Chapter 10 - Bonifacio and The Katipunan

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Chapter 10 - Bonifacio and the Katipunan

 Arellano was thé most educated

1. Thé failure of thé reform movement among thé group
led reformist like, MHdelilar to
think of a revolution. 4. They organized KKK Supreme or
Venerable Associations of thé Sons
2. Upon Rizals arrest and exile to of the people
Dapitan, Andres Bonifacio saw thé
futility of thé peaceful campaign for 5. They performed a blood compact to
reforms. show their patriotism and love of
thíngs that are filipino
3. Andres Bonifacio knew that Spain
will not listen to men like Rizal, MH 6. Triangle system of recruiting
del Pilar, Lopez Jaena and other members to minimized thé danger
reformist. of discovery of the Spanish
4. Andres Bonifacio does not believe
in peaceful reforms. 7. Later, they adopted a speedy process
similar to Masonry
5. Andres Bonifacio hás a different
idea - hé will teach the people to 8. They also pay fees and monthly
depend on themselves for their dues

6. Hé established a society that would

ready itself for a revolution. Aims of the Katipunan

7. Hé thus organized the Katipunan 1. Civic objective - based on self hélp and
thé revolutionary society defense of thé weak and the poor
responsible for the Phíl Revolution
of 1896. 2. Political objective - the seperation of the
Phíls from Spain that is, to secure
independence of the colony

Thé Founding of the Katipunan 3. Moral objective - focuses on the teachíng

of good manners, hygiene and good moral
1. July 7, 1892 a newspaper character.
publishéd news about thé arrest and
deportation of Rizal to Dapitan, a  In cases of death, the society pays
small group of patriotic filipinos thé funeral expenses. ( damayan)
met at a house on Azcarragá St.
Katipunan Góvernment
2. They decided to create a secret
society 1. Bonifacio borrowed thé structure of La
Ligá Filiina
3. Thé men were
A. Andres Bonifacio
B. Teodoro Plata
C. Valentin Diaz
D. Ladislao Diwa
E. Deodato Arellano

2. 3 góverning bodies

a. Surpeme council
 These men belong to thé lower class b. Provincial Council
of society c. Oular council
Secretary - Jose Turiano Santiago
Treasurer - Vicente Molina
3. Sureme Council

Early in 1895 – A. Bonifacio not

Provincial Council contended with the performance of Basa as the
Supremo , had himself elected to replace Basa.
He remained the Supremo of the Katipunan until
Popular Council the establishment of a revolutionary govt in
Tejeros , Cavite.
4. Judicial Council passed judgement on
members who violated the rules of the
society Membership

5. Katipunan Assembly composed of the 1. 3 kinds of membership:

members of the Supreme Council and
residents of the Provincial and Popular a. 1st grade - called katipon
Council - password – Anak ng Bayan

6. Secret chamber composed of b. 2nd grade - called kawal

Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto and Pio - password – GOMBURZA
Valenzuela .
c. 3rd grade - called Bayani
The Secret chamber punishés members who - password - Rizal
exposed the secrets of thé Katipunan
2. to recognize each other in the street – they
placed their palm of his right hand on his
The Katipunan elections breast and closes his hand as he passed the
other member and bring his index and thumb
The triangular method of electing finger together.
members of thé society was slow and
ineffective. It was thén agreed that all members
should be allowed to gét as many new members Katipunan Codes
as possible. Hence, its members of the society
increased and a new elections hás to be set . 1. Because of the danger of discovery
2. Difficult for the Spaniards to read
1st elected officials 3. There are changes of the codes were
necessary if previous codes were discovered
Surpeme Council set of new officers by the Spaniards.

Resident or Supremo - Deodato Arellano

Comptroller - Andres Bonifacio
Fiscal - Ladislao Diwa
Secretary - Teodoro Plata
Treasurer - Valentin Diaz

Katipunan Flags

1. A symbol of Unity

Andres Bonifacio observed that Arellano is 2. made by Benita Rodriguez with the help of
a very busy man and was not active in the Bonifacio’s wife, Gregoria de Jesus
society. So hé moved to have Arellano
replaced 3. description : rectangular red cloth
with letter K’s arranged hrizontally in the
2nd elected officials
4. this was declared as the official flag of the
Surpemo - Roman Basa Katipunan
Fiscal - A. Bonifacio
5. this was changed. - eg. they dance and sing in the streets
while a Katipunan meeting was going on a
6. new official flag - red rectangualr room
piece of cloth with a white sun and 8 white
4. prominent Katipunan women:
rays in the middle.
President - Josefa Rizal
Inside th circle representing the sun was
letter K in ancient Tagalog script Vice Pres - Gregoria de Jesus
Secretary - Marina Dizon
7. Bonifacio’s own flag - red
rectangular piece of cloth, white sun with an Angelica Lopez Rizal - Fiscal
indefinite number of white rays in the
center. Below the sun wee the 3 K’s
arranged horizontally. Gregoria de Jesus – often risk her life to
protect the katipunan papres under her care

