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Statistics-science that deals with the collection, organization and presentation and analysis of data in

order to draw conclusions that help in decision making

Descriptive Statistics-procedures that organize , summarize and describe quantitative data

Inferential Statistics-making judgement or a conclusion about a population based on the findings from
a sample taken from population

Population/Universe = totality of objects, persons,etc. All members of a particular group of objects or


Sample-subset of population or few members of population

Data- facts, figures, information collected on somecharacteristics of a population or sample

Raw/Ungrouped data- collection of data as they are gathered.

Group Data- raw data organized into groups or categories with corresponding frequencies. The data is
referred as a frequency distribution

Parameter- descriptive measure of a characteristic of a population

Statistic- measure of a characteristic of sample
Constant- characteristic or property of a population or sample which is common to all members of the

Variable- measure of a population or sample that may have a number if different values
-differentiates a particular member from the rest of the group
- It is measured, controlled or manipulated into research

Direct Interview Method

-give complete info
-can yield inaccurate info due to interviewers’ influence
-time consuming/expensive

Indirect/Questionnaire method
-easiest method with required time to prepare the questionnaire
-confidential responses
-Free from influence
-high proportions of questionnaire tat could not be received
-tends to give wrong or incomplete info

Registration Method
-information provided is compliant with certain laws, policies,rule
-Ex: Marriage contacts, license, birth certificate

Engineering Environment

Retrospective Study
-uses the population/sample of historical data archived over period of time
-involve large amount of data with little info about the problem
-relevant data could be missing, recording errors
Observational Study
-observes the process/population, disturbing it as little as possible and records the quantities of
-conducted for a relatively short time period
-variables that are not routinely measured can be included
Designed Experiment
-engineer makes changes in the controllable variables of the system/process, observes the
resulting system output data and makes inference or decision about which variables are responsible
for the changes
-important in engineering design and development in the improvement of manufacturing process
-crucial role in reducing the lead time for engineering design and development activities

Survey- series of unbiased questions that the subject must answer.

-large number of people for data gathering
-wide variety of information could be gathered
- dependent on subject motivation, history,etc
-could lead to vague data

Face to face interview

-fewer misunderstood questions & incomplete responses
-higher response rate
-greater control over the environment
-expensive and time consuming
-require large staff of trained interviewers
-bias responses

Self-administered Survey
-less expensive
- do not require large staff of trained interviewers
-anonymity and privacy
-stop participating midway through the survey and respondents
-lower response rate

Design of Experiments
Tool to develop an experimentation strategy that maximize learning using minimum resources
Widely and extensively use by engineers and scientist in improving existing process
Technique to identify the vital few factors in the most efficient manner and it directs the
process to its best setting to meet the ever-increasing demand for improved quality.

-through and precise objective identifying the need to conduct the investigation
-assessment of time and resources available to achieve the objective
-integration of prior knowledge to the experimentation procedure
-identifies possible factors to investigate and the most appropriate responses to measure
Experimental factors-factors that can be specified and assign at random treatment to the
experimental units.
Classification Factors- cannot be assigned or changed
Quantitative Factors-can be assigned any specified level of quantitative factor
Qualitative Factor-Have categories which are diff types
- carefully planned experiments lead to increasing understanding of the product or process and
are easy to execute and analyze

-used to identify factors that affect the process under the investigation out of the large pool of
potential factors
-carried out in conjunctions with prior knowledge of the process under the investigation out of
the larger pool of potential factors
-efficient designs requiring few exceutions where the focus is not the interactions but
identifying the vital factors

-determine the best setting of the important factors affecting the process to achieve the desired
-this objective could increase the yield or decrease variability or to find settings that achieve
both at the same time

Robustness Testing
-make the product insensitive to variations
-variations result from changes in factors that affect the process but are beyond the control of
the analyst.
-Ex(noise or uncontrollable factors)
- validation of the best setting by conducting a few follow up experimental runs to confirm that
the process functions as desired and all objectives are mets


Experiment-use to describes any process that generates a set of data

Event - consist of a set of possible outcome of a probability experiment.
Simple event-one outcoe
Compound event-more than one outcomes

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