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THE ADMISSIBILITY OF Building cases often require judges, The High Court in the recent case of

arbitrators and tribunal members to Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain

interpret the meaning and Trust v South Sydney City Councif2
SURROUNDING operation of particular terms of has confirmed that Mason J's
CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE written contracts. The parties will statement in Codelfa represents the
INTERPRETATION OF often seek to adduce evidence of law in Australia.
CONTRACTS pre-contract discussions and/or The law in England as to the
documents in support of their circumstances underwhich
Francis Tiernan contended interpretation. The evidence of surrounding
purpose of this article is two-fold,
Barrister circumstances is admissible, differs
firstly to examine the circumstances from the position in Australia in that
underwhich it is permissible to look such evidence, is admissible in all
beyond the four corners of the cases as an aid to interpretation of
written contract, and secondly, to the contract. It is not a necessary
examine the nature and scope of precondition to admissibility to
such admissible evidence. establish that there exists an
INTRODUCTION ambiguity under the contract. 3 Lord
Legal proceedings involving the Hoffman in Mannai Investment Co
interpretation of wording contained Limited v Eagle Star Life Assurance
in written contracts often raise the Co Limitedsaid: 4
two issues of whether evidence of In the case of commercial
surrounding circumstances [factual contracts, the restriction on the use
matrix) is admissible in aid of of background has been quietly
interpretation, and if so the nature dropped. There are certain special
and scope of such evidence. kinds of evidence, such as previous
Th is article exa mines these issues negotiations and express
in the context of the relevant declarations of intent, which for
Australian and English cases. practical reasons which it is
unnecessary to analyse, are
The law in Australia as to the inadmissible in aid of construction.
admissibility of evidence of They can be used only in action for
circumstances surrounding entry rectification. But apart from these
into the contract is enshrined in the exceptions, commercial contracts
statement by Mason J in the case of are construed in the light of all the
Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v State background which could
Rail Authority of New South Wales: 1 reasonably have been expected to
The true rule is that evidence of have been available to the parties
surrounding circumstances is in order to ascertain what would
admissible to assist in the objectively have been understood to
interpretation of the contract if the be their intention: Prenn Simmonds
language is ambiguous or [79777 7 WLR 7387, 7383.
susceptible of more than one
meaning. But it is not admissible to
contradict the language of the
contract when it has a plain AMBIGUOUS?
meaning. Generally speaking facts The word 'ambiguity' is defined in
existing when the contract was the Macquarie Dictionary [2nd
made will not be receivable as part revised edition 1987) to include the
of the surrounding circumstances following meanings:
as an aid to construction, unless Open to various interpretations;
they were known to both parties, having a double meaning;
although, as we have seen, if the equivocal: of doubtful or uncertain
facts are notorious knowledge of nature; difficult to comprehend,
them will be presumed. distinguish or classify; lacking


clearness or definiteness; obscure; if one were limited to It is clear from Mason J's
indistinct. demonstrating double meaning. judgment in Codelfa, and
In the New Shorter Oxford English Obviously, much depends upon the
from other relevant cases
Oictionary(1993) it is defined as wording under consideration and
the context in which the wording
that in order to open the door
appears in the contract. to the admission of evidence
Hesitation, doubt, uncertainty as to of surrounding
one's course; ability to be In a number of instances Australian
courts have adopted what, on any circumstances, both
understood more than one way,
ambiguousness; an uncertainty, an view, is an unusually wide definition uncertainty of meaning of the
instance of double meaning; an of 'ambiguity'.6lt is not words themselves and
expression having more than one unreasonable to conclude that they uncertainty of the words
have done so as a means of
meanIng. arising from the context in
satisfying the pre-condition to the
The above definitions encompass admission of evidence of
which they appear in the
concepts of both double meaning surrounding circumstances in cases contract suffice.
and uncertainty of meaning. where the particular court is
Philip McNamara in his article 'The uncertain whetherthe plain
Parol Evidence Rule and the meaning of the wording in the
Substantive Law of Contract' ,5 made contract truly reflects the intention
the point that etymologically the of the parties to the contract, and it
word 'ambiguity' is restricted to would be assisted in the task of
equivocation between two, and two construction by receiving evidence
only, subjects, but that in common of surrounding circumstances.
usage 'ambiguity' and 'uncertainty' In Trawl Industries ofAustralia Pty
are tending to be used Ltd v Effem Foods PtyLtd,7Clarke
synonymously: JA, after referring to Mason J's
Clearly in common usage, statement in Codelfasaid:
'ambiguity' and 'uncertainty' are However, it is, I think, true to say
tending to become synonyms. that in many, if not most, cases in
Etymologically, 'ambiguity' derives which the court is seeking to
from the Latin noun 'ambiguum': construe a particular term or terms
'that which can be interpreted in two ofa contract there will be sufficient
different ways ... ' The word strictly uncertainty as to the meaning of the
speaking denotes an equivocation relevant term as to enable the
between two and only two subjects, admission of evidence of
not an equivocation between an surrounding circumstances. This
unlimited range ofsubjects. As a was recognised by McHugh JA, as
matter of etymology, 'ambiguity' he then was, in Manufacturers
has never been equivalent to Mutual Insurance Limited v Withers
'uncertainty'. (7988) 5ANZ Insurance Cases 60
It is clear from Mason J's judgment 853 at 75,343. There His Honour
in Codelfa, and from other relevant said:
cases that in order to open the door ... few, ifany, English words
to the admission of evidence of are unambiguous or not
surrounding circumstances, both susceptible of more than
uncertainty of meaning of the words one meaning or have a
themselves and uncertainty of the plain meaning. Until a
words arising from the context in word, phrase or sentence
which they appear in the contract is understood in the light of
suffice. When understood in this the surrounding
way, the requirement of circumstances, it is rarely
establishing ambiguity in order that possible to know what it
evidence of surrounding means. In my view
circumstances be admissible is not evidence ofsurrounding
as demanding as would be the case circumstances will


