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Republic of the Philippines


Rebolledo St. Ponong Carigara, Leyte


A. Explore
Direction: Compare and contrast the two images by describing the nature of the activities.

1. What do you think is the spirit of each group considering their nature?
I think both group has the spirit of determination. A determination to find happiness by exercising and a
determination to have a physically fit body. Both of them are wanted to have fun while achieving their goal
physically for their body plus let’s considered the nature being the main venue or the best place to do some
sprint. The nature the both group is different in some view but has the same aim. The first picture seems like a
competition or like a fun run wherein they can meet different people, they have other people to join in with
them in their track, meanwhile the second picture only have one man yet happily enjoying his exercise. The
difference in there is the number of people you can go and join with plus the fun run event has a price once you
win but it is different on the other side. We can see or analyse right away the difference in both picture in only
one glance but the aim or the goal of a person for his/her self is just the same as the second picture is trying to

2. How do you describe the spirit of each team group considering the nature of their activity?

For me the spirit of each team group considering the nature of their activity is the sense of fun which we can
see in both pictures. Both are having fun with or without friends together with them. They are happy on
their own track, both are having the best time of their lives.

3. If you were to choose from the two images, which one do you prefer to participate in? Why?
For me I would go with the first picture, because I am not that typical type of person that is okay being alone
doing things. It would be much better and fun if we go and explore the things in life together with our friends
and love ones. We can have fun plus we can maintain a healthy body and a healthy relationship with the people
whom we love the most. As a teenager, I grow up together with my friends which teaches me so many things
and opens my eyes into the reality and they are very important to me. I’d rather choose the first picture than
being alone.
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