Work Energy Power Answers Final

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1 Ans: C
ΔGPE = mgΔh where Δh = difference in height of CG
= 500 × (1.1 – 0.2)
= 450 J

2 Ans: D
GPE gained = mgh = mg sin  .s
Work done by force = F s
Divide the 2 eqns give answer D.

3 Ans: B
COE: gain in GPE by P + gain in KE by P and Q = Loss of GPE by Q
4 x 9.81 x 3sin300 + ½ (6+4) v2 = 6 x 9.81 x 3sin400
v2 = 10.9

v =3.31 m s-1

4 Ans: C

By conservation of energy, work done by the force W = gain in kinetic energy K

K ' W ' (2F )(2 x )
   4  K '  (4)(6J-2J)=16 J
K W Fx
New kinetic energy K '  16  2  18 J

6 Ans : D
By definition of potential energy.
7 Ans: B
Area under the F – x graph = work done by force. The work done keeps increasing until
the force becomes negative.

8 Ans: A
By Conservation of Energy, loss in KE = Gain in GPE.
 ∆E = ∆mgh = mg∆h
Hence E varies linearly with height, i.e. a straight line.
Since y is vertical displacement, at maximum height (largest y value) E = 0.
Hence the answer is A.

9 Ans: A

10 Ans: C
Work done to stretch it 10 cm:
k  0.10   4.0

k  800 N m1

Work done to stretch it 20 cm:

 800   0.20   16

Additional work required = 16 – 4 = 12 J

11 Ans: C

The area can be found using a graphical method given that elastic potential energy E =
area under F-x graph

When extension is e,
E = area under F-x graph

When extension is 2e,

Enew = area under F-x graph
Enew = 4 E

Therefore increase in elastic potential energy = 4 E – E = 3 E

12 Ans: A
GPE increases linearly with displacement
EPE starts later, increases with extension squared (parabolic upwards)
KE decreases linearly with displacement at first (vs GPE), then decreases at greater and
greater rate due to increasing EPE

13 Ans : B

14 Ans: B
P = Fv
= 12.0 cos 30˚ × 2.00
= 20.8 W

15 Ans: C
P  Fv
P   500   12 
 6000 W

16 Ans: C
At constant speed,
Driving force on boat = Total frictional drag X
P = F v = XS
17 Ans: D

Useful power output

work done on cage by motor Force on cage by motor x distance moved 200 × 9.81× 800
= = =6540 W
time 4 ×60 4 ×60

efficiency = useful power / input power

Hence input power = =8720 W

18 Ans: C
Raw Power input = Rate of GPE converted to Electrical Energy
mgh Vgh
= t = t
= 1
= 4.78088 MW
Since Efficiency = Pin = 0.60
Then Pout = 0.60(4.7088) = 2.8 MW
19 Ans: C
When rocket is moving horizontally at constant speed,
Thrust force F = Drag force
P = Fv
28000 = 760v
v = 36.84 m s–1

When rocket is moving vertically at constant speed,

Thrust force F = Drag force + Weight of rocket

= 760 + (90)(9.81) = 1642.9 N

P = Fv = (1642.9)(36.84) = 60.5 kW

20 Ans: B
When the motor is not spinning, the 60 N mass will move downwards as there is a net
downward force of 35 N.
Since the belt remains stationary when the motor is spinning,
Poutput = Fnet × (distance moved per unit time)
= Fnet ×(20d)
= 35 × (20 ×  × 0.35)
= 770 W
1a. Newton’s second law of motion states that the rate of change of momentum is
proportional to the net / resultant (external) force (acting on it) and the change (of
momentum) takes place in the direction of the (net) force

1 2 1 4800
at   20   12    12 
s  ut 
2 2 800
 672 m
v  u  at  20   12
 92 m s1

work  Fs   4800   672 
 3.23  10 6 J

work  gain in KE
1 1 1 1
= mv 2  mu 2   800   92    800   20 
2 2

2 2 2 2
=3.23  10 6 J

biv. impulse = change in momentum

= mv – mu = (800)(92) – (800)(20) [C1]
= 5.76  104 N s [A1]
OR use impulse = Ft = (4800)(12) = 5.76  104 N s

