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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna


SEPTEMBER 15, 2021


Barangay Captain
Lewin, Lumban, Laguna

Greetings !

The undersigned is a student taking-up the Bachelor of Science in Criminology program and
currently conducting a research study entitled Awareness On Republic Act No.11313 or
also known as “Bawal Bastos Law” in Barangay. Lewin, Lumban, Laguna. The said
research is part of the final requirement for the subject Criminology 8 (Criminological
Research 2: Research Methods with Applied Statistic) under the said program.

In this regard, the researcher would like to request your good office to allow her to gather data
of the following:

1. A copy of any available data and other pertinent or related data and information
regarding the status of the awareness on Republic Act No. 11313 or also known as
“Bawal Bastos Law” in Barangay. Lewin, Lumban, Laguna.
2. Validation of research instrument attached herewith; and
3. Administration of survey questionnaires to respondents.

Rest assured that the data gathered will be treated with confidentiality and for research
and academic purposes only.

Thank you very much and more power!

Respectfully yours,

Student Researcher
Noted by:


Associate Dean, CCJE


Barangay Captain
Barangay.Lewin, Lumban, Laguna
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna


September 15, 2021

Dear Respondents:

The undersigned is a student taking-up the Bachelor of Science in

Criminology program and currently conducting a research study AWARENESS ON
IN BARANGAY. LEWIN, LUMBAN, LAGUNA. The said research is part of the
final requirement for the subject Criminology 8 (Criminological Research 2: Research
Methods with Applied Statistic) under the said program.

In this regard, the researcher would like to request your most gracious help
and support by accomplishing the attached questionnaire-checklist. Questions are
hereby provided for you to answer in accordance to your own honest and independent
perception. The reliability of this study will rely much on the way you will
accomplish this research instrument.

Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Student Researcher

Noted by:


Associate Dean, CCJE
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

Questionnaire - Checklist

Part I. Profile of Respondents

Name (optional): ________________________

Group of Respondents:

a. First Group ( ) Member of LGBT Community

b. Second Group ( ) Barangay Officials

Part II. Awareness on Republic Act No. 11313 also known as ‘Bawal Bastos Law” in

Barangay Lewin, Lumban, Laguna

(The indicators below are based on the provisions of R.A. 11313 also

known as the Safe Spaces Act)

Direction: Rate each of the following questions by putting a check mark (✓) to the

appropriate scale. The number represents the following descriptive equivalent.


4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Aware (SA)

3 2.50 – 3.24 Aware (A)

2 1.75 – 2.49 Moderately Aware (MA)

1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Aware (NA)

A. SALIENT FEATURES OF R.A. 11313 (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. R.A. NO. 11313 include the crimes of gender-based
streets and public spaces sexual harassment are committed
through any unwanted and uninvited sexual actions
against any person regardless of the motive for
committing such action. (Article I Section 4)
2. R.A. NO. 11313 include constitutive of gender-based
streets and public spaces sexual harassment are those
performed in buildings, schools, churches, restaurants,
malls, public washrooms, bars, internet shops, public
markets, transportation terminals or public utility vehicles.
(Article I Section 4)
3. Gender-based online sexual harassment includes act
that use information and communications technology in
intimidating victims through physical, psychological, and
emotional threats.(Article II Section 12)
4. Gender-based online sexual harassment include
unwanted sexual misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic
and sexist remarks and comments online whether publicly
or through direct and private messages, invasion of
victim’s privacy through cyberstalking. (Article II
Section 12)
5. R.A. NO. 11313 includes gender-based sexual
harassment in the workplace the act or series of acts
involving any unwelcome sexual advances, requests or
demand for sexual favors or any act of sexual nature,
whether done verbally, physically or through the use of
technology (Article V Section 16)
6.R.A. NO. 11313 includes gender-based sexual
harassment in the educational institution that all schools,
whether public or private, shall designate an officer-in-
charge to receive complaints regarding violations of this
Act, and shall, ensure that the victims are provided with a
gender-sensitive environment that is both respectful to the
victims’ needs and conducive to truth-telling. (Article V
Section 21)

