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proudly presents


“Under one sky
KAMULATAN: A Glimpse to a Whole New World

Office-in-Charge: Kim Joshua Capil

Official E-mail:



KAMULATAN: A Glimpse to a Whole New World


I.Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
II.Qualifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
III.Event Rules and Mechanics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…5
IV.Entry Submission for Events ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
V.Registration Forms ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………10
VI.Specific Mechanics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………12
VII.Criteria for Judging ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………16
VIII.Awards ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………..17
IX.Enforcement of Event Guidelines ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………18
X.Revisions and/or Amendments ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…19
XI.Memorandum of Agreement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….20



This competition is designed to showcase a recreation of a video with a creative spin to

bring entertainment amidst the pandemic and atmosphere we currently find ourselves

a. The School of Engineering and Architecture Days 2021 Events are open to all
bonafide students of the School of Engineering and Architecture of Holy Angel
University Academic Year 2021-2022 and are registered by their respective
department organizations

b. There is no limit as to the number of events which a representative can join and

c. Champions of the following Events from Pinanari: A Boundless Pursuit are

prohibited to join in the similar competition:

 Mr. and Ms. Lumina

- John Ivan Cortez
- Ylla Legion
 ENOLA: Solo Dance Competition
- Jessa Mae Singson
 Digital Calligraphy: Art Fest 2020
- Trina Sevilla
 Smartphone Photography
- Juan Paolo Nacpil
- Brian Miranda

Therefore, Brian Miranda is not allowed to represent Philippine Society of Mechanical

Engineers – HAUJU for this year’s VLOGGER HUNT

d. Members and staff of the College Student Council of the School of Engineering
and Architecture are prohibited to join any of the specified competitions. Refer
to Members of the Organizing Team of METOBANUA: Under one Sky.

e. Participants of all events, as well as Point Persons and Organization Heads,

must be a member of the League of Lions: The Official Discord Server of the
School of Engineering and Architecture.

Refer to this link:


Section III.
Event Rules and Mechanics

a. The SEA Days 2021 METOBANUA: Under one Sky shall be sponsored by the College
Student Council of the School of Engineering and Architecture of Holy Angel

b. Participants are expected to conduct themselves and compete with the spirit of
sportsmanship, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor in activities involving
other participants and the general public.

c. Should participants wish to include live animals in their entries, a disclaimer should
be included that no animals were harmed during production.

d. As per the standing health protocols of IATF and for the safety of the participants,
participants are strictly prohibited to go outside the vicinity of their houses for
shooting and covering purposes.

e. Participants must attend all the orientation/meetings and other affairs set by the
organizers. If the participant is not available during the said date, a notice to the
Organizing Team must be provided to the Event Officer-in-Charge, and their Point
Person must be present on behalf of the participant.

f. Participants shall wear decent and proper clothing and are prohibited in wearing
any revealing clothes that may show the genitals, breasts and buttocks.


g. As stipulated under HAU Movie Review and Classification Committee (MRCC), all
video/photo entries are prohibited to exhibit the following:

 The work depicts in a patently lewd, offensive, or demeaning manner, excretory

functions and sexual conduct such as sexual intercourse, masturbation and
exhibition of the genitals, violence or uses gore language.
 The work clearly constitutes an attack against any race, gender, religion or is
contrary to the Catholic faith.
 The work condones or encourages the use of illegal drugs and substances.
 The work tends to undermine the faith and confidence of the people in their
government and/or duly constituted authorities.
 The work glorifies criminals or condones crimes.
 The work is libelous or defamatory to the good name and reputation of any
person, whether living or dead, or institution.
 The work is not in consonance with the mission and vision of the University.

h. The Board of Judges shall be selected by the Organizing Team of METOBANUA:

Under one Sky and shall have appropriate credentials to judge a particular event
and/or competition. The Board of Judges shall be independent in fact and in
appearance, thus, shall not be directly or closely related to any organization or
department to maintain the integrity of the competitions

i. The Board of Judges has the sole and exclusive authority to clear or answer any
protest/clarification related to the judging of a particular event and/or competition
raised by the contestants. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and

j. In case of tie, the contestant with the higher scores from the majority of the Judges
shall be declared as the winner


