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Name: Jhel Reshel C.

Telin Date: October 19, 2021


1. In connection to the short story “Chom Nye”, how would you evaluate the situation of our
farmers in today’s recent happenings? Are they given enough support from our government? Or
they are just the same before as portrayed in the story?

Answer: In connection to the short story “Chom Nye” As we try to look back the farmers before,
they struggled with a history of injustice. They have been forced to till land they do not own, sell
their produce at prices unequal to their labor, and carry a whole sector on their aching backs for a
country that has forgotten to listen to them properly. Now, there are still similarities of what had
happened before but not that too cruel as the farmers experiencing today because mostly they
have their own land. I could say that there are similarities before because the farmers haven’t yet
to feel enough support of the law or the government itself which is a concrete manifestation and
continuation of inadequacy. The impacts of struggling before are still felt in the present but in
other aspects because our leaders now have simply forgotten our farmers. We have stood idly for
too long. Without the backbone of our economy and of Filipino life, the nation will collapse.
Without meaningful improvements in our treatment of farmers, our country will continue to find
itself stuck in cycles of oppression. It will be a long process from here, nothing nearly as quick as
what we’re accustomed to.

2. How would you feel if you are in Chom Nye’s situation being able to witness the struggles of
the farmers?

Answer: If I am in Chom Nye’s situation that being able to witness the struggles of the famers,
surely I would feel this sympathy towards the farmers because they worked too hard to provide
for their families and their countrymen but they sell their produce at prices unequal to their labor.
And anger towards the landlords because of their inhumanities that they’ve done to their workers.
But I have nothing to do with the hardships that they are experiencing except writing as what
Chom Nye’s did because women before have no voice or power and they are meant to be a
housewife and do the household chores only.

3. Are there any empowerment programs of the government for the women today? How are they
treated in our society?

Answer: Yes, there are any empowerment of the government for the women today such as;
Violence against women, Republic Act No. 9710 and etc. As we observe our society today, women
have the same treatment of men because women can do on what’s men’s works and have these
rights of all which enable women to actively participate and contribute to the political, economic,
social, and cultural development of the nation as well as those equal access to ownership,
management, and control of production, and of material and informational resources and benefits
in the family, community, and society. In short, women treated equally not like as before.

1. Is there any related situation between the author Saeng in the story? In what sense?

Answer: Yes there is any related situation between the Saeng in the story which is the OFW’s
(Over -seas Filipino workers) wherein they work hard in other countries and try to survive and fit
in the society that they are living in. They adapt the new environment which is very hard for them
because they can’t avoid the feeling of homesickness but they set aside this feeling for the sake of
the welfare, needs, and wants of their families that’s why they don’t lose hope in behalf of the
sacrifices and circumstances that they experienced in abroad.

2. If you were in the case of Saeng, would you force yourself to change just to be fit in the society
you’re currently living?

Answer: If I were in the case of Saeng, maybe I would force myself to change just to be fit in the
society that I’m currently living because I have no choice and I should adapt the new environment
which I am living now wherein, in living other countries, there are their rules and policies that we
should respect and obey as for us to not to be punish and face the consequences. That’s why
changing myself first specifically the characters/attitudes that I have would be one of those steps
to be fit in.

3. Is it necessary to adapt every inch of tradition and culture in the country you’re living?

Answer: Yes of course, because adapting every inch of tradition and culture in the country that
we’re living in would be the sign of “RESPECT” that we should have in ourselves first in migrating
other countries. Through this, people would appreciate us though they don’t know our names
because it is a big Honor to be respected heartedly by the people who are living in a society.

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