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Section 9- Wrapping it all up

9.1 Ongoing bonus materials

Hi. If you saw the last lecture, you would be kind of right in thinking we're done, this is the
end of the course, but it's not. Since I recorded the course and recorded that last lecture, I've
been doing a few kinds of talking head videos like this one. But that Q&A, Q&A videos,
what's happening is that people are sending in questions. People who are taking the course
is single, sending in questions, and rather than just answering them privately, I'm doing
them in this format, just me talking at the camera, answering those questions. So, scroll
down the curriculum. You'll find a whole new section. And I think there are well, I'm going
to say how many videos there are, because by the time by the time I say it'll be out of date.
But I will continue to add videos within this within this section. So anyway, I just want to
say don't stop. Keep going. Keep scrolling back. Thanks, by.
9.2 This is the future of selling online…
Welcome to Section nine. Again, just one lecture and we're just going to wrap things up
here but stick with me. We still have a little bit of ground to cover. So final takeaway,
conversational copywriting is the future of selling online because, hey, people just no
longer trust old school advertising copywriting. You know, the whole concept of old school
media just shouting at us, you know, us being consumers. It's that megaphone pressed up
against our head with companies shouting at us. And that used to work through one way
media like TV and radio and billboards and things like that. But it really and truly does not
work. It is working less and less well. And the younger the demographic of your audience,
the less well that is going to work. The future is social. It's already here in terms of social
media, in terms of all online media. And the way to be social is and always has been to be
conversational. The future of the web is mobile. More and more people are using that
smartphones as their principal way of interacting with the web and their social media
channels and mobile. What is it? It's a phone. What's the phone for? Is for conversation.
Mobile communication is all about conversation. I mean, I truly believe that if you get on
board with this, if you get on board with the whole concept of applying conversational
copywriting, that you're going to be ahead of the game and giving yourself a huge
advantage. So, some final reminders, not just sort of grab some things of my own here. Just
to reiterate a few points, to lay a last layer of emphasis on a few things I think are
important. So, make sure everything you do on social media is truly conversational. Social
media is by nature conversational, but a lot of companies are still trying to get old school
with it, using it as a broadcast medium. Don't be one of those people, one of those
companies. So, in the left, that's from my Instagram feed for my coffee website, Cuffy
Detective. And you can see in the comments I'm in conversation with someone about one
of my images, one of my photos. I'm not just putting up pictures and walking away and
watching and listening. When someone takes the trouble to reach out and start the
conversation, I continue the conversation. So, I'm in the right for a coffee detective under a
YouTube video. If people are kind enough to leave a comment. Most of the time, I there's
some that I miss, but probably 80, 90 percent of the time I dive in, if there's a question, I
answer it. Otherwise, if it's a contribution, I'll acknowledge it. If it's a problem, I'll try and
address it. I always try to get into conversation, particularly through social media, because
that's what it's for, it's social media. Make sure your emails and newsletters are
conversational. So, a couple of things here. It's in how you write, and I think and hope I've
always written online in a conversational tone, a conversational style of writing, but also in
what you say and do. So, in this particular email, I'm referencing a survey I invited people
to, you know, complete some time earlier. So, I'm talking to people about the results of a
survey where I asked them to contribute their thoughts, to make some choices, etc. So, the
not only is my language conversational, but the whole thing, it's about a previous
conversation that I had that I instigated through sending out a survey. So, it's all about me
listening as much as I am talking. So that's part of the mindset being conversational. And
again, you can that's a choice you can make when you're in your email and newsletter
marketing. You can go broadcast style old school and just throw information at people and
try and push people into buying stuff, or you can engage them through conversation. Same
thing with your content on your website, with your blog post, his blog post, where I'm
asking people to help me with one of my previous courses I created. Please help me with
my new course on writing headlines. I wanted some input. I wanted to get into conversation
with my readers and say, hey, what would you like to see here? What are your challenges?
What are the problems you face when writing headlines online? Why wouldn't I do that?
Why wouldn't I get into conversation? Why wouldn't I get be conversational with my
audience? Now, I'm not saying that every blog post has to be asking like this. This is this is
a kind of not an extreme example of a very particular example. But certainly, whatever I
write, whether it's for myself or for a client company, the underlying purpose is I want to
get these people in conversation. I want to engage with them or to engage with them at an
emotional level. I want to keep engaging with them until I've earned that trust. And then I
can build on creating desire and then I can pivot and ask for, you know, ask them to make
the purchase. So just remember, the Web is not a one-way broadcast medium. It's a two-
way conversational medium. And that calls for conversational copy and conversational
content. And like I mentioned a few moments ago, conversational copywriting isn't just
about changing how we write. It's also about our attitude and mindset and how we choose
to interact with our audience. It really is. It really is a mindset, conversational copywriting.
It's a way of looking at the world as a way of looking at communicating online. And then
finally, yes, it impacts the craft of how we actually put our words together and how we talk
with our audience online. So that is it. If you got this far, I sincerely thank you for your
attention and please check back for updates. This is one of those kind of living courses and
in the future are more than likely add lectures or improved lectures or maybe even a whole
section. So, yeah, check back in and look for updates on the information page. And if you
enjoyed this, I mean, I love reading reviews. I get a lot of positive reviews. I get some
positive reviews with. Yes, but it would be nice, and I value those just as much. So, if you
got this far, I'd love to hear from you through the review section on the side. Thank you
very much. Goodbye.

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