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CLCE 11-1.1.

1: The Torah (Pentateuch)

Events: Exodus 19

Having encamped before Mount Sinai, the Israelites were told that from this
mountain they would receive the commandments of God, and that they would hear
His very voice. They were commanded to give three days to prepare for that
solemnity, for on the third day God would come down on the mountain in sight of all
the people. Moses set a boundary up to which they might go, and they were
prohibited under penalty of death from even touching the mountain. On the third day
the mountain was enveloped in a cloud; it quaked and was filled with smoke as God
descended upon it, while lightning-flashes shot forth, and the roar of thunder mingled
with the peals of trumpets. Then Moses appeared upon it and promulgated the Ten
Commandments, after which God instructed him in many of the laws which form a
part of the Pentateuch. Later, Moses, and the elders of Israel went together up the
mountain, where they saw the God of Israel. Mount Sinai was then enveloped in a
cloud for six days, while on its summit, fire, the emblem of God, was seen burning.
On the seventh day Moses was commanded by God to ascend the mountain to
receive the tables of the Law; he remained there forty days and nights.

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