generaUy be admissible if ambiguous' for present purposes is determined by reaching outside the
it is known to both parties not having two or more plausible confines of the agreement. But TIA,
or sufficiently notorious to meanings when the context of the accepting that conclusion, so far as
be presumed to be within words in the document is taken into uncertainty and incompleteness are
their knowledge. account in light of the knowledge concerned, contended that the
any ordinarily inteUigent reader of words were ambiguous because it
In other cases 8 courts have
the document would bring to the was impossible to know without the
adopted, the more traditional
reading of it. use of extrinsic evidence, what the
approach to interpretation by
parties meant by 'cost to TIA' and
confining their enquiries to the four Along similar lines Mahoney JA
'percentage profit margin'.
corners of the document, having said: 12
concluded that the wording used I see no difficulty in determining
In my opinion the term 'current
was not ambiguous or susceptible that by 'percentage profit margin'
annual market rent' and similar
of more than one meaning. they meant no more and no less
terms in the lease are not
than what had been said earlier in
An examination of the cases below ambiguous in the relevant sense.
clause 2[3}, that is to say, a
demonstrates that the question of They are, perhaps inherently,
reasonable commercial profit to
whether the language used is ambiguous standing alone. But, as
TIA. So far as the earlier phrase is
ambiguous, is subjective and very used in the present lease, the
concerned, I can see no basis upon
much dependent upon whether the context in which the terms are used
which it can be persuasively argued
particular judge adopts the type of makes it clear that the rent in
that the element of 'cost' was to
approach enunciated by McHugh question is the rent payable for a
include the cost of so much of TIA's
JA, as he then was in lease on the terms and for the term
operation as was not attributable to
Manufacturers Mutual Insurance of the subject lease in the sense to
the subject matter of the contract,
Limited v Withers,9 as to what which I have referred. So
that is to say, the catching and
constitutes an ambiguity, or applies understood, there is no ambiguity.
processing ofjack mackerel. On the
a narrower approach in this regard.
The issue of ambiguitywas contrary, it seems to me that, once
In Burns Philp Hardware Pty Ltd v considered by the New South Wales one considers the pricing formula in
Howard Chia Pty Ltd O the court was Court of Appeal in the case of Trawl context, there is an overwhelming
presented with two differing Industries ofAustralia Pty Ltd v argument in favour of confining it to
constructions of a rent review Effem Foods Pty Ltd. 13 An issue the costs attributable to what I
clause. The review clause provided dealt with in this case was the might caU the jack mackerel
for the adoption as rent under the meaning of the word 'cost' in a operation. Clause 2[4} refers only to
lease of, 'the then current annual pricing formula contained in an dealing with jack mackerel or its
market rent of premises', at the agreement between a commercial 'associated by-products' ('product'};
date on which the review was to be fishing company and supplier (Trawl and clause 3 defines 'product' to be,
undertaken. The plaintiff contended Industries-'TIA'), and a pet food and only to be, jack mackerel
that the rent was to be assessed operator (Uncle Ben's-'UBA'l. bodies without certain internal and
upon the basis of the use of the Under the agreement TIA was to external components which are
premises as a hardware supply jack mackerel to UBA. The themselves then defined as part of
department store and to such other agreement contained the following the product'.
existing use or uses of the premises pricing clause:
Clarke JA on the other hand, came
as were current at the review date
The parties 'shall confer and shall to the opposite conclusion: 15
by reference to which the rent was
establish applicable prices for the
to be determined. The members of Although it can be confidently
immediately following calendar
the Court of Appeal in New South stated that in the context of the
year using the following formula:
Wales held that the term 'current contract as a whole the word 'cost'
price to UBA = cost to TIA +
annual market rent' was not refers to the cost of catching and
percentage profit margin'.
ambiguous and that accordingly processing jack mackerel that does
extrinsic evidence was not Two members of the court dealt not require the conclusion, in my
admissible. PriestleyJAsaid: 11 with the question whetherthe opinion, that the meaning of the
expression 'cost' was ambiguous so word 'cost' is clear. Where, as in the
What I have said so far is based on
as to allow recourse to extrinsic present case, the catching and
the assumption that the words
evidence. Samuels JA held there processing ofjack mackerel
'current annual market rent' in
was no ambiguity:14 constitutes a part, albeit a major
clause 2 were ambiguous. Young J
It seems to me that this formula is one, of the operations of the
thought they were not and I agree
quite clear and leaves nothing to be company there is, in my opinion,
with him. What I mean by 'not


sufficient uncertaintyabout the Cheeseman remained liable for This decision is of particular
meaning of the expression 'cost' as repayment. significance in relation to its
to enable recourse to extrinsic
This decision is of particular discussion of the means by
significance in relation to its which an ambiguity is
It seems to me that the expression discussion of the means bywhich an
established. The question
'cost' may indicate one ofseveral ambiguity is established. The
different things. What it means in
raised by the decision is
question raised by the decision is
the context will depend upon which whether, if the wording in the whether, if the wording in
it is intended to convey in relation contract, when interpreted by the contract, when
to, forexample, the overhead reference to the four corners of the interpreted by reference to
expenses of which account is to be document, has a plain meaning free the four corners of the
taken in determining costs. from ambiguity, evidence of
document, has a plain
surrounding circumstances is
The case of B&B Constructions meaning free from
admissible to demonstrate that the
fAust} Pty Ltd v Brian A Cheeseman ambiguity, evidence of
parties had intended a different
& Associates Pty LtcJ1 6 was a further
meaning. On a strict reading of the surrounding circumstances
case in which the Court of Appeal in
New South Wales considered the
following statement by Mason J in is admissible to demonstrate
issue of ambiguity. The relevant
Codelfa the answer would appear that the parties had intended
to be no:
facts were as follows: B&B a different meaning.
Constructions [the contractor) [Elvidence ofsurrounding
engaged Cheeseman [the circumstances is admissible to
subcontractor) to perform certain assist in the interpretation of the
landscape works on a major contract if the language is
project. The subcontract was in the ambiguous or susceptible of more
form of standard form SC JCCA than one meaning. But it is not
1985 underwhich 'variations' was a admissible to contradict the
defined term. The subcontractor language of the contract when it
Cheeseman encountered financial has a plain meaning.
difficulties, and B&B Constructions
However, in the B&B Constructions
entered into an agreement with
case the court clearly resorted to
Cheeseman to pay some of
extrinsic evidence of surrounding
Cheeseman's suppliers direct, and
circumstances as the means
also to pay monies to Cheeseman
through which it reached the
so that Cheeseman could pay its
conclusion that 'variations', as it
employees. These payments were
appeared in a supplementary
described as 'back charges' and
agreement supplemental to the
totalled the sum of $385,221.41. A
original SC JCCA subcontract was
documentwas signed by the parties
ambiguous. It should be noted that
specifying a new subcontract sum
'variations' was a defined term
which was expressed as 'including
under the subcontract and that the
all variations to date'.
supplementary agreement on its
Subsequently, a dispute arose
face did nothing to alter that
concerning the meaning of this
definition. Furthermore, both the
phrase. Cheeseman contended that
trialjudge and the members of the
the term included the 'back
Court of Appeal expressed the view
charges' payments made by B&B
that they would not themselves
Constructions and that accordingly
have thought of the payments which
the $385,221.41 sum was no longer
the parties called back charges, as
owed. On the other hand, B&B
variations. 1? Notwithstanding this
Constructions argued that these
the members of the court took into
payments did not come within the
account evidence of surrounding
term 'variations to date', because
circumstances, in concluding that
they were in the nature of an
'variations' was ambiguous, and did
advance in respect of which
so in circumstances where itwas
strongly arguable that the word was


