Group 2 Script in Bio PT

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a. RBC (Jeverlen) – It carries both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood through blood
b. HEART (Jessica) – pumps blood to move/travel throughout the body.
c. Blood Vessels (Veins and Arteries)
Veins (Razel) – carries deoxygenated blood from organs to lungs.
Arteries (Nichole) – carries oxygenated blood from lungs to different organs.
d. Deoxygenated blood (Dean) – Blood rich in Co2
e. Oxygenated blood (Jang) – Blood rich in O2
f. Lungs (Johnpaul) – Responsible for exhaling CO2 and inhaling O2
g. Plants (Cassie) – Releases O2 and receives Co2
h. Student 1 – Nichole Bayten
i. Student 2 – Razel Bardaje
j. Narrator – Student 1

S1: (Talking to S2) Midterms’ already near.

S2: I am actually nervous since there’s this subject of ours that I cannot fully understand.
Particularly if this subject talks about the res- resi- repsi- …?

S1: You are a bit nervous in a way you cannot even tell me what topic you are referring to. Do
you mind telling me first the subject that you are talking about?

S2: My apologies. But I am actually talking about our General Biology subject.

S1: The topic you are struggling to tell me earlier must be about respiration then, but our
professor, as I remembered, mentioned it as Gas Exchange.

S2: Huh? How did you know?

S1: Well, most of our classmates actually talked about that topic too. In generalization, I see that
not everyone in our class is capable of digesting that topic since our professor added some
details that he thought helped the students to furthermore understand the lesson yet, gave quite
confusion to you. Same with our classmates.
S2: Correct me if I am wrong, but you mentioned that only “us” are the ones who struggle
regarding the matter we are talking about. So, you do not belong to those who don't understand
the lesson well, do you?

S1: I completely understood the topic. No bragging intended.

S2: I see, but can I ask you a favor?

S1: Yeah, sure! What is it?

S2: Can you teach me the lesson instead? Please?

S1: You mean the same way our professor taught us or not?

S2: No, of course not. I am referring to your own way of teaching like you always do when I ask
you to teach me in other subjects way back.

S1: Hmm, the “story telling” thingy, you mean?

S2: I surely do!

S1: Okay, the lesson about General Biology, specifically the Gas Exchange, is simply…

(Story Telling Begins)

CONCEPT #1 “Respifactory”

Narrator (A.K.A. S1): There’s this factory downtown called the RespiFactory. RespiFactory’s
workers are divided based on what human organ system they are assigned with. For instance,
Central Nervous System ORGANization led by Brain, Circulatory System ORGANization led by
Heart, Digestive System ORGANization led by Stomach, Respiratory System ORGANization led
by Lungs and lastly, the Musculoskeletal System ORGANization which is led by Bones.
“ORGANization” is the general name for all of the workers inside the factory. The unity that the
workers have is undeniably amazing. This factory is actually known to be one of the top
factories that help students to understand their science related lessons through providing real
life products that show how different organ systems work inside a human’s body. This
RespiFactory is led by the Council which consists of Brain (Head of the RespiFactory), Heart (the
right hand), Stomach (the auditor), Lungs (the head officer) and Bones (the head designer).

Heart: (Facing/ talking to the whole ORGANization) So people, I mean organs, our task today is
to finish at least 50 sets of human digestive system, 30 sets of human circulatory system, 40
sets of human musculoskeletal system and 70 sets of human respiratory system. As usual, the
workers who are given a task to produce the largest number of human organ system sets would
be assigned to me, since Brain is out for today same with the reason why we aren’t accepting
orders for central nervous system, then will be followed by the next ORGANization with the
large amount of sets then so on and so forth. (Faces the ORGANization that makes respiratory
organ system sets)

Heart: Before you guys start, can you please elaborate to me first all of your individual tasks
and what can I do to help you? You see, I am originally working with the human circulatory
ORGANization. That's why I am not really familiar with working with all of you.

Lungs: I’ll go first. You already know who I am since we tend to be on the same council that
leads the whole RespiFactory. In our ORGANization, I assign each and everyone of my members
to a specific task wherein we can finish the total number of respiratory system sets that are
assigned for us to accomplish on time. As for my task, I am responsible for exhaling carbon
dioxide, also known as CO2 and inhaling oxygen, also known as O2. Carbon dioxide comes
from one of my members,which you will be able to know more about later, same with the

Plant: Speaking of who’s who, I may be the ones that Lungs is pertaining to. I am Plant, the one
who releases oxygen yet, receives carbon dioxide. (Talking to Heart) You may be wondering
what I am doing with those gases so I’ll be telling you this. We, plants, have this process called
the “photosynthesis” where we are using different natural elements of our planet in making food.
That explains why I am also involved in Gas Exchange since I can personally produce oxygen
that humans need in order to live.

S2: Wait, I thought the purpose of plants’ are to fulfill our mothers satisfaction?

S1: Are you seriously telling me that? Well, I thought so too. Anyway, let’s continue the story.
RBC: Next in line is none other than me, of course. I am Red Blood Cell or you can call me by
my nickname “RBC”. I may not be directly related to Plant yet, I am the one who carries both
deoxygenated and oxygenated blood. I won’t be elaborating who’s who between the two since
you would be able to know them later. So yeah, going back, I am the one who carries those
bloods through the blood vessels.

Deoxygenated Blood: As RBC said, I am one of the two blood types that she carries which is
rich in carbon dioxide, Deoxygenated Blood. But, the thing is I do not take the same pathway
with oxygenated blood. I always pass by the pathway allotted for blood types like me which is
Veins, a blood vessel that carries the same type of blood as what I am from, the lungs to the
other organs.

Veins: I am Veins. The one that Deoxygenated blood passes through. I also do agree that I only
carry Deoxygenated blood from the lungs to the other organs.

Oxygenated Blood: Second to the last is me, Oxygenated blood a.k.a. O2. I pass through the
pathway assigned to blood types that have the same qualities as me, called the Arteries. Unlike
Deoxygenated blood, I am a blood type that is rich in Oxygen.

Arteries: The last but not the least is Arteries, yours truly. I carry Oxygenated blood from other
organs to the lungs. They already said everything so I do hope you remember even a single
little thing from us.

Veins: Let me do the honor to tell you what your role would be (Facing Heart), as you see, every
single organ working here at the RespiFactory knows what a Heart does. In Circulatory
ORGANization, you are asked to pump blood for it to move or travel throughout the human
body. It would just be the same thing you will do here in our ORGANization. (Signaling O2 to
continue explaining)

Oxygenated Blood: I second the motion. Heart, we are asking for your help to pump the blood
faster so we could finish the given task at the given time frame. would that be a burden to you?

Heart: Of course not!

Deoxygenated Blood: It’s all settled then. We should now be moving so we could catch up with
the running time.

Lungs: We surely should.

Narrator: Then---
S2: Wait! No need to continue, *soft chuckle*. You know, to tell you honestly, this is one of the
reasons why I am thankful to have you as my friend. In just a simple story telling, I understood
other different topics aside from the gas exchange. Your story helped me big time! Thank you
for that.

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