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Module II on PFA: Calming Down and Managing one’s Emotions and Thoughts

Self-Guided Module (PDF and Audio File)


So far, we have discussed your routines and feelings during the past few months of
pandemic. Today, we shall focus on how to manage your feelings.

Remember when I asked you to identify your feelings and reactions to Covid-19/disaster?
Can you recall what those feelings were? Now. I want you to consider some ways to help
you manage your feelings of stress and anxiety.

I want you to stay outdoors and play, “Catch the Ball” with your sibling or friend. If it is not
possible for you to do this with someone, you can also just throw the ball towards a wall
then catch it. After throwing and catching the ball for a while, think, “what am I catching”?

Imagine that what you are catching are feelings. Those were some of the feelings you
caught during the lockdown/pandemic/disaster. They are feelings of fear, boredom, anxiety,
etc. Stop playing for a moment. You accepted the ball. Hold it. Look at it. Accept the feeling.
Say to yourself, “Yes, I was feeling afraid.” Or “Yes, I was feeling anxious.”

Catching your Feelings.

It is always good to catch what you are feeling. It is a normal and valid feeling. It’s okay to
Not feel okay. But they are real and true only as the not-so-normal situation that triggers it.

It is ok to not feel okay, in a not-so-ok-situation like the pandemic or any disaster. Now, I
want to invite you to do some diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in (Inhalation of air). A
very slight pause before you exhale. Breathe out (exhalation of air). Breathe in (inhalation
of air). A very slight pause before you inhale. Breathe out (exhalation of air). Release all
the feelings.
Check your Feelings

Were those feelings helpful to you? You will probably answer with both a yes and a no.
That means that some of your feelings were helpful but others were not. For instance, if
you keep feeling fearful, do you need to stay in fear for long? How helpful is fear to you?
How accurate or appropriate is the feeling of anxiety, now? How helpful is it to always be
worrying about things? While thinking about this, breathe in and breathe out (5x).

Change that Feeling

In this part, I want you to think of something else to help you feel better. This means that
you can replace that feeling. Some feelings are productive and useful while some may be
unproductive and useless.

It is because they are no longer appropriate to the situation. You have the power to change
your feelings by actually changing your thoughts about the feeling. This process is called
REFRAMING. Where is the feeling coming from? Or, you can ask, “Where is the ball
coming from?” Why did it hit you? How do you manage your feelings? You can manage it
by changing the name of the ball into feelings of gratefulness, understanding, happiness,
and contentment. Breathe in. Breathe out (5x)

Now, Let’s analyze and try answering these questions!

What do you feel? What do you think was the point of Catching, Checking and Changing
your feelings?

What was the reason why you had to reframe your thoughts?

Now, Let’s Try This!

Can you compare how you feel right now with how you felt before we started with the
activity? Do you see some changes? Are the feelings positive? What are these new
changes in the way you feel at the moment?

Using the columns labeled with the words “Before,” write your feelings during the pandemic.
And using the columns “After,” write your feelings at this very moment, after going through
the Catch, Check and Change Exercise.
BEFORE (my feelings during the AFTER (my feelings right now)

Let us reflect!

How can you apply your newfound knowledge to your daily life?
Complete the following sentences.
After going through the activity, I learned that the feelings that I CAUGHT could be—

After a while, I CHECKED the feelings and realized that I could—

And so, I CHANGED my feelings into the following—

Now! Tell yourself: The next time when I experience intense feelings, I would take a deep
breath 5X to calm down, and then check, change the feelings by reframing my thoughts.


As we come to a close, repeat this line to yourself: “Emotions can be caught (like in a ball),
checked (on helpfulness or usefulness and accuracy) and changed.”

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