Activity 2 Assessing A Curriculum in A Classroom

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MODULE 1: Curriculum and the Teacher


Activity 2: Assessing a Curriculum in a Classroom

Assess the presence or absence of the seven types of curricula in your own classroom as a
teacher. If you are not yet employed as a teacher, recall the situation when you were a student
and assess your teacher’s classroom. If present, provide evidence. Use the matrix below.

Type of Curriculum Assessment/Evidence

Recommended This Recommended Curriculum is present. The
curriculum in Elementary Schools is recommended
by Department of Education (DepEd).
Written Written curriculum is present in my own
classroom. Before the pandemic comes, as a
teacher I use a Daily Lesson Plan wherein it covers
a days or a week’s worth of my lessons. But this
time because of pandemic, the learning modality
we use is modular and we are preparing our
Weekly Home Learning Plan. This Weekly Home
Learning Plan serves as a guide for learners to
accomplish each week when they do independent
study at home.
Taught Taught Curriculum is present inside my classroom.
I used my Daily Lesson Plan as a guide during my
teaching and learning process with my students. I
give lecture and I initiate group work based on the
DLP I have prepared.
Supported This curriculum is present in my classroom. I used
books as a reference of my lesson together with
my pupils. Sometimes I used overhead projector
and a computer when I discuss a lesson to my
pupils. Especially when the lesson is not in books
they are using.
Assessed Assessed Curriculum is present in my classroom.
After I have discussed the lesson to the pupils I
give a pencil and paper test to assess if they have
understood the lesson I have taught. Sometimes, I
give them performance-based assessment and oral
examination especially in Physical Education.
Learned This curriculum is present in my classroom. Before
I proceed to other topic or lesson I see to it if the
majority of my pupils have learned the previous
lesson I have taught to them. This can be
determined by the result of their paper and pencil
test or other assessment I have used.
Hidden Hidden Curriculum is present in my classroom.
During the discussion of our lesson there is a
teacher-learner interaction. Peer influence is also
present, wherein I pair my slow learner student to
my fast learner student. So that my slow learner
student will be influence by fast learner student to
study and read books during their free time
especially at 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm

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