The court observed that the of plain meaning when construed The court observed that the
relevance and admissibility within the four corners of the relevance and admissibility of
document. surrounding circumstances was no
of surrounding
different whether the court was
circumstances was no Kirby P was clearly aware of the
considering implication of a term or
different whether the court issue at hand:
construction of an agreement. 22
was considering implication If a word or phrase is 'ambiguous'
In the case of Murray Goulburn
of a term or construction of extrinsic evidence is admissible to
Co-operative Co Limited v Cobram
resolve the ambiguity. But what is
an agreement. Laundry Service Pty Ltcf2 3 the
the case if the ambiguity would not
Victorian Court of Appeal was
be perceived without reference to
called upon to decide whetherthe
that extrinsic evidence. 78
appellant's termination of an
Later in the judgment he returned to agreement with the respondent
this issue: 19 was valid. The respondent had
Extrinsic evidence will not be provided laundry and associated
received to show that a parties services to the appellant's dairy
meant something different from processing facility since
what they have said in their approximately 1990. Under clause
agreement. Yet, sometimes an 6 of the Agreement dated 6
ordinary meaning of a word will, November 1996 the period of the
understood in the light of external agreement was from 4 November
evidence, not be the meaning which 1996 to 3 November 1999. That
the parties chose when they used agreement was amended by
the word in a written text ... document dated 26 March 1998.
Under the amendment agreement
If the surrounding circumstances of clause 6 was altered to read '4
... the written document show that November 1996 to 3 November
the parties intended to use a word 2002'. The amendment agreement
not in its primary or strict sense but concluded with the words 'all other
in some secondary meaning, the terms and conditions remain the
court may construe it according to same'. Clause 7 of the agreement,
those circumstances and intention (which clause continued under the
of the parties. The intention is, of amended agreement), provided
course, that which is objectively that the contract was for an initial
derived and not the unknowable period of three years from the date
subject of ruminations of those the items were first supplied and
involved. would continue thereafter until
The above statements appear to be three months afterwritten notice of
at odds with the more recent termination had been given by
statements made by Kirby J in either party. The appellant sought
Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain to terminate the agreement in April
Trust v South Sydney City Council: 20 2000. It did so on the basis that
under clause 7 the initial term
The starting point must be the
ended on 3 November 1999 and
contract. Only later, if need be, may
that the agreement could then be
the decision maker have resort to
terminated upon three months'
contextual materials and
written notice. The respondent, on
supplementary or extrinsic evidence
the other hand, argued that the
in elaboration of the written text.
1998 amendment extended the
The question of ambiguity did not period of the 1996 agreement to 3
arise in relation to the issues before November 2002 and that the 'initial
the court in Codelfa Construction period' in clause 7 was extended to
Pty Ltd v State Rail Authority of New that date by necessary inference.
South Wales. 21 The court there was
concerned with whether a term
should be implied into a contract.


Chernov JA, with whom the other a sum equal to the difference
members agreed, said the issue of between 45¢ and the price which
construction could be decided the shares were trading at the date
within the four corners of the of the contract (i.e. 17 October
amendment agreement, without 1998). The value of the shares at
need to resort to evidence of the date of contract was 26¢. The
surrounding circumstances: 24 value of the shares at the date of
The intention of the parties is to be settlement (i.e. 14 May 1999) had
ascertained from the words they dropped to 12¢ per share.
have used in the document and the The purchaser's contention was that
court is confined in its search for under clause 4(1 )(d) its obligation
that intention to the four corners of was to pay:
the document except where resort
(a) 1,223,000 shares-which at the
may be had to evidence of
date of settlement were valued at
circumstances surrounding the
12¢ = $146,760.00; and
making of it. Restricting myself to
the four corners of the 7996 (b) $232,000 with respect to the
agreement, I have come to the shortfall-calculated by multiplying
conclusion that, on its proper 1,223,000 x 19¢, being the
construction, it is clause 6 and not 7 difference between the agreed
that marks out the contract period value of the shares at the date of
for the purposes of the agreement. contract (45¢), and the trading value
of the shares at the date of contract.
The case of Acorn Consolidated Pty
Ltd v Hawkslade Investments Pty Such calculation would have meant
Ltcf2 5 concerned a contract for the that in cash terms the purchasers
sale of land underwhich the were liable to pay $379,130.00 of
purchase price of $625,000.00 was the $550,000.00 provided for under
to be paid by a cash deposit of clause 4(1 )(d).
$75,000.00, and the balance of The vendor on the other hand
$550,000.00 by the transfer of contended that the purchaser's
shares in Cobra Resources NL by obligation was to pay:
the pu rchaser to the vendor: The
dispute between the parties arose (a) 1,223,000 shares-:...which at the
in relation to clause 4( 1)(d), the date of settlement were valued at
relevant parts of which were as 12¢ = $146,760.00; and
follows: (b) $403,590.00 with respect to the
(d) $550,000.00 by transfer by the shortfall-calculated by multiplying
purchasertothevendoronthe 1,223,000 x 33¢, being the
settlement date of 1,223,000.00 difference between the agreed
tradeable ordinary shares in Cobra value of the shares at the date of
Resources NL at an agreed value contract (45¢) and the trading value
of 45¢ each ('the shares'). In the of the shares at the date of
event that the market value of the settlement (12¢).
shares on the settlement date is Such calculation would have meant
less than 45¢ per share then the that in cash terms the purchasers
purchaser '" shall pay to the vendor were liable to pay $550,350.00 with
the difference between the 45¢ per respect to the $550,000.00 provided
share and the value of the Cobra for under clause 4( 1)(d).
Resources NL Shares as at the date
Owen J commenced his judgment
of this contract(emphasis added).
with a consideration of the
The purchaser contended that principles governing interpretation
underclause4(1) (d), ifat of contracts. He made reference to
settlement date (14 May 1999) the what he described as the
value of the shares was less than paramount cannon of
45¢ per share it was obliged to pay construction :26


CodeLfa continues to [T}he search is for the intention of underwhich the permitted use was
the parties as embodied in the 'medical centre'. The lessee sought
represent the law in
words which they have used. The to sub-let part of the premises for
Australia regarding the
court will not rewrite the contract use as a pharmacy. The question
circumstances under which for the parties. In other words, the before the court was whether the
evidence of surrounding court stays within the four corners sub-letting of part of the premises
circumstances will be of the document except to the as a pharmacy fell within the
admissible in the limited extent to which resort can permitted use as a medical centre.

interpretation of contracts, be had to extrinsic evidence. In that Mullins J said that the term
respect, extrinsic evidence is
namely that such evidence 'medical centre' was not a term of
largely that of the surrounding art or one to which a specific
will not be admissible in the circumstances in which the contract technical meaning applies. 31 He
interpretation of the contract came into being. The time honoured also said it was not a defined term
unless the language is dictum of Mason J in Codelfa [at under the lease.
ambiguous or susceptible of 352) is apposite.
In relation to the question whether
more than one meaning. After making substantial reference the court could have regard to
to several judgments of Lord objective background facts in
Hoffmann and a number of the construing the term 'medical
Australian authorities,28 he
centre' the judge quoted the
concluded :29
statement of Mason J in Codelfa. 32
I think the proper approach is to He then concluded that there was
look first to the instrument itself to an 'element of ambiguity'
see whether there is some concerning the term which justified
reasonable basis for the recourse to objective background
apprehension that the wording of facts: 33
the contract might not necessarily
reflect the presumed intention of In view of the lack of precision
the parties. about the expression 'medical
centre', which was highlighted by
The English language, being what it the competing arguments put
is, such a reasonable apprehension forward by the applicant and the
will generally be apparent 'in many, first respondent as to the meaning
if not most cases': see Trawl which it should be given, there is an
Industries [at 358), per Clarke JA. It element of ambiguity about the
may come from a patent and expression which justifies recourse
obvious confusion in the words to objective background facts.
themselves. But it may also come
from a reading of the instrument as The High Court decision in Royal
a whole. The law has long Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust v
recognised that ambiguity can be South Sydney City Counci[34also
latent, as well as patent: see e.g. involved the construction of a lease.
Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Within the area of the demised land
Co Limited [In Liq.) vJoseph Nathan the council had constructed an
& Co Limited (7979) 26 CLR 470 at underground car park which it
457-52. Once the door is open, so operated and maintained. The
to speak, extrinsic evidence is lease was for a period of 50 years
admissible to assist in identifying and had commenced in 1958 [albeit
and resolving the ambiguity by that a deed of lease was not
introducing material that puts the executed until May 1976).
court in the position of reasonable Clause 1 of the lease fixed a yearly
persons circumscribed as parties rental of $2,000.00 peryear for the
were, so as to appreciate what they first three years of the lease, and
have had in mind. provided that the rent for each of
The case of Harrison v Inala Plaza the subsequent 15 three-year
Pty Ltcf3° concerned a lease of shop periods, togetherwith the final two-
premises within a shopping centre year period, 'shall be determined by


