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Full name: Nguyen Bich Loan MSV: 219601028

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Book: American Way- by Pearson Education 2014

Chapter 5. The Heritage of Abundance (October 19th - 21st 2021)

Preview Vocabulary (p. 100)
1A 6A
2A 7A
3A 8B
4B 9A
1. Centuries 4. Plenty
2. Symbolized 5. Abundance
3. Goods
Preview Content (p. 101)
1. - I totally agree with David Potter because American has been blessed with an
abundance of natural resources which, combined with a strong work ethic and the
motivation of generations of hard-working immigrants, has led to our becoming
the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. The great natural resources of the
US and its abundant material wealth have been major factors in the development of
the American character.
- The source of American abundance are The great natural resources, hobby,
technology and knowledge.
American abundance
Advantages a decline in American abundance causes people to
become less wasteful and more protective of their
Disadvantages the old habits are hard to change

- 3 topic will be covered in this chapter:
+ Abundance of natural
+ Abundance of hobby
+ Abundance of technology and knowledge.
Understand Main Ideas (p. 111)
1. hard work, equality of opportunity, material wealth
2. mass advertising
3. comfort, cleanliness, novelty, convenience
4. multiple TV channels lead to fragmented viewing or smaller numbers of people
viewing any one program; computers and Internet are sources of information and
5. Big Data is a very large amount of information (some say more than can fit on a
personal computer) and some say it is also the tools that allow us to see patterns
and make use of the knowledge; who owns our personal data
6. Americans are redefining their abundance as a powerful supply of ideas that can
help bring solutions to the problems of the world.
Understand Details (p. 111)
1. C 6. C
2. B 7. B
3. B 8. A
4. A 9. B
5. B 10.C
Talk about it
2. Basic needs are our unavoidable requirements without which it is very annoying
for human beings to live. Just as a patient needs doctors and medicines to get his
treatment, a human being needs food, water and air to survive. To live a happy life
on this earth, any human being is required that we has all the basic facilities
available. So everyone have a responsibility to make our life better.
Build Your Vocabulary
Opposites (p. 114)
1. E 6. B
2. H 7. F
3. A 8. G
4. I 9. C
5. J 10.D

1. vice, virtue 5. Public

2. upward, downward 6. poverty
3. consumer 7. downsize
4. scarcity
Technology Words (p. 115)
Advertisements—B Blog—I
Cable—B Online—I
Channel—TV Pinterest—I
Commercials—B Satellite—B
Data—B Sponsor—B
Digital—B Targeted marketing—I
Entertainment—B Twitter—I
Facebook—I Video—B
Mass marketing—B Viewer—B
Movies—B Website—I
Network—B World Wide Web—I
More AWL Words (p. 116)
1. insecure 7. period
2. generation 8. consumers
3. concluded 9. image
4. task 10. technique
5. emphasis 11.institution
6. maintaining
Think, Pair, Share (p. 117)
Endangered species—P
Trash and garbage—Precycling—S
Wastefulness—Pconserving energy—S
Protecting wildlife—S
Air pollution—P
Global warming—P
Chapter 6. The World of American Business (October 26th - 28th
Preview Vocabulary (p. 124)
1. Theoretically 6. overseas
2. alternative 7. cycles
3. aid 8. policy
4. submitting 9. priorities
5. ultimate

Preview content
1. The quotation mean that the chief business of the American people is business.
They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and
prospering in the world. So I totally agree with that because Businesses are
directly/indirectly owned by private individuals/groups for profit
2. Go from rags to riches means someone start your life very poor and then later in
life become very rich.
3. An entrepreneur is develop a business around a new idea, assuming the risk for
its success
4. Advantage and disadvantages of starting your own business
Advantages Disadvantages
+ Financial Rewards + Financial Risk
One big enticement for business Losing money is one of the biggest
ownership is reaping the bigger risks of owning a business
financial rewards. Successful + Stress and Health Issues
business owners have the opportunity Business owners tend to experience
to make more money for the risks high levels of stress as well as health
they take issues. Not having a consistent
+ Lifestyle Independence paycheck means business owners
Business owners enjoy lifestyle always need to generate new sales
flexibility, because they're creating and revenues
their own schedule + Time Commitment
+ Personal Satisfaction and Growth Starting a business requires a time
Building a new business that becomes commitment. The freedom of
successful provides business owners working on your own time and
tremendous personal satisfaction having your own lifestyle is there but
it is often sacrificed to ensure the
business' success.


