Novena For The Dead

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Lord, open our lips and inflame our hearts and cleanse them of useless and evil thoughts. Enlighten
our minds, that we may seriously meditate on Your sufferings and death and the pains endured by Your
most glorious Mother; and deign to hear and receive us before Your great Majesty, who lives and reigns
forever. Amen.

Most Merciful Jesus, look down with eyes of mercy on the soul of AURORA for whom You suffered and
died on the Cross.

Response: Have mercy on the soul of AURORA

Jesus, through your bloody sweat in the Garden of Gethsemani. R.
Jesus, through the blow you received on your sacred face. R.
Jesus, through the cruel scourging you endured. R.
Jesus, through the crown of thorns that pierced your head. R.
Jesus, through your carrying of the Cross on the path of bitterness. R.
Jesus, through your face covered with blood which you allowed to be imprinted on the veil
of Veronica. R.
Jesus, through your bloody garments which were cruelly removed fromyour wounded body.
Jesus, through your holy body nailed on the cross. R.
Jesus, through your hands and feet pierced with cruel nails. R.
Jesus, through your side pierced with a lance and from which flowed blood and water. R.


Leader: Lord, have mercy on us.

All: Lord, have mercy on us.
Leader: Christ, have mercy on us.
All: Christ, have mercy on us.
Leader: Lord, have mercy on us.
All: Lord, have mercy on us.
Leader: Christ, hear us.
All: Christ, graciously hear us.

Response : Have mercy on the soul of AURORA

God, the Father of heaven. R.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world. R.
God, the Holy Spirit. R.
Holy Trinity, One God. R.

Response: Pray for the soul of +AURORA

Holy Mary. R.
Holy Mother of God. R.
Holy virgin of virgins. R.
St. Michael and all archangels and angels. R.
St. John the Baptist . R.
St. Joseph . R.
All you holy patriarchs and prophets. R.
Sts. Peter and Paul. R.
All holy Apostles and Evangelists. R.
St. Stephen. R.
St. Lawrence. R.
All holy martyrs. R.
St. Gregory. R.
St. Ambrose. R.
St. Augustine. R.
St. Jerome. R.
All holy bishops and confessors. R.
All holy doctors, priests and levites. R.
All holy monks and hermits. R.
St. Mary Magdalene. R.
St. Barbara. R.
All holy virgins and widows. R.
All Saints in heaven. R.
Response : O Lord deliver her.
From all evil. R.
From your wrath. R.
From the rigor of your justice. R.
From the power of the devil. R.
From the gnawing worn of conscience. R.
From long enduring sorrow. R.
From eternal flames. R.
From horrible darkness. R.
From dreadful weeping and wailing. R.
Through your admirable conception and holy nativity. R.
Through your most sweet Name. R.
Through your baptism and holy fasting. R.
Through your most profound humiliation. R.
Through your prompt obedience and infinite love. R.
Through your sorrow and anguish. R.
Through your scourging, crowning with thorns and carrying of the cross. R.
Through your most cruel death. R.
Through your most holy wounds, bitter cross and passion. R.
Through your holy Resurrection. R.
Through your Ascension. R.
Through the Coming of the Holy Spirit. R.
In the Day of Judgment. R.

Response : We beseech you, hear us Lord.

You who forgave Mary Magdalene and heard the prayer of the thief. R.
You who have the keys of heaven R.
You who would be pleased to deliver the souls of our relatives and friends from the pains of
hell. R.
You who would be pleased to have mercy on those of whom no special remembrance is
made on earth. R.
You who would be pleased to grant them all the pardon and remission of all their sins . R.
You who would be pleased to fulfill all their desires. R.
You who would be pleased to receive theminto the company of the blessed. R.
Son of God. R.

Leader: Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Response: Grant unto her eternal rest.
Leader: Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
All: Grant unto her eternal rest.
Leader: Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
All: Grant unto her eternal rest everlasting.
Leader: O Lord hear our prayer
All: And let our cry come unto You.

Leader: Let us pray.

O God whose property it is ever to have mercy and to spare, we humbly beseech You on behalf of your
servant AURORA whom You have called out from this world, that You would not deliver her into the
hands of Your enemy but bid the holy angels lead her into paradise, her true country, so that for as
much as in You, she put her hope and trust, she may not endure the pains of hell, but may come to the
possession of eternal joys.
Grant we beseech You that the soul of Your departed servant AURORA may be cleansed by this sacrifice
and delivered from her sins and may receive your forgiveness and everlasting rest.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God,
forever and ever.

