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Name of Learner: _________________________________ Grade Level: ________

Section: ________________________________________ Date: ______________


The world and everything in it moves. A bus traveling from Cagayan to Isabela is
slowing down because a passenger has reached his destination; the speeding down of rain
from the atmosphere; the trajectory of a volleyball ball after it has been thrown vertically
upward; and even seemingly stationary objects like a Physics book on top of a study table or
even a roadway. All these examples and many more moves with Earth’s rotation and
revolution around the sun. Kinematics is the study of the classification and comparisons of
This module dealing with the discussion of motion is restricted in three ways.
• Motion involved is along a straight line only. The line may be vertical,
horizontal, or slanted.
• The slowing down, speeding up, stopping, or reversing of the direction of an
object including the time involve in changing direction are the only concern of
this material.
• The moving object must be a particle or an object that moves like a particle.


Suppose you were asked to give a direction regarding the location of the DepEd Office
- Schools Division of Cagayan. Surely you will be answering that 96 NOTE: Practice
personal hygiene protocols at all times it is approximately 500 meters away from GSIS
office but you will never say it is 500 meters only. Locating an object or a place means
finding its position relative to some reference point often origin (zero point) of an axis.
The positive direction of the axis is increasing numbers which are to the right while the
opposite is the negative direction.

Knowing how far something moves is not sufficient. You must also know in what
direction the object moved. This is known as displacement. Displacement is a vector
quantity. It has both magnitude and direction.


Cagayan Valley is often visited by strong typhoons every year which causes great
damage to infrastructure and agriculture. Weather forecasts often talk about the speed
of a certain typhoon and its direction. These allow Cagayanos to estimate the time of
arrival of the typhoon in our place and prepare for the worst scenario. Speed is defined
as the distance traveled in a unit of time. To be more precise, the average speed is
obtained by dividing the total distance covered by the corresponding time. The
mathematical description of speed is given by

Velocity is the ratio of the displacement that occurs during a particular time interval.
To be more precise, we use the average velocity. The mathematical description of
velocity is given by

1. You have trained all year for a marathon. In your first attempt to run a marathon,
you decide that you want to complete 42.195 km in 2 hours. What would your average
speed be?

2. Suppose you are walking home after school. The distance from school to your home
is 1.5 kilometers. On foot, you can get home in 25 minutes. However, if you rode a
bicycle, you could get home in 10 minutes. What is your average speed while walking?

Learning Competency:
Convert verbal description of a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one
dimension into a mathematical description (STEM_GP12KIN-Ib-12)


Directions: Read carefully each of the following problems. To earn full marks when solving
word problems, you MUST SHOW ALL YOUR WORK. This must include all the components
specified below.

A. Average Speed
1. If it takes Shirly 3 seconds to run from the batter’s box to first base at an average speed
of 6.5 meters per second, what is the distance she covers in that time?

2. Bart ran 5000 meters from the cops and an average speed of 6 meters per second
before he got caught? How long did he run?

3. Suppose you are with your friends jogging around the oval of the Cagayan Sports
Complex. Assuming that you jog 4.0 km in 32 minutes, then 2.0 km in 22 minutes, and
finally 1.0 km in 16 minutes. What is your average speed in km/min?

4. You were told by your mother that dinner will be at 6:00 PM. You left school at 5:30
PM and started walking. Assuming that your average speed is 2 𝑚 𝑠 and the distance
between the school and your house is 3.5 km. Would you be able to get home in time
for dinner? Show your computations.

5. Quarantine has made you gain weight. You decided to do some workouts for 5 weeks
and see if there will be a positive result. In the first week, you wrote down your jogging
time for each day.
Mon – 5 mins Thu – 30 mins
Tue – 10 mins Fri- 35 mins
Weds – 25 mins

B. Average Velocity
1. A baseball game is happening at Cagayan Sports Complex. A batter batted the ball and
reached a distance of 867 meters. How much time is needed for the ball to travel the
distance if its velocity is 34.45 meters per second due east?

