Negative Self-Talk and How To Change It - Part29

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Reaching Your Goals

Do your thoughts and your self-talk show a picture of you reaching all of your goals?

Rate your self-talk about how you’re doing at reaching your goals: ______

9. Getting Things Done

Does your self-talk tell you that you are accomplishing everything you would like to––on time, and in the right
way? Is procrastination a problem for you?

Rate your self-talk about your success in getting things done: ______

10. Your Appearance

Does your self-talk tell you that you are happy with your appearance, and looking your best?

Rate your self-talk about your appearance: ______

11. Your Weight

What does your self-talk tell you about your weight, and how you feel about it? What kind of self-talk do you
use when you think about your weight?

Rate your self-talk about your weight: ______

12. Your Attitude

When you monitor your self-talk, what does it tell you about your attitude? Is it positive, and as good as you
would like it to be?
Rate your self-talk that reflects your attitude overall: ______

13. How You Deal With Problems

Does your self-talk describe you as being on top of your game, and always dealing with problems well?
Rate your self-talk about dealing with problems: ______

14. Your Intelligence

Does your self-talk tell you that you are confident about your intelligence?

Rate your self-talk about how you feel about your intelligence: ______

15. Your Energy

When you talk about your energy, do you see yourself as having a lot of energy, or do you tell yourself you
never have enough?
Rate your self-talk about your level of energy: ______

16. Your Stress

Does your self-talk show a picture of you that is relaxed, calm, and in control, or does it show you that you
have too much stress in your life?

Rate your self-talk about your stress and your daily sense of calm: ______

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