Leader: Merciful Father, hear our prayers and console us. As we renew our faith in your Son, whom you
raised from the dead, strengthen our hope that our dear departed AURORA will share in Christ’s
resurrection, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

Leader: Eternal rest grant unto +AURORA, O Lord.

All: And let your perpetual light shine upon her.
Leader: May she rest in peace.
All: Amen.
Leader: May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
All: Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
17th DAY
Leader: Lord Jesus grant AURORA a merciful judgement and look kindly upon her.
All: Amen.

18th DAY
Leader: Jesus, help us to see death for what it really is: the end of poverty and the beginning of
Riches, the end of frustration and the beginning of fulfillment.
All: Amen.

19th DAY
Leader: Jesus, help us to see death for what it really is: the end of fear and the beginning of
tranquility, the end of pain and the beginning of joy, the end of weakness and the
beginning of strength.
All: Amen.

20th DAY
Leader: Jesus, let not grief overwhelm us or a sense of loss embitter us, but out of our sadness let
there arise a new joy.
All: Amen.

21st DAY
Leader: Jesus, cast out our fears and let not our hearts be troubled. Let your Spirit of peace come
alive within our experience of hurt, sorrow,isolation and sadness.
All: Amen.

22nd DAY
Leader: Jesus, grant that we will never forget that life is short and uncertain. Let your Spirit guide
us in holiness, justice and service to our brothers and sisters.
All: Amen.

23rd DAY:
Leader: Jesus,we pray for the healing of all unhappy and hurting feelings death may have caused
in our hearts. Be with us during our moments of sorrow and loneliness. You are our
rock, our fortress ,and our strength.
All: Amen.

24th DAY
Leader: Jesus, we trust in you and hope in Your glorious resurrection. We lift up to You our grief and
sorrow, confident that You will change mourning to rejoicing that our beloved
AURORA now rests in Your peace.
All: Amen.

25th DAY
Leader: Jesus, you wept at the death of Lazarus your friend; comfort us in our sorrow, we ask this
in faith.
All: Amen.

26th DAY
Leader: Jesus, please find mercy on the soul of AURORA, may her soul find peace.
All: Amen.

27th Day
Leader: Jesus, may AURORA find assurance that her family will remain strong and steadfast in
serving the Lord as she move forward in her journey to eternal life with You.
All: Amen.

Leader: Jesus, we commend to You AURORA, may she rest in the arms of our Lord who formed
them from the dust of the earth.
All: Amen.

28th DAY
Leader: Holy Mary, the angels and all the Saints welcome AURORA now that she have gone forth
from this life.
All: Amen.

29th DAY
Leader: Jesus You was crucified for AURORA bring her freedom and peace.
All: Amen.

30th DAY
Leader: Jesus You died for AURORA admit her into Your garden of paradise.
All: Amen.
31st DAY
Leader: Jesus the true Shepherd, embrace AURORA as one of Your flock.
All: Amen.

32nd DAY
Leader: Jesus forgive all the sins of AURORA and set her among those He has chosen.
All: Amen.

33rd DAY
Leader: Jesus,give AURORA the grace to meet You face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever.
All: Amen.

34th DAY
Leader: Jesus, you opened the gates of life for those who believe in You,do not let AURORA be
parted from You but by Your glorious power give her light, joy and peace where You
live forever and ever.
All: Amen.

35th DAY
Leader: Jesus, deliver AURORA from every evil and bid her eternal rest.
All: Amen.

36th DAY
Leader: We pray for the souls of our departed AURORA that You, O Lord may nourish and take care
of her in Heaven.
All: Amen.

37th DAY
Leader: Jesus,You are attentive to our pleading. Let us find in Your Son comfort in our sadness,
certainty in our doubt, and courage to live through this hour. Make our faith strong
through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

38th DAY
Leader: Jesus, we trust You and hope in Your glorious resurrection. We lift to you our grief and
sorrow, confident that you will change mourning to rejoicing that our beloved
AURORA now rests in Your peace.
All: Amen.

39th DAY
Leader: Jesus, grant that we may hold Pedro Jr. AURORA’s memories dear, never bitter for what we
have lost nor in regret for the past, but always in hope of the eternal kingdom where
You will bring us together again.
All: Amen.

40th DAY
Leader: Jesus, uplift our heart and soul so that we may cast away our sorrows. Give us the strength
to surpass this situation. No one dies without Your say-so and thus, we rejoice over this
triumph and we pray that You be with our deceased AURORA We thank You for the
answered prayer.
All: Amen.

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