2. After the three months quarantine period, Family Agcaoili decided to take a vacation
at Blue Lagoon Resort in Claveria, Cagayan. If the family drives 335 kilometers from
San Pablo, Isabela to Claveria, how long will it take the family to reach their destination
if they travel at a velocity of 100 kilometers per hour, northwest?

3. A Lazada delivery man realizes that he is traveling in the wrong direction on a one-way
street. He has already driven 2.13 kilometers at a velocity of 12 meters per second,
east before he decided to make a U-turn. How long did it take the delivery man to
realize his error?

4. A rat is busy finding food. It traveled 50 cm north, 25 cm east, 34 cm northeast, 29 cm

south, and 25 cm 300 southwest before finding a piece of cheese on the kitchen floor.
Assuming that the entire travel is 3.5 minutes, what is the rat’s average velocity?

5. A volcanologist noted that lava rushed down a volcano at 43.21 km per hour, south.
How far did the lava flow in 15 seconds?

C. Acceleration
1. A Toyota Altis has an initial velocity of 5.76 𝑚/𝑠 , and accelerates at a rate of 67.45
𝑚/𝑠 2 for 2.13 seconds, what will its final velocity be?

2. A housefly accelerates from 1.24 𝑚/𝑠 to 6.86 𝑚/𝑠 in 2.54 seconds. What is the
housefly’s average acceleration?

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3. A cable car quickly speeds up down a slope. As it starts down a slope, its velocity is
5.69 𝑚/𝑠. But 1.0 seconds later, at the bottom of the slope, its velocity became 16.2
𝑚/𝑠 . What is the average acceleration of the cable car?

4. A cyclist accelerates from 0𝑚/𝑠 to 7.68 𝑚/𝑠 in 2.31 seconds. Is this acceleration higher
than that of a car that accelerates from 0𝑚/𝑠 to 30𝑚/𝑠 in 5.2 seconds?

5. Ferrari’s advertisement on the television says that the newest model of Ferrari can accelerate
from rest to 89.76 km per hour in just only 3.21 seconds. Find the average acceleration.


1. The brakes of an automobile are suddenly applied at the instant when its velocity is
20𝑚/𝑠 . If the automobile comes to a stop after 5 seconds, what is its acceleration?

2. 5. An electron that is moving with a velocity of 10, 000 𝑚/𝑠 is accelerated at 8.0 * 104
𝑚/𝑠 2 by an electric field. What is the velocity acquired by the electron after it has
traveled 1 cm?

3. 6. A plane requires a speed of 100𝑘𝑚/ℎ𝑟 at takeoff to be airborne. If it can be

accelerated at the rate of 8,000𝑘𝑚/ℎ𝑟 2, what should be the minimum length of the
runway if the plane starts with zero velocity at one end of the runway?

4. 7. To be airborne, a plane requires a velocity of 128𝑘𝑚/ℎ𝑟 . If it starts from rest at one

end of a runway 1 km long,
a. What must be the minimum safe acceleration of the plane?; and
b. With this acceleration, how many seconds will it take for the plane to acquire its
necessary velocity for takeoff at the other end of the runway?

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5. 8. A train changes its velocity from 30𝑘𝑚/ℎ𝑟 to 80𝑘𝑚 ℎ𝑟 while traveling a distance of
200 meters. Find the a. acceleration; and b. the time taken to travel 200 meters.


Many practical situations occur in which the acceleration is constant or close

enough that we can assume it is constant. The acceleration due to gravity on
the Earth’s surface is a good example. We can treat this situation when the
magnitude of the acceleration [a= constant] and the motion of a body is in a
straight line (vertical or horizontal). In this case, the instantaneous and average
acceleration are always if not almost equal. We can derive four equations
relating position (x), velocity (v), acceleration (a), and time (t) in considering
that acceleration is constant or near constant.

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Activity 2: SOLVE ME
Direction: Solve for what is asked using the given basic four formulas for solving
uniformly acceleration motion.

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