Guid To Everything - Monk

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d6 Monastery

Your monastery is carved out of a mounta inside,

where it looms over a treacherous pass.
2 Your monastery is high in the branch es of a n im-
m ense tree in the Feywild.
3 Your monastery was fou nded long ago by a clo ud
giant and is inside a cloud castle that ca n be
reached only by fl ying.
4 Your monastery is bui lt beside a volcanic system
of hot springs, geysers, and s ulfur pools. You regu-
larly received visits from azer trade rs.
5 Your m onastery was founded by gnomes and is an
MONK underground labyrinth of tunnels and rooms.
6 Your m onastery was carved from an iceberg in the
frozen reaches of the world .
st .
villainy. While you blustered and threatened, I've planned
four different ways to snap your neck with my bare hands. MONASTIC ICON e r
-Ember, grand master of flowers FA
a lis m a nd personal possessions,
Even in the monastic lifestyle , which eschews materi-
symbolis m plays an
Monks walk a path of contradiction. They study their art important part in defining
e bethe identity of a n order. Some
as a wizard does, and like a wizard, they wear no armor monastic orders treat D certain creatures w ith s pecial
and typically eschew weapons. Yet they are dead ly com- regard, either n of the creature is tied to the order's
batants, their abilities on a par with those of a raging r io
histo ry or sbecause it serves as an example of a quality
ba rba rian or a superbly trained fighter. Monks embrace v
the monkse seek to emulate.
th is seeming contradiction , for it s peaks to the core of
e mIfoyour cha racter's monastery had a s pecial icon, you
all monastic study. By coming to know oneself com-
a d might wear a crude image of the creature somewhere
pletely, one learns much of the wider world.
s ing inconspicuous on your clothing to serve as an identify-

d u con-
A monk's focus on inner mas tery leads many such ing mark. Or perhaps your order's icon does not have a
individua ls to become detached from society,iemore physical fo rm but is expressed through a gesture or a
dni with hap-
cerned with their personal experience tha
m o
penings elsewhere. Adventuring monks are a rare breed
posture that you adopt, and which other monks might
know how to interpret.
ee taking their quest
of an a lready rare type of character,
for perfection beyond the a s of the monastery into the
world at large. d6 Icon
Playing a monkPcharacter offers many intriguing op-
portunities to i s
try something diffe rent. To distinguis h
Mon key. Quick reflexes and the ability to travel

your monkTcha racter even further, consider the o ptions

through the treetops a re two of the reasons why
your order admires the mon key.
in the sections that follow.
2 Dragon Turtle. The monks of your seaside mon-
MONASTERY astery venerate the dragon turtle, reciting ancient
prayers and offering garlands of flowers to honor
A monk studies in a monastery in pre paration for a life
of asceticism. Mos t of those w ho enter a m onastery this living spirit of the sea.
make it their home for the rest of their lives, wit h the 3 Ki-rin. Your monastery sees its main purpose as
exception of adventurers and others who have reason to watching over and protect ing the land in t he man -
leave. For those individuals, a monastery might serve as ner of the ki-rin.
a refuge between excursions to the world or as a source 4 Owlbear. The m on ks of your m o nastery revere a
of s upport in times of need. fami ly of owl bears and have coexisted with them
What sort of place was your monastery, a nd where is for generations.
it located? Did attending it contr ibute to your experience 5 Hydra. Your order singles out the hydra for its abil-
in an unus ual or distinctive way? ity to unleash several attacks simultaneously.
6 Dragon. A dragon once laired with in your mon as-
te ry. Its influence remains lo ng after its departure.


e r iali
e level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition fea-
During your studies, you were likely under the tutelage
of a master who imparted to you the precepts of the ture. The following options are available to a monk, in
order. Your master was the one most responsible for
u s addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: the
shaping your understanding of the ma rtial arts and d your
f i e
i your
attitude toward the world. What sort of persondwas
Way of the Drunken Master, the Way of the Kensei, and
the Way of the Sun Soul.
o master
master, and how did your relationship withmyour
affect you? en
MASTERS h as The Way of the Drunken Master teaches its students
to move with the jerky, unpredictable movements of
d6 Master
is P a drunka rd. A drunke n master sways, tottering on
Your master was a t yrant whom you had to defeat
in single combat to complete your ins truction .
uns teady feet, to present what seems like an incompe-
te nt combata nt who proves frus tra ting to engage. The
2 Your master was kindly and taught you to purs ue drunken mas te r's erratic s tumbles conceal a carefully
the cause of peace. executed dance of blocks, parries, advances, attacks,
3 Your master was merciless in pushing you to your a nd retreats.
limits. You nearly Jost an eye during one especially
A drunken master often enjoys playing the fool to
bring gladness to the despondent or to de monstrate
brutal practice session.
humility to the a rrogant, but when battle is joined, the
4 Your master seemed goodhea rted whi le tutoring
drunken master can be a maddening, mas terful foe.
you , but betrayed yo ur m o nastery in the end.
S Your master was cold and distant. You suspect that WAY OF THE DRUN KEN MASTER FEAT URES
the two of you might be related.
Monk Level Feature
6 Your maste r was kind a nd generous, never critical
3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Drunken Technique
of your progress. Nevertheless , you feel you never
6th Tipsy Sway
fully lived up to the expectations placed on you .
11th Drunkard 's Luck
17th Intoxicated Frenzy


