus on just one girl all your thoughts go into that one woman and what the woman is doing at all times of
the day. You may become anxious when the girl in question has not answered your text message, you start checking
her social networking site (generally Facebook or Myspace) page more often, then you wonder who the guy is with
her in a picture. Then it goes even further and you start to notice other guys who keep liking her posts or leaving
comments for her including complimenting her pictures. All this focus on her only drives you crazy in the long term,
you want some kind of control of the situation but it is helpless.

Even though you may think it is right to focus on the one girl this creates a negative effect on you, you start becoming
obsessed with her. Due to all this impulsive thinking you cannot control your emotions; you may get angry with her
when she finally answers your text message or when she calls you back after a week of your last call, your tone of
anger will make her think you care too much. After all, just because she didn’t get back to you quickly doesn’t mean
you should get upset or angry over it. The reason you probably do get angry and upset is because you want her to like
you, you want her to do everything that you want her to, unfortunately she can’t text and call you all the time, she has
to make time for other people too.

Now if, on the other hand, you have other prospects or other options you won’t care if one particular girl does not
answer you or spend less time talking to you than you hoped for. Better yet, if you never allow women to invade your
mind this much in the first place you will never have this problem of her being some big prize in your life, not to
mention you don’t want to appear as the guy who needs her attention and affection on him 24/7. Remember when we
talked about not caring about the outcome? The same applies here. You have high expectations and a strong
dependency on a good outcome, you possibly even care too much about how she behaves toward you, if her simply
not talking to you for a while can make you this emotional, how needy will you be when you’re actually in a

You already did your part by contacting her by text or phone call. It is up to her to follow through and get back to you
when she is ready. If she goes off doing other things, she is just busy; she has a life to attend to. If she seems to be
speaking to other guys more than you then she probably either does not like you or she is trying to make time for all of
her friends. A man should not be possessive; any time a woman gets a vibe from a man that he needs to have her
attention on him ALL the time it is going to turn her off and any needy behaviour will slip out due to his strong feelings
for her.

When you have other potential prospects in your life your chances of going out on a date are not narrowed down to
one girl. You have more options and having more options creates within you a mindset of abundance, you have other
girls that want to go out with you, you have friends who are inviting you to spend time with them and you also have
many goals in your life that keep your mind off fantasizing about this one girl, it’s easy to fall into that rut so training
your mind not to wander and think about her all the time is key.

All of the above options help you not to become obsessed with that particular girl because when you’re busy doing
other things (not sitting around thinking about her all the time) you have less time to be anxious thinking about these
women and how badly you want them. This is important as it will show in your personality, your actions and your
unconscious body language; women will pick up on this mindset of abundance.

By having options as well you also portray yourself as someone confident and as someone who is not attached to the
outcome. As a bonus this this will also make you more attractive to other girls as other girls will sense there are other
girls interested in you.
So the bottom line is make a date LESS of a NEED, you don’t want women to think you NEED them as that is the
definition of needy. Once you become needy it is game over and she will realize you are possessive and likely move on
to a more attractive guy who does have it together. So remember keeping your mind and focus off her (especially
when she isn’t physically there with you) is paramount to keeping yourself grounded and not becoming obsessed over
one woman.
11) Build interest slowly and use mystery to your advantage
What most guys do wrong in the courtship is that they go crazy with their feelings towards the women they like, it
doesn’t matter what anyone tells you, hiding your feelings in a woman isn’t weak, it is your right to keep your interest
in a woman to yourself, often the advice given by the average person is to go tell a woman your feelings, tell her you
like her, ask her out or ask for a date. This would be ok if the woman was definitely 100% into you and literally
throwing herself at you but this rarely happens and in the long run it is better just to show your interest rather than to
speak of it. That means show any potential interest in her with your actions not with your words but at the same time
do not be totally obvious about your interest to the point she knows you’re after a date. I always advise a playful
teasing approach since it is both charming and fun and allows a woman to drop her guard.

It is also a sign of low self-esteem telling a woman you like her out of the blue, you might not realize it at first but you
are in fact seeking her validation, with experience you will realize that telling a woman you like her or want a date with
her doesn’t make her like you either, men want quick answers and fast solutions but her knowing you like her doesn’t
get you closer to a date in 99% of cases. If you have in the past told women you like them then no worries, take it as a
good learning lesson, from experience I am sure most men have at some point told women they like them only to be
sorely disappointed when she didn’t like him back. Once we start to approach dating with a mindset of “I’m going to
take things slow and see if she is worthy of me” things become simpler and as a man you will realize you don’t need
to tell a woman you like her.