1 97 90 95 94 1ST PLACE

2 95 94 93 94 2ND PLACE

3 94 92 90 92 3RD PLACE

4 94 88 94 92 4TH PLACE

5 90 90 90 90 5TH PLACE

k. In the table above, contestant number 1 and 2 have the same average score. Since
two out of three judges gave higher score to contestant number 1, contestant 1 shall
be declared as the 1st place while contestant number 2 shall be the 2nd place.

l. In the table above, contestant number 3 and 4 have the same average score.
However, one judge gave the two contestants the same score, while one judge gave
contestant number 3 as a higher score, while one judge gave contestant number 4 a
higher score. In this case, the panel of judges shall deliberate to determine the
contestant with the higher rank.

m. All concerns, clarifications, complaints or questions must be directly addressed to

the corresponding Point Person for the event before, within the course or after the
competition by the Point Person. Any concerns, clarifications, complaints or
questions raised by any organization officer and other than the Point Person shall
not be entertained.

n. All submitted works, outputs and products of the event and/or competitions shall
belong to the College Student Council of the School of Engineering and
Architecture. (Re)acquisition of ownership rights of all submitted works and outputs
shall then be approved starting after November 6, 2021. The request for
(re)acquisition shall be presented to the Point Person, which in turn will contact the
event Officer-In-Charge for approval.

o. Announcement and awarding of winners shall be on November 6, 2021 (Saturday)

through the Official Facebook Page of College Student Council of the School of
Engineering and Architecture.

p. The members of the Organizing Team of METOBANUA: Under one Sky shall have the
exclusive power to interpret the provisions of the Event General Guidelines and
shall be vested with the power to give sanctions to any contestant who shall violate
any provisions in this Event General Guidelines.

q. In case there are any concerns to protests which are not covered in this Event
General Guidelines, the members of the Organizing Team of METOBANUA: Under
one Sky shall have the absolute power and sole authority to decide and interpret
the Event Guidelines of the METOBANUA: Under one Sky. Should there be any
ambiguity encountered by any party, such should be addressed on a timely basis.
The decision of the members of the Organizing Team of METOBANUA: Under one
Sky shall be final and irrevocable.


r. The following shall constitute the register of deductions covering this General Event
Guidelines, to wit:

 Committing a Major Offense in the conduct of the activity – total ban on ALL FUTURE
activities of the College Student Council of the School of Engineering and Architecture
and disqualification on ALL activities on METOBANUA: Under one Sky

 Gross Violation of Event Guidelines – disqualification only from the event with violated

 Unethical/unprofessional behavior or action from the contestant – five (5) point

deduction in the determination of the Overall Ranking.

 Changing of participants after the exhaustion of the Registration Period – five (5) point
deduction only in the event weight

 Failure to submit registration requirements as stipulated in the Registration Forms –

two (2) point deduction only in the event weight

 Submissions breaking the submission deadlines – two (2) point deduction PER HOUR to
be counted starting 10:00pm following the deadline

 Two (2) points deduction from the overall average score of the specific event for every
violation of the specific mechanics.

 Time in excess or deficient of the time requirement shall constitute two (2) points
deduction for every ten (10) seconds or a fraction thereof against the average of the
Judges’ total scores.

 Five (5) points deduction in violating Section III: Event Rules and Mechanics Letter d in
the General IRR of the event (As per the standing health protocols of IATF and for the
safety of the participants, participants are strictly prohibited to go outside the vicinity of
their houses for shooting and covering purposes.) only in the event weight

Section IV.
Entry Submission for Events

a. The submission of entries shall be uploaded in the Google Drive Link as

provided by the Officer-In-Charge of METOBANUA Organizing Team to the
Contact Person per organization.

b. The file name of the entries shall be as follows:


e.g. SAEP_Kim Joshua_VID.mp4

d. The name to be included in the file name would be the name of the participant,
not the Point Person, in case those two are different individuals.

e. The video must contain the following

- The full extent of the provided Opening BillBoard of the SEA Days 2021. Opening
Bill Board is provided by the SEA Days 2021 Organizing Team

- A 15-second maximum Closing Bill Board containing the Event Name,

Organization Name and/or Organization Logo, submitted hashtag. The Closing
BillBoard shall be provided by the participating organization.