2ai. s = ½ (u + v) t
= ½ (4.0 + 37.0)(17.0)
= 348.51
≈ 349 m

aii. Δt = 0.6 /100 × 17 = 0.1 s

smax = ½ (4.1 + 37.1)(17.1) = 352.26
smin = ½ (3.9 + 36.9)(16.9) = 344.76
2Δs = smax – smin = 352.26 – 344.76 = 7.4
Δs = 3.7 ≈ 4
s 4
 100%   100%  1.1%
s 348.51

s u v t
s   u  v  t
 
s u v t
s  0.1  0.1 
 100%     100%  0.6%
s  4.0  36.0 
 100%  1.1%

aiii. Δs = 3.84 ≈ 4 m
s = (349 ± 4) m

bi. ΔKE = ½ mv2 – ½ mu2

= ½ × 95 × [(37.0)2 – (4.0)2]
= 64300 J

bii. ΔGPE = Δmgh

= 95 × 9.81 × - 349 sin 40˚
= – 209000 J

biii. GPEi + KEi + Wfriction = GPEf + KEf

Work done by friction = ΔGPE – ΔKE
= – 209100 + 64300 J
= – 144800
f × 349 cos 180˚ = – 144800
f = 415 N

3(a) Area under F-x graph is w.d. in stretching bow. More potential energy is stored

Arrows gain more KE, has less deviation from intended flight path
Arrows gain more KE, has farther range

(b)(i) By counting squares under F-x graph,

Elastic potential energy = area under F-x graph
= 1.25 J × 64.5 (±2 squares)
= 81 J (78.1 J to 83.1J)

(b)(ii) By Conservation of Energy,

Loss in elastic PE = Gain in KE for arrow
81 
 3.5  10  v
2 2

v = 68.0 m s-1 (66.8 J to 68.9 J)

4(a)(i) Man is moving at maximum speed when resultant force acting on him is zero, hence
mg  kx where x is the extension of the rope at that point.
mg (80.0)(9.81)
x 
k 120
= 6.54 m

(a)(ii) Applying Principle of Conservation of Energy to when the man is at maximum speed,
Loss of GPE = Gain in KE + Gain in Elastic PE
1 1
mg  l  x   2
mv max  kx 2
2 2
1 1
(80.0)(9.81)  25.0  6.54   2
(80.0)v max  (120)(6.54)2
2 2
vmax = 23.6 m s-1
(a)(iii) 1 2 1
(80.0)v max (80.0)(23.6)2
Maximum KE = 2 = 2 = 2.23 x 104 J
(b)(i) Applying Principle of Conservation of Energy at the lowest point,
Loss of GPE = Gain in Elastic PE
1 2
mg  l  xmax   kx max
(80.0)(9.81)  25.0  xmax   (120)x max

xmax = 25.8 m
(b)(ii) mg  l  xmax 
GPE = = (80.0)((9.81)(25.0 + 25.8) = 3.99 x 104 J

5(a) For an object mass m, moved by a force F, undergoing acceleration a through a

displacement s, with initial velocity u and final velocity v.

F = ma
Work done = Fs = mas

v 2=u2 +2 as
1 1
Work done=mas= mv 2 − mu2=Gain∈kinetic energy
2 2
if u=0 , work done=kinetic energy

Ek = m v 2

(b)(i) EPE = ½ k s2 = ½ (120)(10 × 10-2)2 = 0.60 J

(b)(ii) Using COE:
KEi + GPEi + EPEi = KEf + GPEf + EPEf
0 + (2.0)(9.81)(Dsin40) + 0 = 0 + 0 + ½ (120)D2
D = 0.210 m
(b)(iii) D will increase.
(b)(iv) Using COE:
KE + GPE + EPE = KE + GPE + EPE + Wby box
0 + (2.0)(9.81)(D’sin40) + 0 = 0 + 0 + ½ (120)D’2 + (5.0)D’
D’ = 0.127 m

6a No resultant (external) force (acts on the car-truck system) so (by principle of

conservation of momentum) the total momentum is conserved.

b conservation of momentum:  (0.800)(9.2) + 0 = (3.200) V

 V = 2.3 m s–1

1 1
mv 2   0.800   9.2   33.856 J

initial kinetic energy = 2 2

1 1
mv 2   3.200   2.3   8.464 J

final kinetic energy = 2 2

33.856  8.464
 100%  75%
percentage loss in kinetic energy = 33.856

1 1
mA&Bv 2  kx 2
(c) conservation of energy: 2 2

1 1
 3.2   2.3    2500  x 2

2 2
x  0.082 m
7 (a) (i) 1 1
mv 2   0.40   0.30   1.8  10 –2 J

Initial kinetic energy of block = 2 2

(ii) (change in) kinetic energy = work done on spring / (change in) elastic potential
1.8  10 –2  FMAX  0.080 
FMAX  0.45  N

