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1. Give 2 General Objectives in NSTP. Explain each objectives.

 to develop and promote civic consciousness, enhance the intellectual, physical,

moral, spiritual and social well-being of the students
 The nation's most important resource, which is the youth, must be
inspired, trained, organized, and mobilized in military training, literacy,
civic welfare, and other such initiatives.
 To inculcate among the students the ideals of patriotism and nationalism, and
advance their involvement in public and civic affairs.
 The nation's most important resource, the youth, must be inspired,
instructed, organized, and mobilized in military training, literacy, civic
welfare, and other such initiatives.
2. Give at least 3 specific objectives in NSTP. Explain each objectives.
 to train the students to become leaders and well rounded people
 the purpose of teaching NSTP is to for the youths to become a skilled,
knowledgeable and capable leader to do different things
 to promote and develop active participation in various recreational activities and
other related program.
 Through teaching NSTP, youths can be encourage to participate in various
activities such a community service.
 To provide knowledge and enlightenment on NSTP act of 2001 or Republic act
 By teaching NSTP, student will know a lot about NSTP, such as what is it
and what is it for.
3. What republic act is NSTP?
 The republic act of NSTP is Republic act 9163 that was established in response to
public demand for changes to the Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
program. This act declares that the government's primary responsibility is to serve
and protect its citizens.
4. How does the government recognize the role of the youth in nation building?
 The state must encourage and defend the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,
and social well-being of adolescents in order to recognize their critical role in
nation-building. It will promote patriotism and nationalism in the youth and
stimulate their participation in public and civic issues.
5. What is NSTP?
 The National Service Training Program, or NSTP, is a youth-focused program
that aims to improve civic awareness and defense preparedness by instilling
service and patriotism ethics while receiving training in one of three program
components. Its numerous components were created with the intention of
enhancing the youth's active participation in the general welfare.
6. Why the CHED, TESDA, DND and other participating AGENCY organized the NSTP?

7. What is CWTS?
 The Civic Welfare Training Service, or CWTS, refers to programs or activities
that contribute to the general welfare and betterment of life for community
members, as well as the enhancement of community facilities, particularly those
devoted to improving citizenry health, education, environment, entrepreneurship,
safety, recreation, and morals.

8. The Philippine Constitution has 6 evolutions, how the Phil. Constitution is being
 Since june 12, 1898, proclamation of independence, there have been a total of six
philippine constitution. 1st is the Malolos Constitution (1898 - 1901). The first
Philippine constitution and first republican constitution in asia. 2nd is the
Philippine organic act of 1902 & Philippine Autonomy act of 1916 (1902 - 1935)
which provided for a Philippine Assembly composed of Filipino citizens and the
first pledge of Philippine independence. 3rd is the commonwealth and third
republic/1935 constitution (1935 – 1943 & 1945 - 1972). The united states
congress in 1934 passed the Philippine independence act that paved way to the
creation of a constitution for the Philippines. Through the 1934 constitutional
convention, a draft of the constitution for the Philippines was produced. It was
ratified through a national plebiscite on may 14, 1935. In November 15, 1935
with the inauguration of the commonwealth of the Philippines, the constitution
was fully implemented and inforced. 4th is the Japanese-sponsored
republic/second republic/1943 constitution (1943 - 1945). The Japanese
government nullified the constitution during the world war II. The government
created a preparatory committee on Philippine independence to replace the
constitution. 5th is the martial law constitution/1973 constitution (1973 - 1986).
During the regime of president marcos, a constitutional convention was formed to
amend the 1935 constitution. Through the presidential decree no. 86, s. 1973 –
creation of a citizen assembly to ratify a drafted constitution by means of a viva
voce in place of secret ballots, president marcos announced the ratification and its
effectively on January 17, 1973. The 6th constitution is the freedom
constitution/1987 constitution (1987 - present). After martial law, president
Corazon Aquino issued the suspension of several provision in the 1973
constitution and promulgated a transitory constitution through proclamation no. 3
the constitutional commission was created by proclamation no. 9, s. 1986 and was
tasked to write a new charter to replace the previous constitution.
9. We are enjoying our rights as enumerated in the BILL OF RIGHTS in the Phil.
Constitution. What is the consequences if everybody perform the duties and obligation?
 If everybody will perform their duties and obligations then there will be no chaos
in out society.
10. How everyone contribute to the development and welfare of the state?
 Everyone has to do their own duties and obligations as a citizen of the country.
11. What are the values to become good citizens?
 The values to become a good citizens are unity, patriotism, faith in almighty god,
respect for life, respect for law and government, work, truth, justice, freedom,
love, equality, peace, promotion of the common, concern for the environment and

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