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1.Cursing, wolf-whistling, catcalling, leering and
intrusive gazing (Article II Section 11 paragraph a)
2. Any statement that has made an invasion on a person’s
personal space or threatens the person’s sense of
personal safety (Article II Section 11 paragraph a)
3. Acts such as making offensive body gestures at
someone, and exposing private parts for the sexual
gratification of the perpetrator with the effect of
demeaning, harassing, threatening or intimidating the
offended party (Article II Section 11 paragraph b)
4. Flashing of private parts, public masturbation,
groping, and similar lewd sexual actions (Article II
Section 11 paragraph b)
5.Acts such as stalking, and any of the acts mentioned
when accompanied by touching, pinching or brushing
against the body of the offended person (Article II
Section 11 paragraph c)
6. Any touching, pinching, or brushing against the
genitalia, face, arms, anus, groin, breasts, inner thighs,
face, buttocks or any part of the victim’s body (Article
II Section 11 paragraph c)
7.Employer has liabilities for non-implementation of
duty to prevent, deter, or punish the performance of acts
of gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace.
(Article IV Section 19 A)
8. Not taking action on reported acts of gender-based
sexual harassment committed in the workplace has
liabilities. (Article IV Section 19 B)
9. School Heads has liabilities for non-implementation of
their duties by Providing measures to prevent gender-
based sexual harassment in educational institutions, like
information campaigns. (Article V Section 23 A)
10.Failure to act on reported acts of gender-based sexual
harassment committed in the educational institution has
liabilities. (Article V Section 23 B)

(4) (3) (2) (1)
(1) The first offense shall be punished by a fine of
₱1,000.00 and community service of 12 hours inclusive of
attendance to a Gender Sensitivity Seminar to be
conducted by the PNP in coordination with the LGU and
the PCW for the acts of Cursing, wolf whistling,
(2) The second offense shall be punished by arresto
menor (6 to 10 days) or a fine of T₱3,000.00for the acts of
Cursing, wolf-whistling, catcalling;
(3) The third offense shall be punished by arresto menor
(11 to 30 days) and a fine of ₱10,000.00 for the acts of
Cursing, wolf-whistling, catcalling.
(1) The first offense for acts such as making offensive
body gestures at someone, and exposing private parts
for the sexual gratification he punished by a fine of
₱10,000.00 and community service of 12 hours inclusive
of attendance to a Gender Sensitivity Seminar, to be
conducted by the PNP in coordination with the LGU and
the PCW;
(2) The second offense for acts such as making offensive
body gestures at someone, and exposing private parts
for the sexual gratification shall be punished by arresto
menor (11 to 30 days) or a fine of ₱15,000.00
(3) The third offense for acts such as making offensive
body gestures at someone, and exposing private parts
for the sexual gratification shall be punished by arresto
mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6 months) and a fine of
(1) The first offense for stalking and any acts
accompanied by touching, pinching or brushing
against the body of the offended person shall be
punished by arresto menor (11 to 30 days) or a line of
₱30,000.00, provided that it includes attendance in a
Gender Sensitivity Seminar, to be conducted by the PNP
in coordination with the LGU and the PCW;
(2) The second offense for stalking and any acts
accompanied by touching, pinching or brushing
against the body of the offended person shall be
punished by arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6
months) or a fine of ₱50,000.00;
(3) The third offense for stalking and any acts
accompanied by touching, pinching or brushing
against the body of the offended person shall be
punished by arresto mayor in its maximum period or a
fine of ₱100,000.00.
4. For any person found guilty of any gender-based
online sexual harassment the penalty of prision
correccional in its medium period or a fine of not less
than ₱100,000.00 but not more than ₱500,000.00, or both,
at the discretion of the court.
(a) The liabilities of employer for non-implementation of
duty to prevent, deter, or punish the performance of acts
of gender-based sexual harassment in the workplace shall
upon conviction, be penalized with a fine of not less than
₱5,000.00 nor more than ₱10,000.00.
(b) The liabilities of employer for Failure to act on
reported acts of gender-based sexual harassment shall
upon conviction, be penalized with a fine of not less than
₱10,000.00 nor more than ₱15,000.00.
(a) The liabilities of School Heads for non-
implementation of their duties by Providing measures to
prevent gender-based sexual harassment in educational
institutions, like information campaigns shall upon
conviction, be penalized with a fine of not less than
₱5,000.00 nor more than ₱10,000.00.
(b) Failure to act on reported acts of gender-based
sexual harassment among school heads shall upon
conviction, be penalized with a fine of not less than
₱10,000.00 nor more than ₱15,000.00.

Part III. Issues, concerns and comments regarding Republic Act No. 11313 also
known as Bawal Bastos Law.

DIRECTION: On the spaces provided below, you may write down your opinions,
recommendations, comments and other concerns regarding the awareness of the
respondents about the topic.



Validated by:

Name & Signature: ATTY. ZENON C. AGARAO

Rank/Designation: LSPU-SCC Faculty Member
Agency/Institution/Unit: __________________________
City/Municipality/Province: Pila, Laguna

Checked by:

______________________ ___________________________________
Thesis Adviser Research Unit Head

Associate Dean, CCJE

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