the trustees in respect of each and In the present case, the difficulty Having examined some of the
every such period as hereinafter in concerns the phrase in para (iv) of Australian decisions dealing with
clause 4[b) provided'. clause 4(b} 'that trustees may have the question of ambiguity, what
regard to additional costs and conclusions or observations are to
The litigation turned upon the
expenses'. Does this mean that the be drawn from them?
correct construction of clause
4[b)[iv) which provided that:
trustees, in making a determination,
Firstly, it is clear from the High
cannot have regard to matters
Court's decision in the Royal
[iv) in making any such other than those additional costs
Botanicdecision that Mason J's
determination the trustees may and expenses? If the trustees may
statement (at page 352) in Codelfa
have regard to additional costs and have regard to other matters, what
continues to represent the law in
expenses which they may incur in are they? In a context such as
Australia regarding the
regard to the surface of the Domain clause 4(b}, to specify a particular
circumstances underwhich
above or in vici nity of the pa rki ng matter to which a party may have
evidence of surrounding
station and the footway and which regard without expressly stating
circumstances will be admissible in
arise out of the construction either that it is the only such matter
the interpretation of contracts,
operation and maintenance of the or to the contrary, that the
namely that such evidence will not
parking station by the lessee. specification does not limit the
be admissible in the interpretation
The lessee argued that in generality of the matters to which
of the contract unless the language
determining any increase in the regard may be had, is likely to
is ambiguous or susceptible of
yearly rent for the following three result in ambiguity. It does so in the
more than one meaning.
year period, the trustees were present case. The resolution of the
ambiguity requires the application Secondly, ambiguity may arise from
constrained by clause 4(b) only to
ofsettled principles of construction. a patent and obvious confusion of
do so by reference to the matters
the words used. It may also arise
set out in sub-clause 4[b)[ivL Kirby J, the sole dissentient decided
from the context in which the
namely, having regard to additional that there was no ambiguity under
wording appears in the contract.
cost and expenses which they may the lease and therefore no basis for
But querywhether it is permissible
incur in regard to the surface of the the admission of extrinsic
to establish that the language is
Domain above or in the vicinity of evidence: 36
ambiguous or susceptible of more
the parking station and the footway
and which arise out of the Where parties reduce their than one meaning by reference to
construction, operation and agreement to writing, the orthodox su rrou nd ing ci rcu msta nces.
approach to contractual Certainly on the basis of Mason J's
maintenance of the parking station
construction obliges the statement in Codelfa [at page 352)
by the lessee.
decisionmaker to address attention the answer must be no. The
The lessor argued that the trustees primarily to the document in which remarks by Kirby J in the Royal
were not restricted to the matters the rights of the parties are stated. Botanic case endorse that position
identified in clause 4 [b)[iv) in fixing In this case, that document was the in strong terms: 37
the yearly rental. deed of lease.
[T}he court has made it plain that, if
The background to the litigation the language of the statute is clear,
was that during the early years of no amount of extrinsic material-
the lease a trifling rental in the
On the face of things, therefore, the
whether ministerial speeches,
order of $2,000.00 peryearwas
present contextual circumstances
explanatory memoranda, law
paid. However, in more recent years
suggest that aU of the provisions in
reform reports, legislative history
the trustees demanded a
respect of a material term (such as
or otherwise-authorises a refusal
commercial rent ranging from
rent) in a lease finally executed in
to give the clear words their legal
$175,000.00 per annum during the form of a deed of lease of May
effect. That was said most clearly in
1988-91 and $500,000.00 per 7976, would be found within the
Re Bolton; ex parte Beane. I regard
annum during 1992-94. The lessee
four corners of the written
the present appeal as the occasion
sought declaratory relief regarding to make it plain that the same rule
the construction of clause 4[b). The governs the obligations of courts
majority was in no doubt that this when construing a contested
I simply make the point that in the
was a case in which there was an provision in a written contract or
circumstances of this case, one
ambiguity, permitting evidence of otherprivate instrument giving rise
would normally have expected that
surrounding circumstances to be to rights inter partes.
the answer to the provision
admitted in aid of interpretation: 35
concerning rent would be found in In a sense, such cases present even
the deed of lease itself stronger reasons for adhering to a


text upon which the parties have are admissible in support of such what happened in Shipley
agreed. In the case ofprivate claims. Accordinglywhilst the Urban District Council v
documents, unlike statute, there is courts were deciding the issue of Bradford Corporation
no legislation requiring or the correct interpretation of the [79361 Ch 379, 399 ...
encouraging a court to have regard contract, they were also deciding Prenn v Simonds [79771 7
to extrinsic materials. claims for rectification or estoppel. WLR 7387. I sometimes
One cannot help but think that in wonder if the court has not
Thirdly, notwithstanding the rigidity
many instances the courts were been unconsciously
of the above statements of principle
influenced in their decision as to influenced by the evidence:
it is evident from certain decisions
whetherthe language was but, nevertheless, in point
that cou rts do look at evidence of
ambiguous (thus permitting ofprinciple, the
surrounding circumstances in
evidence of surrounding construction must be
arriving at a conclusion that
circumstances) after hearing the decided without regard to
language, which is otherwise of
plain meaning, is ambiguous. 38 An
evidence admissible in relation to it.
rectification or estoppel claims. This
alternative method adopted by Doubtless it is legitimate forensic
point was not lost on Kirby P as he
co urts is to apply a ve ry wi de technique to present alternative
then was, in B&B Constructions v
definition of the word 'ambiguity', claims under which a much broader
Brian A Cheeseman: 42 range of evidence may be provided
along the lines of the statement by
McHugh JA, as he then was, in (7) Care must be taken in than would be admissible on a pure
Manufacturers Mutual Insurance approaching the task of question of construction Judges
Limited v Withers. 39 If as McH ug h JA construction of a written agreement may assert a dichotomy of the mind
said, 'few if any English words are to avoid the use of evidence which and a faithful disregard for
unambiguous or not susceptible of has been tendered to the Court as evidence admissible for the task of
more than one meaning or have a relevant to an alternative claim, construction. Psychologists may
plain meaning', then the such as one for rectification. The doubt that this is possible, in fact. In
precondition to the admission of danger ofallowing the judicial mind the present case, the controversy
evidence of surrounding to be diverted by knowledge of the need not detain us. It was agreed
circumstances is easily negotiations and dealings between that Bryson J, substantially if not
su rmou nted. the parties, as it approaches the wholly, confined his consideration
task of construction, has been to that of the task of construction
Fourthly, the Australian decisions
remarked in many cases. Thus in and of limited evidence, extrinsic to
examined above demonstrate a
Arrale v Constain Civil Engineering the written documents, which he
substantial divergence in views as
Limited [7 9761 7Lloyd's Rep 98 at took to be permitted by the rules
to whether the language under
707, Lord Denning MR observed: governing construction of written
consideration was ambiguous or
agreements containing ambiguous
susceptible of more than one When a party finds himself
meaning. Obviously each case was in difficulty on the strict
dependentuponthelanguageused construction of contract, he Sixthly, whilst adherence to the
and the contract within which it often claims that it be requirement of establishing an
appeared. However, itwould be rectified so as to give effect ambiguity as a prerequisite to going
difficult to predict on the basis of to what he says was the beyond the four corners of the
those decisions whether a cou rt common intention of the contract is founded upon the
would adopt a narrow or broad parties. On that issue paramount cannon of construction
approach to the issue of ambiguity evidence is admitted of all that the intention of the parties is
in a future case. The decision as to the negotiations and embodied in the words they have
whetherthe language is ambiguous discussions between the used, the examination of the cases
is, to a large extent, a subjective parties. As often as not, considered above, in myview,
one. when it comes to giving demonstrates that a strict
judgment, the court application of such principle may
Fifthly, in many of the cases
decides the point of well result in constructions which
considered above, the relief sought
construction in favour of do not in fact accord with the
included claims for rectification 40 or
the party seeking intentions of the parties. In myview
estoppel41 as alternatives to relief
rectification, thus making it the approach in the English cases,43
based upon the correct
unnecessary to consider whereby evidence of surrounding
interpretation of the contract.
the evidence on the claim circumstances is always admissible,
Evidence of subjective intentions,
for rectification. This is
prior negotiations and discussions