- provided event logo, the logo must be present throughout the video with the
exception of the Opening Bill Board and Closing Bill Board

Google Drive for Submissions

Major Events:

f. Deadline of Submissions would be on: October 22, 2021 (Friday) at


g. After the MRCC and SEA Days 2021 Organizing Team have assessed the
entries, participants who submitted entries that are deemed and proven
to be containing discrimination and profanity of any form shall be
informed and shall be given 24 hours after notification to resubmit their
entries. Any form of resubmission will be entertained until October 24,
2021 (Friday) at 12:00nn


Section V.
Registration Forms

The responsibilities of the Point Person are as follows:

 Shall act as the main contact of the Officer-in-charge or organizer of the

 The bona fide person allowed raising concerns, clarifications, complaints,

and questions to the SEA Days 2021 Organizing Team.

 The Point Person may not be substituted by any College Student Council
officer or Member.

a. The file name of registration forms shall be as follows:

e.g. SAEP_KAMULATAN_Juan Dela Cruz.pdf

b. Registration forms of Participants must be uploaded in the folders with your

respective Organization Name

Registration Folders:

Participant’s Registration Form:

c. Organization Point Persons must accomplish this before October 11, 2021
(Monday) at 10:00pm

d. Change of participants for any of the events shall only be allowed until October
15, 2021 (Friday) and shall be communicated to the Event’s Officer-in-Charge. A
revised copy of the official Master List of participants and their corresponding
requirements should be submitted thereto otherwise any reasons shall not be
accepted for substitution of contestants. [Date]

e. The Official Organization Emails are the only ones given access to the Google
Drive. Therefore, organizations must use their official emails to access ALL
Forms and Folders for Submissions

 Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Student Edition – Holy Angel

University Student Chapter (ICPEP.Se – HAUSC)

 Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers – Holy Angel University Student Chapter


 United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary – Holy Angel University (UAPSA-

 Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers – Holy Angel University Student Chapter


 Society of Aerospace Engineers – Holy Angel University Student Chapter (SAEP-


 Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers – Holy Angel University Student Chapter


 Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – Holy Angel University Student Chapter (PICE-

 Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines – Holy Angel University Student

Chapter (IECEP – HAUSC)

If these are not the functioning emails of the organizations, please notify the CSC-SEA
Chairperson on September 25, 2021 before 10:00pm.

Section VI.
Specific Mechanics

a. Each organization shall have one (1) entry with a minimum of two (2) students
and a maximum of ten (10) students to be allowed to represent their

b. The group shall have designated VLOGGER and Participants for the video

c. The organization must submit one (1) entry video consist of:

 VLOGGER Hunt Introduction, Introduction of the organization and the

Introduction of the Video Parody (45 secs - 1 min)

 Video Parody (2 min – 4:00 min)

d. All videos must be in mp4 Video Format with a ratio of 16:9 aspect ratio
(landscape orientation) with a maximum file size of 2GB.

VLOGGER Hunt Guidelines

a. There should be ONLY one (1) vlogger assigned for the VLOGGER Hunt.

b. The participants can use any language they are comfortable with provided that
there must be English Subtitles. For participants already speaking in English,
subtitles are still required.

c. The VLOGGER Hunt Participant must introduce the Parody video of their
organization. [Date]

Video Parody Guidelines

a. The participating organization should pass a video parody of the best highlight of
their assigned Disney princess in the Aguman event.
- The video/scene that will be parodied must not contain any obscene
and indecent parts. Sensual clothing is strictly prohibited.
- Failure to comply with the said rule shall result in automatic
disqualification and the parody will not be played.

b. The organization can modify a part of the video/scene to add humour to the
original piece.

c. The organization should submit a video consists of the parodied video with the
original video located at the lower right of the screen for comparison.