(iii a = FMAX / m = 0.45 / 0.40

) = 1.1 (m s–2)

(iv 1. constant velocity / resultant force is zero, so in equilibrium

) 2. decelerating / resultant force is not zero, so not in equilibrium

(b) curved line from the origin (xo2  m or xo  m)

with decreasing gradient

9(c)(i) From point of release of block B to the point of contact with spring:
Net loss of GPE of blocks is converted to gain in KE of blocks.
From point of contact with spring to point where net force on block B is zero:
Net loss of GPE of blocks is converted to gain in KE of blocks and EPE of spring.
From point where net force on block B is zero to point of maximum compression:
Net loss of GPE and KE of blocks is converted to gain in EPE of spring.
(c)(ii) Net loss in GPE = Gain in EPE
k = 460 N m-1 (2 sf)
(iv) The signboard is pulled vertically downwards with a force of 20 N so that
the springs are stretched to a new position. Determine the acceleration of
the signboard immediately after it is released.

acceleration = …………………………….m s-2 [2]

10 (a)

(b) (i) There is zero net force acting on the signboard.

There is zero net torque about any axis acting on the signboard.

(ii) tension 1

tension 2

spring 1 50

spring 2
signboard G

weight of signboard
3 forces clearly labelled
G is at the intersection of lines of action of tension 1, tension 2 and weight

(iii) Weight = T1 cos 40 + T2 cos 50

= 300 cos 40 + 252 cos 50
= 391.8
= 390 N

(iv) Net force acting on the board immediately after released = 20 N

Initial net acceleration = F/m
= 20/(391.8/9.81)
= 0.501  0.50 m s-2 [allow ecf from (aiii)]

11(a)(i) Loss in gravitational potential energy

ΔGPE = mgΔh = (0.400) (9.81) (0.200) = 0.785 J

(a)(ii) Method 1:
By Newton’s second law, taking upwards as positive,
Fnet = m a
Fspring – W = 0
k = m g = (0.400 x 9.81) / (0.200) = 19.62 N m-1
The elastic potential energy stored
ΔEPE = ½ k x2 = ½ (19.62) (0.200)2 = 0.392 J
Method 2:
In equilibrium, the spring force is equal to the weight of the object,
Fspring = W
k = m g = (0.400 x 9.81) / (0.200) = 19.62 N m-1
The elastic potential energy stored
ΔEPE = ½ k x2 = ½ (19.62) (0.200)2 = 0.392 J

(b) The difference is work done against the external force needed to support the mass
while lowering it gently. This force is the difference between the mass’s weight and
the tension in the spring.
A variable external upward force is required when the spring mass is stretched
gently downwards towards its equilibrium point. Thus some gravitational potential
energy is lost due to the negative work done by the external force, while the
remainder is converted to elastic potential energy.

12 (a) Work done on object = Fs

Net force = ma
So net work done on object = mas

Equation of motion:
v2 = u2 + 2as
For u = 0, s = v2/2a
= m((v2 - u2)/2)
= ½ mv2 (since u = 0)
Work done = gain in kinetic energy
So KE = ½ mv2

(b) (i) Work done = power x time

= (37000)(11)
= 407 kJ (3 sf) [need to show calculated raw value of 407]
= 410 kJ (2 sf)(shown)

(ii) Using P = Fv, and driving force = resistive forces at maximum speed.

(37000/2) = 1200v
v = 15.4 m s-1

[Cannot assume the car travels for 11 seconds]

1 a Loss in potential energy

3 = mgh
= 1.32 x 1012 x 9.81 x 5.0 (since the average height of the water is 5.0 m)
= 6.5 x 1013 J

b CJC P2 answer
Power from sea water
= gravitational energy lost / time
= 6.5 x 1013 / 6.0 x 3600
= 3000 x 106 W

Average power output = 3000 x 106 x 0.40

= 1200 MW

c CJC P2 answer
There are valves within the dam that controls and regulates the flow of water into the

15(a) The work done by a force on an object particle is defined as

the product of the magnitude of the force and the
component of the displacement in the direction of the force.

(b)(i) Change in KE = Net work done

1 1
0  mu 2   Fmax x
2 2
 0.400   2.5    14  x

x  0.18 m

work done by F / J

0 x/m


power / W
0 x/m

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