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Put the following concepts next to their definition or description

Headline Invasion of privacy Stereotype

Life expectancy Collective behavior Political party
Newsworthy Geographic Boomerang children
Institution proximity Transient
Mass media Paparazzi Highlight
Harassment Hooliganism Ethical
Natural disaster Socialization
Role conflict

1. A form of collective behavior that sometimes occurs at or after sports events

and includes destructive and often violent activities by fan of opposing team
=> Hooliganism
2. Catastrophe caused by forces of nature Natural disaster
3. The forms of communication that reach a large public audience - Mass media
4. Organization of people with similar political views - Political party
5. Average expected length of life - Life expectancy
6. Stress or emphasize something that is important - Highlight
7. When someone finds it difficult to manage their roles at work and in family-
Role conflict
8. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type
of person or thing.- Stereotype
9. The title of a news story - Headline
10. The focus on one event doesn’t last very long - Transient
11. Someone who follows celebrities to take their photos - Paparazzi
12. Children who leave home for a while but then they return - Boomerang
13. Behavior that continuously annoys or troubles another person - Harassment
14. A custom or tradition that has existed for a long time and is accepted as an
important part of a particular society - Institution
15. Very interesting, worth writing about - Newsworthy
16.Intrusion into the personal life of another- Invasion of privacy
17. Social behavior that is relatively unorganized, spontaneous, and
unpredictable. - Collective behavior
18. Relating to morality - Ethical
19. The process of learning how to behave in the society we live in - Socialization
20. Closeness in physical distance - Geographic proximity

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