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1. Explain how corrosion may occur. Show relevant reactions.

Corrosion is the process whereby a metal forms metal ions, releasing electrons (the ‘anodic’ process)
and the electrons that have been released flow to the cathode where the other half of the corrosion
process - the cathodic process - takes place. For the mechanism to occur it is necessary for the anodic
area and the cathodic areas need to be linked by an ‘electrolyte’, which is a medium that will conduct
charge and ions. Typically, that will be water. However, it could equally well be molten salt, or a semi-
conductive solid, at higher temperatures.

2. Corrosion can be prevented by painting the surface. What do you do to protect yourself from
harmful sunrays or any harmful substances from the environment?

Staying out of the sun is the best way to avoid sun damage. But if you want to go outside you have to
use sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, wear sunglass, and avoiding sunlight between in the middle
of the day when UV rays are strongest. Avoid sun in the middle of the day, from about 10 am to 3 pm.

3. What are the different commercial electrolytic processes? Describe each?

Electrolysis can be defined as a chemical process in which the bonded elements and compounds are
dissociated by passing a direct electric current. This process is mainly used for separating the materials.
For example: The electrolysis of water. In this process, water molecule is decomposed by passing an
electric current to give hydrogen and oxygen gas. The reaction taken place in this chemical process is
2H2O + energy ----> 2H2 + 2O2

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