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SCAPY packetlife.

Basic Commands Specifying Addresses and Values
# Explicit IP address (use quotation marks)
List all available protocols and protocol options
>>> IP(dst="")
List all available scapy command functions # DNS name to be resolved at time of transmission
conf >>> IP(dst="")
Show/set scapy configuration parameters
# IP network (results in a packet template)
Constructing Packets >>> IP(dst="")
# Setting protocol fields # Random addresses with RandIP() and RandMAC()
>>> ip=IP(src="") >>> IP(dst=RandIP())
>>> ip.dst="" >>> Ether(dst=RandMAC())
# Combining layers # Set a range of numbers to be used (template)
>>> l3=IP()/TCP() >>> IP(ttl=(1,30))
>>> l2=Ether()/l3
# Random numbers with RandInt() and RandLong()
# Splitting layers apart >>> IP(id=RandInt())
>>> l2.getlayer(1)
<IP frag=0 proto=tcp |<TCP |>>
Sending Packets
>>> l2.getlayer(2)
<TCP |> send(pkt, inter=0, loop=0, count=1, iface=N)
Send one or more packets at layer three
Displaying Packets sendp(pkt, inter=0, loop=0, count=1, iface=N)
Send one or more packets at layer two
# Show an entire packet
>>> (Ether()/IPv6()).show() sendpfast(pkt, pps=N, mbps=N, loop=0, iface=N)
Send packets much faster at layer two using tcpreplay
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst= ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff >>> send(IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=53))
src= 00:00:00:00:00:00 .
type= 0x86dd Sent 1 packets.
###[ IPv6 ]### >>> sendp(Ether()/IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=53))
version= 6 .
tc= 0 Sent 1 packets.
fl= 0
plen= None
Sending and Receiving Packets
nh= No Next Header
hlim= 64 sr(pkt, filter=N, iface=N), srp(…)
src= ::1 Send packets and receive replies
dst= ::1 sr1(pkt, inter=0, loop=0, count=1, iface=N), srp1(…)
Send packets and return only the first reply
# Show field types with default values
srloop(pkt, timeout=N, count=N), srploop(…)
>>> ls(UDP()) Send packets in a loop and print each reply
sport : ShortEnumField = 1025 (53)
dport : ShortEnumField = 53 (53) >>> srloop(IP(dst="")/ICMP(), count=3)
len : ShortField = None (None) RECV 1: IP / ICMP >
chksum : XShortField = None (None) RECV 1: IP / ICMP >
Sniffing Packets
# Randomize fields where applicable
>>> fuzz(ICMP()).show() sniff(count=0, store=1, timeout=N)
Record packets off the wire; returns a list of packets when stopped
###[ ICMP ]###
type= <RandByte> # Capture up to 100 packets (or stop with ctrl-c)
code= 227 >>> pkts=sniff(count=100, iface="eth0")
chksum= None >>> pkts
unused= <RandInt> <Sniffed: TCP:92 UDP:7 ICMP:1 Other:0>

by Jeremy Stretch v1.0

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