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I.-Choose the correct word:

1. I can cook, but my brother can / can't .

2. Sophie can't / can speak four languages but I can't.

3. You can / can't borrow my laptop, it is not a problem.

4. I can / can't see Patrick. It’s very late !

5. We can / can't hear the music. Please turn it up.

6. I can / can't do this English homework. It's too hard.

II.-Complete the questions with “Can “and the right verbs , and then answer the

1.-______she _______the piano ?

______, _______ ________

2.-_____they ______?

______, ______ _______

3.-_____your brother/sister ______sports?

III.-Choose the right words:adjectives or

adverbs :
1.-  The book I read last week was very good / well .
2.- Harry played good / well the football match.
3.- Many students ran very slow /slowly in the race.
4.-  My brother speaks English quite bad / badly.
5.-Emily is a beautiful /beautifully baby.

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