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A.oWhere will you be during an Earthquake?

Earthquakes could occur at any moment, and thus your location when it hits could greatly
affect your survival. We must be able to prepare ourselves given different areas we are in
frequently or spend the most time at. There are different risks involved in preparing given
the location of where we are during an earthquake.

A.1. At home
It is important that we are prepared for an earthquake especially when we are at
home. A significant portion of our day is spent at home and thus increasing the
chances of one being here during the occurence of an emergency. The following
are recommended precautions to take at home:
A.2. At work or school
Another place where we spend the most of our time would be at workplaces,
offices or schools. If not us, some of our family members may be at these
locations during an earthquake and thus one should be prepared on what to do
when at these locations. The following are recommended precautions to take
when at school or work:
A.3. At a public space
One should also be prepared when visiting or spending time at public spaces
which could be malls, museums, government offices or amusement centers. There
are significant risks involved when an emergency could occur at places like these,
especially if it is in a remote location or if there are a lot of people present.
Precautions to take when at a public space are the following:
1. Know the risks of the location. One must know if the place they are
going to be at is near active fault lines or at high risk areas such as
hillsides, valleys or marshes.
2. Know the exits. It is extremely important to have an escape route at a
public space so that one can easily leave the structure and head towards
safety. This also includes knowing a back up exit or a plan B during an
emergency as the primary exit could be blocked or dangerous to pursue,
3. Beware of Others. One of the biggest risk factor during an emergency at
a highly populated area or public space is people and hysteria. People
who are panicking could pose a bigger danger to you than to the
structure itself. People could cause stampedes or as obstacles to theexit.
It is best to be wary around other people during an emergency but do not
neglect to help or assist those who are also in need.

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