Mu - Bros I Don't Want Porcupine Tree To Reform and Release New Music - Music - 4chan

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10/29/21, 8:13 PM /mu/ - bros I don't want Porcupine Tree to reform and release new music - Music - 4chan

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bros I don't want Porcupine Tree to reform and release new
music Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)19:55:30 No.106775439 ▶ >>106775590

reunion albums are almost always bad please Steven I'm begging
you don't do this to me

>> Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)20:05:22 No.106775590 ▶ >>106775624

>>106775439 (OP)

Don’t forget Steven is now super pretentious and will

make it about Israel or shopping for box sets on

>> Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)20:08:02 No.106775624 ▶


>Steven is now super pretentious

lol steven has ALWAYS been super pretentious. you

remember those videos of him smashing iPods?

>shopping for box sets on Facebook

"i come in value packs of ten in five varieties..."

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10/29/21, 8:13 PM /mu/ - bros I don't want Porcupine Tree to reform and release new music - Music - 4chan
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