is preferable to the position under and their declarations ofsubjective
the Australian cases. intent. They are admissible only in
In the case of Reardon Smith Line an action for rectification. The law
Limited v Hansen- Tangen4 4 Lord makes this distinction for reasons of
Wilberforce said: practical policy and, in this respect
only, legal interpretation differs
No contracts are made in a from the way we would interpret
vacuum: there is always a setting in utterances in ordinary life. The
which they have to be placed. The boundaries of this exception are in
nature of what is legitimate to have some respects unclear. But this is
regard to is usually described as not the occasion on which to
'the surrounding circumstances' but explore them.
this phrase is imprecise: it can be
illustrated but hardly defined. In a [4} The meaning which a document
commercial contract it is certainly [or any other utterance} would
right that the court should know the convey to a reasonable man is not
commercial purpose of the contract the same thing as the meaning of its
and this in turn presupposed words. The meaning of words is a
knowledge of the genesis of the matter of dictionaries and
transaction, the background, the grammars; the meaning of the
context, the market in which the document is what the parties using
parties are operating. those words against the relevant
background would reasonably have
In Investors Compensation Scheme been understood to mean. The
Limited v West Bromwich Building background may not merely enable
Society5 Lord Hoffman said: the reasonable man to choose
The principles may be summarised between the possible meanings of
as follows. words which are ambiguous but
even [as occasionally happens in
[7} Interpretation is the
ordinary life} to conclude that the
ascertainment of the meaning
parties must, for whatever reason,
which the document would convey
have used the wrong words or
to a reasonable person having all
syntax: see Mannai Investments Co
the background knowledge which
Limited v Eagle Star Life Assurance
would reasonably have been
Co Limited [79977 AC 749.
available to the parties in the
situation in which they were at the [5} The 'rule' that words should be
time of the contract. given their 'natural and ordinary
meaning' reflects the common
[2} The background was famously
sense proposition that we do not
referred to by Lord Wilberforce as
easily accept that people have
the 'matrix of fact', but this phrase
made linguistic mistakes,
is, ifanything, an understated
particularly in formal documents.
description of what the background
On the other hand, if one would
may include. Subject to the
nevertheless conclude from the
requirement that it should have
background that something must
been reasonably available to the
have gone wrong with the
parties and to the exception to be
language, the law does not require
mentioned next, it includes
judges to attribute to the parties an
absolutely anything which would
intention which they plainly could
have affected the way in which the
not have had. Lord Diplock made
language of the document would
this point more vigorously when he
have been understood by a
said in Antaios Compania Naviera
reasonable man.
SA v Salen Rederierna AB [79851
[3} The law excludes from the AC 797,207:
admissible background the
if detailed semantic
previous negotiations of the parties
and syntactical


The High Court in RoyaL analysis of words in a affected the way in which the
commercial contract language of the document would
Botanic Gardens & Domain
is going to lead to a have been understood by a
Trust vSouth Sydney City
conclusion that flouts reasonable man.
CounciL confirmed Codelfa business common The scope and nature of evidence of
as laying down the extent to sense, it must be surrounding circumstances
which evidence of made to yield to admissible in Australia is as laid
surrounding circumstances business common down by Mason J in Codelfa
is admissible. sense. Construction Pty Ltd v State Rail
To the extent that this passage from Authority of New South Wales. 47 By
the speech of Lord Hoffman way of summary, the evidence
represents the position in England allowed is as follows:
as to admissible evidence of (1) facts existing when the contract
surrounding circumstances, it is was made if they were known to
clearly broaderthan the position in both parties or are so notorious that
Australia under Codelfa. However, knowledge of them will be
surprisingly, the majority in Royal presumed;
Botanic4 6 were not quite so sure of
this: (2) evidence of prior negotiations,
but only to the extent which they
Particular reference was made to established the objective
passages in the speeches of Lord background facts which were
Hoffman in Investors Compensation known to both parties orthe subject
Scheme Limited v West Bromwich matter of the contract. Evidence of
Building Society and of Lord prior negotiations which consists of
Bingham of Cornhill and Lord statements and actions of the
Hoffman in Bank of Credit & parties which are reflective of their
Commerce International SA v Ali, in actual intentions and expectations
which the principles of contractual is not admissible; and
construction are discussed. It is
unnecessary to determine whether (3) there is one situation in which
their Lordships there took a evidence of actual intention is
broader view of the admissible admissible, namely, evidence of a
'background' than was taken in mutual intention amounting to
Codelfa or, if so, whether those concurrence of the parties not to
views should be preferred to those include in the contract a provision
of this court. Until that which would otherwise have been
determination is made by this court, inferred from the surrounding
otherAustralian courts, if they circumstances to have been in
discern any inconsistency with accordance with their presumed
Codelfa, should continue to follow intention.
Codelfa. The High Court in Royal Botanic
Gardens & Domain Trust v South
Sydney City Council48 confi rmed
ADMISSIBLE BY WAY OF Codelfa as laying down the extent
SURROUNDING to which evidence of surrounding
CIRCUMSTANCES? circumstances is admissible. 49
As observed above, the ambit of the
The issue as to whether the nature
evidence admissible byway of
and scope of evidence of
surrounding circumstance under
surrounding circumstances
English law is wide. Although it
admissible under Codelfa is
excludes the previous negotiations
narrower than under the English
of the parties and the declarations
decisions has been addressed in
of subjective intent, it includes
some of the Australian decisions. As
anything reasonably available to
noted above the majority in the
the parties which would have
Royal Botaniccase 5o said it was


