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Memed Sena Setiawanˡ, et al | Effect of Competence, Workload, Leadership on Nurse Performance

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) Article history:

Vol.3 No.2 – July – December 2020; hal. 69-71 Received: November 17, 20
p-ISSN : 2655-2418; e-ISSN : 2655-7630 Revised: November 25, 20
journal homepage: Accepted: November 27, 20

Effect of Competence, Workload, Leadership on Nurse Performance

Memed Sena Setiawan1, Septirina Rahayu2
Department of Nursing, RSPAD Gatot Soebroto College of Health Sciences, Jakarta
e-mail :,

The purpose of this study was to obtain an empirical description of the influence of
competence, workload, leadership on nurse performance jointly or partially. Sampling using
the Probability Sampling technique, which is a technique of giving equal opportunities to all
members of the population selected to be the sample. The sample in this study was 50. The
research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method and the data analysis
method used is multiple regression. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that
competence has a significant effect on nurse performance as indicated by a significance value
<0.05, which is equal to = 0.004, workload has a significant effect on nurse performance as
indicated by a significance value <0.05, which is equal to 0.008, leadership has an effect
significant to the performance of nurses as indicated by a significance value of <0.05, which is
equal to = 0.002, and compensation has a significant effect on the performance of nurses as
indicated by a significance value of <0.05, which is equal to = 0.002. Competence, workload,
leadership, and compensation together have a significant effect on nurse performance as
indicated by a significant value <0.05, which is equal to = 0.000. The contribution of
competence, workload, leadership, and compensation together on the nurse's performance is
R2 = 70.7% and 29.3% is influenced by other factors.

Keywords: Competence, Workload, Leadership, Compensation, and Nurse Performance.

The National Health System states that employees can be said to have the ability to
one form of health service strata is a hospital. meet their life needs both for work and for
Hospital is a medical referral line, a reference living in society.
for health efforts and is the highest hierarchy The nurse is one of the health workers in
of efforts to heal and recover patients. In the the hospital who provides professional
world of health, especially hospitals, nursing services for 24 hours continuously
organizational personnel consist of doctors during the client's care period. The nursing
and nurses as well as other health profession has an important role in providing
professionals as well as administrative quality health services in hospitals, because
employees. the types of services provided are biological,
Employees who have good performance psychological, social, spiritual and carried out
will receive serious attention from their in a sustainable manner (Depkes RI, 2006).
superiors, and superiors will also pay One way to ensure the achievement of
attention to all their demands so that these goal alignment, the hospital can provide

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020) 69

Memed Sena Setiawanˡ, et al | Effect of Competence, Workload, Leadership on Nurse Performance

attention by providing compensation to nurses b. If the significant value <0.05, the data is
or employees, because compensation is a not normally distributed
reciprocal relationship between the hospital Table of Data Normality Test Results
and the nurse or employee.
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Financial compensation is direct Statisti
compensation received by nurses or Statistic Df Sig. c df Sig.
employees consisting of salaries, benefits and Competence .080 50 .200* .967 50 .173
Workload .162 50 .052 .969 50 .208
incentives. In addition, to achieve Leadership .125 50 .059 .966 50 .162
organizational goals requires a leader who is Compensation .130 50 .055 .934 50 .058
Performance .094 50 .200* .974 50 .344
able to work effectively. The smarter the a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
leader is in carrying out his role, of course, *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
the faster the company's goals will be
achieved. Discussion
According to Hasibuan (2016) states that Based on the research results it was found
a leader is someone who uses his leadership that together, the four independent variables
authority to direct others and is responsible have a positive effect. F-count = 27,117 with
for that person's work in achieving a goal. a significant = 0.000, which means that the
Efforts to improve the performance of nurses higher the three independent variables, the
through the application of maximum nursing higher the performance of the nurse (Y).
care, human resources are very influential, However, if a partial analysis is carried out,
especially in the level of competence of different supports are found.
nurses, and the workload they carry and the Y = - 15,579 + 0,320(X1) + 0,445(X2) +
compensation they receive. 0,532(X3) + 0,370(X4) + 7.260
Competency regression coefficient (X1)
Method of 0.320; it means that if other independent
This research uses descriptive quantitative variables have a fixed value and competence
method using regression equation analysis, has increased by 1%, then performance (Y)
correlation coefficient, determination will increase by 0.320. The coefficient is
coefficient, F test and t test. The constellation positive, meaning that there is a positive
of the relationship between the independent relationship between competence and
variable Competence (X1), Workload (X2), performance. Hypothesis testing is conducted
Leadership (X3), Compensation (X4), with to produce t-count = 3.031 with a significance
the dependent variable Implementing Nurse = 0.004. This means that the increasing
Performance (Y). competence, the more the performance of the
nurse will increase.
Result Workload regression coefficient (X2) of
The data normality test is carried out to 0.445; This means that if other independent
see whether the data is normally distributed or variables are fixed in value and the Workload
not. The data normality test in this study used has increased by 1%, then Performance (Y)
the normality test, namely the One-Sample will increase by 0.445. The coefficient is
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with a 5% positive, meaning that there is a positive
significance level test criteria. Guidelines for relationship between Workload and
data decision making are close to or a normal Performance. Hypothesis testing is done to
distribution can be seen from: produce t-count = 2.800 with a significance =
a. If the significant value> 0.05, the data is 0.008. This means that the more appropriate
normally distributed the Workload, the Nurse Performance will

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Memed Sena Setiawanˡ, et al | Effect of Competence, Workload, Leadership on Nurse Performance

Leadership regression coefficient (X3) of addition to adopting a situational leadership

0.532; This means that if other independent style can also adopt a military leadership style
variables are fixed in value and leadership has
increased by 1%, then performance (Y) will Conclusion
increase by 0.532. The coefficient is positive, Competence, Workload, Leadership, and
meaning that there is a positive relationship Compensation collectively have a positive
between leadership and performance. and significant impact on the performance of
Hypothesis testing was conducted to produce the inpatient nurses at the Gatot Soebroto
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