The Teachings of the Katipunan

The Kalayaan
1. These are the 10 commandments for the
members to guide the Katipuneros in leading
a highly moral life.
1. Bonifacio and Jacinto believed that
revolutionary ideas could be propagated
2. Called – Katungkulan Gagawin ng mga Anak
easily if the society has a printing press.
ng Bayan

2. Candido Iban and Francisco del Castillo

3. Emilio Jacinto - 2 Visayan gave th katipunan money to
- bestfriend of Andres Bonifacio but a printing press
- wrote the Kartilla - has 13 teachings and
members are expected to take the tachings to 3. Kalayaan - name of the newspaper and
heart. suggested by Dr. Pio Velenzuela
4. 2 experienced printers of Kalayaan
* these 2 teachings of 2 great Katipuneros
constituted the teachings of the Katipunan. a. Ulpiano Fernandez
b. Faustino Duque
5. the Kalayaan contained articles written by
Bonfacio, Jacinto and Valenzuela;

The Women of the Katipunan 6. to mislead the spanish authorities, they put
Yokohoma as the place of publication
1. Women must only be the wife, sister or
daughter of a Katipunero. 7. they did not sign in their true names to avoid
being discovered
2. this strict requirements compelled the women
members to keep the secrets of the 8. The Kalayaan had done its duty before it was
Katipunan. destroyed by Fernandez ad Duque to prevent
the Spanish authorities from confiscating it.
3. Katipunera’s duty:
9. The fiery pen, revolutionary spirit and the
a. helping the male members in their work of political will of the Bonifacio – jacinto
propagating the ideals of the society; Tandem proved effective in unifying the
b. to make te police authorities believe that people towards Kalayaan ( freedom and
no Katipunan meeting was being held in independence)
the house;
Twin souls of the Katipunan Angry - with the Spaniards bec
of what they did to Rizal and his cause
Andres Conifacio and Emilio Jacinto
to fight for justice and liberty.
1. they both believe that the time has come to
change strategies and tactics
13. Bonifacio was anti friar and anti Spanish
2. The Katipunan with revolutionary aims
14. He hated all the Spaniards. To him, they
3. The Katipunan aimed to make the Philippines
were all the same – greedy, immoral, cruek
a free country by force of arms
and lazy.
4. both believe that the people can be reached
15. he called the Spaniards – “ White cattle”
only through their own language
16. Revolution of 1896
5. they succeeded in uniting the people behind
them a. called the Katipunan Revolution
b. the Katipunan sowed the seeds of
national independence in the minds of
Andres Bonifacio
the masses.
1. born – Nov, 30, 1863
2. his parents belonged to a lower middle class
Emilio Jacinto
3. his mother – Catalina de Castro
1. young and intelligent
- Spanish Chinese
2. born Dec 15, 1875
- worked in a cigarette factory
3. his father died early and he stayed to his
4. his father – Santiago Bonifacio uncle’s house for support

- a tailor, a boatman, and former municipal 4. 1st studied in San Juan de Letran
officer of Tondo Manila
5. 2nd – at UST where he studied Law
5. Both his parents died when Andres was still
6. at 18 yo – he left school and joined the
in his teens
6. He sold canes and fans in his early years
7. he was not able to finish grade 4 we have

7. He wrote in Tagalog- the language of the

8. He became a messenger of JM Fleming and
masses except for 1 poem – A Mi Patria
8. Jacinto writings:
9. also became an agent of Fressel and Co. , a
German firm a. Kartilla
10. At night, he read newspapers and books all b. Liwanag at Dilim
written in Spanish
c. Oahayag
11. He taught himself to read and write in this
d. Sa mga Kababayan
language and in time became literate in
Spanish. 9. when the revolution broke out, he fought side
by side with Bonifacio.
12. When Rizal was executed, Bonifacio felt
sad and angry. 10. He led the rebels in Laguna
11. He died at 24
Sad – bec a great Filipino was executed

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