If you are valuable think about it, you’re not going to throw yourself at a woman in this way, not to mention women
prefer men who cut the verbal “I’m into you” business and keep them guessing, that is why showing interest with
your actions you can keep the woman guessing. In the long run this will also help you better communicate on the level
of nonverbal communication which is how women show their interest in men, notice how it is rare that a woman will
come out and tell you she likes you? She feels she doesn’t need to tell you, she feels you just need to read and measure
her level of interest then escalate from that point forward. Anytime you feel like getting your feelings off your chest tell
yourself NO, the problem isn’t getting it off your chest, the problem is obsessing over the woman.

So keep in mind the less we speak of our interest the more mystery you have, you will notice many times when a man
likes a woman and the woman seems interested but as soon as the guy tells the woman he wants to date her, she
suddenly loses interest. This is why it isn’t a good idea to go about telling women we want a date with them, a woman
is much more intrigued by a man when she doesn’t really know the guy is into her, yet if she can feel like the guy may
be interested it keeps her guessing as well, that level of uncertainty in her mind leaves her curious about you and what
type of relationship is forming because it is not yet clear to her. When we don’t tell a woman we like her but show
interest in short bursts we can give a woman the impression we want to get to know her without being too obvious
about our attraction and without making it seem we are after something from her. Not making a decision on whether
we like someone from the first moment we see them can help here.

Women always have their guard up against guys who try hitting on them, women also put their guards up when they
can sense ulterior motives and when the guy is after something from her even though he’s trying to hide it. Most times
men are thinking in terms of “I like her so I’m going to simply approach her and ask her out” yet they do not ask
themselves “is she giving off a vibe she is interested back?” and “have I built enough rapport with this woman?”. Now
building rapport is not only important it has to be done right, a man can avoid friend zone and still be on the borderline
of being a friend if he doesn’t come off like he’s after something from her.

Rapport is about building trust, I’m not talking about seeking or giving approval but by giving her enough time to see
the kind of guy you are, trust is an important ingredient in any relationship and in this case it tells a woman a lot about
your reliability as a future partner. When most men go up to women and ask for their numbers or ask for a date they
are thinking like typical men, the women simply say NO and won’t go on a date with them. Why is this? Well the
woman doesn’t know the guy, she has only just met him and as a guy it’s natural to think he can just stroll over and
succeed with getting a date. Yes there are some women you may meet in random places who give you their number
right away but unless there is some kind of rapport and trust built in a pre-conversation with the woman then she is
very unlikely to give you her contact details.

Never feel there is some kind of rush to get somewhere with women because you have to take into consideration her
timeline on these issues as well, she wants to feel secure, a lack of getting to know you or even an insecure
environment often prevents women from wanting to talk to you and even giving you their number so don’t be in so
much of a rush to get her to like or date you, the best relationships tend to be those where there is a base of knowing
each other well before it even gets to the dating stage. Sometimes that means you may need to have met a woman
several times on different occasions before she likes and trusts you enough and as a result comfortable enough to be
giving you her number.

This is why men must accept that there a lot of women out there who not only get hit on all the time but there are
women who want men to prove they are the real deal before even considering a date with them, most women aren’t
going to give you their contact details by going up to them and saying “hey I really like you, can I have your
number?”. What a man must do is understand that interest is usually built over time. Why is interest with women is
usually built over time? It’s because it builds intrigue but more importantly trust, women are thinking in terms of “will
he just have sex with me and leave me if I give it to him too early?” and in terms of “I am tired of desperate men who
throw themselves at me, I want a man who is willing to get to know me first and see if there is a connection and

This is why if you simply approach 10 women in one day speak to them for a few minutes and try to get their
numbers 9 or 10 of them will shoot you down no problem, like I said they don’t know who the heck you are, they just
met you. A man must create the kind of social life that makes it easy to meet women all the time, if you are
approaching women only in clubs and on the street I suggest building your social life up so you have more places to
meet women i.e. class, work, hobbies, gym and any other social activities. This advice isn’t to discourage you from
talking to women in the park or in the library but it makes much more sense to just create the kind of social life where
you meet lots of women effortlessly without needing to go out of your way all day hitting on hundreds of women until
one says yes.

Not to mention if you have a very active social life waiting to get a woman’s number comes up naturally, if a man is
truly living a busy productive life as such he must see if there is space in his life to let that person in, of course that
doesn’t mean letting the person in straight away, a man of high value does not simply accept women into his life easily
nor does he go chasing numbers or skirts, this is a man lacking purpose. Always ask yourself is this person worthy to
enter your life? Simply change your approach to dating from a hunting mentality to a fishing mentality, you don’t need
to talk women into liking you, women will bite if you give them a chance.