unnecessary to determine the evidence of surrounding work and to cost it so as to arrive at
question and that until it was circumstances was the same in a price for inclusion in its tender.
determined by the High Court, other relation to implied terms as it was The consequence is that the
courts in Australia, if they discerned in relation to the construction of discussions did not have the
any inconsistency with Codelfa, contracts. character of negotiations in the
should continue to follow Codelfa. course of which the parties
He referred to the evidence of
In the earlierVictorian Court of
gradually evolved the terms of a
surrounding circumstances which
bargain ultimately embodied in
Appeal decision of Murray Goulburn the arbitrator had permitted :53
Co-operative Co Limited v Cobram written form. Had the discussions
The implication of the term found by been of that kind then, as we have
Laundry Service Pty Ltcf5 1 the court
the Court ofAppeal rests on the seen, recourse to them would have
said in passing that the statement of
findings ma e by the arbitrator been prohibited for the purpose of
Lord Hoffman in the Investors
based on ci0 umstances interpreting the contract by
Compensation Scheme case, was,
surroundin the making of the reference to the parties' actual
'arguably a more liberal view of the
contract, in luding evidence of the intentions as expressed before
extent to which regard can be had
discussions between the parties entering into the contract. As it was,
to extrinsic evidence', but that it was
which preceded entry into the the relevant discussions reflect
unnecessary to decide the point for
contract. Th s the arbitrator found neither the preliminary consensus
the purposes of the appeal before
that there ~ s a common that merged into the written
understandIng {described as a contract, nor statements made
What evidence then is admissible by 'belief} by t e Court ofAppeal} that during the course of negotiations
way of surrounding circumstances? the works w uld be carried out on a indicative of the unilateral
Commencing with Codelfa's case,52 three shift c ntinuous basis six days intentions of each party. Instead the
it involved a contract between per week an without restriction as evidence revealed a matter which
Codelfa and the State Rail Authority to Sundays. e also found that the was in the common contemplation
to perform excavations for the authority ha represented to of the parties yet was not a
construction of an underground Codelfa, an that it had accepted, contractual provision actually
railway. Considerable noise was that no injunction would be granted agreed upon for the simple reason
caused during the performance of in relation t~ noise or other that it was a matter of common
the works and certain third parties nuisance. Hf further found that the assumption.
sought and obtained injunctions works couldlnot be carried out in
In B&B Constructions {Aust} Pty Ltd
against Codelfa preventing it from accordance ith methods and
v Brian A Cheeseman,55 the facts of
working between the hours of 10.00 programs a reed between the
pm and 6.00 am. Codelfa claimed which are set out earlier, the court
parties unle s Codelfa worked
from the Authority an amount in was concerned with the question
three shifts day six days a week.
whether 'variations' in a
addition to the contract price in
Mason J hel that it was legitimate supplementary agreement included
respect of additional costs incurred,
for the arbit ator to have looked at 'back charges'. This was the term
and profit lost, resulting from the
the surrounc ing circumstances on used by the parties to describe
change in working hours. One of the
the issue of i plication of a term :54 payments made by the contractor,
legal bases upon which such claim
was made was the implication of a The first que tion is whether, in light B&B Constructions, to the
term into the contract that if it was of the princi les as I have explained subcontractor, Cheeseman, to
restrained by injunction from them, it was legitimate to look to enable it to pay its employees and
carrying out the work by shifts it had this materia on the issue of suppliers during a period of
planned, the Authoritywould implication fa term. I think it was. financial difficulty.
indemnify Codelfa against The discussi ns which generated The evidence of surrounding
additional costs incurred. these findin s were not negotiations circumstances which the court
about the te ms of the contract. The permitted, being the, 'objective facts
Mason J undertook a detailed
terms of the on tract documents providing the context of which the
examination of the admissibility of
had been de ermined in advance by supplementarywritten agreement
evidence of surrounding
the Authorit . By lodging its tender came into existence', were as
circumstances in the construction of
contracts. After completing that
Codelfa acc pted the Authority's follows: 56
contract documents. The relevant
examination he then approached (1) evidence of an agreement
discussions ere therefore directed
the issue of the terms sought to be (March 1990) between the parties
to the questi n ofprice. Their object
implied by Codelfa. He stated that made two months prior to the
was to enab e Codelfa to inform
the relevance and admissibility of supplementary agreement under
itself of wha was involved in the


which the contractor agreed to meaning broader than mere
make payments to the variations of works. It was to
subcontractors employees and include variations of the original
suppliers in a way that such liabilities of the parties under the
payments would be deducted from initial written agreement. That
the total 'subcontract sum'; included back charges.
(2) various other documents In Acorn Consolidated Pty Ltd v
including variation amendment Hawkslade Investments Pty Ltd,58
advices showing that the back the facts of which were detailed
charges were coupled with other earlier, the court had regard to a
va riations by way of deletion from number of surrounding
the contract price; circumstances. The court held that
the cash shortfall amount should be
(3) a financial summary of the
calculated by reference to the
contract prepared by the contractor
share price at the settlement date
and sent to the subcontractor
ratherthan the date of contract.
approximately a week prior to the
Owen J's decision was based
date of the supplementary
predominantly upon interpreting
agreement. The document
the subject clause within the context
contained a list of variations and
of the four corners of the contract.
included within the list was an item
However, he did have regard to the
'back charges';
following surrounding
(4) details of a meeting shortly prior circumstances in arriving at his
to the signing of the supplementary decision :59
agreement, and evidence that at the
The next step is to add in other
meeting a document was produced
surrounding circumstances. First,
showing the back charges were
the share price then was well below
included as variations; and
the estimated price. Secondly,
(5) a handwritten document Acorn had previously offered the
produced at a meeting held just asking price for an adjoining lot
priorto the signing of the (which the defendant had accepted,
supplementary agreement which although on a deferred settlement).
showed that the back charges were Thirdly, the stipulated purchase
included in the variations sought to price for lot 437 was less than, but
be resolved by the discussions. relatively close to, the defendant's
Kirby P, as he then was, asking price. Finally, lot 437 had
summarised howthe evidence of been on the market for a relatively
surrounding circumstances was short period of time and there were
utilised in reaching the conclusion other prospective purchasers
that 'variations' in the interested in it.
supplementary agreement included When all that is taken into account,
the 'back charges' .57 I believe a reasonable person
The final document produced is the would be slow to say that the
supplementary written agreement parties intended a result that might
containing the words 'variations' in result in one of them, being the one
clause 2. The obvious purpose of with no association with the entity
that supplementary agreement was which was critical to the
to give effect to the settlement of ascertainment of the final value
the various claims and figure to be given at settlement,
counterclaims made between Civic receiving value that was not much
and Cheeseman. In that context, more than half of the value of the
seen against the background of the assets specified by the parties.
documentation referred to, it does In Murray Goulburn Co-operative
appear that the word 'variations' Co Limited v Cobram Laundry
was to be understood as having a Service Pty Ltd,60 although the court