Grounds for Disqualification

a. Failure to register for the specific event within the set registration period.

b. Any form of plagiarism pertaining to the video, if proven, shall be a ground for
immediate disqualification of their department’s entry for this event.

c. Outputs that are still containing discrimination and profanity of any form, even after
d. Late outputs that are not submitted two days after the deadline (October 22, 2021 at

e. Failure to revise the initial entry, as per the recommendation of the MRCC, within 24
hours after notification from the Officer-in-Charge

f. Failure to rectify the violation identified by the MRCC and resubmit within the specified
extension period shall constitute to DISQUALIFICATION.

Criteria for Judging

Vlogger Hunt

Concept and Story Line 35%

Delivery and Diction 30%
Technical Quality 25%
Get Up and Appeal 10%
Total 100%

Video Parody

Impersonation and Star Quality 40%

Execution and Relevance 30%
Creativity and Resourcefulness 20%
Video Quality 10%
Total 100%


Section VIII.

d. The top three highest pointers shall be declared as the 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd
place respectively.

e. Other Awards
 Best Vlogger
 Best in Cinematography
 KULAIT NING TAU Popularity Award

f. The videos shall be posted on the CSC-SEA official Facebook page on October
30, 2021 (Saturday) and shall be subject for reactions (All reactions). Reactions
shall be counted and will be the basis for the KULAIT NING TAU Special Award.

The count will stop and be tabulated 24hrs after the video/photo had been
posted. Therefore the count will stop on October 31, 2021 (Sunday) at 10:00pm

Note: KULAIT NING TAU Special Award is not part of the computation for the
over-all championship.

g. The Video Parody will be pre-judged and will be presented on October 26,
2021. [Date]

Section IX.
Enforcement of Event Guidelines

g. It shall be the primary duty of the members of the School of Engineering and
Architecture College Student Council to effectively enforce the provisions of this
General Guidelines. The Officers-in-Charge also has the sole right to interpret
the contents of this General Guidelines and their decision will be binding and

h. The CSC-SEA Adviser or his duly designated representative shall act as legal
adviser to the School of Engineering and Architecture College Student Council
and the Organizing Committee of SEA Days 2021 shall render legal assistance as
may be necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Implementing Rules and


Section X.
Revisions and/or Amendments

d. The SEA Days 2021 Organizing Committee shall be vested with the exclusive
power to interpret, revise, and amend the General Guidelines.

e. Any amendments to or revisions to this General Guidelines may be proposed by

the organization head and/or submitted Point Person for the particular event on
the meeting October 1, 2021. Written requests may also be submitted to the
official email of the event before the aforementioned date.

f. Any request for amendments and revisions as well as proposed amendments

must initially be reviewed by the Officer-in-Charge of the activity then to be
forwarded to the members of the College Student Council of the School of
Engineering and Architecture (CSC-SEA) , editing and final approval and to be
noted by the College Student Council of the School of Engineering and
Architecture (CSC-SEA) Adviser.

g. The members of the College Student Council of the School of Engineering and
Architecture (CSC-SEA) shall have the right to debunk any proposed revisions
and amendments which are deemed unnecessary. The final decision on any
inclusions and exclusions to this General Guidelines must be determined by a
majority vote of all College Student Council of the School of Engineering and
Architecture (CSC-SEA).

h. Amendments to particular provisions in this General Guidelines shall be

allowed provided that such amendments will be communicated to stakeholders
at least one (1) week before it could take effect.

Section XI.
Memorandum of Agreement
Acceptance of Implementing Rules and Regulations

The parties’ affixing of his/her signature on the herein Memorandum of Agreement, means
that: a. The Parties hereby consider their electronic signatures as their genuine and authentic
signature, and likewise consider the electronic and physical copies of this instrument, as
official copies, to give validity to this instrument.

b. The Implementing Rules and Regulations for the establishment of the SEA Days 2021 with
the theme METOBANUA: Under one sky have been clearly communicated to and accepted by
the parties, at the time of the affixing, and;

c. The Parties have read and fully understood the Implementing Rules and Regulations hereof
and accept the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this DATE EVENT PRESENTATION OF

Signed on behalf of the Organization Name

Name of Point Person

Position, Organization

Signed on behalf of the College Student Council of the School of Engineering and Architecture

Kim Joshua Capil

Officer-In-Charge, KAMULATAN: A Glimpse to a Whole New World of SEA Days 2021


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