When you want to get a woman’s number always check to see if there is some kind of chemistry and connection
before going for the kill otherwise you approach women based solely on your interest level which will often leave you
without her number, if a woman wants you to go for her number she will make it known through specific signals, its
paramount to check on how a woman communicates when you’re talking to her, some signals of interest may be that
she laughs at almost anything you say even if it’s not funny, she touches you a lot and teases you playfully.

The problem is that a man’s interest is generally super high from the first moment he meets a woman which is
something he needs to learn to curb in the long term, this happens because he usually idealizes the woman and
becomes infatuated with her from the first moment he meets her. However, women generally start off with low
interest because they don’t look at how handsome a guy is and then suddenly become attracted, as a woman she has
to assess the kind of guy he is and to see if he is trustworthy, a woman values a guy’s personality more than his actual
physical looks. A woman’s attraction is usually progressive in that her interest builds like a crescendo symphony, a
woman can’t really get to know you in under a minute. It’s easy to judge how pretty someone is within a few seconds
but it’s not easy to judge someone’s personality just by looking at them.

You do however need to strike when the cauldron is hot. Not acting on a woman’s interest doesn’t necessarily put you
in the friend zone but when that moment of opportunity opens for you it’s time to take a chance, otherwise you may
miss the opportunity for good. Know that every time you’re asking a woman for her number it has to be because
you’re 100% (or near enough) confident she will say YES if you ask for her number. You are confident she will say
YES because she is showing signs of interest. If you are trying to ask a woman for her number and she has shown
nothing to suggest interest in you through conversation then she is almost certainly going to say NO. Most men are
thinking in terms of “I can only get an answer by asking her” when really a woman has given you the answer YES or
NO well before asking her for her number, just read her interest level as you converse with her.

If it’s a woman you just met and you are interested in her personally, speak to her, speak to her like anyone else, by
this time you have probably realized she at least has the looks. If she gives off a positive vibe when conversing like she
is enjoying talking to you go for the number after a 3-5 minute conversation, at the end of the conversation just
confidently say “you know I’ve got to go but you have got to give me your number”, if she’s into you or sees potential
she will say yes with no hesitation, if she’s not interested she will say no. Women rarely give their numbers to guys
they don’t see a future with so if a woman gives you her number then generally 90% of the time it’s a sign she sees
you as potential date material. The formula is simple if she is enjoying the conversation with you it’s a reason to get her
number, if she is receptive you will know.

The best way is to just to talk to her like she is a person rather than a woman you’re trying to get a date with, this
lessens the pressure on you both, you must also be genuinely interested in what she says and who she is since this will
also lower her defences and make her feel special and important, women like a guy who gets to know her personally
as a person in the short amount of time he talks to her. Then let a possible connection happen, if there is a feeling of
chemistry and you both seem to feel this way during conversation it makes sense to get her number. Remember this
isn’t a tactic, you are simply wanting to talk to someone, taking things in the moment then making a decision the more
you get to know her, it is easier to get a woman’s number when you DON’T go in there trying to come away with

However, more advanced guys should focus mainly on building a social life where they easily meet lots of women at
places like college or through social events. In these situations it is generally easier to get success because you have
plenty of time to build interest over a period of time. Do not, however, become consumed with getting the girl as if it’s
something you need to do, the slower the better, you can’t rush a woman into liking you because it’s goes against her
biological programming, rapport must be built first over a period of time so that she feels she can trust you. Learn to
read signals of interest and come to realize whether or not the women you are socializing with has some kind of
chemistry and connection with you before going for the kill.
12) If all else fails, walk away

It may happen that after putting all the previous tips into action the woman you are pursuing is still not attracted to
you. You have to be aware that some women simply won’t like you no matter what you do so forget about all those
supposed relationship gurus that say you can have any woman you like and make every woman in the world like you
because they are just telling you what you want to hear.

The tips you read thus far were to maximize your chances of creating attraction with women and to lower the chances
you get put into friend zone with a woman. In other words, the tips in this book were given so that MOST of the next
10 women you meet will like you rather than just one or none. No matter how possible you think it is to attract all
women that you come upon in life some women just won’t like you regardless of what you have learnt in a few

Rejection is something you may face from time to time in life especially from women who don’t like you back; you
should not take personal the fact that a woman is not interested in you. If she is an honest woman she will reject you
in a polite way by giving you small hints: not answering to your messages enthusiastically, not answering your
messages at all, rejecting your invitations, not contacting you or not contacting you first.

