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Name: John Louie Jay O.

Corse: BSMA 1
As a citizen of the Philippine republic, write a journal about how you see the Philippines in the
next twenty (20) years as an Asian country and as a third-world country.
Also, include your comparisons among the Philippines and other Asian and Latin American

My Journal

The Philippines is a country with conservative but moral beliefs if our country has good
governance we might become one of the richest and civilized countries in the world. We are
known for our rich minerals and crafts, if we maintain good business and arrangements with
other countries we can earn plentiful for our country. In today's time technology is evolving so in
twenty years we might experience the privilege of technology, peoples lift can be a flying car or
more advanced software. If the Philippines choose good leaders to facilitate the country that will
unite us all we can be all be successful and satisfied with our country. Even now the Philippines
have so many tourist spots so in twenty years the count of these tourist spots might increase or

The Philippines is a very beautiful country but we have a poor solid waste management
characteristic. I always envy how other countries like America used paper bags or the shoppers
carry their bags for groceries, it is really helpful for the environment. In Korea, they are open
about students who apply for part-time jobs, for they think it will give the students experience for
future work, while here in the Philippines you can only part time if you already have experience
or if you're a graduate and has experience. The Philippines is also a country that has live CCTV
cameras, if American countries have Karen's we have Marites. These people have a set of minds
that needs to be spoken, they lose confidence in what they believe and what they are right. This
crab mentality ruins the unification of our country, the people are part with different ideas and

In twenty years if the Philippines have a good government we will be one of the
successful and richest countries in the world. We will be part of the model countries that will
inspire other countries. People will experience a good quality of living easier, efficient,
sustainable, economic and safe country for them to stay.

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