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Evaluating product and service?

Prepared by: Kelly Johanna Lòpez

File 2104848 International Negotiations.

Presented to: Instructor Genniffer Aldana

1. Fernando: Good morning 2.Johanna: very
Johanna, how are you? I wanted good, thank you.
you to please help evaluate the Of course, we are
management process of National going to see how
the customer
Postal Services, in the customer
service part is
service area.

3. Fernando: Well, the truth is that

we have presented different
problems regarding this, I know this
because clients complain about the
delay in service, in addition to not
4.Johanna: Okay, and with
meeting expectations, delivering
regard to customer
goods that do not match those that
complaints, what measures
the client requested. or the
have been taken to improve
shipments do not arrive according
this situation, since the
to the stipulated time.
most important thing for
the company is customer

5. Fernando: The truth so

6. Johanna: Well, the first thing we must do is
far none, since the
a change in the processes that have been
complaints that have been
carried out, in addition to systematizing and
filed, have been known of
creating matrices that go in favor of
this flaw because an
generating a space that helps us to follow the
investigation was made
same line and that the path is the most
into why the company has
appropriate for meet the expectations that
declined in recent months.
the client has of the company. In addition,
creating these processes will reduce costs
and improve teamwork.
7. Fernando:
Okay, that's how
we are going to
10. Johanna: A list of possible
do it.
solutions must be made to
improve the problems that have
arisen and the possible solutions,
that is, if the products that the
client needs are not being
8. Johanna: We must delivered but others are being
make a flow chart in given, then a system must be
such a way that we don't created that automatically
leave anything out, that generates the orders, in addition
is, we can put in to taking into account what the
everything that the team also thinks to finalize the
research throws up, learning process, thus creating
about how customers new diagrams to document the
feel about the service. steps that are reached in the
agreements to be made.
9. Fernando: it
interesting, well
tell me what else
should we
11. Fernando: that is, it is
a team effort, which 12. Johanna: Exactly and not only that,
needs to create new we also have to use the resources to
processes to improve secure the new process, in addition to
customer service. putting the whole company in context to
let them know how this process will
benefit us all and that the changes at the
beginning can be complicated but that It
will help us improve and provide the best
service, which is what customers

13. Fernando:
should I
invest money
14. Johanna: Maybe in the purchase
in the
of new software or in the hiring of a
suitable person for the position but
in reality this cost does not compare
with the benefits that will be
reflected later, although we must be
15. Fernando: the 16. Johanna: But I remind
truth sounds you that it is a long process
interesting. that involves patience and
evaluating it so that it
reaches a satisfactory
deadline, and being able to
17 Fernando: adopt the strategies that
Well, when will ultimately improve the
company's customer
would the project
service difficulties. .

19. Fernand: Okay,

November 22
would be perfect.
18. Johanna: We could
start the following
month, which date
seems appropriate, to
start the meetings with
the staff.
21. Fernando:
Thank you very
much for your
collaboration. 20. Johanna:
perfect, I'm going to
set the agenda and
send emails to the
staff so that they
keep that date in


Company: Organizational unit dedicated to industrial,

commercial or service-for-profit activities.
Software: A set of computer programs, instructions, and rules to perform certain tasks on a

Client: is the person or company receiving a good, service, product or idea, in exchange for
money or another item of value.

Chief: is the superior or head of a corporation, a department, a party or office; the person
who has the authority to give orders to his subordinates for placing himself in a higher
position in the hierarchy.


Materia SENA.

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