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My Lord, increase me in knowledge.

Bahria College Anchorage Islamabad

First Aid
English Grade X

1. What is the importance of knowledge of ‘’First Aid’’ in crisis management?

First aid is a temporary and immediate help given to the victim. Accidents happen always unexpectedly.
But a life can be saved by having a basic knowledge of what to do in emergency and knowing proper first
aid procedure. Basic training in first aid skills should be learnt by all, as it is mandatory to our modern and
stressful life.

A. Many fields have… [book work]

Specialized word What I think it means What does it mean

Scrapes Minor injuries, cuts
Infection Transmission of disease by getting germs

Ointment A medical preparation in the form a soft

smooth paste

Bandage A strip of fabric tied around a body part

that is hurt
Dressings Piece of soft material placed on a wound

Stitches A surgical procedure or process of closing

a wound with sutures.

B. Complete the missing… [copy work]

Word Meaning sentence
Dislocate My right leg was dislocated.
From textbook

Dissatisfied My father is dissatisfied from my performance in academics.

Distract Too much noise distracted him from work.
Disqualify You’ve been disqualified from this post.
Disbelieve Don’t disbelieve in my story.
Disapprove They disapproved my proposal.
C. Go through the list of idioms….. [copy work]
Note: Write Urdu equivalents of these idioms on your own. You can take help from the
internet too.
I. To carry coals to a new castle.
II. To call a spade, a spade.
III. To build castles in the air.
IV. To kill two birds with one stone.
V. To throw the dust into ones’ eyes.
VI. To cast pearls before swine.
VII. To beat about the bush.
VIII. To err is human.

A. choose the correct option. [Try to do this question by yourself and then match your
1. Seek medical assistance
2. Infection and tetanus
3. Rash
4. Daily
5. wounds

B. Answer the following questions. [copy work]

(i) What is the importance of knowledge of 'First Aid' in crisis management?
Ans. First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with
care provided to preserve life or prevent the condition from worsening. The knowledge of
'First Aid' in crisis management prepares people to tackle unexpected emergencies with
great confidence.

(ii) You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped. Why?
Ans. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don't, apply gentle
pressure with a clean cloth or bandage. However, don't keep checking to see if the bleeding
has stopped because this may damage or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause
bleeding to resume.

(iii) Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?

Ans. To clean the area around the wound, use mild soap and a soft washcloth. But soap can
irritate the wound because soap is made from fats and oils, or their fatty acids, by treating
them chemically with a strong alkali. So it is necessary to keep away soap from the actual
(iv) What is an antibiotic?
Ans. An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of
bacterial infections. It may kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. The first antibiotic was
penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

(v) How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound?

Ans. A thin layer of an antibiotic cream or ointment helps to keep the surface of the wound
moist. The products do not make the wound heal faster, but they can help the body's
natural healing process work fast.

(vi) What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most bandages?
Ans. Allergy is a damaging immune response by the body to a substance. If you are allergic
to the adhesive material used in most bandages, switch to adhesive-free dressings or sterile
gauze held in place with paper tape, gauze roll or loosely applied elastic bandage.

(vii) When do you need to see a doctor?

Ans. You need to see a doctor when you are in a chronic condition, your wounds are not
healing, you have a severe attack of allergic reaction and above all when First Aid fails to
treat your illness or injury.

(viii) What should your first aid kit consist of?

Ans. The first aid kit should contain; a first aid book, band-aids, elastic bandages, gauze pads,
adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, cotton wool, safety pins, tweezers, scissors, latex gloves,
calamine lotion, clinical thermometer and analgesic tablets.

D. Read the First Aid Process of cuts and scrapes… [book work]
E. Change the following sentences into passive… [book work]
NOTE: Just answers are mentioned here.
1. All smoking material must be put out.
2. The seat belt must be fastened.
3. Safety precautions will be demonstrated by them.
4. Safety instructions should be read.
5. Small packages can be stored in the overhead compartment.

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