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Dead Poets Society

By: Jhel Reshel C. Telin

Humanity, hope, passion, inspiration and motivation are the few words which I can elucidate the movie
in titled “Dead Poets Society”. It tells us to captivate, inspire and empower ourselves. It figures out our
existence and identity, who we are? And what we want to be? In short, we should live life to the fullest. Just
like a single piece of poetry it delivers the message what it wanted to be addressed for the readers same thing
in human too. Doing what we love to do in life no matter what obstacles stand in our way.
Dead Poets Society inspires me a lot although I found it some difficulties in understanding their
conversations but still I kept focusing on it for me to understand the message well. Albeit the movie was sad
at times and somehow the author left it as a hanging ending, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie very much
especially in the first meeting of the class between Mr. Keating and the students, “ Just Wow!” two words that
only existed in my mouth as I watched the movie.
He’s an ordinary teacher but his strategy in teaching students was different compared to others. Mr.
Keating teaches them to stick to their own beliefs even when there’s pressure from others. He helps the
student to grow more physically, emotionally, academically and socially inside and out of the school. He
encourages them to find their selves, trying new things, live an extraordinary life and not fearing being
oneself, no matter what and to him, the purpose of education is to think for yourself.
Overall the movie had a great meaning behind it and it kept the watcher enthralled throughout. The
movie gave a new meaning to standing up for somebody/what you believe in, individualism, and doing
something with your life. “Seize the day because believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one
day going stop breathing, turn cold and die.” This line captivated my heart and I can’t stop my tears streaming
down my face as I heard it especially the time that Niel killed himself because I can relate myself into him. As
a matter of fact, I tried suicide due to the heavy pain that I carried for so long especially in family problem coz
I came from a broken family and as a child it is not easy to handle in my part.
It had a big impact on me especially in my studies. I imbibed gasoline. I was really empty at that time
except these two words “killing myself” because I only thought that it was the only solution that I can do coz
my world has darkened and I didn’t really know what to do except that one thing but God is good all the time.
I am thankful for this second life.
The movie teaches me a lot of lesson and made me realize that I should live in the moment, I can't
relive yesterday and there are no promises that I will live tomorrow. I will do something meaningful to my
life. Something that is new that might result into an unforgettable one.  Expressing and embracing your
individualism, especially in the face of conformity, is a very valuable quality and trait to have. This movie
repeatedly states that individuality is something very important, and does get the meaning across very well;
both subtly and not. The movie also shows the difference and problems between being an individual and being
an upstart.

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