Women will make it known when they like you and you don’t need to ask them or flat out tell a woman you like them
to find out if they like you back. A woman will be showing well before this whether she is into you or not, attempting
to read a woman’s actions and body language is key in understanding whether or not she is already rejecting you or
not wanting to take things further with you. After all, how pointless would it be to tell a woman your feelings or ask
her out on a date if her behaviour toward you is already rejecting you or unapproachable? That would be a waste of
time. Some men just aren’t satisfied until they have an answer in words. Typically women won’t tell you flat out they
don’t like you nor will they tell you why that is. They will only show their interest for you through their behaviours
and their actions, asking why a woman doesn’t like you will usually not be met with an answer, it is on YOU to find
out yourself why a women does not feel attraction to you.

If in some case a woman doesn’t like you and you recognize her behaviours of rejection toward you then it is a good
response to WALK AWAY. The worst thing you can do is to try to force something to happen between you and a
woman, the fact is her rejection may be due to a lot of reasons, many of which you cannot control. It can be things
like timing: she may like you but she is just simply not ready to jump into a relationship yet (this may make sense if she
just got out of a relationship, and wants to be single for a while). She may even be busy, she might have personal
problems that does not let her put her mind into having a relationship.

The important thing to keep in mind is that all these things are out of your control, although physical looks aren’t as
important if a woman doesn’t like your looks even the best personality in the world will likely fail in attracting her. If
you applied all the previous points (basically; if you were the best version of yourself you could be) and it still did not
work then there is not much you can do. It is better to walk away to protect yourself emotionally and get back on the
path of dating, it is also recommended that if you go through a painful rejection or breakup you take some time out
from dating.

Why is it better to walk away from a woman who rejected you? Well, you were never really interested in just being
friends so why stay by her side pretending things are going to get better? Why feed yourself with the crumbs she is
leaving on the table? If you are staying around in her life because you think she will change her mind one day and
realize how perfect the two of you will be together then you are lying to yourself. It’s easy for a guy to say this but if
she doesn't like you earlier on then your best bet is to accept it and move on.

It’s important to know that moving on or getting over someone is about ridding an attachment so by remaining friends
(or close friends) with a woman after she rejects you will only make you feel sore for a long while after. Every time
you see her it will most likely be painful for you, truth is it will turn her off you completely by sticking around, being
friends after rejection will only make you feel there is still a chance to turn things around, this false hope will not help
you. Always remember that if a woman rejects you it’s because you were not attractive to her for whatever reason.
Some men ask, is there any possible way to turn it around if she was initially interested but then lost interest? The
answer in the short term is NO. But in the long term your best bet is to get over her and move on completely because
if a woman is going to like you again it will be because she feels she can no longer have you.

Most times the reason rejection happens is because you didn’t make the right impression to her, no big deal. However,
it is important to realize that fighting the rejection or hanging around hoping to get another chance is not only what
puts you potentially in friend zone permanently, but it also prevents your attempt to get over someone and that not
being over someone is what makes you less attractive to her.

You can’t really get over a woman by being around her all the time because you will always secretly hope you can get
together at a later date. If you have already screwed up your chances with a woman being friends with her after
rejection means you will still be making those same mistakes that turned her off in the first place. Outcome
dependency makes us into very dependant people, by getting over someone you rid any need to be with that person.
Remember: rejection from a woman doesn’t necessarily mean you go straight into the friend zone, what does put you
there is the sticking around after the rejection and behaving in further unattractive ways to the point of no return.

So the bottom line is that a woman will be very clear if she is interested in you, always keep this in mind. She will also
respect you more as a man if you walk away; yes, some women will guilt trip you for not being their friend after they
reject you but you must protect yourself until you get over that girl. Truth is if you’re not attractive right now to her
waiting for a chance to turn things around is digging yourself a deeper pit and putting yourself in a permanent place in
the friend zone. Sticking around may work in your favour sometimes but very rarely. If at some point she is ready for
a relationship with you she will contact you and let you know with subtle cues. The key is simply ridding a need to be
with her and learning to read a woman’s interest so that you know when to escalate and get her number.

Remember this book must be read more than once to benefit from the full effects, sometimes we learn just as much
on the second or third read through of a book. I hope this book has helped you and will guide you onto a better more
successful path with women and dating but remember this is just the beginning, you actually have to go out there and
apply what you have learnt after reading this book.
As the authors of this book we would love to hear and read feedback on the book, please leave your honest reviews,
all feedback is appreciated and is helpful to us when writing in the future. If you enjoyed the book and wish to read
more please be on the lookout for more of our work
If you wish to read more of topics on how to become better with women by improving yourself you can head over to
the blog at: where similar issues are discussed like those you read about in the book
All the best to your relationships and success!
Jamie Dean & Paul Mills

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