Understand Main Ideas (p. 137)
1. (freedom)
2. the ideal of equality of opportunity
3. the value of hard work
1. the best opportunity for becoming wealthy
2. a government-run system of production and distribution of goods
1. they succeed in building something great out of nothing
2. the heroes of the frontier who were rugged individualists
3. novels about poor boys who become successful businessmen
4. submitting to higher authority
1. run businesses someone else started
2. so many take huge sums of money from their corporations and spend it on
1. finding a good job and paying the mortgage
2. the rich had gotten richer and the middle class had stayed the same or gone
3. how to save or restore the American Dream
1. resilient and self-reliant
2. creativity and innovation
3. meaning in their personal lives and a way to help others
4. billionaires who are social engineers trying to solve the worldÕs problems
H. The Future of American Business
1. start their own business
2. provides global connections for businesses to interact with customers around the
Understand Details (p. 138)
1. F 6. F
2. T 7. T
3. F 8. F
4. F 9. F
5. T 10.T
Improve Your Reading Skills: Scanning (p. 139)
1. The business of America is business.
2. Wrote Pigs at the Trough about the greed of American businessmen
3. founded Facebook
4. one of the richest Americans who said his secretary paid a higher tax rate
than he did
5. head of the Consumer Electronics Association and author of The Comeback
6. eBay first president
7. editor of Wired magazine and leader of DIY Drones, an online community
8. the author of novels, such as Ragged Dick, about poor boys who become rich
business men
9. author of The Rise of the Creative Class; believes one-third of Americans
have jobs that create
10. ran for President in 2012 and had a company that made money downsizing
other companies
Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills
Analyze a Reading (p. 139)
1. The intended readers are small business owners because it begins, ÒAs a small
business owner youare not alone!
2. There are 23 million small businesses accounting for 54% of all sales; they
provide 55% of all jobs and40% of new jobs; they account for 40% of all retail
sales and provide jobs for 8 million; they occupy 30-50% of all commercial
Build Your Vocabulary
Same or Different (p. 140)
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
More AWL Words (p. 141)
1. L 7. R 13.C
2. D 8. K 14.A
3. I 9. P 15.G
4. F 10.J 16.H
5. B 11.Q 17.M
6. N 12.O 18.E
Idiom and Popular Phrases (p. 142)
1. A 5. E
2. D 6. F
3. B 7. G
4. C 8. H
Chapter 7. Government and Polotics in the United States
(November 2nd - 4th 2021)
Preview Vocabulary (p. 150)
1. A 6. A
2. A 7. A
3. B 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. B 10.A
1. pursuits 3. regulate
2. restrain 4. injuring
Understand Main Ideas (p. 165)
1. government might take away individual freedom
2. president signs it into law, vetoes it (but two-thirds of House and Senate may
vote to overturn theveto and it becomes law), takes no action (then bill becomes
law after ten days), or does a pocketveto (the bill is defeated if Congress adjourns
within a ten-day period)
3. electors are the representatives who officially choose the president; winner of
plurality of votes in astate gets all electoral votes; the number of electoral votes is
equal to the number of representativesthe state has in the House and Senate
4. ideals of the free farmer and small businessman kept government small because
if it were large itwould interfere with individuals, competition, and self-reliance
5. need for economic programs resulted in big government
6. entitlements are government benefits such as unemployment benefits, food
stamps, Medicaid,Social Security, and Medicare; controversial because some
people worry that relying on thegovernment could endanger the value of self-
7. special interest groups represent about every issue and every group (trades,
industries, unions,ethnic groups, etc.); goal is to influence government to pass laws
they want
8. help elect or support candidates who will vote in favor of their issues
9. Republicans are pro-business, laissez-faire, or anti-government (conservative);
Democrats seegovernment as solution to social problems (liberal); Independents
vote for candidates who reflecttheir wishes, regardless of party; three differences:
racial divideÑDemocratic Party have moresupport from non-white Americans;
ideological divide over the role and size of governmentÑRepublicans are against
big active government; cultural divideÑRepublicans tend to be moresocially
conservative than Democrats
10. Republicans believe government spending should be reduced and that
entitlements weaken American values; Democrats worry about the widening gap
between the very rich and the very poor;need to have individual responsibility for
ourselves and each otherÑself-reliance but also a safetynet for those who need it
Understand Details (p. 165)
1. B 6. B
2. C 7. B
3. B 8. B
4. B 9. A
5. A 10.C
Improve Your Reading Skills: Note Taking (p. 168)
Branch People Responsibilities
(Executive) President Sign or veto bills
Carry out laws
Legislative (Congress) Administer government
(Enact laws)
Make laws
(Senate and) Ratify treaties
House of Representatives
(100) Senators
(435) Representatives
Judicial (Supreme Court) Interpret law
(9 Justices) Settle disputes

Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills (p. 169)

Women: black, Democrat, income less than $30,000 (3 or more benefits)

someone in a rural area
older people receive Social Security and Medicaid
the lower the income the more benefits
Republicans say they are against entitlements, and 48% of them receive no benefits
(but more of them receive 2 benefits than Democrats or Independents)
Build Your Vocabulary
More AWL Words (p. 170)
1. B 6. L 11.J
2. F 7. K 12.G
3. M 8. D 13.C
4. H 9. E
5. A 10.I
1. specific 4. impact
2. grades 5. area, conclude
3. infrastructure
Which Word DoesnÕt Belong? (p. 171)
1. Congress
2. Supreme Court 4. veto
3. vice president 5. Bill of Rights
Collocations (p. 172)
1. law 4. ballots
2. bill 5. term
3. treaty 6. disputes
Chapter 8. Ethnic and Racial Diversity in the U.S (November 9th -
11th 2021 )
Preview Vocabulary (p. 178)
A. them succeed 7. residential treated worse 8. continue speaking native language
3.national at home
4.likely 9. no
5.teacher 10. 3 generation
Positive connotation:
civil rights
Understand Details (p. 189)
1. b 6. c
2. c 7. b
3. a 8. b
4. c 9. a
5. b 10.c
Improve Your Reading Skills: Scanning (p. 191)
early 1600s: people of Hispanic origin lived in North America
1790: first census; 80% population white; 20% African-American
1861- 65: Civil War
late 1800s and early 1900s: millions of immigrants from eastern and southern
Europe cameto the United States
1920s: borders closed to immigrants
1950s and 1960s: civil rights movement
1965: immigration law changed to allow more immigrants
2008 and 2012: Barack Obama elected president
Build Your Vocabulary
Definitions (p. 191)
1. c 7. j
2. f 8. a
3. g 9. k
4. b 10.i
5. h 11.l
6. e 12.d
1. abolished
2. civil rights
3. inspire
4. assassination
5. legacy
6. registration
7. mingled
8. victims
9. mosaic
10. trickle
11. obliterate
12. corrupt
More AWL Words (p. 193)
1. bias
2. construction
3. despite
4. discrimination
5. documentation
6. eliminating
7. function
8. inclined
9. integrated
10. process
11. esidential

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