Monks of the Way of the Kensei tra in relentlessly with
the ir weapons, to the point wher e the weapon becomes
an extens ion of the body. Founded on a mas tery of
sword fighting, the tradition has expanded to include
m any differe nt weapons.
A kensei sees a weapon in much the same way a cal-
ligraphe r or painter rega rds a pen o r brush. Whatever
the weapon, the ke nsei views it as a tool used to express
the beauty a nd precis ion of the martia l arts. That s uch
mastery makes a kensei a peerless warrior is but a side
effect of intense devotion , practice, a nd s tudy.


Monk Level Feature
3rd Path of the Kensei (2 weapons}
6th One with the Blade,
Path of the Kensei (3 weapons)
11th Sharpen the Blade,
BONUS PROFICIENCIES Path of the Kensei (4 weapons)
When you choose this tradition at 3 rd level, you gain
17th Unerring Accuracy,
proficiency in the Pe rformance s kill if you don't a lready
have it. Your martia l arts technique mixes combat train- e r
Path of the Kensei (5 weapons}

ing with the precis ion of a dancer and the a ntics of a FA

jeste r. You a lso gain proficie ncy with brewe r's supplies if
you don't already have it. Whe n you choose this tradition nu at 3rd level, your s pe-
Depath also includes ins truction in
cia l martia l arts tra ining you to m aster the use of
DRUNKEN TECHNIQUE certain weapons. Thisf
o calligraphy or painting. You gain the
At 3 rd level, you learn how to twis t a nd turn quickly as the deft s trokes
i o n of
followingrs benefits.
part of your F lurry of Blows. Whe never you use Flurry
of Blows , you gain the benefit of the Disengage action, ve Weapons. Choose two types of weapons to
myour ke nsei weapons: o ne melee weapon a nd one
dera nged weapon. Each of these
and your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the be
end of the curre nt turn.
g a weapons can be any s im-
sin ple or martia l weapon that lacks the heavy a nd s pecia l
du properties. The longbow is a lso a valid choice. You gain
S ta rting at 6th level, you can move in s udden,
d ifieswaying proficiency with these wea pons if you don't a lready have
ways. You gain the following benefits. o it. Weapons of the chosen types are monk weapons for
Leap to Your Feet. Whe n you're n m
prone , you can s ta nd you. Many of this traditio n's featu res work only with
e rather than half
up by s pending 5 feet of movement, your kensei weapons. When you reach 6th, 11th, and
your s peed.
h a 17th level in this class, you can choose anothe r type of
R edirect Attack. WFhe n a creature misses you with weapon- e ither melee or ranged- to be a ke nsei weapon
a melee attack roll,
P you can s pend 1 ki point as a re- for you, following the crite ria above.
action to causeh isthat Agile Parry. If you make an unarmed s trike as part of
T attack to hi t one creature of your
choice, other than the attacker, that you can see within 5 the Attack actio n on your turn a nd a re holding a kensei
feet of you. weapon, you can use it to defend yourself if it is a melee
weapon. You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the s ta rt of
DRU NKA RD'S L UCK your next turn, while the weapon is in your ha nd and
Starting at 11th level, you a lways seem to get a lucky you a ren't incapacitated.
bounce at the right moment. When you make an ability Kensei's Shot. You can use a bo nus action o n your
check, a n attack roll, or a saving throw and have dis ad- turn to ma ke your ra nged attacks with a kensei weapon
vantage on the roll, you can s pend 2 ki points to cancel more dead ly. Whe n you do s o, a ny target you hit with a
the disadva ntage for that roll. ranged a ttack us ing a ke nsei weapon takes an extra ld4
da mage of the weapon's type. You re tain this benefit un-
INTOXICATED FRENZY til the e nd of the current turn.
At 17th level, you gain the ability to m a ke a n overwhe lm- Way ofthe Brush. You gain proficiency with your
ing number of a ttacks against a group of enemies. Whe n choice of calligraphe r's s upplies or painter's s upplies.
you use your Flurry of Blows, you can ma ke up to three
additional attacks with it (up to a total of five F lurry of ONE WITH THE BLADE
Blows a ttacks), provided that each Flurry of Blows at- At 6 th level, you extend your ki into your kensei weap-
tack ta rgets a different creature this turn. ons, granting you the following benefits.


w~., J..iJ.. t~· sc;... <Arc;i 'ros~ t~· roc;J..? .. fVow '10"' le;.,
"w~.,?" Okc;i, ~•r• 1 t~• ~okt fc;rl: \ kt"'ui. G<t it?