was of the view that there was no statutes including enactments of In addition the court had
ambiguity under the agreement and 1842, 1850, 1879, 1902, 1932, 1948 regard to a number of
therefore no need to go beyond the and 1998 relating to the South
four corners of the agreement in
statutes relating to the
Sydney City Council and its
reaching a decision as to the correct antecedents. 64 The court also
legislative antecedents of the
interpretation thereof, it said that if looked at the legislative path parties to the litigation, and
there were an ambiguity, the concerning the Royal Botanic to the dedication of the
admissible relevant surrounding Trust. 65 The court also had regard to subject land to public
circumstances would have substantial material regarding the recreational purposes. This
included 61 the history of the parties' dealings and negotiations between
dealings with one another in the
involved the court looking at
the antecedents of the parties to the
form of their pre-1996 agreement, litigation, both at the time of various statutes including
i.e. the 1990 and 1993 agreements. construction of the car park in 1955 enactments of 1842, 1850,
This would include looking at the and at the time of entry into the 1879, 1902, 1932, 1948 and
terms of those earlier agreements lease in 1976 (which lease was 1998 relating to the South
and comparing the relevant backdated to 1958). This included Sydney City Council and its
provisions with the provisions of the looking at relevant minutes, letters
1996 agreement.
and proposed terms and conditions
In Royal Botanic Gardens & of the agreement for lease and the
Domain Trust v South Sydney City lease. 66
Council62 the High Court accepted The court also had regard to the
the surrounding circumstances as legislative dedication of the land to
identified by Fitzgerald J in the public recreational purposes. 67
Court of Appeal: 63
The majoritywas heavily influenced
{a} the parties to the transaction by the evidence of surrounding
were two public authorities; circumstances in reaching a
{b} the primary purpose of the conclusion that clause 4(b) of the
transaction was to provide a public lease contained the totality of the
facility, not a profit; matters to be taken into account in
fixi ng successive rent
{c} the lessee was responsible for determinations: 68
the substantial cost of construction
of the facility; Consideration of the antecedent
materials and circumstances
{d} the facility was to be constructed respecting the dealings between
under the lessor's land and would the predecessors of the present
not interfere with the continued parties before entering into the
public enjoyment of that land for its deed in 7976 indicates various
primary object, recreation; relevant matters: the parties to the
{e} the parties' concern was to transaction were two public
protect the lessor from financial authorities, in one of which there
disadvantage from the transaction; had been vested land long
and dedicated for public recreation; the
purpose of their transaction was the
if} the only financial disadvantage
provision of further public facility, in
to the lessor which the parties
the form of the parking station and
identified related to additional
the footway, but without disturbing
expense which it would or might
the availability of the surface for
incur immediately or in the future.
continued public recreation and
In addition the court had regard to a without providing for the obtaining
number of statutes relating to the by one public authority of
legislative antecedents of the commercial profit at the expense of
parties to the litigation, and to the the other; it was the lessee who was
dedication of the subject land to responsible for the substantial cost
public recreational purposes. This of construction of the new facility
involved the court looking at various and the concern of the parties had


been to protect the lessor from Upon a reading of the majority's words which are ambiguous but
financial disadvantage suffered decision regarding the reception of even (as occasionally happens in
from the transaction, namely the evidence about the negotiations ordinary life) to conclude that the
additional expense which the lessor and dealings priorto and at the parties must for whatever reason,
would or might incur immediately time of the construction of the car have used the wrong words or
or in the future. park (1955-58) and the entry into syntax.
the agreement to lease (1957), it is
The majority also took into account
open to conclude that such
provisions within the deed of lease REFERENCES
evidence was relied upon to assist
which supported the construction it 1. Mason J in Codelfa Construction
in determining the actual intentions
determined was correct. 69 Pty Ltd v State Rail Authority of
and expectations of the parties at
The examination of the surrounding New South Wales (1982) 149 CLR
the time they entered into the
circumstances admitted into 337 at 352.
agreement to lease, as opposed to
evidence in the above cases shows merely establishing objective 2. Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain
a willingness by the courts to take a background facts. Trust v South Sydney City Council
fairly wide approach to what, on a (2002) 186 ALR 289 at paras 39 &
literal reading of the words of CONCLUSION 104.
Mason J in Codelfa,7° appears to be Evidence of surrounding
circumstances will, and in my 3. Refer in particular Prenn v
a very limited scope for the
opinion should, play an important Simmonds[1971] 1 WLR 1381 at
admission of evidence of
role in the interpretation of 1383H; Reardon Smith Line Limited
surrounding circumstances. Of
contracts. There are certainly many v Hansen- Tangen [1976] 1 WLR
particular significance in this regard
cases where the correct 989; Mannai Investment Co Limited
is the majority's decision in the
interpretation is clearwithout resort v Eagle Star Life Assurance Co
Royal Botaniccase. The majority
to surrounding circumstances. But, Limited[1997] AC 749 at 779F;
resorted to extensive evidence of
as the cases examined in this article Investors Compensation Scheme
the history (both legislative and
demonstrate, there are instances Limited v West Bromwich Building
factual] concerning the parties and
where, but forthe admission of Society[1998] 1 WLR 896 at 912F-
their antecedents. It also looked at
evidence of surrounding 913E; Bank of Credit & Commerce
the history of the legislative
circumstances, the court would not International SA (In Liq.J vAli
dedication of the subject land to
be in a position to knowwhatwas [2001] 1 All ER 961 at 965 g-h &
public recreational purposes. Most
the intention of the parties under 975 d-f.
significantly it resorted to important
evidence of the dealings and the agreement. 4. [1997] AC 749 at 779E.
negotiations between the parties Although the Australian courts 73
5. (1986) 2ABR 137 at 150.
and their antecedents relating to remain firm in theirviewthat Mason
the agreement to lease and the 6. Manufacturers Mutual Insurance
J's statement in Codelfa represents
construction of the car park the Limited v Withers (1988) 5 ANZ
the law, there does not, in myview,
subject of the lease. 71 Insurance Cases 60-855 at 75, 343;
appear to be sufficient justification
Trawl Industries ofAustralia Pty Ltd
The validity of the reception of such for limiting access to evidence of
v Effem Foods Pty Ltd (1992) 27
evidence, based upon what Mason J surrounding circumstances only to
NSWLR 326 at 358G; B&B
sa id in Codelfa, must at least be those cases when an ambiguity
Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Brian
open to question. There he said: 72 exists in the language. There is
A Cheeseman &Associates Pty Ltd
much to be said in favour of the
Prior negotiations will tend to (1994) 35 NSWLR 227 at 235;
views expressed by Lord Hoffman
establish objective background Acorn Consolidated Pty Ltd v
in the passage from his speech in
facts which were known to both Hawkslade Investments Pty Ltd
Investors Compensation Scheme: 74
parties and the subject matterof (1999) 21 WAR 425 at para 41.
the contract. To the extent to which The meaning of words is a matter of
7. (1992) 27 NSWLR 326 at 358G.
they have this tendency they are dictionaries and grammars; the
admissible. But insofar as they meaning of the document is what 8. Burns Philp Hardware v Howard
consist ofstatements and actions of the parties using those words Chia Pty Ltd (1987) 8 NSWLR 642;
the parties which are reflective of against the relevant background Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co
their actual intentions and would reasonably have been Limited v Cobram Laundry Service
expectations they are not understood to mean. The Pty Ltd [2001] VSCA 57.
receivable. background may not merely enable
9. (1988) 5ANZ Insurance Cases
the reasonable man to choose
between the possible meanings of


10. (1987) 8 NSWLR 642. 29. Acorn Consolidated Pty Ltd v
Hawkslade Investments Pty Ltd
11. Burns Philp Hardware v Howard
Chia Pty Ltd Note 10 at 657E.
Note 25 at paras 43 & 44 .

