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10/29/21, 8:20 PM /mu/ - .

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Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)19:03:39 No.106774585 ▶ >>106775295

>> Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)19:07:21 No.106774638 ▶

I really, really like this image

>> Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)19:45:01 No.106775295 ▶ >>106775418

>>106774585 (OP)

It's a potato.

>> Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)19:45:41 No.106775306 ▶

In my interpretation, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is

about a homosexual boy from Spain who has to endure
the abuse of

his overly-religious father and overcome the trauma

caused by the killing of his younger step-brother with
whom he is

still in love with.

The "aeroplane" is a treehouse the brothers would

spend most of their time in, mostly to escape their
homophobic father.

At one point, the older brother imagines that the

treehouse is a time machine and goes back in time to
Holland 1945, 1/2
10/29/21, 8:20 PM /mu/ - . - Music - 4chan
imagining his step-brother as Anne Frank to cope with
his sexuality and their sexual relationship. The father, a

Hitler-like figure, had killed the younger brother causing

the older brother to flee and live with the delusion of

Anne Frank's ghost that he haunts himself with to

repress the memories of his dead step-brother.

>> Anonymous 10/29/21(Fri)19:54:02 No.106775418 ▶


It's a sandwich you fucking faggot

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