W~c;t? W~i c;r•"''t io"' lc;"'~~i"'~? ~' ~okt is soliJ..


~o(J.., c;"'J.. ""'i J..<liv<~i we;! f •r{<'l. Mc;i\o' io"' J..iJ.."' t

~·t it lo•'<;<Al• io"' r< 1t"'fiJ...

Magic Ken sei Weap on s. Your attacks with your ken·

sei weapo ns count as magical for the purpose of over·
coming resistance and immunity to nonmagical a ttacks
a nd dam age.
De ft Strik e. When you hit a target with a ke nsei
weapon, you can spend 1 ki point to cause the weapon
to deal extra damage to the ta rget equa l to your Martial
Arts die. You can use this feature only once on each of
When you gai n the Extra Attack feature, this specia l
your turns. attack can be used for any of the attacks you make as
SHARPEN THE BLADE part of the Attack action.
At 11th level, you gai n the ability to augment your weap- SEARING ARC STRIKE
o ns further with your ki. As a bonus action, you can
At 6th level, you gain the ability to channel your ki into
expend up to 3 ki points to grant one ke nsei weapon
searing waves of e nergy. Immediately after you take the
you touch a bonus to attack a nd da mage rolls w hen you
Attack action on your turn, you can spend 2 ki points to
attack with it. The bonus equa ls the number of ki points
cast the burning hands s pell as a bonus action.
l i s t.
you spent. T his bonus lasts for 1 minute or un til you a
erkii point
You can spend additio na l ki points to cast burning
use this featu re again. This feat ure has no effect on a
hands as a highe r-level s pell. Each additional
magic weapon that al ready has a bo nus to attack a nd
da mage rolls. DF1. The maximum
you s pend increases the s pell's level by
e nlsu half your
number of ki points (2 plus a ny additiona l points) that
you ca n s pend on the spell equa monk level.
At 17th level, your mastery of weapons grants you ex- f
traordinary accuracy. If you miss with an attack roll
ogain the ability to create an orb of light
rsia devastating explosion. As an action,
At 11th level, you
us ing a monk weapon on your turn, you can reroll it. You
that erupts einto
can use this feature only once on each of your turns. o v create an orb and hurl it at a point you
you magically
WAY OF THE SUN SOUL de w ithin 150 feet, where it erupts into a sphe re of
g Lig ht for a brief but deadly instant.
Monks of the Way of the Sun Soul learn to chan nel their
u sin Each creature in that 20-foot-radius sphere must s uc-
ied mi-
life e nergy into searing bolts of light. They teach that ceed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 radiant
meditation can unlock the ability to unleash theifindo
damage. A creature doesn't need to m ake the save if the
table light shed by the soul of every livingm creature. creature is behind total cover that is opaque.
e en You can increase the s phere's damage by spending
sb ki points. Each point you spend, to a maximum of 3, in-
Monk Leve l Feature
F ha creases the damage by 2d6.
3rd RadiantP D Bolt
6th h
Sea i s
ring Arc Strike

TSearing Sunburst
At 17th level, you become wreathed in a luminous, mag-
ical aura. You shed bright light in a 30-foot rad ius a nd
17th Sun Shield dim light for an additional 3 0 feet. Yo u can extinguish or
restore the light as a bonus action.
R ADIANT SUN BOLT If a creature hits you with a melee attack while this
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you light s hines, you can use your reaction to deal radiant
can hurl searing bolts of magical radiance. damage to the creature. The radiant damage equals 5 +
You gain a new attack option that you can use with your Wisdom modifier.
the Attack action. T his special attack is a ranged spell
attack with a ra nge of 30 feet. You are proficient with
it, and you add your Dexterity modifier to its attack a nd S-o io"' ~c;vt t~il !O<A(, \o<At io"' '<;"''t ltl it or
damage rolls. Its damage is radiant, and its damage die to<AG~ il. f\"'J.. "'~'"' '10"' J..i<, t~i1 i"'visi\ol• t~i"'~
is a d 4. This die cha nges as you gain monk levels, as
l<c;v<l io"'r \ooJ.'1 c;"'J.. ~o,•I to c; tc;'• io"' '<;"' t l<l.
s hown in the Ma rtial Arts column of the Monk table.
When you take the Attack action on your turn and use
this specia l attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point
(\"'). io"' f'ofl' t~i"'k \ "" Grc;'l.i· 0
to make the special attack twice as a bonus action.


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