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Assalamuaikum wr.


So the topics of today that I would like to discuss is this one, atomic habits. I bought this book two weeks ago in
online store because I need to read kind of self improvment book and a lot of recomendation that i get from
internet is this book. It has a good rating.

Based on the lesson of this book there is 4 important point about build a good habits and break bad ones. But
before talk about the 4 important point I’d like to explain about the fundamental parts.

So the fundamental part is talking about how small habits make a big diffirence with the concept 1% better
every day. For one year You’ll end up thirty seven times better. And if you do 1% worse each day for one year
you’ll decline nearly down to ero. Habits are a double edged sword. Bad habits can cut you down juat as easily
as good habits can build you up, which is why understanding the detail is crucial. As an example :

Good :Learning one new idea won’t make you genius, but a commitment to lifelong learning can be
transformative. Each book you read not only teaches you something new but also opens up different ways of
thingking ideas.

Bad : the more you think of yourself as worthless, stupid, or ugly, the more you condition yourself to interpert
life that way. You get trapped in a thought.

In this part to I learn the system that we make for achive a goals is important because its all about the process
that lead to the results.

There is 3 layers of behaviour change :

Outcomes : concern on result
Proses : concern on habits and systems
Identity : concern on beliefs.

From this fundamental part explain habits matter because its help you to became the type of person we want to
be. The process of bulding a habit can be divided into 4 simple but most important steps :
cue,craving,response,and reward.

Cue is triggers brain to initiate a behaviour. A bit information that predicts a reward.
Craving is emotional force behind every habit
Response is the actual habits you perform while can take the form of thought or an action
Reward is the end of every habit

Example like:
Cue : we smell a doughnut shop as walk down the street near office
Craving : we begin to crave the doughnut
Response : we buy a doughnut and eat it
Reward : we satisfy our craving to eat a doughnut, buying a doughnut becomes assosiated with walking down
the street near your office.

The formula to create a good habits is:

The 1st law (cue) : make it obvious

The 2nd law (craving) : make it attractive
The 3rd law (response) : make it easy
The 4th law (reward) : make it satisfiying

So the question right now is HOW?

So we start from the 1st law (the cue) make it obvious.

Fisrt thing we should do is make a list of our daily habits. For example :
Wake up
Turn off alarm
Check phone
To the bathroom
Take a shower and so on..

Ann the write down plus sign if its a good habits, write down the mines sign if its a bad habit and write equal
sign if its netral habits. After make a list lets use this sentence : I will (behaviour) at (time) in (location).
Example :

I will study english for one hour at 7p.m in my room.

To make it more obvious we need to cretae our environment so we can more motivated :

If you want to practice guitar more frequently, place the guiter stand in the middle of living room.

When it comes to building new habits, we can use the connectedness of behaviour to our advantage. One of the
best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit we already do each day and then stack our new
behaviour on top. And this is called batis stacking.

The habit stacking formula is :

After ( current habit) I will (new habit). Example : after I por my cup of coffe each morning, I will meditate for
one minute

The 2nd law (craving) make it attractive

Make it attractive with pair an action we want to do and the thing we need to do

For example: watching netflix (thething we want to do) with riding stationary bike (the thing we need to do).
Another tricks is try to combine the habit stacking + temptation formula :

1. After (current habit), I will (habit need)

2. After (habit need), I want (habit want)
Example :
1. After I pull my phone, I will do the exercise
2. after I do exercise, I ill check my instagram.

The 3rd law (response) make it easy

we can create an environment where doing the right this is as easy as possible with less effort. For example : my
goal is to be a writer, so the habits that I build to achive my goal is I have to write one page one night and to
make it easy I put the laptop and stuff that I need to use when im writing on the top of the desk within easy

And also we do the two minute rule. When we start a new habit, it should take less than two minute to do.
Example : read before bed each night becomes read one page.

Because its better to do less than you hoped than to do nothing at all.

The 4th law (response) make it satisfiying

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