(Case Study) Big Data, Big Rewards

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1. Trần Anh Quân - IELSIU19247

2. Tiêu Trí Tịnh - IELSIU19285
3. Diệp Trần Thảo Vy - IELSIU19095
4. Trần Hoàng Hải Yến - IELSIU19319

1. Describe the kinds of big data collected by the organizations described in this case.

First, IBM Big sheets help the British Library to handle huge quantities of data and
extract useful knowledge. IBM Bigsheets help the British Library to handle huge quantities of
data and extract useful knowledge. British Library is responsible for preserving British Web sites
that no longer exist but need to be preserved for historical purposes. IBM BigSheets helps the
British Library to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.
Second, State and federal law enforcement agencies are analyzing big data to discover
hidden patterns in criminal activity. The Real Time Crime Center data warehouse contains
millions of data points on city crime and criminals. State and federal law enforcement agencies
are analyzing big data to discover hidden patterns in criminal activity. The Real Time Crime
Center data warehouse contains millions of data points on city crime and criminals. IBM and
New York City Police Department (NYPD) work together to create the warehouse, which
contains data on over 120 million criminal complaints, 31 million criminal crime records, and 33
billion public records.
Third, Vestas implemented a solution consisting of IBM InfoSphere BigInsights software
running on a high-performance IBM System x iDataPlex server. Vesta’s wind library currently
stores data on perspective turbine location and global weather systems. Vestas implemented a
solution consisting of IBM InfoSphere BigInsights software running on a high-performance IBM
System x iDataPlex server.
Forth, Hertz A car rental Hertz uses big data solutions to analyze consumer sentiment
from Web surveys, emails, text messages, Web site traffic patterns, and data generated at all of
Hertz’s 8300 locations in 146 countries. Hertz was able to reduce time spent processing data
and improve company response time to customer feedback and changes in sentiment.

2. List and describe the business intelligence technologies described in this case.

IBM Bigsheets is an insight engine that helps extract, annotate, and visually analyze vast
amounts of unstructured Web data, delivering the results via a Web browser. State and federal
law enforcement agencies are analyzing big data to discover hidden patterns in criminal activity
such as correlations between time, opportunity, and organizations, or non-obvious relationships
between individuals and criminal organizations that would be difficult to uncover in smaller data
sets. The Real-Time Crime Center data warehouse contains millions of data points on city crime
and criminals. Vestas relies on location-based data to determine the best spots to install their
turbines. It implemented a solution consisting of IBM InfoSphere BigInsights software running on
a high-performance IBM System x iDataPlex server.

3. Why did the companies described in this case need to maintain and analyze big data?
What business benefits did they obtain?

Large pools of Big Data that can be brought together and analyzed to discern patterns and
make better decisions. This will become the basis of competition and growth for individual firms,
enhancing productivity and creating significant value for the world economy by reducing waste
and increasing the quality of products and services.

Big Data will help to create new growth opportunities and entirely new categories of companies,
such as those that aggregate and analyze industry data. Many of these companies sit in the
middle of large information flows where data about products and services, buyers and suppliers,
consumer preferences, and intent can be captured and analyzed. Forward-thinking leaders
across sectors should begin aggressively to build in value every year

4. Identify three decisions that were improved by using big data.

- Optimal uses of resources and operational time
By using big data, companies can optimal uses of their resources to enhance performance.
Vestas used IBM Infosphere BigInsights software to manage and analyze location and weather
data with models that are much more powerful and precise to its wind turbines; therefore, the
company can forecast optimal turbine placement in 15 minutes instead of three weeks, saving
months of development time for the turbine site.
- Quick and effective decision making
Decision-making improves and can be quick and effective by using big data. Visitors of The
British Library and NYPD can search data quickly and effectively from the British Library Web
sites. NYPD can make a faster decision to gather the suspect’s detail by using The Real-Time
Crime Center.
- Reduce operational cost and other related costs
Companies make the right decision and hence will eliminate wrong decisions. Such as, Hertz
used big data to quickly adjust its staffs during those peak times, give alternative routes, and
ensure its manager to resolve any issues.

5. What kinds of organizations are most likely to need big data management and
analytical tools? Why?
- Organizations which responsible to store huge information such as healthcare, a
national library, registration department, income tax, and so on because these
organizations typically be a source for the government and the public.
- Authorities Organization such a police department, custom, immigration because they
need to store a big data about criminals and also public to use for the safety of the
- Organizations to go green need big data about the weather and location because the
weather and location data are very useful for the companies to accurately make a

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