12. Burns Philp Hardware v Howard

30. [2002] QSC 293.
Chia Pty Ltd Note 10 at 646B. 31. Harrison v Inala Plaza Pty Ltd
13. (1992) 27 NSWLR 326. Note 30 at para 27.
32. Harrison v Inala Plaza Pty Ltd
14. Trawl Industries ofAustralia Pty
Ltd v Effem Foods Pty Ltd Note 13
Note 30 at para 28.
at 343G. 33. Harrison v Inala Plaza Pty Ltd
15. Trawl Industries ofAustralia Pty
Note 30 at para 29.
Ltd v Effem Foods Pty Ltd Note 13 34. (2002) 186 ALR 289.
at 3590.
35. Royal Botanic Gardens &
16. (1994) 35 NSWLR 227. Domain Trust vSouth Sydney City
Council Note 34 at para 9. Refer
17. B&B Constructions fAust) Pty
Ltd v Brian A Cheeseman & also Callinan J's judgment at para
Associates Pty Ltd Note 16 at 237C.
36. Royal Botanic Gardens &
18. B&B Constructions fAust) Pty
Ltd v Brian A Cheeseman Domain Trust vSouth Sydney City
&Associates Pty Ltd Note 16 at Council Note 34 at paras 69 & 73.
234G. 37. Royal Botanic Gardens &
19. B&B Constructions fAust} Pty Domain Trust v South Sydney City
Ltd v Brian A Cheeseman & Council Note 34 at paras 102 &
Associates Pty Ltd Note 16 at
236B-C. 38. Probably the best example of
20. (2002) 186 ALR 289 at 71 & 73. this is B&B Constructions v Brian A
Cheeseman (1994) 35 NSWLR
21. [1981-82) 149 CLR 337. 227-in particular the judgment of
22. Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v Kirby P, as he then was, where he
State Rail Authority of New South made statements which appearto
Wales Note 21 at 353. contradict what he said in Royal
Botanic-refer notes 18 & 19
23. [2001] VSCA 57.
above. Refer also Acorn
24. Murray Goulburn Co-operative Consolidated Pty Ltd v Hawkslade
Co Limited v Cobram Laundry Investments Pty Ltd(1999) 21 WAR
Service Pty Ltd Note 23 at para 13. 425.
25. [1999] 21 WAR 425. 39. (1988) 5ANZ Insurance Cases
60-853 at 75, 343-refer note 7
26. Acorn Consolidated Pty Ltd v
Hawkslade Investments Pty Ltd
Note 25 at para 31. 40. Refer Trawl Industries of
Australia Pty Ltd v Effem Foods Pty
27. Charter Reinsurance Co Limited
Ltd (1992) 27 NSWLR 326; B&B
vFagan[1997]AC313; Mannai
Constructions v Brian A Cheeseman
Investment Co Limited v Eagle Star
(1994) 35 NSWLR 227; Acorn
Life Assurance Co Limited [1997]
Consolidated Pty Ltd v Hawkslade
AC 749; Investors Compensation
Investments Pty Ltd (1999) 21 WAR
Scheme Limited v West Bromwich
425; Royal Botanic Gardens &
Building Society[1998] 1WLR 896.
Domain Trust v South Sydney City
28. Acorn Consolidated Pty Ltd v Council (2002) 186 ALR 289.
Hawkslade Investments Pty Ltd
41. Refer Harrison v Inala Plaza Pty
Note 25 at paras 41 & 42 .
Ltd[2002] QSC 293.
42. (1994) 35 NSWLR 227 at 233.


43. Refer in particular Prenn v Kirby P at 238B-F and Mahoney JA
Simmonds[1971] 1WLR 1381; at 2470-E. Francis Tiernan's article was
Reardon Smith Line Limited v previously published in the Building
57. B&B Constructions fAust) Pty
Hansen- Tangen [1976] 1WLR 989; Dispute Practitioners' Society Inc.
Ltd v Brian A Cheeseman
Mannai Investment Co Limited v Newsletter(lssue 13-July 2003).
&Associates Pty Ltd Note 55 at
Eagle Star Life Assurance Co Reprinted with permission.
Limited [1997] AC 749; Investors
Compensation Scheme Limited v 58. (1999) 21 WAR 425.
West Bromwich Building Society 59. Acorn Consolidated Pty Ltd v
[1998] 1WLR 896; Bank of Credit & Hawkslade Investments Pty Ltd
Commerce vAli[2001] 1All ER Note 58 at para 72.
60. [2001] VSCA 57.
44. [1976] 1WLR 989, at 995.
61. Murray Goulburn Co-operative
45. [1998] 1 WLR 896 at 912H- Co Limited v Cobram Laundry
913E. Note that with respect to Service Pty Ltd Note 60 at paras 19
principle (2) set out by Lord & 20.
Hoffman, that in Bank of Credit &
Commerce v Ali at 975 cf he 62. [2002] 186 ALR 289.
qualified his statement as follows- 63. Royal Botanic Gardens &
'I said that the admissible Domain Trust v South Sydney City
background included absolutely Council at para 11.
anything which would have affected
64. Royal Botanic Gardens &
the way in which the language of
Domain Trust vSouth Sydney City
the document would have been
Council at paras 13 & 14.
understood by a reasonable man, I
did not think it necessary to 65. Royal Botanic Gardens &
emphasize that I meant anything Domain Trust vSouth Sydney City
which a reasonable man would Council at paras 15-17.
have regarded as relevant.' 66. Royal Botanic Gardens &
46. Note 34 above at para 39. Domain Trust v South Sydney City
47. (1981-82) 149 CLR 337 at 352-
3. 67. Royal Botanic Gardens &
Domain TrustvSouthSydneyCity
48. (2002) 186 ALR 289 at paras 39
Council at para 18.
& 104.
68. Royal Botanic Gardens &
49. Refer also Court of Appeal
Domain Trust vSouth Sydney City
decision in Murray Goulburn Co-
Council at para 30.
operative Co Limited v Cobram
Laundry Service Pty Ltd[2001] 69. Royal Botanic Gardens &
VSCA 57 at para 29, to the same Domain TrustvSouthSydneyCity
effect. Council at paras 31-35.

50. Refer Note 34 at para 39. 70. (1981-82) 149 CLR 337 at 352.
51. [2001] VSCA 57 at paras 31 & 71. Royal Botanic Gardens &
33. Domain Trust vSouth Sydney City
Council Note 62 at paras 18-29 .
52. (1981-82) 149 CLR 337.
72. Codelfa Note 70 at 352.
53. Refer Note 52 at 353.
73. Royal Botanic Gardens &
54. Refer Note 52 at 354.
Domain Trust v South Sydney City
55. (1994) 35 NSWLR 227. Council Note 62 at para 39; also
56. B&B Constructions fAust} Pty Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co
Ltd v Brian A Cheeseman Limited v Cobram Laundry Service
&Associates Pty LtdNote 55 per Pty Ltd Note 60 at para 29.
74. [1998] 1 WLR 896 at 913B-0.


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